Salt salt
  • Joined on 2020-12-30
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-23 21:25:55 -05:00
13a662b060 Turn foot font into something that hurts my eyes less
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-23 21:16:19 -05:00
6ee3b04bcf Revamp pulseaudio module
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-23 20:50:10 -05:00
df58feb9c9 Stylize hover effect on waybar workspaces
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-23 20:14:50 -05:00
44c90d4e63 Rerice the things
salt pushed to master at salt/ansible 2024-04-23 18:13:48 -05:00
d3552c4b25 Promote tmod to 14
salt pushed to master at salt/ansible 2024-04-23 18:08:47 -05:00
6327220080 Remove etc from laptop backups
7617de33aa Remove grub role
d79d442303 Remove pulseaudio role, since everything uses pipewire these days
c812dd514d Remove netplan-static-ip role
9ac28a281b Remove docker-minecraft, docker-tes3mp, and keepalived roles
Compare 5 commits »
salt pushed to master at salt/ansible 2024-04-23 17:59:02 -05:00
bc6f76a07d Remove R720 device profile
77a2d1e10c Reinclude deprecated playbook that got lost
33318967d7 Remove old game role
f9320086bf Free up dep on snmpd
487aa794c2 --amend
Compare 8 commits »
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-21 18:39:03 -05:00
e096dfe038 Consolidate monitors on dsk-ryzen-1
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-18 15:04:57 -05:00
1822f7cd83 Simplify the shit out of swayidle
9f807854fa Black lockscreen instead of wp one
Compare 2 commits »
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-17 01:37:11 -05:00
bec07d6fea Fully modularize sway configs
6494402d57 Modularize sway configs
Compare 2 commits »
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-17 01:12:35 -05:00
7f756565a0 Add wlsunset
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-16 10:30:17 -05:00
c5a8fa7f50 Remove deprecated resource
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-13 16:41:21 -05:00
1b9d8264d5 Add screenshot hotkey, rework pavu hotkey
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-13 16:31:27 -05:00
2ec7591a65 Add template machine file for swaywm
1c88a04ee3 More configuration
Compare 2 commits »
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-13 13:38:51 -05:00
94189aa4b1 Add a bunch of new stuff
salt pushed to master at salt/dotfiles 2024-04-13 13:05:11 -05:00
f249325f06 Disable dwt
salt pushed to master at salt/ansible 2024-03-29 16:12:49 -05:00
f6d34bb707 Move playbook to oneoffs
salt pushed to master at salt/ansible 2024-03-29 16:11:44 -05:00
0f9f574bac Rework backup script to be more versatile
salt pushed to master at salt/ansible 2024-03-29 14:56:23 -05:00
b0235fb70f Add no mo culling (and a script override to boot)
526c036453 Remove dupe tty key
7503d74d10 Disable factorio
Compare 3 commits »
salt pushed to master at salt/ansible 2024-03-27 19:50:36 -05:00
6a2fb08a76 Add Bestments patch