Switched from blue primary accents to magenta, keeping in line with Gentoo

This commit is contained in:
Salt 2017-08-13 23:27:49 -05:00
parent 06b4203ab6
commit b45c454da5
64 changed files with 836 additions and 836 deletions

@ -17,12 +17,12 @@ foreground-alt = ${xrdb:color8:#928374}
alert-dark = ${xrdb:color3:#d79921}
alert = ${xrdb:color11:#fabd2f}
accent-red-dark = ${xrdb:color1:#cc241d}
accent-red = ${xrdb:color9:#fb4934}
accent-green-dark = ${xrdb:color2:#98971a}
accent-green = ${xrdb:color10:#b8bb26}
accent-blue-dark = ${xrdb:color4:#458588}
accent-blue = ${xrdb:color12:#83a598}
accent-urgent-dark = ${xrdb:color1:#cc241d}
accent-urgent = ${xrdb:color9:#fb4934}
accent-nice-dark = ${xrdb:color2:#98971a}
accent-nice = ${xrdb:color10:#b8bb26}
accent-control-dark = ${xrdb:color5:#b16286}
accent-control = ${xrdb:color13:#d3869b}
font-0 = "DejaVu Sans:size=10;1"
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ label-background = ${res/colors.background}
bar-width = 30
bar-fill = /
bar-fill-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-blue}
bar-fill-foreground-progress = ${res/colors.accent-green}
bar-fill-foreground-resource-low = ${res/colors.accent-red}
bar-fill-foreground-resource-high = ${res/colors.accent-green}
bar-fill-foreground-setting = ${res/colors.accent-blue}
bar-fill-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-control}
bar-fill-foreground-progress = ${res/colors.accent-nice}
bar-fill-foreground-resource-low = ${res/colors.accent-urgent}
bar-fill-foreground-resource-high = ${res/colors.accent-nice}
bar-fill-foreground-setting = ${res/colors.accent-control}
bar-fill-background = ${res/colors.background}
bar-indicator = /
bar-indicator-foreground = ${res/colors.foreground}
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ format-connected = <label-connected>
format-connected-foreground = ${res/colors.foreground}
format-connected-background = ${res/colors.background}
format-disconnected = <label-disconnected>
format-disconnected-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-red}
format-disconnected-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-urgent}
format-disconnected-background = ${res/colors.background}
label-connected = %upspeed% %downspeed% - %signal%%
@ -141,19 +141,19 @@ index-sort = true
label-mode-padding = 2
label-mode-foreground = ${res/colors.background}
label-mode-background = ${res/colors.accent-green}
label-mode-background = ${res/colors.accent-control}
; Active workspace on focused monitor
label-focused = %name%
label-focused-padding = 2
label-focused-foreground = ${res/colors.background}
label-focused-background = ${res/colors.accent-green}
label-focused-background = ${res/colors.accent-control}
; Active workspace on unfocused monitor
label-visible = ${self.label-focused}
label-visible-padding = ${self.label-focused-padding}
label-visible-foreground = ${self.label-focused-foreground}
label-visible-background = ${res/colors.accent-green-dark}
label-visible-background = ${res/colors.accent-control-dark}
; Inactive workspace
label-unfocused = ${self.label-focused}
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ label-discharging = "BAT"
label-discharging-foreground = ${template/module/bar.label-foreground}
label-discharging-background = ${template/module/bar.label-background}
label-full = "CHR"
label-full-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-green}
label-full-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-nice}
label-full-background = ${template/module/bar.label-background}
bar-capacity-width = ${template/module/bar.bar-width}
@ -331,13 +331,13 @@ interval = 1
inherit = template/module/network
label-connected = %upspeed%
label-connected-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-blue}
label-connected-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-control}
label-disconnected = %ifname% Disconnected
inherit = template/module/network
label-connected = %downspeed%
label-connected-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-blue-dark}
label-connected-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-control-dark}
type = internal/xbacklight
@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ label-layout-foreground = ${res/colors.foreground}
label-indicator = %name%
label-indicator-padding = 1
label-indicator-background = ${self.label-layout-background}
label-indicator-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-blue}
label-indicator-foreground = ${res/colors.accent-control}
type = internal/xwindow

