{ strings: { //[NULL] "NULL_SUBTITLE": "Twenty-something angry asshats", "DEFAULT_SKIN" : "Basic Bitch", "ELITE_MODIFIER_FIRE": "Cinnamon {0}", "ELITE_MODIFIER_LIGHTNING": "Spearmint {0}", "ELITE_MODIFIER_ICE": "Peppermint {0}", "ELITE_MODIFIER_POISON" : "Watermelon {0}", "ELITE_MODIFIER_HAUNTED" : "White Mystery {0}", "BODY_MODIFIER_DOPPELGANGER": "{0}'s Edgy Little Brother", //[CHARACTER] "COMMANDO_BODY_NAME": "Rooty Tooty", "COMMANDO_BODY_SUBTITLE": "School Shooty", "COMMANDO_PRIMARY_NAME": "Point n Shooty", "COMMANDO_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Point at a guy and tickle him fiercely.", "COMMANDO_SECONDARY_NAME": "The Bad One", "COMMANDO_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "It's bad.", "COMMANDO_SECONDARY_ALT1_NAME": "The GOOD One", "COMMANDO_SECONDARY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Get all the procs. Twice.", "COMMANDO_UTILITY_NAME": "Go fast", "COMMANDO_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "You're gonna replace it with Strides. We know. That's fine.", "COMMANDO_UTILITY_ALT_NAME": "Vanquish", "COMMANDO_UTILITY_ALT_DESCRIPTION": "Oh man this one's actually pretty good.", "COMMANDO_SPECIAL_NAME": "Big Gun", "COMMANDO_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "It costs $400,000 to use this ability for 12 seconds.", "COMMANDO_SPECIAL_ALT1_NAME": "GRANATA", "COMMANDO_SPECIAL_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "[screams]", "COMMANDO_DESCRIPTION": "Rooty Tooty is your bog-standard shooty guy. He shoots. He rolls. He's so boring he gets an actual normal description because you can't make a dumb joke about him.\r\n\r\nPROTIP: To kill the Lemurian, shoot at it until it dies.", "COMMANDO_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Edge", "MERC_BODY_NAME": "Samurai Jack", "MERC_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Foolish Samurai", "MERC_PRIMARY_NAME": "Gotta Get Back", "MERC_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Back to the past. Samurai Jack.", "MERC_SECONDARY_NAME": "Beyblade", "MERC_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "LETTER RRIPP", "MERC_SECONDARY_ALT1_NAME": "SHORYUKEN", "MERC_SECONDARY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Something something Sam.", "MERC_UTILITY_NAME": "Dash", "MERC_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Become literally invincible. Requires 0% skill.", "MERC_SPECIAL_NAME": "I-Frames", "MERC_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "BRUH GIMME BRAINSTALKS.", "MERC_SPECIAL_ALT1_NAME": "Not I-Frames", "MERC_SPECIAL_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Not sure why I'm putting a description here. Not like anybody uses this one.", "MERC_DESCRIPTION" : "Long ago in a distant land, I, Imp Overlord, the teleporting master of darkness, unleashed an unspeakable evil! But a foolish samurai warrior wielding a magic brain stepped forth to oppose me. Before the final blow was struck, I tore open a portal in time and flung him into the future, where my evil is law! Now the fool seeks to return to the past and undo the future that is Imp Overlord!