2021-03-27 16:45:50 -05:00

192 lines
10 KiB
Executable File

"OPTION_OFF": "Off",
"OPTION_ON": "Off",
"OPTION_LOW": "Low",
"OPTION_MEDIUM": "Medium",
"OPTION_HIGH": "High",
"OPTION_ULTRA": "Ultra",
"OPTION_CUSTOM": "Custom",
"OPTION_APPLY": "Apply",
"OPTION_REVERT": "Revert",
"OPTION_BACK": "Back",
"OPTION_ACCEPT": "Accept",
"OPTION_AUTOREVERT_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION": "Changes will be reverted in {0} seconds. Keep these changes?",
"OPTION_MASTERVOLUME": "Master Volume:",
"OPTION_MASTERVOLUME_DESCRIPTION": "The volume of the overall game.",
"OPTION_MUSICVOLUME": "Music Volume:",
"OPTION_MUSICVOLUME_DESCRIPTION": "The volume of the music.",
"OPTION_SFXVOLUME_DESCRIPTION": "The volume of the in-game sound effects.",
"OPTION_AUDIOFOCUS": "Mute When Unfocused:",
"OPTION_AUDIOFOCUS_DESCRIPTION" : "Whether or not audio should be muted when the game window is not in focus.",
"OPTION_VSYNC": "V-Sync:",
"OPTION_VSYNC_DESCRIPTION": "Eliminates screen tearing by synchronizing the game's framerate to the monitor's refresh rate. Only enable this setting if you see screen tearing.",
"OPTION_FPSLIMIT_DESCRIPTION": "Cap the FPS to maintain a steady frame rate.",
"OPTION_RESOLUTION" : "Resolution",
"OPTION_RESOLUTION_DESCRIPTION" : "The resolution and refresh rate of the game. This is usually one of the best settings to lower for improving performance on low-end machines.",
"OPTION_FULLSCREEN" : "Fullscreen:",
"OPTION_FULLSCREEN_DESCRIPTION": "Whether or not the game is running in fullscreen or windowed-mode.",
"OPTION_SCREENSCALE": "Screen Scale:",
"OPTION_SCREENSCALE_DESCRIPTION": "Reduce the internal resolution of the screen. Lower settings will improve performance dramatically.",
"OPTION_GAMMA": "Gamma Boost",
"OPTION_GAMMA_DESCRIPTION": "The brightness of a pixel. Change to brighten or darken the screen.",
"OPTION_HUDSCALE_DESCRIPTION": "Increase or decrease the size of the in-game UI elements, like healthbars and icons.",
"OPTION_SHADOW_TYPE": "Shadow Type:",
"OPTION_SHADOW_TYPE_DESCRIPTION": "This determines which type of shadows should be used. Soft shadows are smoother, but require more processing power. Disabling shadows will dramatically improve performance.",
"OPTION_SHADOW_QUALITY": "Shadow Resolution:",
"OPTION_SHADOW_QUALITY_DESCRIPTION": "The higher the setting, the higher the resolution of the shadows. Lower this to improve performance.",
"OPTION_SHADOW_CASCADE": "Shadow Cascades:",
"OPTION_SHADOW_CASCADE_DESCRIPTION": "The number of shadow cascades. Higher settings will improve shadow resolution. Lower this to significantly improve performance.",
"OPTION_SHADOW_DISTANCE": "Shadow Distance:",
"OPTION_SHADOW_DISTANCE_DESCRIPTION": "How far away shadows are drawn. Lower this to improve performance.",
"OPTION_TEXTURE_RESOLUTION": "Texture Resolution:",
"OPTION_TEXTURE_RESOLUTION_DESCRIPTION": "Controls the resolution and quality of textures on all game elements. High quality textures are more detailed. Lower this to improve performance.",
"OPTION_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING": "Anisotropic Filtering:",
"OPTION_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING_DESCRIPTION": "Improves the sharpness of textures viewed at an angle. Lowering this will increase GPU performance.",
"OPTION_VFX_BIAS": "VFX Culling Bias:",
"OPTION_VFX_BIAS_DESCRIPTION": "Adds a chance to remove particles and other VFX in high effect densities. Lowering this will improve both CPU and GPU performance, but effects may stop appearing.",
"OPTION_LOD_BIAS_DESCRIPTION": "The distances in which the LOD will change. Lowering this will improve performance but may cause pop-in.",
"OPTION_MAX_LOD": "LOD Reduction:",
"OPTION_MAX_LOD_DESCRIPTION": "The highest LOD that will be used by the game. Lowering this will improve performance but may cause pop-in and dramatically reduce graphic fidelity.",
"OPTION_SOFTPARTICLES": "Soft Particles:",
"OPTION_SOFTPARTICLES_DESCRIPTION": "Enables depth-based particle blending for smoother particles. Disabling will improve GPU performance.",
"OPTION_FOLIAGEWIND": "Foliage Wind:",
"OPTION_FOLIAGEWIND_DESCRIPTION": "Enables animated foliage. Disabling will improve GPU and CPU performance.",
"OPTION_BLOOM": "Bloom:",
"OPTION_BLOOM_DESCRIPTION": "Allows for overbrightened pixels to add glows to bright lights. Disabling will improve GPU performance.",
"OPTION_AO_DESCRIPTION": "Darkens corners to simulate bounced lights. Disabling will dramatically improve GPU performance.",
"OPTION_MOTIONBLUR": "Motion Blur:",
"OPTION_MOTIONBLUR_DESCRIPTION": "Simulates the camera effect of blurring objects as they move. Disabling this will improve GPU performance.",
"OPTION_SOBEL": "Sobel Lighting:",
"OPTION_SOBEL_DESCRIPTION": "Enables a light outline to help elements stand out. Disabling this will improve GPU performance.",
