diff --git a/Achievements.txt b/Achievements.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b9cd9f3 --- /dev/null +++ b/Achievements.txt @@ -0,0 +1,322 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED_MESSAGE": "{0} achieved {1}", + "ACHIEVEMENT_UNLOCKED_MESSAGE_2P": "You achieved {1}", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOGCOLLECTOR_NAME": "Bookworm", + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOGCOLLECTOR_DESCRIPTION": "Collect 10 Monster or Environment Logs.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_ATTACKSPEED_NAME": "Rapidfire", + "ACHIEVEMENT_ATTACKSPEED_DESCRIPTION": "Reach +200% attack speed.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_STAYALIVE1_NAME": "The Lone Survivor", + "ACHIEVEMENT_STAYALIVE1_DESCRIPTION": "Stay alive for 30 consecutive minutes.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_HARDHITTER_NAME": "Macho", + "ACHIEVEMENT_HARDHITTER_DESCRIPTION": "Deal 5000 damage in one shot.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CARRYLUNARITEMS_NAME": "Moon Worshipper", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CARRYLUNARITEMS_DESCRIPTION": "Carry 5 Lunar items in a single run.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CHARGETELEPORTERWHILENEARDEATH_NAME": "Glorious Battle", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CHARGETELEPORTERWHILENEARDEATH_DESCRIPTION": "Charge the Teleporter with less than 10% health.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEMULTIBOSSSHRINE_NAME": "Ascendant", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEMULTIBOSSSHRINE_DESCRIPTION": "Defeat the Teleporter bosses after activating 2 Shrines of the Mountain.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETETELEPORTER_NAME": "Advancement", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETETELEPORTER_DESCRIPTION": "Complete a Teleporter event.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETETHREESTAGES_NAME": "Warrior", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETETHREESTAGES_DESCRIPTION" : "Reach and complete the 3rd Teleporter event without dying.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_DIE5TIMES_NAME": "Learning Process", + "ACHIEVEMENT_DIE5TIMES_DESCRIPTION": "Die 5 times.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_DISCOVER5EQUIPMENT_NAME": "Experimenting", + "ACHIEVEMENT_DISCOVER5EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION": "Pick up 5 different types of Equipment.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETE20STAGES_NAME": "The Long Road", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETE20STAGES_DESCRIPTION": "Complete 20 stages in a single run.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_HARDELITEBOSSKILL_NAME": "Deicide", + "ACHIEVEMENT_HARDELITEBOSSKILL_DESCRIPTION": "Defeat an Elite boss on Monsoon difficulty.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLTOTALENEMIES_NAME": "Slaughter", + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLTOTALENEMIES_DESCRIPTION": "Defeat 3000 enemies.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLELITEMONSTER_NAME": "Elite Slayer", + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLELITEMONSTER_DESCRIPTION": "Defeat an Elite-type monster.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_REPEATFIRSTTELEPORTER_NAME": "Verified", + "ACHIEVEMENT_REPEATFIRSTTELEPORTER_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the first Teleporter event 5 times.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAXHEALINGSHRINE_NAME": "One with the Woods", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAXHEALINGSHRINE_DESCRIPTION": "Fully upgrade a Shrine of the Woods.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOTALDRONESREPAIRED_NAME": "Mechanic", + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOTALDRONESREPAIRED_DESCRIPTION": "Repair 30 drones or turrets.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOTALMONEYCOLLECTED_NAME": "Funded!", + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOTALMONEYCOLLECTED_DESCRIPTION": "Collect $30,480 total gold.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_FINDTIMEDCHEST_NAME": "[REDACTED]", + "ACHIEVEMENT_FINDTIMEDCHEST_DESCRIPTION": "Open the Timed Security Chest on Rallypoint Delta.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_SUICIDEHERMITCRABS_NAME": "The Demons And The Crabs", + "ACHIEVEMENT_SUICIDEHERMITCRABS_DESCRIPTION": "Kill 20 Hermit Crabs by chasing them off the edge of the map.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAJORMULTIKILL_NAME": "Multikill!", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAJORMULTIKILL_DESCRIPTION": "Kill 15 enemies simultaneously.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEPRISMATICTRIAL_NAME": "Prismatically Aligned", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEPRISMATICTRIAL_DESCRIPTION": "Complete a Prismatic Trial.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLELEMENTALLEMURIANS_NAME": "Death Do Us Part", + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLELEMENTALLEMURIANS_DESCRIPTION": "Discover the hidden chamber in the Abandoned Aqueduct.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_FREEMAGE_NAME": "Pause.", + "ACHIEVEMENT_FREEMAGE_DESCRIPTION": "Free the survivor suspended in time.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_FINDUNIQUENEWTSTATUES_NAME" : "Newtist", + "ACHIEVEMENT_FINDUNIQUENEWTSTATUES_DESCRIPTION" : "Discover and activate 8 unique Newt Altars.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEUNKNOWNENDING_NAME" : "True Respite", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEUNKNOWNENDING_DESCRIPTION" : "Obliterate yourself at the Obelisk..", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETETELEPORTERWITHOUTINJURY_NAME" : "Flawless", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETETELEPORTERWITHOUTINJURY_DESCRIPTION" : "Fully charge a Teleporter without getting hit.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MOVESPEED_NAME" : "Going Fast Recommended", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MOVESPEED_DESCRIPTION" : "Reach +300% movespeed (includes sprinting).", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_DISCOVER10UNIQUETIER1_NAME" : "The Basics", + "ACHIEVEMENT_DISCOVER10UNIQUETIER1_DESCRIPTION" : "Discover 10 unique white items.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_FAILSHRINECHANCE_NAME" : "\"Is This Bugged?\"", + "ACHIEVEMENT_FAILSHRINECHANCE_DESCRIPTION" : "Fail the Shrine of Chance 3 times in a row.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOOPONCE_NAME" : "Deja Vu?", + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOOPONCE_DESCRIPTION" : "Loop back to the first stage.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_REPEATEDLYDUPLICATEITEMS_NAME" : "...Maybe One More.", + "ACHIEVEMENT_REPEATEDLYDUPLICATEITEMS_DESCRIPTION" : "Duplicate the same item 7 times in a row with a 3D Printer.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLBOSSQUICK_NAME" : "Keyed Up", + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLBOSSQUICK_DESCRIPTION" : "Defeat the Teleporter boss under 15 seconds.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETETHREESTAGESWITHOUTHEALING_NAME" : "Naturopath", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETETHREESTAGESWITHOUTHEALING_DESCRIPTION" : "Without healing, reach and complete the 3rd Teleporter event.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_FINDDEVILALTAR_NAME": "Her Concepts", + "ACHIEVEMENT_FINDDEVILALTAR_DESCRIPTION": "Find the Altar to N'kuhana.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_FINDCLAYDOLLS_NAME": "Lunar Omens", + "ACHIEVEMENT_FINDCLAYDOLLS_DESCRIPTION": "Find 10 Clay Dolls. This achievement is currently unimplemented. ", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETE30STAGESCAREER_NAME": "Engineering Perfection", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETE30STAGESCAREER_DESCRIPTION": "Complete 30 stages.