2020-12-21 21:19:47 -06:00

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Install from Ansible Galaxy Ansible Lint

A role for creating Factorio servers https://galaxy.ansible.com/bplower/factorio/


No requirements

Role Variables

Variables can be roughly divided into two groups: deployment configurations and Factorio configurations.

Deployment Configurations

The deployment configurations are all related to the way in which ansible installs the factorio server. These should be abstracted enough to allow multiple factorio servers to be run simultaneously.

server_sources: "/opt/games/sources/factorio"
server_version: "0.17.79"
download_url: "https://www.factorio.com/get-download/{{ server_version }}/headless/linux64"
service_name: "factorio-server"
service_user: "factorio"
service_group: "factorio"
service_root: "/home/{{ service_user }}"
service_port: 34197
service_restart_permitted: true
factorio_default_save: "{{ service_root }}/factorio/saves/default-save.zip"
factorio_target_save: "{{ factorio_default_save }}"

More detailed information about these variables is as follows:

  • Variable: server_sources
    Default: "/opt/games/sources/factorio"
    Where to cache server binaries downloaded from the download_url

  • Variable: server_version
    Default: "0.17.79"

    • "0.18.26"
    • "0.17.79"
    • "0.17.74"
    • "0.16.51"
    • "0.15.40"
    • "0.14.23"
    • "0.13.20"
    • "0.12.35"

    You must set the download_checksum value if you set this variable. This value is used in the default download_url.

  • Variable: download_url
    Default: "https://www.factorio.com/get-download/{{ server_version }}/headless/linux64"
    The URL to download the server binary from. This will only be downloaded if the path "{{ server_sources }}/factorio-{{ server_version }}.tar.gz" does not exist.

  • Variable: download_checksum
    Default: "sha256:9ace12fa986df028dc1851bf4de2cb038044d743e98823bc1c48ba21aa4d23df" Comments:
    The checksum that must match the downloaded server binary. This ensures the integrity. If you change the download_url or server_version, you need to adapt the checksum as well. To get the checksum of a server binary, you can use curl --silent --location <download_url> | sha256sum. To disable the checksum verification, just set it to an empty string ("").

  • Variable: service_name
    Default: "factorio-server"
    The name of the service to create. Multiple instances of factorio servers can be run on a single host by providing different values for this variable (See the examples section of this document).

  • Variable: service_user
    Default: "factorio"
    The user the service should be run as.

  • Variable: service_group
    Default: "factorio"
    The group the service user should be a member of.

  • Variable: service_root
    Default: "/home/{{ service_user }}"
    The directory in which to store the contents of the factorio zip file downloaded from the server. This will result in the factorio resources being stored at {{ service_root }}/factorio/.

  • Variab: service_port
    Default: 34197
    The port to host the service on. This default is the factorio default value.

  • Variable: service_restart_permitted
    Default: true
    Setting this to false will prevent the service from being restarted if changes were applied. This allows settings to be applied in preparation for the next service restart without immediately causing service interruption.

  • Variable: factorio_default_save
    Default: "{{ service_root }}/factorio/saves/default-save.zip"
    The default save file used by the server.

  • Variable: factorio_target_save
    Default: "{{ factorio_default_save }}"
    The save file to be run by the server. This distinction is provided to facilitate switching between multiple save files.

Factorio Configurations

Settings for various config files can be set in dictionaries loosely named after the file. Each dictionary starts with factorio_ followed by the filename (excluding the filetype extension) where hyphens ( - ) are replaced by underscores ( _ ). For example, the server-settings.json file is associated with the dictionary variable factorio_server_settings.

The default/ folder contains serveral files showing example dictionaries representing the values provided by the Factorio servers various examples JSON files.

The following is a list of config files that have been implemented:

  • Filename: server-settings.json
    Variable: factorio_server_settings

      name: "My Public Server"
      max_players: 10
      game_password: "mypassword"
        public: true
        lan: true
  • Filename: server-whitelist.json
    Variable: factorio_server_whitelist

    - Oxyd
  • Filename: map-settings.json
    Variable: factorio_map_settings

        enabled: false
  • Filename: map-gen-settings.json
    Variable: factorio_map_gen_settings

      water: "high"
          size: "very-low"

Example Playbooks

An out of the box example might look as follows:

- name: Create a default factorio server
  hosts: localhost
  - role: bplower.factorio

An example with a non-default port, and customized name:

- name: My slightly changed factorio server
  hosts: localhost
  - role: bplower.factorio
    service_port: 12345
      name: "My factorio server"

An example of multiple servers on a single host:

- name: Factorio farm
  hosts: localhost
  - role: bplower.factorio
    service_port: 50001
    service_name: factorio_1
    service_root: /home/{{ service_user }}/{{ service_name }}
  - role: bplower.factorio
    service_port: 50002
    service_name: factorio_2
    service_root: /home/{{ service_user }}/{{ service_name }}



Development & Contributions

I don't use this project regularly anymore, but I try to keep it up to date when possible. If you have any issues or questions about it, I encourage you to open a PR or issue.


This role uses yamllint for yaml validation, and molecule + docker for testing. Both tools can be installed using the dev-requirements.txt file. You will need to install docker separately.

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt`

Grouping all supported platforms together caused issues for CI, so the test are split into 3 scenarios based on the platforms being tested.

The makefile can be used to start each of the tests, and supports a helpmenu with descriptions for each target:

$ make help


  help        Display this help
  lint        Lint yaml files
  test_all    Run all molecule tests
  test_centos  Run molecule centos tests
  test_debian  Run molecule debian tests
  test_ubuntu  Run molecule ubuntu tests