"OPTION_CORPSE_DISPOSAL": "Corpse Clean-up",
"OPTION_CORPSE_DISPOSAL_DESCRIPTION": "How the maximum corpse limit is enforced. Immediate is cheaper, but will cause corpses over the limit to disappear even when visible.",
"OPTION_MAX_CORPSE": "Max Corpses",
"OPTION_MAX_CORPSE_DESCRIPTION": "Limit the maximum number of corpses that can exist at one time. Lowering this number will boost performance.",
"OPTION_MSAA": "UI Anti-Aliasing:",
"OPTION_MSAA_DESCRIPTION": "Reduces jaggies and aliasing on UI elements via MSAA. Lowering this will increase GPU performance.",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SENSITIVITY": "<style=cUserSetting>Look Sensitivity</style>",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SENSITIVITY_DESCRIPTION": "How quickly the camera rotates with the control stick.",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SCALE_X": "<style=cUserSetting>Horizontal Look Scale</style>",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SCALE_X_DESCRIPTION": "How much to scale the horizontal rotation rate of the camera.",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SCALE_Y": "<style=cUserSetting>Vertical Look Scale</style>",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SCALE_Y_DESCRIPTION": "How much to scale the vertical rotation rate of the camera.",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_INVERT_X": "<style=cUserSetting>Horizontal Look Invert</style>",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_INVERT_X_DESCRIPTION": "Inverts horizontal rotation of the camera.",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_INVERT_Y": "<style=cUserSetting>Vertical Look Invert</style>",
"OPTION_STICK_LOOK_INVERT_Y_DESCRIPTION": "Inverts vertical rotation of the camera.",
"OPTION_GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_SCALE": "<style=cUserSetting>Vibration Scale</style>",
"OPTION_GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_SCALE_DESCRIPTION": "Intensity of controller vibration.",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SENSITIVITY": "<style=cUserSetting>Look Sensitivity</style>",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SENSITIVITY_DESCRIPTION": "How quickly the camera rotates with the mouse.",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SCALE_X": "<style=cUserSetting>Horizontal Look Scale</style>",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SCALE_X_DESCRIPTION": "How much to scale the horizontal rotation rate of the camera.",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SCALE_Y": "<style=cUserSetting>Vertical Look Scale</style>",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SCALE_Y_DESCRIPTION": "How much to scale the vertical rotation rate of the camera.",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_INVERT_X": "<style=cUserSetting>Horizontal Look Invert</style>",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_INVERT_X_DESCRIPTION": "Inverts horizontal rotation of the camera.",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_INVERT_Y": "<style=cUserSetting>Vertical Look Invert</style>",
"OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_INVERT_Y_DESCRIPTION": "Inverts vertical rotation of the camera.",
"OPTION_SCREENSHAKE_SCALE": "<style=cUserSetting>Screen Shake Scale</style>",
"OPTION_SCREENSHAKE_SCALE_DESCRIPTION": "Intensity of screen shake.",
"OPTION_DAMAGENUMBERS_DESCRIPTION": "Enables floating damage numbers.",
"OPTION_SPRINT_SENSITIVITY_REDUCTION": "Sprint Sensitivity Reduction",
"OPTION_SPRINT_SENSITIVITY_REDUCTION_DESCRIPTION": "Enables reduced input sensitivity while sprinting.",
"OPTION_HUD": "In-Game HUD",
"OPTION_HUD_DESCRIPTION": "Enables the in-game HUD, i.e healthbars, item icons, skill icons.",
"OPTION_EXP_AND_MONEY_EFFECTS": "Exp and Money Effects",
"OPTION_EXP_AND_MONEY_EFFECTS_DESCRIPTION": "Enables particle effects for experience and money.",
"OPTION_DETAILED_DESCRIPTION" : "Detailed Item Descriptions",
"OPTION_DETAILED_DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION" : "Enables detailed Item and Equipment descriptions in-game.",
"OPTION_STEAM_RELAY_SERVER": "Steam Traffic Relay",
"OPTION_STEAM_RELAY_SERVER_DESCRIPTION": "By default, Steam is allowed to deliver your network traffic to other players via relay server. This is either to circumvent direct connection issues or to provide a potentially faster network route. Disabling this option will prevent your traffic from being delivered via relay server.",
"OPTION_INTRO_SKIP": "Skip Startup Intro",
"OPTION_INTRO_SKIP_DESCRIPTION": "Skips the intro cutscene that plays on startup.",
"OPTION_REBIND_DIALOG_TITLE": "Rebind Control...",
"OPTION_REBIND_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION": "Press the button you wish to assign for {0}. \n{1:0} second(s) remaining.",
"SETTINGS_PROFILE_NAME_FORMAT": "Settings - <style=cUserSetting>{0}</style>",