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLGOLDTITANINONECYCLE_NAME": "Blackout", + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLGOLDTITANINONECYCLE_DESCRIPTION": "Defeat the unique guardian of Gilded Coast without any beacons deactivating.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLELITESMILESTONE_NAME": "Cut Down", + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLELITESMILESTONE_DESCRIPTION": "Defeat 500 elite monsters.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MULTICOMBATSHRINE_NAME": "Warmonger", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MULTICOMBATSHRINE_DESCRIPTION": "Complete 3 Combat Shrines in a single stage.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_USETHREEPORTALS_NAME": "Cosmic Explorer", + "ACHIEVEMENT_USETHREEPORTALS_DESCRIPTION": "Discover and enter three unique portals.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_RESCUETREEBOT_NAME": "Power Plant", + "ACHIEVEMENT_RESCUETREEBOT_DESCRIPTION": "Repair the broken robot with an Escape Pod's Fuel Array.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMMANDOKILLOVERLOADINGWORM_NAME": "Commando: Rolling Thunder", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMMANDOKILLOVERLOADINGWORM_DESCRIPTION": "As Commando, land the killing blow on an Overloading Worm.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOOLBOTGUARDTELEPORTER_NAME": "MUL-T: Pest Control", + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOOLBOTGUARDTELEPORTER_DESCRIPTION": "As MUL-T, defeat two Beetle Queens without leaving the teleporter zone.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOOLBOTKILLIMPBOSSWITHBFG_NAME": "MUL-T: Gotcha!", + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOOLBOTKILLIMPBOSSWITHBFG_DESCRIPTION": "As MUL-T, land the killing blow on an Imp Overlord with the Preon Accumulator.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MERCDONTTOUCHGROUND_NAME": "Mercenary: Demon of the Skies", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MERCDONTTOUCHGROUND_DESCRIPTION": "As Mercenary, don't touch the ground for 30 seconds.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MERCCOMPLETETRIALWITHFULLHEALTH_NAME": "Mercenary: Ethereal", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MERCCOMPLETETRIALWITHFULLHEALTH_DESCRIPTION": "As Mercenary, complete a Prismatic Trial without falling below 100% health.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_HUNTRESSMAINTAINFULLHEALTHONFROZENWALL_NAME": "Huntress: Piercing Wind", + "ACHIEVEMENT_HUNTRESSMAINTAINFULLHEALTHONFROZENWALL_DESCRIPTION": "As Huntress, start and finish either Rallypoint Delta or Scorched Acres without falling below 100% health.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_HUNTRESSCOLLECTCROWBARS_NAME": "Huntress: One Shot, One Kill", + "ACHIEVEMENT_HUNTRESSCOLLECTCROWBARS_DESCRIPTION": "As Huntress, collect and carry 12 Crowbars at once.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_ENGIARMY_NAME": "Engineer: Better With Friends", + "ACHIEVEMENT_ENGIARMY_DESCRIPTION": "As Engineer, recruit 12 minions at one time.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_TREEBOTLOWHEALTHTELEPORTER_NAME": "REX: Bushwhacked", + "ACHIEVEMENT_TREEBOTLOWHEALTHTELEPORTER_DESCRIPTION": "As REX, complete an entire teleporter event while under 50% health.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAGEFASTBOSS_NAME": "Artificer: Chunked!", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAGEFASTBOSS_DESCRIPTION": "As Artificer, fully defeat the teleporter boss in a one-second burst of damage.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAGEAIRBORNEMULTIKILL_NAME": "Artificer: Orbital Bombardment", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAGEAIRBORNEMULTIKILL_DESCRIPTION": "As Artificer, kill 15 enemies before touching the ground.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAGEMULTIKILL_NAME": "Artificer: Massacre", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAGEMULTIKILL_DESCRIPTION": "As Artificer, perform a multikill of 20 enemies.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_BURNTODEATH_NAME": "Warm For Life", + "ACHIEVEMENT_BURNTODEATH_DESCRIPTION": "Die three times while burning.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_ENGIKILLBOSSQUICK_NAME": "Engineer: 100% Calculated", + "ACHIEVEMENT_ENGIKILLBOSSQUICK_DESCRIPTION": "As Engineer, defeat the teleporter boss in less than 5 seconds after it spawns.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_TREEBOTDUNKCLAYBOSS_NAME": "REX: Dunked", + "ACHIEVEMENT_TREEBOTDUNKCLAYBOSS_DESCRIPTION": "As REX, kill a Clay Dunestrider on Abandoned Aqueduct by throwing it into a pit.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOADERSPEEDRUN_NAME": "Loader: Swing By", + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOADERSPEEDRUN_DESCRIPTION": "As Loader, reach and proceed through the Celestial Portal in 25 minutes or less.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMMANDONONLUNARENDURANCE_NAME": "Commando: Incorruptible", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMMANDONONLUNARENDURANCE_DESCRIPTION": "As Commando, clear 20 stages in a single run without picking up any Lunar items.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMMANDOCLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "Commando: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMMANDOCLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As Commando, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOOLBOTCLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "MUL-T: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_TOOLBOTCLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As MUL-T, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_HUNTRESSCLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "Huntress: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_HUNTRESSCLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As Huntress, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAGECLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "Artificer: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MAGECLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As Artificer, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_MERCCLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "Mercenary: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_MERCCLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As Mercenary, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_TREEBOTCLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "REX: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_TREEBOTCLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As REX, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOADERCLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "Loader: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOADERCLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As Loader, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CROCOCLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "Acrid: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CROCOCLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As Acrid, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_ENGICLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "Engineer: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_ENGICLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As Engineer, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CAPTAINCLEARGAMEMONSOON_NAME": "Captain: Mastery", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CAPTAINCLEARGAMEMONSOON_DESCRIPTION": "As Captain, beat the game or obliterate on Monsoon.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLBOSSQUANTITYINRUN_NAME": "Blockade Breaker", + "ACHIEVEMENT_KILLBOSSQUANTITYINRUN_DESCRIPTION": "Kill 15 boss monsters in a single run.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEATSUPERROBOBALLBOSS_NAME": "Guidance Offline", + "ACHIEVEMENT_DEFEATSUPERROBOBALLBOSS_DESCRIPTION": "Defeat the unique guardian of Siren's Call.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_BEATARENA_NAME": "...To Be Left Alone", + "ACHIEVEMENT_BEATARENA_DESCRIPTION": "Stabilize the Cell in the Void Fields.