<p>I'm honestly not entirely sure what I want out of this website. On the one thing, I could host a blog here, but on the other, I'mtryingtodosobywritingoutthemarkupbyfuckinghand.Likec'mon,guy.</p>
<p>Perhapsit's just because it'swaywaylate,perhapsit's because I didn'tgetenoughsleeplastnight,perhapsacombinationthereof,butIdon't really care. I feel like there'scharminjustwritingitoutinHTMLandcommittingit,waitingformyboxtopullitatnoon.</p>
<p>Perhapsit's the right idea to host a blog here. Already I feel a bit clearer-headed writing my thoughts out like this (even if it is 5AM and my eyes hurt). I'vegottafigureafewthingsout,probablyscripttheproductionofthesepostsandmanageanRSSfeed,butaltogetherI'mstartingtowarmuptotheidea.</p>
<p>Youwouldn't think it reading through this stream-of-consciousness garbage, but I used to be pretty good at writing. I used to be able to write very coherent papers with good pacing and pleasing verbiage, but most of those abilities have fallen off to the wayside since the only things I'vewrittensincearetweetsandredditposts.I'vestartedtoswearalotmoreinplaceofusingaccuratewordingtoexpressmypoints-</p>
<p>Yeah,thisoughttabetheremedyformyprosethatI've been looking for. Getting back into the rhythm of writing for fun has been on my backlog for so long and I'venowgottheopportunitytoexecuteit.It'llbehealthy,forsure.</p>