{ "strings": { "GAME_TITLE": "Spacegame 2017", "DEFAULT_FONT": "TmpFonts/Bombardier/tmpBombDropShadow", "LOREM" : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.", "TITLE_PROFILE": "Profile: {0}", "TITLE_PROFILE_DESC" : "Make or break save files.", "TITLE_SINGLEPLAYER": "Solo Play", "TITLE_SINGLEPLAYER_DESC" : "Play with yourself.", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER": "OwO", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_DESC" : "Who's this?", "TITLE_WEEKLY" : "Prismy Rain", "TITLE_WEEKLY_DESC" : "Speedrun strats.", "TITLE_SETTINGS": "Change Stuff", "TITLE_SETTINGS_DESC" : "Like options and whatever", "TITLE_LOGS": "Lore", "TITLE_LOGS_DESC" : "Learn about everything you've met that's made an attempt on your life.", "TITLE_UNLOCKABLES": "Cheetos", "TITLE_MORE": "Moosucc", "TITLE_MORE_DESC" : "Chris is a fucking awesome musician.", "TITLE_EXIT": "Or Leave, I Guess", "TITLE_EXIT_DESC" : "G'bye.", "TITLE_EXTRAGAMEMODE" : "Other Non-Risky Rains", "TITLE_EXTRAGAMEMODE_DESC" : "Just kidding, they're the riskiest of rains.", "TITLE_ECLIPSE" : "Johnny Cash Mode", "TITLE_ECLIPSE_DESC" : "I HURT MYSELF TODAY.", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_QUICKPLAY_START": "Enter QuickPlay", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_QUICKPLAY_STOP": "Leave QuickPlay", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_HOST": "Start Private Game", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_JOIN": "Join Lobby ID", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_INVITE": "Invite Friends", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_RETURN": "Back", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_FIND_GAME": "Join Multiplayer Game", "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_HOST_GAME": "Create Multiplayer Game", "MORE_MUSIC" : "MUSIC", "MORE_MUSIC_DESC" : "Hello everyone! Chris here, the composer of the game's soundtrack! Some of you might know me from the original Risk of Rain. The rest of you I'd love to get to know during this development period and beyond.\r\n\r\nWhile there's still more music to be written, I do hope you like what you hear so far! If you'd like to stay in the loop you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram (both @AstronautDown) and check out our Discord server!", "MORE_MUSIC_BUTTON" : "TAKE ME!", "MORE_CONTACT" : "CONTACT", "MORE_CONTACT_DESC" : "Follow us on social media for the latest news, updates, and more about Risk of Rain 2!", "MORE_LICENSE" : "LICENSING", "MORE_LICENSE_DESC" : "Copyright (C) 2012 - 2020 Hopoo Games, LLC. All rights reserved. \r\n\r\nMade with Unity. Unity is a trademark or registered trademark of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere. All rights reserved. \r\n\r\nPowered by Wwise (C) 2006 - 2020 Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved.\r\n\r\nAll other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.", "DESC_MULTIPLAYER_QUICKPLAY": "Find people automatically to join your Lobby.", "DESC_MULTIPLAYER_HOST": "Host an online game with both local and networked players in your Lobby. 1-4 players.", "DESC_MULTIPLAYER_JOIN": "Try to join a specific Lobby ID using your Clipboard content.", "DESC_MULTIPLAYER_INVITE": "Invite players from your Steam friends list to join your Lobby.", "TITLE_WEEKLY_START" : "Start Prismatic Trials", "WEEKLY_RUN_NO_ENTRY" : "You must complete a Prismatic Trial to see the time of other users.", "WEEKLY_RUN_NEXT_CYCLE_COUNTDOWN_FORMAT" : "Prismatic Trials - Next seed in {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", "WEEKLY_RUN_DESCRIPTION" : "'Prismatic Trials' allow you to compete with other players on the leaderboard for the fastest time, featuring an identical seeded game world for all players.