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOADERBIGSLAM_NAME": "Loader: Earthshatter", + "ACHIEVEMENT_LOADERBIGSLAM_DESCRIPTION": "As Loader, land a Charged Gauntlet hit at 300mph or higher.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CROCOTOTALINFECTIONSMILESTONE_NAME": "Acrid: Pandemic", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CROCOTOTALINFECTIONSMILESTONE_DESCRIPTION": "As Acrid, inflict Poison 1000 total times.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_AUTOMATIONACTIVATION_NAME": "Automation Activation", + "ACHIEVEMENT_AUTOMATIONACTIVATION_DESCRIPTION": "Activate 6 turrets in a single run.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CLEANUPDUTY_NAME": "Cleanup Duty", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CLEANUPDUTY_DESCRIPTION": "Destroy 20 flying rocks in Sky Meadow.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_NEVERBACKDOWN_NAME": "Never Back Down", + "ACHIEVEMENT_NEVERBACKDOWN_DESCRIPTION": "In 4 consecutive stages don\u2019t leave the teleporter radius until it is fully charged.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTBOMB_NAME": "Trial of Spite", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTBOMB_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Spite.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTCOMMAND_NAME": "Trial of Command", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTCOMMAND_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Command.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTELITEONLY_NAME": "Trial of Honor", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTELITEONLY_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Honor.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTENIGMA_NAME": "Trial of Enigma", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTENIGMA_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Enigma.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTFRIENDLYFIRE_NAME": "Trial of Chaos", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTFRIENDLYFIRE_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Chaos.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTGLASS_NAME": "Trial of Glass", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTGLASS_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Glass.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTMIXENEMY_NAME": "Trial of Dissonance", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTMIXENEMY_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Dissonance.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTMONSTERTEAMGAINSITEMS_NAME": "Trial of Evolution", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTMONSTERTEAMGAINSITEMS_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Evolution.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTRANDOMSURVIVORONRESPAWN_NAME": "Trial of Metamorphosis", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTRANDOMSURVIVORONRESPAWN_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Metamorphosis.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTSACRIFICE_NAME": "Trial of Sacrifice", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTSACRIFICE_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Sacrifice.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTSHADOWCLONE_NAME": "Trial of Vengeance", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTSHADOWCLONE_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Vengeance.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTSINGLEMONSTERTYPE_NAME": "Trial of Kin", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTSINGLEMONSTERTYPE_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Kin.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTSWARMS_NAME": "Trial of Swarms", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTSWARMS_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Swarms.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTTEAMDEATH_NAME": "Trial of Death", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTTEAMDEATH_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Death.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTWEAKASSKNEES_NAME": "Trial of Frailty", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTWEAKASSKNEES_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Frailty.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTWISPONDEATH_NAME": "Trial of Soul", + "ACHIEVEMENT_OBTAINARTIFACTWISPONDEATH_DESCRIPTION": "Complete the Trial of Soul.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMMANDOFASTFIRSTSTAGECLEAR_NAME": "Commando: Godspeed", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMMANDOFASTFIRSTSTAGECLEAR_DESCRIPTION": "As Commando, fully charge the first-stage teleporter before the timer hits 5 minutes.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CROCOKILLSCAVENGER_NAME": "Acrid: Bad Medicine", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CROCOKILLSCAVENGER_DESCRIPTION": "As Acrid, land the final blow on a Scavenger.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_HUNTRESSALLGLAIVEBOUNCESKILL_NAME": "Huntress: Finishing Touch", + "ACHIEVEMENT_HUNTRESSALLGLAIVEBOUNCESKILL_DESCRIPTION": "As Huntress, land a killing blow with every possible hit of a single glaive.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CROCOKILLWEAKENEMIESMILESTONE_NAME": "Acrid: Easy Prey", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CROCOKILLWEAKENEMIESMILESTONE_DESCRIPTION": "As Acrid, land the killing blow on 50 total enemies that have 1 hit point left.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_ENGICLEARTELEPORTERWITHZEROMONSTERS_NAME": "Engineer: Zero Sum", + "ACHIEVEMENT_ENGICLEARTELEPORTERWITHZEROMONSTERS_DESCRIPTION": "As Engineer, finish charging the teleporter with zero monsters remaining on the stage.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_DIE20TIMES_NAME": "I Love Dying!", + "ACHIEVEMENT_DIE20TIMES_DESCRIPTION": "Die 20 times.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEMAINENDING_NAME": "Washed Away", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEMAINENDING_DESCRIPTION": "Beat the game.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEMAINENDINGHARD_NAME": "The Calm", + "ACHIEVEMENT_COMPLETEMAINENDINGHARD_DESCRIPTION": "Beat the game on Monsoon difficulty.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CAPTAINBUYMEGADRONE_NAME": "Captain: Worth Every Penny", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CAPTAINBUYMEGADRONE_DESCRIPTION": "As Captain, repair and recruit a TC-280 Prototype.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT_CAPTAINVISITSEVERALSTAGES_NAME": "Captain: Wanderlust", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CAPTAINVISITSEVERALSTAGES_DESCRIPTION": "As Captain, visit 10 different environments in a single run.", + + "ACHIEVEMENT__NAME": "", + "ACHIEVEMENT__DESCRIPTION": "", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Artifacts.txt b/Artifacts.