\r\n\r\nPROTIP: You're a fucking ninja. And what do ninjas do? Hard drugs. Go find Brainstalks.", "MERC_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Dubble Jumpidy", "MERC_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "Have really dumb interactions with Wax Quails.", "MERC_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Aku", "ENGI_BODY_NAME": "No Skill", "ENGI_BODY_SUBTITLE": "But the turrets are actually kind of a problem", "ENGI_PRIMARY_NAME": "lol", "ENGI_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "lmao", "ENGI_SECONDARY_NAME": "Actual Mines", "ENGI_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Place a mine, hope it doesn't detonate, then rage intensely when it does no damage.", "ENGI_SPIDERMINE_NAME": "C4", "ENGI_SPIDERMINE_DESCRIPTION": "Recreate 9/11 for 2002% damage.", "ENGI_UTILITY_NAME": "Bubble Shield", "ENGI_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Become invincible and then die because you just sat in it while the Imp Overlord outside rained hell on you you fucking dipFUCK.", "ENGI_SKILL_HARPOON_NAME": "Avast!", "ENGI_SKILL_HARPOON_DESCRIPTION": "That be the whale that took me son all those years ago!", "ENGI_SKILL_HARPOON_FLAVOR_FULLYARMED": "IT'S HIP TO FUCK BEES", "ENGI_SKILL_PAINT_NAME": "Hold 'er Steady!", "ENGI_SKILL_PAINT_DESCRIPTION": "Mark 'em down in your sights and then fire at her broadside!", "ENGI_SPECIAL_NAME": "Stagnant Turrets", "ENGI_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Eat your wheaties, grow up big 'n strong.", "ENGI_SPECIAL_ALT1_NAME": "Laser Turrets", "ENGI_SPECIAL_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire heresy beams at your opponents for 0% fungus.", "ENGI_DESCRIPTION": "Be really good and then really bad when your turrets die and you lose the hold you had on the teleporter lmao\r\n\r\nPROTIP: Fungus.", "ENGI_SKIN_ALT1_NAME": "Doomguy", "HUNTRESS_BODY_NAME": "T H I C C", "HUNTRESS_BODY_SUBTITLE": "We've gotta stick together", "HUNTRESS_PRIMARY_NAME": "Toothpicks", "HUNTRESS_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Just don't", "HUNTRESS_PRIMARY_ALT_NAME": "More Toothpicks", "HUNTRESS_PRIMARY_ALT_DESCRIPTION": "Get all the crit and just do it.", "HUNTRESS_SECONDARY_NAME": "BONK", "HUNTRESS_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "With high attack speed it makes 200% funnier noises.", "HUNTRESS_UTILITY_NAME": "Blink", "HUNTRESS_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "You go forward but don't get any invincibility frames.", "HUNTRESS_UTILITY_ALT1_NAME": "Blink the Third", "HUNTRESS_UTILITY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Can't go up, but you can go really sideways.", "HUNTRESS_SPECIAL_NAME": "Area Denial", "HUNTRESS_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "The titles of all music tracks across both games are rain puns.", "HUNTRESS_SPECIAL_ALT1_NAME": "Big Toothpicks", "HUNTRESS_SPECIAL_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Some people call them kebabs.", "HUNTRESS_DESCRIPTION": "THAT ASS\r\n\r\nPROTIP: Glass is free damage if you never get hit.", "HUNTRESS_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Eh, It's Alright I Guess", "MAGE_BODY_NAME": "W E A K T H I C C", "MAGE_BODY_SUBTITLE": "I don't see what the issue is", "MAGE_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Jet Pack", "MAGE_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "Go down less fast.", "MAGE_PRIMARY_FIRE_NAME" : "Fire", "MAGE_PRIMARY_FIRE_DESCRIPTION" : "Throw them out and wait.", "MAGE_PRIMARY_LIGHTNING_NAME" : "Bad Fire", "MAGE_PRIMARY_LIGHTNING_DESCRIPTION" : "Like the other one, but shittier.", "MAGE_SECONDARY_LIGHTNING_NAME": "Big Ball", "MAGE_SECONDARY_LIGHTNING_DESCRIPTION" : "[lenny face]", "MAGE_SECONDARY_ICE_NAME": "Big Spear", "MAGE_SECONDARY_ICE_DESCRIPTION" : "[lenny face], but [frowning] and [cold]", "MAGE_UTILITY_ICE_NAME": "The Wall", "MAGE_UTILITY_ICE_DESCRIPTION" : "Project a freezing ice wall along the ground, getting 306 electoral college votes and keeping Mexicans out, BUT you're a cheeto.", "MAGE_SPECIAL_FIRE_NAME": "Hanz", "MAGE_SPECIAL_FIRE_DESCRIPTION" : "Get ze flammenwerfer", "MAGE_SPECIAL_LIGHTNING_NAME" : "Double Jump", "MAGE_SPECIAL_LIGHTNING_DESCRIPTION" : "God dammit Sam", "MAGE_DESCRIPTION": "My opinion on Artificer has changed slightly. She's alright, but fragile as fuck.