Conky: Re-rice to gruvbox

And then I'll never use it lol
This commit is contained in:
Salt 2021-01-18 07:13:33 -06:00
parent ef1832b832
commit e710f068b2
1 changed files with 15 additions and 13 deletions

View File

@ -109,7 +109,9 @@ conky.config = {
own_window_class = 'Conky',
own_window_type = 'desktop',
own_window_hints = 'undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager',
own_window_colour = '232629',
own_window_argb_visual = true,
own_window_transparent = true,
own_window_colour = '000000',
double_buffer = true,
cpu_avg_samples = 2,
@ -119,25 +121,25 @@ conky.config = {
use_xft = true,
font = 'IBM Plex Sans:style=Light:size=9',
default_color = '#fffcf6',
color1 = '232629', -- Background
color2 = 'fffcf6', -- Foreground
color3 = '4b5162', -- Background-alt
color4 = '11d116', -- Green (Battery)
color6 = '1abc9c', -- Cyan (Network)
color7 = 'fdbc4b', -- Yellow (Disk)
color8 = '1d99f3', -- Blue (CPU)
color9 = '9b59b6', -- Magenta (Memory)
default_color = '#ebdbb2',
color1 = '282828', -- Background
color2 = 'ebdbb2', -- Foreground
color3 = '32302f', -- Background-alt
color4 = 'b8bb26', -- Green (Battery)
color6 = '8ec07c', -- Cyan (Network)
color7 = 'fabd2f', -- Yellow (Disk)
color8 = '83a598', -- Blue (CPU)
color9 = 'de869b', -- Magenta (Memory)
alignment = 'bottom_right',
alignment = 'top_left',
xinerama_head = 0,
minimum_height = 0,
minimum_width = 304,
border_width = 0,
border_outer_margin = 0,
border_inner_margin = 16,
gap_x = 27,
gap_y = 72,
gap_x = 22,
gap_y = 66,
format_human_readable = true,
temperature_unit = "celsius",