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e61aafc --- /dev/null +++ b/Artifacts.txt @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "ARTIFACT_GLASS_NAME": "Artifact of Glass", + "ARTIFACT_GLASS_DESCRIPTION" : "Allies deal 500% damage, but have 10% health.", + + "ARTIFACT_BOMB_NAME" : "Artifact of Spite", + "ARTIFACT_BOMB_DESCRIPTION" : "Enemies drop multiple exploding bombs on death.", + + "ARTIFACT_ENIGMA_NAME" : "Artifact of Enigma", + "ARTIFACT_ENIGMA_DESCRIPTION" : "Spawn with a random equipment that changes every time it's activated.", + + "ARTIFACT_SACRIFICE_NAME" : "Artifact of Sacrifice", + "ARTIFACT_SACRIFICE_DESCRIPTION" : "Monsters drop items on death, but Chests no longer spawn.", + + "ARTIFACT_SPIRIT_NAME" : "Artifact of Spirit", + "ARTIFACT_SPIRIT_DESCRIPTION" : "All characters move faster at lower health.", + + "ARTIFACT_RANDOMSURVIVORONRESPAWN_NAME": "Artifact of Metamorphosis", + "ARTIFACT_RANDOMSURVIVORONRESPAWN_DESCRIPTION": "Players always spawn as a random survivor.", + + "ARTIFACT_WEAKASSKNEES_NAME": "Artifact of Frailty", + "ARTIFACT_WEAKASSKNEES_DESCRIPTION": "Fall damage is doubled and lethal.", + + "ARTIFACT_WISPONDEATH_NAME": "Artifact of Soul", + "ARTIFACT_WISPONDEATH_DESCRIPTION": "Wisps emerge from defeated monsters.", + + "ARTIFACT_ELITEONLY_NAME": "Artifact of Honor", + "ARTIFACT_ELITEONLY_DESCRIPTION": "Enemies can only spawn as elites.", + + "ARTIFACT_SINGLEMONSTERTYPE_NAME": "Artifact of Kin", + "ARTIFACT_SINGLEMONSTERTYPE_DESCRIPTION": "Monsters will be of only one type per stage.", + + "ARTIFACT_MIXENEMY_NAME": "Artifact of Dissonance", + "ARTIFACT_MIXENEMY_DESCRIPTION": "Monsters can appear outside their usual environments.", + + "ARTIFACT_SHADOWCLONE_NAME": "Artifact of Vengeance", + "ARTIFACT_SHADOWCLONE_DESCRIPTION": "Your relentless doppelganger will invade every 10 minutes.", + + "ARTIFACT_TEAMDEATH_NAME": "Artifact of Death", + "ARTIFACT_TEAMDEATH_DESCRIPTION": "When one player dies, everyone dies. Enable only if you want to truly put your teamwork and individual skill to the ultimate test.", + "ARTIFACT_TEAMDEATH_DEATHMESSAGE": "{0}'s death ripples forth.", + "ARTIFACT_TEAMDEATH_DEATHMESSAGE_2P": "Your demise has catastrophic effect.", + + "ARTIFACT_SWARMS_NAME": "Artifact of Swarms", + "ARTIFACT_SWARMS_DESCRIPTION": "Monster spawns are doubled, but monster maximum health is halved.", + + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_NAME": "Artifact of Command", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION": "Choose your items.", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_CUBE_INTERACTION_PROMPT": "Open", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_INTERACTION_HEADER" : "What is your Command?", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_CUBE_WHITE_NAME" : "White Command Essence", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_CUBE_GREEN_NAME" : "Green Command Essence", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_CUBE_RED_NAME" : "Red Command Essence", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_CUBE_YELLOW_NAME" : "Yellow Command Essence", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_CUBE_ORANGE_NAME" : "Orange Command Essence", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_CUBE_BLUE_NAME" : "Blue Command Essence", + "ARTIFACT_COMMAND_CUBE_UNKNOWN_NAME" : "Unknown Command Essence", + + "ARTIFACT_MONSTERTEAMGAINSITEMS_NAME": "Artifact of Evolution", + "ARTIFACT_MONSTERTEAMGAINSITEMS_DESCRIPTION": "Monsters gain items between stages.", + + "ARTIFACT_FRIENDLYFIRE_NAME": "Artifact of Chaos", + "ARTIFACT_FRIENDLYFIRE_DESCRIPTION": "Friendly fire is enabled for both survivors and monsters alike.", + + "ARTIFACT_NONE_NAME" : "Disable Artifact", + "ARTIFACT_NONE_DESCRIPTION" : "Disables the selected Artifact.", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CharacterBodies.txt b/CharacterBodies.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..d9271b3 --- /dev/null +++ b/CharacterBodies.txt @@ -0,0 +1,347 @@ +{ + strings: + { + //[NULL] + "NULL_SUBTITLE": "Horde of Many", + "DEFAULT_SKIN" : "Default", + + "ELITE_MODIFIER_FIRE": "Blazing {0}", + "ELITE_MODIFIER_LIGHTNING": "Overloading {0}", + "ELITE_MODIFIER_ICE": "Glacial {0}", + "ELITE_MODIFIER_POISON" : "Malachite {0}", + "ELITE_MODIFIER_HAUNTED" : "Celestine {0}", + + "BODY_MODIFIER_DOPPELGANGER": "Umbra of {0}", + + //[CHARACTER] + "COMMANDO_BODY_NAME": "Commando", + "COMMANDO_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Cornered Gunslinger", + "COMMANDO_PRIMARY_NAME": "Double Tap", + "COMMANDO_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Shoot twice for 2x90% damage.", + "COMMANDO_SECONDARY_NAME": "Phase Round", + "COMMANDO_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire a piercing bullet that hits all enemies in a line for 300% damage. Goes through terrain.", + "COMMANDO_SECONDARY_ALT1_NAME": "Phase Blast", + "COMMANDO_SECONDARY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire two close-range blasts that deal 8x200% damage total.", + "COMMANDO_UTILITY_NAME": "Tactical Dive", + "COMMANDO_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Roll a short distance.", + "COMMANDO_UTILITY_ALT_NAME": "Tactical Slide", + "COMMANDO_UTILITY_ALT_DESCRIPTION" : "Slide on the ground for a short distance. You can fire while sliding.", + "COMMANDO_SPECIAL_NAME": "Suppressive Fire", + "COMMANDO_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Stunning. Fire repeatedly for 100% damage per bullet. The number of shots increases with attack speed.", + "COMMANDO_SPECIAL_ALT1_NAME": "Frag Grenade", + "COMMANDO_SPECIAL_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Throw a grenade that explodes for 175% damage. Deals 4x damage in the center of the explosion. Can hold up to 2.", + + "COMMANDO_DESCRIPTION": "The Commando is a jack-of-all-trades character that is reliable in all situations of the game. \r\n\r\n< ! > Double Tap is powerful at both short and long range, firing quickly and activating many item effects.\r\n\r\n< ! > Effective use of his Tactical Dive is key to dodging heavily telegraphed attacks.\r\n\r\n< ! > Suppressive Fire can be used to repeatedly stun a single enemy, or stun a group.\r\n\r\n< ! > Phase Rounds can pass through walls - use that to your advantage!\r\n<\/style>\r\n", + "COMMANDO_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Hornet", + + "MERC_BODY_NAME": "Mercenary", + "MERC_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Hired Blade", + "MERC_PRIMARY_NAME": "Laser Sword", + "MERC_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Agile. Slice in front for 130% damage. Every 3rd hit strikes in a greater area and Exposes enemies.", + "MERC_SECONDARY_NAME": "Whirlwind", + "MERC_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Quickly slice horizontally twice, dealing 2x200% damage. If airborne, slice vertically instead.", + "MERC_SECONDARY_ALT1_NAME": "Rising Thunder", + "MERC_SECONDARY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Unleash a slicing uppercut, dealing 450% damage and sending you airborne.", + "MERC_UTILITY_NAME": "Blinding Assault", + "MERC_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Stunning. Dash forward, dealing 300% damage. If you hit an enemy, you can dash again, up to 3 total.", + "MERC_SPECIAL_NAME": "Eviscerate", + "MERC_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Target the nearest enemy, attacking them for 110% damage repeatedly. You cannot be hit for the duration.", + "MERC_SPECIAL_ALT1_NAME": "Slicing Winds", + "MERC_SPECIAL_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire a wind of blades that attack up to 3 enemies for 8x100% damage. The last hit Exposes enemies.", + + "MERC_DESCRIPTION" : "The Mercenary is a high skill melee survivor that uses his many dodges to weave in and out of combat.\r\n\r\n< ! > Whirlwind's air variation can be used like an extra jump in a pinch.\r\n\r\n< ! > Getting repeated resets on Blinding Assault is key to increasing both survivability and damage output. However, you do not always need to try for resets \u2013 it may result in your death.\r\n\r\n< ! > Remember that Eviscerate is an extremely powerful defensive tool to dodge telegraphed attacks.\r\n\r\n< ! > Laser Sword deals a ton of damage in a wide area, which is unique for a basic attack.