\r\n\r\nPROTIP: Just because you can fly doesn't mean you're invincible.", "MAGE_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Steely Dan", "TOOLBOT_BODY_NAME": "Bill", "TOOLBOT_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Possessor of all the weiners", "TOOLBOT_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Gee!", "TOOLBOT_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "How come your mom lets you eat two weiners?", "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_NAME": "Daka", "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "The initial fire is a shotgun, but who cares?", "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT1_NAME": "Snipper Riffer", "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Some oppressive goy is tryna SHOOT me!", "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT2_NAME": "Underbarrel Grenade Launcher", "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT2_DESCRIPTION" : "Fuck you and your friends", "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT3_NAME": "SAWBLADE", "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT3_DESCRIPTION" : "COME HERE AND GET YOUR FUCKING HAIRCUT, KID", "TOOLBOT_SECONDARY_NAME": "Pipe Bomb", "TOOLBOT_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Great for ruining parades", "TOOLBOT_UTILITY_NAME": "Nyooooom", "TOOLBOT_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Get the FUCK out of my way", "TOOLBOT_SPECIAL_NAME": "Switch Weiners", "TOOLBOT_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Two of 'em", "TOOLBOT_DESCRIPTION": "Fuckin' half-a-gigabyte havin' ass\r\n\r\nPROTIP: You can straight up YEET motherfuckers with your Utility skill. Bap a guy off a cliff; it's fun as hell.", "TOOLBOT_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "HAN-D", "TREEBOT_BODY_NAME": "The Plant", "TREEBOT_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Grown in a cabbage patch", "TREEBOT_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Horse Tranquilizer", "TREEBOT_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "Hit a guy and he gets fuckin baked", "TREEBOT_PRIMARY_NAME": "Plant Drugs", "TREEBOT_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Throw drugs, get health. I ain't gotta explain shit", "TREEBOT_SECONDARY_NAME": "Orbital Strike", "TREEBOT_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Great for getting rid of wisps", "TREEBOT_SECONDARY_ALT1_NAME": "Arrow Rain", "TREEBOT_SECONDARY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "I mean, you could use this one if you wanted, but why would you?", "TREEBOT_UTILITY_NAME": "Boop", "TREEBOT_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Get the fuck away from me", "TREEBOT_UTILITY_ALT1_NAME": "AIDS Boop", "TREEBOT_UTILITY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Get the fuck away from me. And you probably wanna get checked", "TREEBOT_SPECIAL_NAME": "Plant Succ", "TREEBOT_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Lose health, die, then heal a lot", "TREEBOT_DESCRIPTION": "Plant more seeds then Genghis Khan\r\n\r\nPROTIP: If you do literally anything, you void your one-shot protection. But that's alright because you've got a good movement ski- Oh, wait.", "TREEBOT_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Normal Cabbage", "TREEBOT_BODY_LORE" : "\r\n//--AUTO-TRANSCRIPTION FROM HYDROPONICS BAY OF UES [Redacted]--//\r\n\r\n\u201CStatus Report on Hydroponics Unit. Serial key begins with 