\n\nTo beat the Trials, you must break Time Crystals to complete two stages as fast as possible.\n\nThe top 10% of players will be rewarded with literally nothing for now.", "WEEKLY_RUN_RANK" : "Rank", "WEEKLY_RUN_NAME" : "Name", "WEEKLY_RUN_TIME" : "Time", "CHARSELECT_RETURN": "Back", "DIFFICULTY_EASY_NAME": "Drizzle", "DIFFICULTY_EASY_DESCRIPTION": "Reduces difficulty for players new to the game. Weeping and gnashing is replaced by laughter and tickles.\n\n>Player Health Regeneration: +50% \n>Player Damage Reduction: +38% \n>Difficulty Scaling: -50%", "DIFFICULTY_NORMAL_NAME": "Rainstorm", "DIFFICULTY_NORMAL_DESCRIPTION": "This is the way the game is meant to be played! Test your abilities and skills against formidable foes.", "DIFFICULTY_HARD_NAME": "Monsoon", "DIFFICULTY_HARD_DESCRIPTION": "For hardcore players. Every bend introduces pain and horrors of the planet. You will die.\n\n>Player Health Regeneration: -40% \n>Difficulty Scaling: +50%", "USER_PROFILE_DELETE_HEADER": "Delete Profile", "USER_PROFILE_DELETE_DESCRIPTION": "Are you really sure you want to delete profile \"{0}\"? Profile deletion cannot be undone, and all unlockables, stats, settings, and control configurations in the profile will be lost forever.", "USER_PROFILE_DELETE_YES": "Yes, I'm sure!", "USER_PROFILE_DELETE_NO": "Nevermind...", "SUBMENU_PROFILE" : "Profile", "SUBMENU_SELECT" : "Select", "SUBMENU_BACK": "Back", "SUBMENU_ACCEPT" : "Accept", "SUBMENU_SCROLL" : "Scroll", "SUBMENU_DELETE" : "Delete", "SUBMENU_QUIT" : "Quit", "SUBMENU_SUBMENU_SELECT" : "Change", "ACHIEVEMENTS_SCREEN_TITLE": "Challenges", "ACHIEVEMENT_CARD_REWARD_FORMAT": "Reward: {0}", "ACHIEVEMENT_CARD_PREREQ_FORMAT" : "Requires completion of: {0}", "CHAT_KEYBIND_TIP": "Press Enter to chat.", "GAME_RESULT_LOST": "Defeat!", "GAME_RESULT_WON": "Victory!", "GAME_RESULT_UNKNOWN": "Fate Unknown..", "UNIDENTIFIED" : "???", "UNIDENTIFIED_DESCRIPTION" : "You have not met the prerequisites for this Challenge yet.", "UNIDENTIFIED_KILLER_NAME" : "The Planet", "DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_FORMAT" : "Description:\n{0}", "NOTES_PREFIX_FORMAT" : "Notes:\n{0}", "GENERIC_PREFIX_FOUND" : "Found: {0}", "GENERIC_PREFIX_WINPERCENTAGE" : "Win Percentage: {0}%", "BODY_HEALTH_FORMAT" : "Max Health: {0}", "BODY_DAMAGE_FORMAT" : "Damage: {0}", "BODY_MOVESPEED_FORMAT" : "Speed: {0} m/s", "BODY_ARMOR_FORMAT" : "Armor: {0}", "BODY_REGEN_FORMAT" : "Health Regeneration: {0} hp/s", "ITEM_PREFIX_STACKCOUNT" : "Highest Stack Count: x{0}", "EQUIPMENT_PREFIX_COOLDOWN" : "Cooldown: {0}s", "EQUIPMENT_PREFIX_USECOUNT" : "Total Activations: {0}", "EQUIPMENT_PREFIX_TOTALTIMEHELD" : "Total Time Held: {0}", "MONSTER_PREFIX_KILLED" : "Killed: {0}", "MONSTER_PREFIX_ELITESKILLED" : "Elites Killed: {0}", "MONSTER_PREFIX_DEATH" : "Killed by: {0}", "STAGE_PREFIX_TOTALTIMESVISITED" : "Total Times Visited: {0}", "STAGE_PREFIX_TOTALTIMESCLEARED" : "Total Times Cleared: {0}", "STAGE_PREFIX_STAGECOMPLETIONPERCENTAGE" : "Stage Completion Percentage: {0}%", "SURVIVOR_PREFIX_LONGESTRUN" : "Longest Run: {0}", "SURVIVOR_PREFIX_TIMESPICKED" : "Times Played: {0}", "SURVIVOR_PREFIX_PICKPERCENTAGE" : "Pick Percentage: {0:#00.00}%", "BODY_STATS_FORMAT" : "{0} (+{1} per