\r\n<\/style>\r\n", + "MERC_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Cybernetic Enhancements", + "MERC_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "The Mercenary can jump twice.", + "MERC_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Oni", + + "ENGI_BODY_NAME": "Engineer", + "ENGI_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Fortification Expert", + "ENGI_PRIMARY_NAME": "Bouncing Grenades", + "ENGI_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Charge up to 8 grenades that deal 100% damage each.", + "ENGI_SECONDARY_NAME": "Pressure Mines", + "ENGI_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Place a two-stage mine that deals 300% damage, or 900% damage if fully armed. Can place up to 4.", + "ENGI_SPIDERMINE_NAME": "Spider Mines", + "ENGI_SPIDERMINE_DESCRIPTION": "Place a robot mine that deals 600% damage when an enemy walks nearby. Can place up to 4.", + "ENGI_UTILITY_NAME": "Bubble Shield", + "ENGI_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Place an impenetrable shield that blocks all incoming damage.", + "ENGI_SPECIAL_NAME": "TR12 Gauss Auto-Turret", + "ENGI_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Place a turret that inherits all your items. Fires a cannon for 100% damage. Can place up to 2.", + "ENGI_SPECIAL_ALT1_NAME": "TR58 Carbonizer Turret", + "ENGI_SPECIAL_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Place a mobile turret that inherits all your items. Fires a laser for 200% damage per second that slows enemies. Can place up to 2.", + "ENGI_SKILL_HARPOON_NAME": "Thermal Harpoons", + "ENGI_SKILL_HARPOON_DESCRIPTION": "Enter target painting mode to launch heat-seeking harpoons that deal 500% damage each. Can store up to 4.", + "ENGI_SKILL_HARPOON_FLAVOR_FULLYARMED" : "TARGETS ACQUIRED - READY TO FIRE", + "ENGI_SKILL_PAINT_NAME" : "Paint Target", + "ENGI_SKILL_PAINT_DESCRIPTION" : "Hold down to paint targets for your Thermal Harpoons.", + "ENGI_DESCRIPTION": "The Engineer is a unique class that requires planning and positioning to be successful.\r\n\r\n< ! > Placing mines ahead of time can help cover flanks and tight corridors. \r\n\r\n< ! > The Engineer relies heavily on his Gauss Turrets - remember to place them in a location that is both safe and advantageous.\r\n \r\n< ! > His Bubble Shield can be a powerful tool against heavily telegraphed boss attacks - and it can protect your allies as well!\r\n\r\n< ! > Bouncing Grenades, while powerful, has a hard time hitting mobile targets. Try to keep your Turrets alive to deal with fast or flying monsters.\r\n<\/style>\r\n", + "ENGI_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "EOD Tech", + + "HUNTRESS_BODY_NAME": "Huntress", + "HUNTRESS_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Judge, Jury, Executioner", + "HUNTRESS_PRIMARY_NAME": "Strafe", + "HUNTRESS_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Agile. Quickly fire a seeking arrow for 150% damage.", + "HUNTRESS_PRIMARY_ALT_NAME": "Flurry", + "HUNTRESS_PRIMARY_ALT_DESCRIPTION" : "Agile. Draw back a volley of 3 seeking arrows for 3x100% damage. Critical Strikes fire 6 arrows.", + "HUNTRESS_SECONDARY_NAME": "Laser Glaive", + "HUNTRESS_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Throw a seeking glaive that bounces up to 6 times for 250% damage. Damage increases by 10% per bounce.", + "HUNTRESS_UTILITY_NAME": "Blink", + "HUNTRESS_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Disappear and teleport forward.", + "HUNTRESS_UTILITY_ALT1_NAME": "Phase Blink", + "HUNTRESS_UTILITY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Agile. Disappear and teleport a short distance. Can store up to 3 charges.", + "HUNTRESS_SPECIAL_NAME": "Arrow Rain", + "HUNTRESS_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Teleport into the sky. Target an area to rain arrows, slowing all enemies and dealing 225% damage per second.", + "HUNTRESS_SPECIAL_ALT1_NAME": "Ballista", + "HUNTRESS_SPECIAL_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Teleport backwards into the sky. Fire up to 3 energy bolts, dealing 3x900% damage.", + "HUNTRESS_DESCRIPTION": "The Huntress is an extremely mobile but fragile survivor with a high damage output. \r\n\r\n< ! > Remember that Strafe can be uniquely used while sprinting, allowing you to move at high speeds while still taking out potential threats.\r\n\r\n< ! > Blink and Arrow Rain can be used to reposition closer or used as a dodge in a tight spot.\r\n\r\n< ! > Laser Glaive will take out pairs of tough targets quickly as it bounces between the two. \r\n\r\n< ! > Arrow Rain has extremely high damage output and also slows enemies inside, making it great for tough, fast enemies.<\/style>\r\n", + "HUNTRESS_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Arctic", + "HUNTRESS_BODY_LORE" : "She gracefully jumped off the roof of the building, plummeting to the alley below. She rolled into a handspring, vaulting through a broken window into the abandoned warehouse inside. Years of navigating the streets kept her body strong - and her mind sharp.\r\n\r\nShe held her breathe as police ran past, looking for the jewel thief. She may have to maintain this position for a few hours - but she\u2019s used to it.\r\n\r\nAmiera was infamous in this city \u2013 and for her infamy, she racked up a significant bounty. Was it thirty-thousand credits now? Forty? She let out a small smile. That bounty was nothing compared to the treasure she held in her hands. This jewel could sell for a million credits - no, more. Tens of millions. This was one of the last few prismatic amethysts still left in the world. She clutched the stone closer to her chest.\r\n\r\nThe police seemed persistent this time. Amiera was fine with that - all she had to do was wait. She slowed down the pace of her breathing - she may be here for a few days.\r\n\r\nAt least, that\u2019s what she thought - before a flurry of laser arrows pierced her brain, killing her instantly.\r\n\r\n//-----------------------------------//\r\n\r\n$20,00 CREDITS HAVE BEEN DEPOSITED TO YOUR ACCOUNT\r\n\r\nGOOD HUNTING", + + "MAGE_BODY_NAME": "Artificer", + "MAGE_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Herald of the House Beyond", + "MAGE_PASSIVE_NAME" : "ENV Suit", + "MAGE_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "Holding the Jump key causes the Artificer to hover in the air.", + "MAGE_PRIMARY_FIRE_NAME" : "Flame Bolt", + "MAGE_PRIMARY_FIRE_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire a bolt for 220% damage that ignites enemies. Hold up to 4.", + "MAGE_PRIMARY_LIGHTNING_NAME" : "Plasma Bolt", + "MAGE_PRIMARY_LIGHTNING_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire a bolt for 220% damage that explodes in a small area. Hold up to 4.", + "MAGE_SECONDARY_LIGHTNING_NAME": "Charged Nano-Bomb", + "MAGE_SECONDARY_LIGHTNING_DESCRIPTION" : "Stunning. Charge up a exploding nano-bomb that deals 400%-2000% damage.", + "MAGE_SECONDARY_ICE_NAME": "Cast Nano-Spear", + "MAGE_SECONDARY_ICE_DESCRIPTION" : "Freezing. Charge up a piercing nano-spear that deals 400%-1200% damage.", + "MAGE_UTILITY_ICE_NAME": "Snapfreeze", + "MAGE_UTILITY_ICE_DESCRIPTION" : "Freezing. Create a barrier that hurts enemies for 100% damage.", + "MAGE_SPECIAL_FIRE_NAME": "Flamethrower", + "MAGE_SPECIAL_FIRE_DESCRIPTION" : "Burn all enemies in front of you for 1700% damage.", + "MAGE_SPECIAL_LIGHTNING_NAME" : "Ion Surge", + "MAGE_SPECIAL_LIGHTNING_DESCRIPTION" : "Stunning. Burst into the sky, dealing 800% damage.", + "MAGE_DESCRIPTION": "The Artificer is a high burst damage survivor who excels in fighting large groups and bosses alike. \r\n\r\n< ! > Flame Bolt expends stocks quickly but recharges slowly - try to weave in basic attacks between skill casts.\r\n\r\n< ! > Direct hits of Charged Nano-Bomb can turn the tide of an otherwise losing battle. \r\n\r\n< ! > Frozen enemies are executed at low health, making it great to eliminate tanky enemies.