Polybar, Conky: Floating bars are all the rage these days

This commit is contained in:
Salt 2020-10-05 19:55:07 -05:00
parent bb1dd227c7
commit 39bb3ea9cf
3 changed files with 4 additions and 6 deletions

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ conky.config = {
border_outer_margin = 0,
border_inner_margin = 16,
gap_x = 27,
gap_y = 62,
gap_y = 72,
format_human_readable = true,
temperature_unit = "celsius",

@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ conky.config = {
border_outer_margin = 0,
border_inner_margin = 16,
gap_x = 27,
gap_y = 62,
gap_y = 72,
format_human_readable = true,
temperature_unit = "celsius",

@ -52,9 +52,9 @@ tray-background = ${res/colors.bg}
height = 32
width = 100%:-12
offset-x = 6
offset-y = 6
padding = 2
border-left-size = ${res/config.border-size}
border-right-size = ${res/config.border-size}
border-size = ${res/config.border-size}
font-0 = "Roboto:style=Regular:size=10;2"
font-1 = "Deja Vu Sans Mono:style=Regular:size=10;2"
font-2 = "Roboto:style=Bold:size=10;2"
@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ font-3 = "Fork Awesome:style=Regular:size=12;2"
monitor = ${env:PB_MONITOR:eDP-1}
inherit = template/bar
border-top-size = ${res/config.border-size}
tray-position = center
modules-left = i3 bspwm service-ansible service-backup reboot-required
modules-right = backlight pulse battery | date
@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ modules-right = backlight pulse battery | date
monitor= ${env:PB_MONITOR:HDMI-A-0}
inherit = template/bar
border-top-size = ${res/config.border-size}
modules-left = i3 bspwm
modules-right = wlan-desktop-stats mpd | date