12ea031lsd095a-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CYes, 12ea03. Tasked with care for the cabbage, lettuce, and mizuna growths. About 250 plants total. Stable, but losing biomass. I think there are issues with the microgravity. \u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CKeep an eye on the biomass, we might have to scrap 12ea03 and replace it with one of our evergreen Units. Moving on\u2026 serial key crp012d054jd0-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CCrp01 is doing alright. Tasked with corn. About 80 plants total. Lost 6, down to 74.\u201D \r\n\r\n\u201CSustainable, I suppose. What about\u2026 serial key rex0ch12d66m-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201COh, that Unit. Yeah, it was tasked with care for with one of our cabbage hybrids. To be quite frank\u2026 it turned out terrible. I think we started with 80 units, but we\u2019ve lost 79. The hybrid species just isn\u2019t spliced right, I think. There was no way to sustain them.\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CAnd status report on the Unit?\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CUh, well\u2026 it\u2019s out on the star deck. It managed to hoist the last hybrid onto its platform base, and it\u2019s been walking around the ship ever since, chasing down starlight. \u201D\r\n\r\n\u201C\u2026What? The Unit left Hydroponics? \r\n\r\n\u201CYes, but-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CSo the Unit is disengaging from protocol?\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CWell, yes, but-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CAnd instead of terminating the Unit, you let it roam around the ship unsupervised?\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CJust the team, well we just- we just kinda feel bad for the thing, you know. It\u2019s trying really hard to keep that last hybrid alive, and-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CGo terminate the Unit.\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CWell, the thing is- Rex is actually doing a great job! The hybrid\u2019s biomass-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CAre you kidding? Terminate the Unit. You have no idea what happens to a robot once it disengages from protocol. You are putting the life of your entire team in danger for the sake of a stray hydroponics unit. This should not even be a discussion.\u201D\r\n\r\n\u2026.\r\n\r\n\u201CYes, sir.\u201D\r\n\r\nTranscriptions complete.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n", "LOADER_BODY_NAME": "CAPTAIN FALCON", "LOADER_BODY_SUBTITLE": "GET THE FUCK OVER HERE", "LOADER_PASSIVE_NAME" : "PUNCH HEALTH", "LOADER_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "HIT SHIT GET HEALTH. SADISM IS REWARDING.", "LOADER_PRIMARY_NAME": "PUNCH", "LOADER_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH PUNCH.", "LOADER_SECONDARY_NAME": "GRAPPLE BEAM", "LOADER_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "I'M FUCKING TARZAN.", "LOADER_YANKHOOK_NAME": "GET OVER HERE", "LOADER_YANKHOOK_DESCRIPTION": "I'M GONNA HEADBUTT YA. I'M GONNA HEADBUTT YA.", "LOADER_UTILITY_NAME": "BIG FUCKING PUNCH", "LOADER_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "ABSOLUTELY YEET A GUY INTO THE AFTERLIFE.", "LOADER_UTILITY_ALT1_NAME": "FALCON PAWNCH", "LOADER_UTILITY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "FALCON... PAAAAAAAWWWWWNCH", "LOADER_SPECIAL_NAME": "CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS", "LOADER_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "GOOD FOR SPEEDRUNS AND DEATH", "LOADER_DESCRIPTION": "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY ABOUT ME, YOU LITTLE BITCH? I’LL HAVE YOU KNOW I GRADUATED TOP OF MY CLASS IN THE NAVY SEALS, AND I’VE BEEN INVOLVED IN NUMEROUS SECRET RAIDS ON AL-QUAEDA, AND I HAVE OVER 300 CONFIRMED KILLS. I AM TRAINED IN GORILLA WARFARE AND I’M THE TOP SNIPER IN THE ENTIRE US ARMED FORCES. YOU ARE NOTHING TO ME BUT JUST ANOTHER TARGET. I WILL WIPE YOU THE FUCK OUT WITH PRECISION THE LIKES OF WHICH HAS NEVER BEEN SEEN BEFORE ON THIS EARTH, MARK MY FUCKING WORDS. YOU THINK YOU CAN GET AWAY WITH SAYING THAT SHIT TO ME OVER THE INTERNET? THINK AGAIN, FUCKER. AS WE SPEAK I AM CONTACTING MY SECRET NETWORK OF SPIES ACROSS THE USA AND YOUR IP IS BEING TRACED RIGHT NOW SO YOU BETTER PREPARE FOR THE STORM, MAGGOT. THE STORM THAT WIPES OUT THE PATHETIC LITTLE THING YOU CALL YOUR LIFE. YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD, KID. I CAN BE ANYWHERE, ANYTIME, AND I CAN KILL YOU IN OVER SEVEN HUNDRED WAYS, AND THAT’S JUST WITH MY BARE HANDS. NOT ONLY AM I EXTENSIVELY TRAINED IN UNARMED COMBAT, BUT I HAVE ACCESS TO THE ENTIRE ARSENAL OF THE UNITED STATES MARINE CORPS AND I WILL USE IT TO ITS FULL EXTENT TO WIPE YOUR MISERABLE ASS OFF THE FACE OF THE CONTINENT, YOU LITTLE SHIT. IF ONLY YOU COULD HAVE KNOWN WHAT UNHOLY RETRIBUTION YOUR LITTLE “CLEVER” COMMENT WAS ABOUT TO BRING DOWN UPON YOU, MAYBE YOU WOULD HAVE HELD YOUR FUCKING TONGUE. BUT YOU COULDN’T, YOU DIDN’T, AND NOW YOU’RE PAYING THE PRICE, YOU GODDAMN IDIOT. I WILL SHIT FURY ALL OVER YOU AND YOU WILL DROWN IN IT. YOU’RE FUCKING DEAD, KIDDO.\r\n\r\nPROTIP: HIT THEM UNTIL THEY DIE", "LOADER_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "PAIN", "CROCO_BODY_NAME" : "Void Doggo", "CROCO_BODY_SUBTITLE": "The goodest of boys", "CROCO_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Poison", "CROCO_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "Harness the power of Ebola-chan", "CROCO_PASSIVE_ALT_NAME": "Wither", "CROCO_PASSIVE_ALT_DESCRIPTION": "Harness the power of Corona-chan", "CROCO_PRIMARY_NAME" : "Schwingy Claws", "CROCO_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Spam sprint to look dumb and deal slightly more damage", "CROCO_SECONDARY_NAME" : "Ptooey", "CROCO_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "I'm a range character, too!", "CROCO_SECONDARY_ALT_NAME" : "Monch", "CROCO_SECONDARY_ALT_DESCRIPTION" : "What you loose in range you gain in biting a guy in half", "CROCO_UTILITY_NAME" : "Good Shift", "CROCO_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Combine it with the Meat Hook for extra oomph", "CROCO_UTILITY_ALT1_NAME" : "Also Good Shift", "CROCO_UTILITY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Just fucking end them", "CROCO_SPECIAL_NAME" : "Plaguebringer Goliath", "CROCO_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Everybody gets poisoned, boi", "CROCO_DESCRIPTION" : "Good boi gets all the meats\r\n\r\nPROTIP: Get all the damage over time items. And Guillotine. Only pick up the Uke if you're dealing with swarms.", "CROCO_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Husky", "CAPTAIN_BODY_NAME": "Jack Sparrow", "CAPTAIN_BODY_SUBTITLE": "But you have heard of me", "CAPTAIN_PASSIVE_NAME": "Lil' Shooties", "CAPTAIN_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION": "This kills the Big Ben", "CAPTAIN_PRIMARY_NAME": "A Nerf Maverick REV-6", "CAPTAIN_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION": "If it's not Nerf now, it'll be Nerf later", "CAPTAIN_SECONDARY_NAME": "Paul Blart", "CAPTAIN_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION": "Mall Cop", "CAPTAIN_UTILITY_NAME": "Mortar", "CAPTAIN_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION": "Causes