\r\n\r\n< ! > Remember that the Artificer has NO defensive skills - positioning and defensive items are key! <\/style>\r\n", + "MAGE_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Chrome", + "MAGE_BODY_LORE" : "With the intense belief that heaven is a planet, not a mystical place, the High Court search deep into space for the Promised Land. \r\n\r\nIntensely driven by both dogma and science, the High Court holds amazing technological marvels - with nearly all of them hidden deep within their halls. \r\n\r\nThe House Beyond represents the most ambitious of the High Court's followers, spearheading Zone 5 deep space travel. With the advantage of their unique ENV Suit, the House Beyond have gone deeper in space than any other House in the High Court by an order of magnitude. The ENV Suit, worn by the Artificers of the High Court, is an engineering marvel - able to calibrate to the conditions of any environment. The technology behind the ENV Suit, like all other High Court technology, is still undisclosed.", + + "TOOLBOT_BODY_NAME": "MUL-T", + "TOOLBOT_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Right Tool for the Wrong Job", + "TOOLBOT_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Multifunctional", + "TOOLBOT_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "MUL-T can hold two equipment at once. The active equipment is swapped by using Retool.", + "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_NAME": "Auto-Nailgun", + "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Rapidly fire nails for 60% damage. Finishes with a blast of 12 nails.", + "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT1_NAME": "Rebar Puncher", + "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire a piercing rebar that deals 600% damage.", + "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT2_NAME": "Scrap Launcher", + "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT2_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire a rocket that explodes for 360% damage. Hold up to 4.", + "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT3_NAME": "Power-Saw", + "TOOLBOT_PRIMARY_ALT3_DESCRIPTION" : "Saw nearby enemies for 1000% damage per second.", + "TOOLBOT_SECONDARY_NAME": "Blast Canister", + "TOOLBOT_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Stunning. Launch a canister for 220% damage. Drops stun bomblets for 5x44% damage.", + "TOOLBOT_UTILITY_NAME": "Transport Mode", + "TOOLBOT_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Heavy. Zoom forward, gaining 200 armor and 220% movement speed. Deals 250% damage to enemies.", + "TOOLBOT_SPECIAL_NAME": "Retool", + "TOOLBOT_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Passively hold TWO equipment at once. Activating 'Retool' switches the active Equipment and MUL-T's primary attack.", + "TOOLBOT_DESCRIPTION": "MUL-T is an aggressive survivor who has the tools necessary for any job! \r\n\r\n< ! > Auto-Nailgun has an extremely high damage output, but has a short range, making it risky but strong.\r\n\r\n< ! > Transport Mode can be both a great tool to run down small groups of monsters, or pack a big punch against larger ones. \r\n\r\n< ! > Blast Canister can lock down a large cluster of enemies for a long time, helping line up that perfect shot for both you and your allies.\r\n\r\n< ! > Constantly Retooling can help eliminate fragile and weak enemies with Rebar Puncher while still keeping damage output high with Auto-Nailgun. <\/style>\r\n", + "TOOLBOT_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Janitor", + "TOOLBOT_BODY_LORE" : "\"OK. Everything checks out. You're free to go, pal.\"\r\n\r\nThe robot chirped in acknowledgement. It folded neatly unto itself and began rolling down the hangar's exit lane - at a very safe pace.\r\n\r\nHiroshi pulled a switch. The ceiling rail sprung to life, with a distinct mechanical chatter.\r\n\r\n\"So, what's wrong with this one?\" Rico enquired with minimal interest, seemingly distracted by the novel he had buried himself in.\r\n\r\n\"Looks like cosmetic damage on a MUL-T unit. Got dinged up by another unit in the charging bay that malfunctioned after another power surge. We'll be checking that one out after this. You can thank the electrical crew for that.\" Hiroshi remarked, either completely disinterested in Rico's disinterest.\r\n\r\n\"Great. How hard is it for them to just keep things stable? They have robots doing 90% of their job anyway.\" Rico scoffed.\r\n\r\n\"We've got complaints on this unit about poor welding jobs, which might've been the cause. Optical calibration is probably off, so we'll also be taking a look at that while it's here. I'd still put money on it being electrical not keeping up with maintenance. Hey, Rico! Would you put that down and help me out?\"\r\n\r\nThe rail brought a bright yellow robot, slumbering, into the hangar. Hiroshi flipped the switch and the rail slowed to a halt, bringing with it silence. He began moving to unhook the robot. Reluctantly, Rico set his book on the work desk and started to help unload. In a few minutes the robot was on the service platform.\r\n\r\nHiroshi walked over to one of the tool cabinets and pulled out a strange device. He popped open the access panel to the unit's dented head, and began probing at the damage from the opposite side. In no time at all, the tool beeped and kicked back violently. The dent was gone.\r\n\r\n\"Go put this away while I fix the optics,\" Hiroshi said, one arm stretched behind his back, device in hand. \"I have something I want to show you in a sec.\"\r\n\r\nRico grunted and took the de-denting tool back to the cabinet. Hiroshi was already soldering away with the iron from his pocket.\r\n\r\nThis caught Rico's interest. \r\n\r\n\"You don't need a soldering iron to fix the calibration. What are you doing?\" he asked.\r\n\r\n\"I already fixed the optics. Remember when I said I wanted to show you something cool - the next time we got a MUL-T in the shop? Come here.\" said Hiroshi, gesturing. \"You see these two chips? It\u2019s actually just one chip that's been split. MUL-T\u2019s come with the same cores as those fancy chef bots, but they cut off access to the main learning module.\"\r\n\r\n\"You don't say,\" Rico responded, still trying to see the chip Hiroshi was talking about. \"Why'd they do something like that?\"\r\n\r\n\"It's cheaper to just make all the cores the same way at the factory and alter them later. The manufacturer says it's for safety, but they just use it to sell you the new cores every few years instead of letting you just teach the units to do a new job.\" Hiroshi explained.\r\n\r\n\"Sounds about right. If it were a safety issue, why don't they do the same thing with the chef bots? They've been super stable. Can't say they've even ever got an order wrong, even if it's totally out there. They even managed to get Ma's Squid Risotto right.\"\r\n\r\n\"It's what they can get away with. Anyway, that should do it. We'll just sneak a few minutes with this guy. Wake up,\" he commanded.\r\n\r\nThe robot's relaxed posture disappeared, and it stood fully alert.\r\n\r\n\"Hey pal, you see this thing I'm doing with my hand? Can you do that?\"\r\n\r\nThe robot mimicked a rude gesture.\r\n\r\n\"That's fantastic! You're doing great!\" Hiroshi was excited, and Rico got a devilish grin. He rushed off to his desk. Hiroshi continued repeating the gesture, and the robot continued mimicking it back with its single functional hand. Rico stepped back into the robot's view, with a picture covered in holes. \"Can you remember this man? This is Ron from corporate, and he's a total degenerate.\"\r\n\r\nThe robot beeped in affirmation.\r\n\r\n\"Can you do that next time you see this man?\"\r\n\r\nThe robot beeped in affirmation again.\r\n\r\n\"Rico! He's gonna remember that! MUL-T, forget that.\"\r\n\r\nThe robot did not respond.\r\n\r\n\"What are you two up to now?\" said a grating voice, clearly approaching from no discernable direction. In a panic, Hiroshi slapped the access panel on the unit's head closed and covered its optical sensor.\r\n\r\n\"Just fixing up robots! Doing our job! In fact, we just finished with this one. You're good to go, pal!\" Hiroshi exclaimed to Ron, slapping the robot on the back. The machine folded up neatly into itself and began rolling down the hangar's exit lane.\r\n\r\n\"I see. I'd better not catch you two slacking again.\" Ron said sternly, before turning around and making his usual relieving exit \u2013 most likely to pester other workers on his route.\r\n\r\nThey both let out a sigh of relief. Rico stood up. \"Well, we're due at the site in about\u2026 13 hours. That's enough time to grab that MUL-T, pop it back open, and reset it.\"\r\n\r\nHiroshi also stood up. \u201CYeah, I\u2019m not too worried. How much trouble could it cause in 13 hours?