@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#1d2021;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.667969 0 C 7.421875 0 0 7.421875 0 16.667969 L 0 116.667969 C 0 125.910156 7.421875 133.332031 16.667969 133.332031 L 116.667969 133.332031 C 125.910156 133.332031 133.332031 125.910156 133.332031 116.667969 L 133.332031 16.667969 C 133.332031 7.421875 125.910156 0 116.667969 0 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.289062 8.332031 125 12.042969 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.289062 121.289062 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.042969 125 8.332031 121.289062 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.042969 12.042969 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#ebdbb2;fill-opacity:0.15;" d="M 16.667969 0 C 7.421875 0 0 7.421875 0 16.667969 L 0 116.667969 C 0 125.910156 7.421875 133.332031 16.667969 133.332031 L 116.667969 133.332031 C 125.910156 133.332031 133.332031 125.910156 133.332031 116.667969 L 133.332031 16.667969 C 133.332031 7.421875 125.910156 0 116.667969 0 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.289062 8.332031 125 12.042969 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.289062 121.289062 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.042969 125 8.332031 121.289062 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.042969 12.042969 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#ebdbb2;fill-opacity:0.15;" d="M 16.667969 0 C 7.421875 0 0 7.421875 0 16.667969 L 0 116.667969 C 0 125.910156 7.421875 133.332031 16.667969 133.332031 L 116.667969 133.332031 C 125.910156 133.332031 133.332031 125.910156 133.332031 116.667969 L 133.332031 16.667969 C 133.332031 7.421875 125.910156 0 116.667969 0 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.289062 8.332031 125 12.042969 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.289062 121.289062 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.042969 125 8.332031 121.289062 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.042969 12.042969 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#83a598;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 97.101562 32.648438 C 94.074219 32.746094 91.046875 34.015625 88.898438 36.199219 L 55.304688 68.164062 L 43.816406 55.273438 C 39.714844 49.804688 30.730469 49.21875 25.976562 54.101562 C 21.222656 58.984375 21.875 68.164062 27.277344 72.265625 L 47.136719 93.621094 C 54.949219 101.433594 58.464844 100.390625 66.339844 92.480469 C 66.339844 92.480469 93.425781 59.894531 109.308594 48.894531 C 112.824219 45.574219 114.289062 44.628906 112.433594 40.136719 C 110.613281 35.613281 101.886719 32.488281 97.101562 32.648438 Z M 97.101562 32.648438 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#d3869b;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 97.101562 32.648438 C 94.074219 32.746094 91.046875 34.015625 88.898438 36.199219 L 55.304688 68.164062 L 43.816406 55.273438 C 39.714844 49.804688 30.730469 49.21875 25.976562 54.101562 C 21.222656 58.984375 21.875 68.164062 27.277344 72.265625 L 47.136719 93.621094 C 54.949219 101.433594 58.464844 100.390625 66.339844 92.480469 C 66.339844 92.480469 93.425781 59.894531 109.308594 48.894531 C 112.824219 45.574219 114.289062 44.628906 112.433594 40.136719 C 110.613281 35.613281 101.886719 32.488281 97.101562 32.648438 Z M 97.101562 32.648438 "/>


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(image error) Size: 3.3 KiB

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#282828;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.257812 8.332031 125 12.078125 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.257812 121.257812 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.078125 125 8.332031 121.257812 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.078125 12.078125 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#1d2021;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.667969 0 C 7.421875 0 0 7.421875 0 16.667969 L 0 116.667969 C 0 125.910156 7.421875 133.332031 16.667969 133.332031 L 116.667969 133.332031 C 125.910156 133.332031 133.332031 125.910156 133.332031 116.667969 L 133.332031 16.667969 C 133.332031 7.421875 125.910156 0 116.667969 0 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.289062 8.332031 125 12.042969 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.289062 121.289062 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.042969 125 8.332031 121.289062 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.042969 12.042969 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#ebdbb2;fill-opacity:0.15;" d="M 16.667969 0 C 7.421875 0 0 7.421875 0 16.667969 L 0 116.667969 C 0 125.910156 7.421875 133.332031 16.667969 133.332031 L 116.667969 133.332031 C 125.910156 133.332031 133.332031 125.910156 133.332031 116.667969 L 133.332031 16.667969 C 133.332031 7.421875 125.910156 0 116.667969 0 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.289062 8.332031 125 12.042969 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.289062 121.289062 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.042969 125 8.332031 121.289062 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.042969 12.042969 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#83a598;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 97.101562 32.648438 C 94.074219 32.746094 91.046875 34.015625 88.898438 36.199219 L 55.304688 68.164062 L 43.816406 55.273438 C 39.714844 49.804688 30.730469 49.21875 25.976562 54.101562 C 21.222656 58.984375 21.875 68.164062 27.277344 72.265625 L 47.136719 93.621094 C 54.949219 101.433594 58.464844 100.390625 66.339844 92.480469 C 66.339844 92.480469 93.425781 59.894531 109.308594 48.894531 C 112.824219 45.574219 114.289062 44.628906 112.433594 40.136719 C 110.613281 35.613281 101.886719 32.488281 97.101562 32.648438 Z M 97.101562 32.648438 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#d3869b;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 97.101562 32.648438 C 94.074219 32.746094 91.046875 34.015625 88.898438 36.199219 L 55.304688 68.164062 L 43.816406 55.273438 C 39.714844 49.804688 30.730469 49.21875 25.976562 54.101562 C 21.222656 58.984375 21.875 68.164062 27.277344 72.265625 L 47.136719 93.621094 C 54.949219 101.433594 58.464844 100.390625 66.339844 92.480469 C 66.339844 92.480469 93.425781 59.894531 109.308594 48.894531 C 112.824219 45.574219 114.289062 44.628906 112.433594 40.136719 C 110.613281 35.613281 101.886719 32.488281 97.101562 32.648438 Z M 97.101562 32.648438 "/>


