firestarter icon Firestarter


Firestarter is a desktop environment startup script. Its job is to abstract out the startup and configuration of basic X session components. By default, it will attempt to piece together a fully functional desktop environment based on currently available programs and configuration files found in ~/.config/firestarter.


Execute firestarter in your .xinitrc, either by replacing the file or by execing it after performing your own basic setup. You do not need the rest of the files in the repository, but a git clone and a regular git pull is an effective way of keeping the script up-to-date.

If you just want something to copy and paste into a terminal, try this:

git clone .firestarter
[ -e "~/.xinitrc" ] && mv "~/.xinitrc" "~/.xinitrc.bak"
ln -s .firestarter/firestarter .xinitrc

Lastly, make sure you're not executing a bunch of stuff from your WM's config. Firestarter will handle the startup of bars, Pulse, etc. by itself.


In the contrib directory of this repository is a series of example configuration files. These files consist of several lines that look somewhat like the following:

command -v i3
command -v openbox

Every first uncommented line is a "check" command that must succeed in order for the following "target" line to be executed. Once a target command is selected, parsing stops and the target is executed. When Firestarter is invoked with no arguments, any file with a first line of #.fsdefaults is parsed this way.

Any file that does not have the initial "crunchdot" is executed normally. You can keep shell scripts or symlinks in here and they will be executed without issue.

After all these programs have been started, firestarter executes ~/.firestarterrc if it exists and then starts XDG autostart applications.


All STDOUT and STDERR messages from these commands are saved to a logfile in ~/.local/share/firestarter/logs under the same name as the configuration file. By default, these logfiles are rotated every time you log in.


Firestarter, in addition to spawning the programs in the default configs, also integrates with the following utilities, should the requirements be installed:

  • $PATH: ~/.bin and ~/.local/bin are added to $PATH at the lowest priority.

  • dbus: A dbus socket is either created or hooked into, depending on the environment, and the relevant variables are exposed to child processes.

  • loginctl: When firestarter dies, loginctl will be called to eliminate the remainder of the session. If loginctl is not available, firestarter will kill off only the processes that it spawned.

  • Plasma: If kcminit is installed, it will be invoked to configure device and theme settings. When this is the case, XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP is changed to KDE in order for themes to actually take.

  • Qt5ct: Assuming Plasma is not installed, qt5ct will be used as a fallback for Qt theming.

  • xhost: Firestarter will open up the current session to other sessions by your user, allowing you to open a TTY and spawn your WM back in if you have to.

  • xrdb: Xresources are loaded in.

  • xset: Firestarter will disable that annoying goddamn X bell. Re-enable it in .firestarterrc if you enjoy pain.

Exit Codes

code meaning
0 Success
40 Firestarter is already running
50 Unrecognized argument
51 Invalid option for an argument
52 Failed to create configuration directory
53 Failed to create logging directory
54 HOME does not exist or is unreadable


  • The wm config file is special; if it exists and a target can be found for it, firestarter will watch the _NET_WM_NAME atom on the root window, waiting for it to initialize before starting XDG autostarts. This prevents applications from being started before the WM is ready to manage them. You can disable this by setting FS_NOWAITWM.

  • In addition to this, setting the FS_DIEONWM variable makes firestarter automatically end the session if the WM were to die for any reason. This requires that the target be a simple invocation of the WM; TERMINAL=urxvt i3 will not work.


Firestarter by no means contains an exhaustive list of all possible programs. If you know of or have created a program that should be added, please open an issue about it. The script should be light but its choices massive.

Bug reports are also more than welcome.

If you can't reach me on this instance, feel free to reach out via email. It's listed in the header of the script.

Service management for desktop environments
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Shell 100%