Polybar: Add Volume prefix to module when muted
2018-06-23 15:21:23 -05:00 |
.local/bin: Update
2018-06-22 20:21:15 -05:00 |
ncmpcpp: Switch to alternative UI
2018-01-29 16:32:04 -06:00 |
OMZ, Gruvbox, Vim-Closetag: Updates
2018-05-11 23:12:01 -05:00 |
ZSH: Update customizations
2018-02-12 19:34:37 -06:00 |
SSH: Remove deprecated hosts
2018-06-22 19:49:50 -05:00 |
.themes: Add Gruvbox theme
2018-05-17 16:40:55 -05:00 |
OMZ, Gruvbox, Vim-Closetag: Updates
2018-05-11 23:12:01 -05:00 |
rofi: Major facelift
2018-05-18 01:37:53 -05:00 |
Plasma, bspwm: Minor changes
2018-04-19 10:38:42 -05:00 |
Initialize all dem dotfiles
2017-07-30 00:04:04 -05:00 |
bashrc: Change symlink to reflect changes in directory structure
2018-02-03 01:22:38 -06:00 |
Bin: Move binary files to .local, add symlink
2017-12-26 18:11:38 -06:00 |
.themes: Add Gruvbox theme
2018-05-17 16:40:55 -05:00 |
.profile, .local/bin: Move Neofetch alias into its own script
2018-06-21 13:42:37 -05:00 |
Vim: Enable modelines
2018-05-17 22:24:57 -05:00 |
OMZ: Add .omzcustom directory with custom theme
2018-02-12 13:28:47 -06:00 |