shell shock for PTSD% damage.", "CAPTAIN_SPECIAL_NAME": "Bacon", "CAPTAIN_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION": "Request a bacon. Bacon is not infinite.", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_HEAL_NAME": "Bootleg Bungus", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_HEAL_DESCRIPTION": "Is bad. Do not use.", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_SHOCKING_NAME": "Zippity Zap", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_SHOCKING_DESCRIPTION": "PAUL PAUL BLART, MALL COP. PAUL PAUL BLART, MALL COP.", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_EQUIPMENT_RESTOCK_NAME": "Oranges", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_EQUIPMENT_RESTOCK_DESCRIPTION": "Lets you recharge your citrus 3 times.", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_HACKING_NAME": "Piracy", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_HACKING_DESCRIPTION": "I wasn't gonna buy it anyway so it's a victimless crime.", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_DEFENSE_NAME": "Squeaky", "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_DEFENSE_DESCRIPTION": "Except it's not squeaky. It's Digiorno's.", "CAPTAIN_SKILL_USED_UP_NAME": "Nope", "CAPTAIN_SKILL_USED_UP_DESCRIPTION": "You done used 'em all, ya goof. No more bacon.", "CAPTAIN_SKILL_DISCONNECT_NAME": "Motherfucker", "CAPTAIN_SKILL_DISCONNECT_DESCRIPTION": "You expect me to call in orbital support HERE?", "CAPTAIN_DESCRIPTION": "\"You are, without doubt, the worst pirate I've ever heard of.\"\r\n\"But you have heard of me.\"\r\n\r\nPROTIP: You've got a jar of dirt.", "CAPTAIN_SKIN_ALT1_NAME": "Pimp My Captain", "BANDIT_BODY_NAME": "Rooty Tooty 2: Electric Boogaloo", "HAND_BODY_NAME": "Robo Smash", "ENFORCER_BODY_NAME": "Broken Enforcer Guy", "BOMBER_BODY_NAME": "Broken Bomber Guy", //[MONSTER] "BEETLE_BODY_NAME": "bug", "BEETLE_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Heckuva lotta beeble this time", "BEETLEGUARD_BODY_NAME": "Angery Slammer", "BEETLEGUARD_BODY_SUBTITLE": "This could be bad", "BISON_BODY_NAME" : "Moomoomoo", "BISON_BODY_SUBTITLE": "[muffled Lon Lon Ranch in the distance]", "GOLEM_BODY_NAME": "Rocky Boi", "GOLEM_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Clap clap clap clap clap", "WISP_BODY_NAME": "Skeeter", "WISP_BODY_SUBTITLE": "God dammit", "GREATERWISP_BODY_NAME": "Green Owwoww", "GREATERWISP_BODY_SUBTITLE": "MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE MOVE", "LEMURIAN_BODY_NAME": "Anorexic Barney the Dinosaur", "LEMURIAN_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Look out, they're gonna circle strafe", "LEMURIANBRUISER_BODY_NAME": "Flaming Lizardman", "LEMURIANBRUISER_BODY_SUBTITLE": "FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK", "IMP_BODY_NAME": "Juke Demon", "IMP_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Schwip schwip", "JELLYFISH_BODY_NAME": "Snackbar", "JELLYFISH_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Aloha", "HERMIT_CRAB_BODY_NAME" : "Depressed Pimple", "HERMIT_CRAB_BODY_SUBTITLE": "They go up", "BELL_BODY_NAME" : "Bing Bong", "BELL_BODY_SUBTITLE": "BONG BONG BONG", "CLAYBRUISER_BODY_NAME": "The Heavy from Team Fortress 2", "CLAYBRUISER_BODY_SUBTITLE": "I fear no man, but that... thing... he SCARES me", "VULTURE_BODY_NAME" : "Old Hag", "VULTURE_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Birb", "ROBOBALLMINI_BODY_NAME" : "Gamesphere", "ROBOBALLMINI_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Nemesis of Razorwire", "NULLIFIER_BODY_NAME" : "Whiterun Guard", "NULLIFIER_BODY_SUBTITLE": "You have committed crimes against Petrichor