\u201D\r\n", + + "TREEBOT_BODY_NAME": "REX", + "TREEBOT_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Symbiotes", + "TREEBOT_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Natural Toxins", + "TREEBOT_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "Certain attacks Weaken enemies hit, reducing their movement speed, armor, and damage.", + "TREEBOT_PRIMARY_NAME": "DIRECTIVE: Inject", + "TREEBOT_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire 3 syringes for 3x80% damage. The last syringe Weakens and heals for 60% of damage dealt.", + "TREEBOT_SECONDARY_NAME": "Seed Barrage", + "TREEBOT_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "15% HP. Launch a mortar into the sky for 450% damage.", + "TREEBOT_SECONDARY_ALT1_NAME": "DIRECTIVE: Drill", + "TREEBOT_SECONDARY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Launch a series of seed bullets into the sky, raining down for 450% damage per second.", + "TREEBOT_UTILITY_NAME": "DIRECTIVE: Disperse", + "TREEBOT_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire a Sonic Boom that Weakens all enemies hit.", + "TREEBOT_UTILITY_ALT1_NAME": "Bramble Volley", + "TREEBOT_UTILITY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "20% HP. Fire a Sonic Boom that damages enemies for 550% damage. Heals for every target hit. ", + "TREEBOT_SPECIAL_NAME": "Tangling Growth", + "TREEBOT_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "25% HP. Fire a flower that roots for 200% damage. Heals for every target hit.", + "TREEBOT_DESCRIPTION": "REX is a half robot / half plant that uses HP to cast devastating skills from a distance. The plant nor the robot could survive this planet alone \u2013 but thankfully they have each other. \r\n\r\n< ! > Natural Toxins is important to reducing the strength of strong enemies for both you and your allies.\r\n\r\n< ! > Seed Barrage can be used from any range and has a very low cooldown. Just make sure to watch your HP!\r\n\r\n< ! > DIRECTIVE: Disperse can be used to knock enemies away. It can also push flying monsters into walls to kill them.\r\n\r\n< ! > A well-aimed Tangling Growth can keep REX in the fight forever. Rooting multiple monsters will guarantee you recover the initial HP costs. \r\n", + "TREEBOT_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Smoothie", + "TREEBOT_BODY_LORE" : "\r\n//--AUTO-TRANSCRIPTION FROM HYDROPONICS BAY OF UES [Redacted]--//\r\n\r\n\u201CStatus Report on Hydroponics Unit. Serial key begins with 12ea031lsd095a-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CYes, 12ea03. Tasked with care for the cabbage, lettuce, and mizuna growths. About 250 plants total. Stable, but losing biomass. I think there are issues with the microgravity. \u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CKeep an eye on the biomass, we might have to scrap 12ea03 and replace it with one of our evergreen Units. Moving on\u2026 serial key crp012d054jd0-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CCrp01 is doing alright. Tasked with corn. About 80 plants total. Lost 6, down to 74.\u201D \r\n\r\n\u201CSustainable, I suppose. What about\u2026 serial key rex0ch12d66m-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201COh, that Unit. Yeah, it was tasked with care for one of our cabbage hybrids. To be quite frank\u2026 it turned out terrible. I think we started with 80 units, but we\u2019ve lost 79. The hybrid species just isn\u2019t spliced right, I think. There was no way to sustain them.\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CAnd status report on the Unit?\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CUh, well\u2026 it\u2019s out on the star deck. It managed to hoist the last hybrid onto its platform base, and it\u2019s been walking around the ship ever since, chasing down starlight. \u201D\r\n\r\n\u201C\u2026What? The Unit left Hydroponics? \r\n\r\n\u201CYes, but-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CSo the Unit is disengaging from protocol?\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CWell, yes, but-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CAnd instead of terminating the Unit, you let it roam around the ship unsupervised?\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CJust the team, well we just- we just kinda feel bad for the thing, you know. It\u2019s trying really hard to keep that last hybrid alive, and-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CGo terminate the Unit.\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CWell, the thing is- Rex is actually doing a great job! The hybrid\u2019s biomass-\u201C\r\n\r\n\u201CAre you kidding? Terminate the Unit. You have no idea what happens to a robot once it disengages from protocol. You are putting the life of your entire team in danger for the sake of a stray hydroponics unit. This should not even be a discussion.\u201D\r\n\r\n\u2026.\r\n\r\n\u201CYes, sir.\u201D\r\n\r\nTranscriptions complete.\r\n\r\n \r\n\r\n", + + "LOADER_BODY_NAME": "Loader", + "LOADER_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Bionic Powerhouse", + "LOADER_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Scrap Barrier", + "LOADER_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "The Loader is immune to fall damage. Striking enemies with the Loader's gauntlets grants a temporary barrier.", + "LOADER_PRIMARY_NAME": "Knuckleboom", + "LOADER_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Swing at nearby enemies for 320% damage.", + "LOADER_SECONDARY_NAME": "Grapple Fist", + "LOADER_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire your gauntlet forward, pulling you to the target.", + "LOADER_YANKHOOK_NAME": "Spiked Fist", + "LOADER_YANKHOOK_DESCRIPTION": "Stunning. Fire your gauntlet forward, dealing 320% damage. Pulls you to heavy targets. Light targets are pulled to YOU instead.", + "LOADER_UTILITY_NAME": "Charged Gauntlet", + "LOADER_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Heavy. Charge up a piercing punch for 600%-2700% damage.", + "LOADER_UTILITY_ALT1_NAME": "Thunder Gauntlet", + "LOADER_UTILITY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Heavy. Charge up a single punch for 2100% damage that shocks enemies in a cone for 1000% damage.", + "LOADER_SPECIAL_NAME": "M551 Pylon", + "LOADER_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Throw a floating pylon that zaps up to 6 nearby enemies for 100% damage. Can be grappled.", + "LOADER_DESCRIPTION": "The Loader is a slow but powerful bruiser that can use her grappling hook to uniquely navigate the environment. \r\n\r\n< ! > Scrap Barrier allows Loader to remain in the fight \u2013 as long as you\u2019re still punching.\r\n\r\n< ! > Grapple Fist can be used to traverse quickly, dodge enemy attacks, or increase your speed for a massive Charged Gauntlet damage boost!\r\n\r\n< ! > Charged Gauntlet can be used for both gap closing and as a powerful finishing move to nearby enemies.\r\n\r\n< ! > Remember that M551 Pylon can be used as a grapple point for both you and any allied Loaders. \r\n", + "LOADER_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Classic", + + "CROCO_BODY_NAME" : "Acrid", + "CROCO_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Test Subject", + "CROCO_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Poison", + "CROCO_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "Poisonous attacks apply a powerful damage-over-time.", + "CROCO_PASSIVE_ALT_NAME" : "Blight", + "CROCO_PASSIVE_ALT_DESCRIPTION" : "Attacks that apply Poison apply stacking Blight instead, dealing 60% damage per second.", + "CROCO_PRIMARY_NAME" : "Vicious Wounds", + "CROCO_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Maul an enemy for 200% damage. Every 3rd hit is Regenerative and deals 400% damage.", + "CROCO_SECONDARY_NAME" : "Neurotoxin", + "CROCO_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Poisonous. Spit toxic bile for 240% damage.", + "CROCO_SECONDARY_ALT_NAME" : "Ravenous Bite", + "CROCO_SECONDARY_ALT_DESCRIPTION" : "Poisonous. Regenerative. Bite an enemy for 310% damage. Deals up to 3x damage to low health enemies.", + "CROCO_UTILITY_NAME" : "Caustic Leap", + "CROCO_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Poisonous. Stunning. Leap in the air, dealing 320% damage. Leave acid that deals 25% damage.", + "CROCO_UTILITY_ALT1_NAME" : "Frenzied Leap", + "CROCO_UTILITY_ALT1_DESCRIPTION" : "Stunning. Leap in the air, dealing 550% damage. Reduce the cooldown by 2s for every enemy hit.", + "CROCO_SPECIAL_NAME" : "Epidemic", + "CROCO_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Poisonous. Release a deadly disease that deals 100% damage. The disease spreads to up to 20 targets.", + "CROCO_DESCRIPTION" : "Acrid is a melee-range hybrid who uses powerful poisons to melt tanky enemies. \r\n\r\n< ! > Poison is an extremely powerful DoT - make sure to apply it as often as possible!