{ strings: { "LOGBOOK" : "Logbook", "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_ITEMANDEQUIPMENT" : "Item & Equipment", "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_ITEM" : "Item", "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_EQUIPMENT" : "Equipment", "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_ACHIEVEMENTS" : "Challenge", "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_MONSTER" : "Monster", "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_STAGE" : "Environment", "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_SURVIVOR" : "Survivor", "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_FRAGMENT" : "Fragment", "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_LOG" : "Find this item in the world to unlock this log entry.", "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_MONSTER" : "Defeat this monster for a chance to unlock this log entry.", "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_STAGE" : "Find and repair a Radar Tower in the stage to unlock this log entry.", "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_SURVIVOR" : "Play the game with this survivor to unlock this log entry.", "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_FRAGMENT" : "This log entry has an unknown unlock condition.", "LOGBOOK_HOVER_DESCRIPTION_FORMAT" : "[ {0} ]\n\n{1}", "LOGBOOK_ZOOMINOUT" : "Zoom Out/In", "LOGBOOK_ROTATE" : "Rotate", "LOGBOOK_PAN" : "Pan", } }