2020-08-15 02:33:17 -05:00

177 lines
11 KiB
Executable File

"PLAYER_KILLED_MESSAGE": "<style=cEvent>{0} was killed by '{1}'</color>",
"PLAYER_DIED_MESSAGE": "<style=cEvent>{0} died.</color>",
"PLAYER_PICKUP": "<style=cEvent>{0} picked up {1}{2}</color>",
"PLAYER_PICKUP_2P": "<style=cEvent>You picked up {1}{2}</color>",
"PLAYER_CONNECTED": "<style=cEvent>{0} connected.</color>",
"PLAYER_DISCONNECTED": "<style=cEvent>{0} disconnected.</color>",
"PLAYER_ACTIVATED_TELEPORTER_2P": "<style=cEvent>You activated the <style=cDeath>Teleporter <sprite name=\"TP\" tint=1></style>.</style>",
"PLAYER_ACTIVATED_TELEPORTER": "<style=cEvent>{0} activated the <style=cDeath>Teleporter <sprite name=\"TP\" tint=1></style>.</style>",
"PLAYER_PING_DEFAULT" : "<style=cIsHealing>{0} wants to move here.</style>",
"PLAYER_PING_ENEMY" : "<style=cIsHealth>{0} wants to attack: {1}.</style>",
"PLAYER_PING_INTERACTABLE" : "<style=cIsDamage>{0} has found: {1}.</style>",
"PLAYER_PING_INTERACTABLE_WITH_COST" : "<style=cIsDamage>{0} has found: {1} ({2}).</style>",
"PLAYER_PING_COOLDOWN" : "<style=cEvent>You must wait before issuing more pings.</style>",
"MONSTER_LEVEL": "<style=cWorldEvent><i>The forces of the planet have become stronger over time.</i></style>",
"MONSTER_PICKUP": "<style=cWorldEvent>{0} picked up {1}{2}</color>",
"PORTAL_SHOP_WILL_OPEN":"<style=cWorldEvent>A blue orb appears..</style>",
"PORTAL_SHOP_OPEN" : "<style=cWorldEvent>A blue portal appears..</style>",
"PORTAL_GOLDSHORES_WILL_OPEN":"<style=cWorldEvent>A gold orb appears..</style>",
"PORTAL_GOLDSHORES_OPEN" : "<style=cWorldEvent>A gold portal appears..</style>",
"PORTAL_MS_WILL_OPEN":"<style=cWorldEvent>A celestial orb appears..</style>",
"PORTAL_MS_OPEN" : "<style=cWorldEvent>A celestial portal appears..</style>",
"STONEGATE_OPEN" : "<style=cWorldEvent>An ancient gate begins to shift..</style>",
"VULTURE_EGG_WARNING" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You hear a distant whirring..</style>",
"VULTURE_EGG_BEGIN" : "<style=cWorldEvent>The whirring grows loud.</style>",
"LUNAR_TELEPORTER_IDLE" : "<style=cWorldEvent>The Primordial Teleporter aligns with the planet..</style>",
"LUNAR_TELEPORTER_ACTIVE" : "<style=cWorldEvent>The Primordial Teleporter aligns with the moon..</style>",
"NEWT_UPGRADE_1": "Yes yes. That will grow both ways. Both ways.",
"NEWT_UPGRADE_2": "More growth. Good good good.",
"NEWT_UPGRADE_3": "Good growth. Will grow both ways. Both!",
"NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_1": "That went badly. Badly last shape. But try again.",
"NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_2": "Good choice. Good good.",
"NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_3": "Shape is louder. Loud.",
"NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_4": "Strange choice. Strange shape.",
"NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_5": "Your shape narrow. Will be back soon.",
"NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_6": "Will remember this shape.",
"NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_7": "More shaped. Shaped like Nomad.",
"NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_8": "Shaped like Providence. Shape?",
"BAZAAR_SEER_NAME" : "Lunar Seer",
"BAZAAR_SEER_GOLEMPLAINS" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of rolling hills.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_BLACKBEACH" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of waves, crashing on cliffsides.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_GOOLAKE" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of sand beneath your feet.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_FOGGYSWAMP" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of twisting roots.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_FROZENWALL" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of quiet snowfall.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_WISPGRAVEYARD" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of wind, blowing through trees.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_DAMPCAVESIMPLE" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of fire.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_SHIPGRAVEYARD" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of wind.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_GOLDSHORES" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of wealth.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_SKYMEADOW" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of serenity.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_ROOTJUNGLE" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of violent growth.</style>",
"BAZAAR_SEER_MOON" : "<style=cWorldEvent>You dream of glass and dirt.</style>",
"NEWT_ANNOY_1": "Again again. Everytime.",
"NEWT_ANNOY_2": "Reshape. Out of forever.",
"NEWT_ANNOY_3": "Bad bad. Do not bother.",
"NEWT_ANNOY_4": "Bad. Will reshape into forget.",
"NEWT_ANNOY_5": "Will narrow your shape. Bad.",
"NEWT_ANNOY_6": "Stop stop. Bad bad.",
"FAMILY_GOLEM" : "<style=cWorldEvent>[WARNING] The earth rumbles and groans with mysterious energies..</style>",
"FAMILY_JELLYFISH" : "<style=cWorldEvent>[WARNING] The air crackles and arcs..</style>",
"FAMILY_WISP" : "<style=cWorldEvent>[WARNING] The air begins to burn..</style>",
"FAMILY_BEETLE" : "<style=cWorldEvent>[WARNING] The ground begins to shift beneath you..</style>",
"FAMILY_IMP" : "<style=cWorldEvent>[WARNING] A tear in the fabric of the universe..</style>",
"FAMILY_LEMURIAN" : "<style=cWorldEvent>[WARNING] The ground's temperature begins to rise..</style>",
"FAMILY_PARENT" : "<style=cWorldEvent>[WARNING] The earth shifts and changes..</style>",
"FAMILY_MUSHRUM" : "<style=cWorldEvent>[WARNING] The ground grows sickly..</style>",
"FAMILY_LUNAR" : "<style=cWorldEvent>[WARNING] The bulwark begin to falter..</style>",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_0_2P" : "You are dead.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_0" : "{0} is dead.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_1_2P" : "You embrace the void.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_1" : "{0} embraces the void.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_2_2P" : "You had a lot more to live for.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_2" : "{0} had a lot more to live for.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_3_2P" : "Your internal organs have failed.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_3" : "{0}'s internal organs have failed.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_4_2P" : "Your body was gone an hour later.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_4" : "{0}'s body was gone an hour later.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_5_2P" : "Your family will never know how you died.