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(image error) Size: 2.6 KiB

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#282828;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.257812 8.332031 125 12.078125 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.257812 121.257812 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.078125 125 8.332031 121.257812 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.078125 12.078125 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#1d2021;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.667969 0 C 7.421875 0 0 7.421875 0 16.667969 L 0 116.667969 C 0 125.910156 7.421875 133.332031 16.667969 133.332031 L 116.667969 133.332031 C 125.910156 133.332031 133.332031 125.910156 133.332031 116.667969 L 133.332031 16.667969 C 133.332031 7.421875 125.910156 0 116.667969 0 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.289062 8.332031 125 12.042969 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.289062 121.289062 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.042969 125 8.332031 121.289062 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.042969 12.042969 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#ebdbb2;fill-opacity:0.15;" d="M 16.667969 0 C 7.421875 0 0 7.421875 0 16.667969 L 0 116.667969 C 0 125.910156 7.421875 133.332031 16.667969 133.332031 L 116.667969 133.332031 C 125.910156 133.332031 133.332031 125.910156 133.332031 116.667969 L 133.332031 16.667969 C 133.332031 7.421875 125.910156 0 116.667969 0 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.289062 8.332031 125 12.042969 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.289062 121.289062 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.042969 125 8.332031 121.289062 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.042969 12.042969 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#83a598;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 33.332031 58.332031 L 100 58.332031 L 100 75 L 33.332031 75 Z M 33.332031 58.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#d3869b;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 33.332031 58.332031 L 100 58.332031 L 100 75 L 33.332031 75 Z M 33.332031 58.332031 "/>


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(image error) Size: 2.1 KiB

@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#282828;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.257812 8.332031 125 12.078125 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.257812 121.257812 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.078125 125 8.332031 121.257812 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.078125 12.078125 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#1d2021;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 16.667969 0 C 7.421875 0 0 7.421875 0 16.667969 L 0 116.667969 C 0 125.910156 7.421875 133.332031 16.667969 133.332031 L 116.667969 133.332031 C 125.910156 133.332031 133.332031 125.910156 133.332031 116.667969 L 133.332031 16.667969 C 133.332031 7.421875 125.910156 0 116.667969 0 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.289062 8.332031 125 12.042969 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.289062 121.289062 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.042969 125 8.332031 121.289062 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.042969 12.042969 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#ebdbb2;fill-opacity:0.15;" d="M 16.667969 0 C 7.421875 0 0 7.421875 0 16.667969 L 0 116.667969 C 0 125.910156 7.421875 133.332031 16.667969 133.332031 L 116.667969 133.332031 C 125.910156 133.332031 133.332031 125.910156 133.332031 116.667969 L 133.332031 16.667969 C 133.332031 7.421875 125.910156 0 116.667969 0 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 L 116.667969 8.332031 C 121.289062 8.332031 125 12.042969 125 16.667969 L 125 116.667969 C 125 121.289062 121.289062 125 116.667969 125 L 16.667969 125 C 12.042969 125 8.332031 121.289062 8.332031 116.667969 L 8.332031 16.667969 C 8.332031 12.042969 12.042969 8.332031 16.667969 8.332031 Z M 16.667969 8.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#83a598;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 33.332031 58.332031 L 100 58.332031 L 100 75 L 33.332031 75 Z M 33.332031 58.332031 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#d3869b;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 33.332031 58.332031 L 100 58.332031 L 100 75 L 33.332031 75 Z M 33.332031 58.332031 "/>


