<p>It's been months since my last post and and a lot has happened. I'velandedajobasanactualsysadmin,madefriends,easedstress,andsufferedloss.It's been exhausting, which is why I haven'tpostedmuch.</p>
<p>IportedmytModLoaderdevelopmentenvironmenttoLinuxand<em>almost</em>everythingworks.TheonlythingIcan't quite figure out is how to get edit-and-continue to work with the Steam Runtime, but once either that'ssortedorItrashmypackagesetwithTerrariadependencies,IshouldbereadytopickSutandoDabackup.It's a mod I wrote a while back to try to add stands and it was entirely because I wanted to try to implement The World. Timestop actually works pretty well, surprisingly; I didn'tthinkTMLwouldhavealltherighthooksbutit<em>definitely</em>does.</p>