V and her people", "PARENT_BODY_NAME": "Pappy", "PARENT_BODY_SUBTITLE": "OH YES GIVE IT TO ME HARDER DADDY", "MINIMUSHROOM_BODY_NAME": "Toadstool", "MINIMUSHROOM_BODY_SUBTITLE": "O", "LUNARWISP_BODY_NAME": "Blue Douche", "LUNARWISP_BODY_SUBTITLE": "I'm blue!", "LUNARGOLEM_BODY_NAME": "Moondust Asshole", "LUNARGOLEM_BODY_SUBTITLE": "I'm blue!", //[BOSS] "BEETLEQUEEN_BODY_NAME": "Sexy Beeble Queen", "BEETLEQUEEN_BODY_SUBTITLE": "This suitcase full of BEES ought to help the situation", "CLAYBOSS_BODY_NAME": "Meatball Extravaganza", "CLAYBOSS_BODY_SUBTITLE": "G I V E G O O D S U C C", "TITAN_BODY_NAME": "A Bear", "TITAN_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Saskatoon, Saskatchewan", "TITANGOLD_BODY_NAME": "ZFG", "TITANGOLD_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Look at that sum of best", "VAGRANT_BODY_NAME": "King Jellyfish", "VAGRANT_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Off to scale Spork Mountain and die a horrible death", "MAGMAWORM_BODY_NAME": "Alaskan Bull Worm", "MAGMAWORM_BODY_SUBTITLE": "It's big, scary, and PINK", "ELECTRICWORM_BODY_NAME": "Devourer of Gods", "ELECTRICWORM_BODY_SUBTITLE": "YOU CAN'T KILL A GOD", "IMPBOSS_BODY_NAME": "The Demon from Doom", "IMPBOSS_BODY_SUBTITLE": "[BFG Division plays in the distance]", "GRAVEKEEPER_BODY_NAME": "Queen", "GRAVEKEEPER_BODY_SUBTITLE": "If I'm not back again this time tomorrow...", "ROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_NAME" : "Balls of Steel", "ROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Let God sort 'em out", "SUPERROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_NAME" : "Duke Nukem", "SUPERROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Where is it?", "SCAV_BODY_NAME" : "Backpack Cucked", "SCAV_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "\"I can't believe I'm being backpack-cucked by my best friend Jose!\"", "SCAVLUNAR1_BODY_NAME" : "The Grinch", "SCAVLUNAR2_BODY_NAME" : "Horton", "SCAVLUNAR3_BODY_NAME" : "Sam I Am", "SCAVLUNAR4_BODY_NAME" : "Green Eggs", "SCAVLUNAR_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "I do not like it", "GRANDPARENT_BODY_NAME": "The Biggest of Daddies", "GRANDPARENT_BODY_SUBTITLE": "\"Daddy, no!\"\n\"DADDY, YES!\"", "ARTIFACTSHELL_BODY_NAME": "The Mystery Machine", "ARTIFACTSHELL_BODY_DESCRIPTION": "Zoinks!", "BROTHER_BODY_NAME" : "Jimi Hendrix", "BROTHER_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "You ready for the Jimi Hendrix Experience?", //[DRONE] "DRONE_GUNNER_BODY_NAME": "Aggro Taker", "DRONE_HEALING_BODY_NAME": "Heelie Boi", "DRONE_BACKUP_BODY_NAME": "My Posse", "DRONE_MISSILE_BODY_NAME": "Good Boy", "DRONE_MEGA_BODY_NAME": "Clem", "EQUIPMENTDRONE_BODY_NAME" : "Quip", "FLAMEDRONE_BODY_NAME" : "Runs In And Dies", "EMERGENCYDRONE_BODY_NAME" : "Reallie Heelie Boi", //[INTERACTORS/BODY] "TURRET1_BODY_NAME": "Magma Worm Target", //[MISC] "ENGITURRET_BODY_NAME": "Fungus Chungus", "POT2_BODY_NAME": "Pot", "SQUIDTURRET_BODY_NAME": "Squilliam Fancyson", "POTMOBILE_BODY_NAME": "Potmobile", "SHOPKEEPER_BODY_NAME": "The GEICO Gecko", "URCHINTURRET_BODY_NAME" : "Buildin' a Sentry", "SKILL_LUNAR_PRIMARY_REPLACEMENT_NAME" : "Remorse", "SKILL_LUNAR_PRIMARY_REPLACEMENT_DESCRIPTION" : "Regret picking up Visions for 120% damage.", "SKILL_LUNAR_UTILITY_REPLACEMENT_NAME" : "Also Remorse", "SKILL_LUNAR_UTILITY_REPLACEMENT_DESCRIPTION" : "Fade away, becoming disappointed and sad. Heal for 25% of your maximum health.", "MAULINGROCK_BODY_NAME": "Is That a Rock?", "TIMECRYSTAL_BODY_NAME": "Crystal Purple Drank", "SKILL_GENERIC_CANCEL_NAME": "Maybe Don't", "SKILL_GENERIC_CANCEL_DESCRIPTION": "Perhaps another day.", } }