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@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#282828;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 20.246094 11.914062 L 316.082031 11.914062 C 320.671875 11.914062 324.414062 15.625 324.414062 20.246094 L 324.414062 316.082031 C 324.414062 320.671875 320.671875 324.414062 316.082031 324.414062 L 20.246094 324.414062 C 15.625 324.414062 11.914062 320.671875 11.914062 316.082031 L 11.914062 20.246094 C 11.914062 15.625 15.625 11.914062 20.246094 11.914062 Z M 20.246094 11.914062 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#1d2021;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 41.667969 0 C 18.585938 0 0 18.585938 0 41.667969 L 0 291.667969 C 0 314.746094 18.585938 333.332031 41.667969 333.332031 L 291.667969 333.332031 C 314.746094 333.332031 333.332031 314.746094 333.332031 291.667969 L 333.332031 41.667969 C 333.332031 18.585938 314.746094 0 291.667969 0 Z M 41.667969 17.121094 L 291.667969 17.121094 C 303.222656 17.121094 316.960938 30.109375 316.960938 41.667969 L 316.960938 291.667969 C 316.960938 303.222656 303.222656 316.960938 291.667969 316.960938 L 41.667969 316.960938 C 30.109375 316.960938 17.121094 303.222656 17.121094 291.667969 L 17.121094 41.667969 C 17.121094 30.109375 30.109375 17.121094 41.667969 17.121094 Z M 41.667969 17.121094 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#ebdbb2;fill-opacity:0.15;" d="M 41.667969 0 C 18.585938 0 0 18.585938 0 41.667969 L 0 291.667969 C 0 314.746094 18.585938 333.332031 41.667969 333.332031 L 291.667969 333.332031 C 314.746094 333.332031 333.332031 314.746094 333.332031 291.667969 L 333.332031 41.667969 C 333.332031 18.585938 314.746094 0 291.667969 0 Z M 41.667969 17.121094 L 291.667969 17.121094 C 303.222656 17.121094 316.960938 30.109375 316.960938 41.667969 L 316.960938 291.667969 C 316.960938 303.222656 303.222656 316.960938 291.667969 316.960938 L 41.667969 316.960938 C 30.109375 316.960938 17.121094 303.222656 17.121094 291.667969 L 17.121094 41.667969 C 17.121094 30.109375 30.109375 17.121094 41.667969 17.121094 Z M 41.667969 17.121094 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#83a598;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 242.773438 81.640625 C 235.15625 81.835938 227.636719 85.027344 222.234375 90.527344 L 138.3125 170.441406 L 109.503906 138.183594 C 99.25 124.511719 76.789062 123.046875 64.910156 135.253906 C 53.027344 147.492188 54.6875 170.378906 68.164062 180.695312 L 117.839844 234.015625 C 137.335938 253.546875 146.160156 250.945312 165.851562 231.21875 C 165.851562 231.21875 233.5625 149.773438 273.273438 122.234375 C 282.03125 113.898438 285.710938 111.589844 281.121094 100.324219 C 276.5625 89.03125 254.753906 81.21875 242.773438 81.640625 Z M 242.773438 81.640625 "/>
<path style=" stroke:none;fill-rule:nonzero;fill:#d3869b;fill-opacity:1;" d="M 242.773438 81.640625 C 235.15625 81.835938 227.636719 85.027344 222.234375 90.527344 L 138.3125 170.441406 L 109.503906 138.183594 C 99.25 124.511719 76.789062 123.046875 64.910156 135.253906 C 53.027344 147.492188 54.6875 170.378906 68.164062 180.695312 L 117.839844 234.015625 C 137.335938 253.546875 146.160156 250.945312 165.851562 231.21875 C 165.851562 231.21875 233.5625 149.773438 273.273438 122.234375 C 282.03125 113.898438 285.710938 111.589844 281.121094 100.324219 C 276.5625 89.03125 254.753906 81.21875 242.773438 81.640625 Z M 242.773438 81.640625 "/>


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@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
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@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
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@ -4,6 +4,6 @@
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-e 's/rgb(0%,50.196078%,0%)/#d3869b/g' \
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-e 's/rgb(50.196078%,0%,50.196078%)/#282828/g' \
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# Oomox GTK Theme (Numix Fork)
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# Oomox GTK Theme (Numix Fork)
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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osd.hilight.bg.color: #d3869b
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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ static char * close_prelight_xpm[] = {
"24 26 4 1",
" c None",
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
"@ c #32302f",

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ static char * close_prelight_xpm[] = {
"24 26 4 1",
" c None",
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
"@ c #32302f",

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ static char * hide_prelight_xpm[] = {
"24 26 4 1",
" c None",
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
"@ c #32302f",

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ static char * hide_prelight_xpm[] = {
"24 26 4 1",
" c None",
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
"@ c #32302f",

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ static char * maximize_prelight_xpm[] = {
"24 26 4 1",
" c None",
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
"@ c #32302f",

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ static char * maximize_prelight_xpm[] = {
"24 26 4 1",
" c None",
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
"@ c #32302f",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * maximize_toggled_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * maximize_toggled_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * shade_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * shade_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * shade_toggled_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * shade_toggled_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * stick_toggled_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * stick_toggled_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * stick_toggled_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ static char * stick_toggled_prelight_xpm[] = {
" c None",
<<<<<<< HEAD
". c #32302f",
"+ c #83a598 s active_color_1",
"+ c #d3869b s active_color_1",
". c #444444",
"+ c #f0544c s active_color_1",