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_5" : "{0}'s family will never know how they died.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_6_2P" : "You died painlessly.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_6" : "{0} died painlessly.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_7_2P" : "Your death was extremely painful.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_7" : "{0}'s death was extremely painful.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_8_2P" : "You have broken every bone in your body.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_8" : "{0} has broken every bone in your body.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_9_2P" : "You die a slightly embarassing death.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_9" : "{0} dies a slightly embarassing death.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_10_2P" : "You die in a hilarious pose.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_10" : "{0} dies in a hilarious pose.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_11_2P" : "You really messed up.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_11" : "{0} really messed up.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_12_2P" : "You have died. Maybe next time..",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_12" : "{0} has died. Maybe next time..",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_13_2P" : "You have passed away. Try again?",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_13" : "{0} has passed away.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_14_2P" : "Choose a new character?",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_14" : "{0} should select a different character.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_15_2P" : "Consider lowering the difficulty.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_15" : "{0} votes to lower the difficulty.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_16_2P" : "Try playing on \"Drizzle\" mode for an easier time.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_16" : "{0} would prefer to play on Drizzle.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_17_2P" : "Not a trace will be found.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_17" : "Not a trace of {0} will be found.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_18_2P" : "Remember that as time increases, so does difficulty.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_18" : "{0} has died.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_19_2P" : "This planet has killed you.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_19" : "This planet has killed {0}.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_20_2P" : "It wasn't your time to die...",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_20" : "It wasn't {0}'s time to die...",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_21_2P" : "That was definitely not your fault.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_21" : "That was definitely not {0}'s fault.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_22_2P" : "That was absolutely your fault.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_22" : "That was absolutely {0}'s fault.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_23_2P" : "They will surely feast on your flesh.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_23" : "They will surely feast on {0}'s flesh.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_24_2P" : "..the harder they fall.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_24" : "{0} has fallen. Hard.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_25_2P" : "Beep.. beep.. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_25" : "{0} has flatlined.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_26_2P" : "Close!",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_26" : "Nice try, {0}!",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_27_2P" : "Come back soon!",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_27" : "Come back soon, {0}!",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_28_2P" : "Crushed.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_28" : "{0} was crushed.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_29_2P" : "Smashed.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_29" : "{0} was smashed.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_31_2P" : "Get styled upon.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_31" : "{0} was styled upon.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_32_2P" : "Dead from blunt trauma to the face.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_32" : "{0} was killed from blunt trauma to the face.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_33_2P" : "ded",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_33" : "{0} is ded",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_34_2P" : "rekt",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_34" : "{0} was rekt",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_35_2P" : "ur dead LOL get rekt",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_35" : "{0} is dead LOL get rekt",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_36_2P" : "Sucks to suck.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_36" : "Sucks to suck, {0}",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_37_2P" : "You walk toward the light.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_37" : "{0} walks toward the light.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_BRITTLEDEATH_2P" : "You have shattered into innumerable pieces.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_BRITTLEDEATH" : "{0} has shattered into innumerable pieces.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_VOIDDEATH_2P" : "You have been detained. Await your sentence at the end of Time.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_VOIDDEATH" : "{0} has vanished without a trace.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_0": "{0} went splat.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_2_2P": "You left a beautiful crater.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_2": "Visit {0}'s Scenic Crater!",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_3_2P": "You forgot your parachute.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_3": "{0} forgot their parachute.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_4_2P": "You greatly miscalculated.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_4": "{0} greatly miscalculated.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_5_2P": "You lost a fight with gravity.",
"PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_5": "{0} lost a fight with gravity.",