level)", "DIALOG_OPTION_YES" : "Yes", "OK" : "OK", "CANCEL" : "Cancel", "PLAYER_NAME_TOOLTIP_FORMAT" : "Player: {0}", "PLAYER_NAME_DISCONNECTED" : "Disconnected Player", "PLAYER_NAME_UNAVAILABLE" : "???", "DISCONNECTED" : "Disconnected", "KICK_REASON_UNSPECIFIED" : "Reason unspecified.", "KICK_REASON_SERVERSHUTDOWN" : "The host player has ended the game.", "KICK_REASON_TIMEOUT" : "You have timed out.", "KICK_REASON_KICK" : "Kicked from server.", "KICK_REASON_BAN" : "Banned from server.", "KICK_REASON_BADPASSWORD" : "Bad password.", "KICK_REASON_BADVERSION" : "Your version of the game differs from the server's.\nYours={0}\nTheirs={1}", "KICK_REASON_SERVERFULL" : "Server is full.", "KICK_REASON_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ON_SERVER" : "Your account is already in use on the server you attempted to connect to.", "KICK_REASON_MALFORMED_AUTH_DATA" : "Your request to join the server was malformed.", "KICK_REASON_STEAMWORKS_AUTH_FAILURE" : "Steamworks authentication failed or was revoked: {0}", "KICK_REASON_MOD_MISMATCH" : "Your mods differ from the server's mods. The game sessions cannot communicate. == Incompatible Mods ==\n{0}\n\n== Required Mods ==\n{1}\n", "LEADERBOARDS" : "Leaderboards", "LEADERBOARDS_GLOBAL" : "GLOBAL", "LEADERBOARDS_FRIENDS" : "FRIENDS", "PROFILE_TITLE" : "Select a Profile", "PROFILE_CREATE_NEW" : "Create Profile", "PROFILE_ENTER" : "Enter", "PROFILE_SELECT" : "Select", "PROFILE_DEL" : "Del", "PROFILE_DELETE" : "Delete", "PROFILE_CREATE_PROFILE" : "Create Profile", "PROFILE_ADD" : "Add", "PAUSE_RESUME" : "Resume", "PAUSE_SETTINGS" : "Settings", "PAUSE_QUIT_TO_MENU" : "Quit To Menu", "PAUSE_QUIT_TO_DESKTOP" : "Quit To Desktop", "SPECTATING_NAME_FORMAT" : "Spectating: {0}", "QUIT_RUN_CONFIRM_DIALOG_TITLE": "End Run?", "QUIT_RUN_CONFIRM_DIALOG_BODY_SINGLEPLAYER": "Are you sure you want to end this run?", "QUIT_RUN_CONFIRM_DIALOG_BODY_CLIENT": "Are you sure you want to leave this run? You will be leaving your teammates behind.", "QUIT_RUN_CONFIRM_DIALOG_BODY_HOST": "You are the host of this game, and quitting now will end the game for all other players. Are you really sure you want to quit?", "CONTROLLER_DISCONNECTED_DIALOG_TITLE" : "Controller Disconnected", "CONTROLLER_DISCONNECTED_DIALOG_BODY" : "A controller was disconnected.", "STARTUP_FAILURE_DIALOG_TITLE": "Startup Failure", "MSVCR_2015_BAD_INSTALL_DIALOG_BODY": "The game failed to load a necessary library due to an issue with your installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64). The button below will open your browser to the Microsoft download page for this installer. Please note that if the installation process fails because the redistributable is already installed, you must uninstall it and try again. This will also occur if you have newer versions of the redistributable, like 2017 or 2019, which will prevent the 2015 version from being installed after them.\n\nThis program will close after this message is dismissed.", "MSVCR_2015_BAD_INSTALL_DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_BUTTON": "Get the Redistributable", "ARENA_HUD_MONSTERS_LABEL": "Monsters", "ARENA_HUD_MONSTER_ITEMS_LABEL": "Monsters' Items", "IMMUNE_TO_DAMAGE_HITMARKER": "IMMUNE", "BLOCKED_DAMAGE_HITMARKER": "BLOCKED!", "EXTRALIFE_REVIVED_EFFECT": "REVIVED!", "SCOREBOARD_HEADER_PLAYERS": "Players", "SCOREBOARD_HEADER_ITEMS": "Items", "SCOREBOARD_HEADER_EQUIPMENT": "Equipment", "HUD_LEVEL_PREFIX": "Lv:", "LANGUAGE_PLATFORM": "Default ({0})", "CUTSCENE_SKIP": "Skip" } }