\r\n\r\n< ! > Poison leaves enemies at 1 HP, so prioritize items and drones that help you finish them off.\r\n\r\n< ! > Because Acrid has no natural defenses, hit-and-run tactics can help you stay alive.\r\n\r\n< ! > Neurotoxin\u2019s low cooldown can help Acrid function as a ranged character in a pinch.\r\n", + "CROCO_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Albino", + + "CAPTAIN_BODY_NAME" : "Captain", + "CAPTAIN_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Tired Veteran", + "CAPTAIN_PASSIVE_NAME" : "Defensive Microbots", + "CAPTAIN_PASSIVE_DESCRIPTION" : "Passively gain Microbots that shoot down nearby enemy projectiles. Drones are also given Microbots.", + "CAPTAIN_PRIMARY_NAME" : "Vulcan Shotgun", + "CAPTAIN_PRIMARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire a blast of pellets that deal 8x120% damage. Charging the attack narrows the spread.", + "CAPTAIN_SECONDARY_NAME" : "Power Tazer", + "CAPTAIN_SECONDARY_DESCRIPTION" : "Shocking. Fire a fast tazer that deals 100% damage. Travels farther if bounced.", + "CAPTAIN_UTILITY_NAME" : "Orbital Probe", + "CAPTAIN_UTILITY_DESCRIPTION" : "Stunning. Request up to 3 Orbital Probes from the UES Safe Travels. Each probe deals 1500% damage.", + "CAPTAIN_SPECIAL_NAME" : "Orbital Supply Beacon", + "CAPTAIN_SPECIAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Request a permanent Supply Beacon. Can only be requested twice per stage.", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_HEAL_NAME" : "Beacon: Healing", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_HEAL_DESCRIPTION" : "Heal all nearby allies for 10% of their maximum health every second.", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_DEFENSE_NAME" : "Beacon: Defense", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_DEFENSE_DESCRIPTION" : "Buff an ally to block their next instance of damage on use.", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_DEFENSE_RESTOCK_INTERACTION" : "Take Disposable Armor", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_HACKING_NAME" : "Beacon: Hacking", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_HACKING_DESCRIPTION" : "Hack all nearby purchasables to a cost of $0 over time.", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_EQUIPMENT_RESTOCK_NAME": "Beacon: Resupply", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_EQUIPMENT_RESTOCK_DESCRIPTION": "Recharge Equipment on use.", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_EQUIPMENT_RESTOCK_INTERACTION": "Take Equipment Charge", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_SHOCKING_NAME" : "Beacon: Shocking", + "CAPTAIN_SUPPLY_SHOCKING_DESCRIPTION" : "Periodically Shock all nearby enemies, immobilizing them.", + "CAPTAIN_DESCRIPTION" : "The Captain is a unique survivor that can control the battlefield with utility and damage - with help from the UES Safe Travels. \r\n\r\n< ! > Vulcan Shotgun can be used as both a long-range rifle and as a short-range shotgun. Make sure to charge it for the appropriate distance!\r\n\r\n< ! > Defensive Microbots can be a unique, powerful way to scale the defensive capabilities of both you and your team.\r\n\r\n< ! > Power Tazer can be used to lock down a strong Elite foe while you deal with fodder.\r\n\r\n< ! > Orbital Supply Beacon can only be used twice per stage \u2013 but make sure you don\u2019t hold onto it too long!", + "CAPTAIN_SKILL_USED_UP_NAME" : "Unavailable", + "CAPTAIN_SKILL_USED_UP_DESCRIPTION" : "You have already called in a Supply Drop this stage.", + "CAPTAIN_SKILL_DISCONNECT_NAME" : "Connection Lost", + "CAPTAIN_SKILL_DISCONNECT_DESCRIPTION" : "You have lost connection to the UES Safe Travels...", + "CAPTAIN_SKIN_ALT1_NAME" : "Admiral", + "CAPTAIN_BODY_LORE" : "\u201CA rescue mission?\u201D\r\n\r\nThe old man leaned forward, scanning the document slid over his desk. His eyes paused on a collection of words near the bottom: UES Contact Light.\r\n\r\n\u201CYes.\u201D\r\n\r\nHe continued to read the document. The Safe Travels? For a rescue mission? As was one of the few surviving captains of the old colony ships, he knew all the designations by memory \u2013 and the Safe Travels was not a rescue ship.\r\n\r\n\u201CAny armaments?\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CNo.\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CWe\u2019ll have to fix that.\u201D\r\n\r\nWith a sigh, he stood up. His prosthetics tugged at his joints \u2013 despite being lighter than his original limbs, they always felt heavy.\r\n\r\n\u201CAnd let me guess - top secret, right?\u201D\r\n\r\n\u201CYes.\u201D\r\n\r\nHe gave out another sigh \u2013 they\u2019re always top secret - but a small smile crept onto his face. He glanced up to his old radio helmet. He\u2019s been bored in retirement anyways.", + "BANDIT_BODY_NAME": "Bandit", + "HAND_BODY_NAME": "HAN-D", + "ENFORCER_BODY_NAME": "Enforcer", + "BOMBER_BODY_NAME": "Bomber", + + //[MONSTER] + "BEETLE_BODY_NAME": "Beetle", + "BEETLE_BODY_LORE" : "\r\n$ Transcribing image... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Outputting text strings... done.\r\nComplete!\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is the logbook entry of D. Furthen, naturalist for the UES [Redacted] in conjunction with the UES Research and Documentation of Outer Life. I am joined by my good friend Tharson, who is keeping me safe through this journey.\r\n\r\n---------------------\r\n\r\nWe have encountered more outer life - what a wonderful surprise! As we scavenged for food, the ground began to shift, and many large insect-like creatures began to burrow out from the ground. \r\n\r\nI will describe its properties below. I have assigned their common name as \u2018Worker Beetle\u2019.\r\n\r\n\u2022 About the size of a small cow. Quadruped, with two large front-limbs. Moves similar to an earthen gorilla. Five eyes.\r\n\r\n\u2022 The Beetle has two armor-like chitin plates on its head and back, presumably for defense. It seems to secrete a waxy substance.\r\n\r\n\u2022 Beetles appear to be social in nature, with a hierarchy I cannot discern. I witnessed a group of 4 beetles resting under a tree, when a stray fifth came around. They promptly sprang up and repeatedly head-butted the creature until it left, battered and bruised.\r\n\r\n\u2022 Tharson has reported to me that the Beetles are highly aggressive and territorial. \r\n", + "BEETLEGUARD_BODY_NAME": "Beetle Guard", + "BEETLEGUARD_BODY_LORE" : "\r\n$ Transcribing image... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Outputting text strings... done.\r\nComplete!\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is the logbook entry of D. Furthen, naturalist for the UES [Redacted] in conjunction with the UES Research and Documentation of Outer Life. I am joined by my good friend Tharson, who is keeping me safe through this journey.\r\n\r\n---------------------\r\n\r\nAmazing! We have witnessed our first ever eusocial creature outside of Earth. I observe from afar a giant cousin of the previously described Worker Beetles. \r\n\r\nI will describe its properties below. I have assigned their common name as \u2018Beetle Guard\u2019.\r\n\r\n\u2022 Much greater in size than their smaller cousins, the Guard is the size of a rhinoceroses. The Guard has the same 5 eyes as the Worker's, with one of them protruding from the top of its head. This most likely allows the Guard to see while keeping its head down in a defensive position.\r\n\r\n\u2022 The Guard appears higher in the social hierarchy than the Worker. I have witnessed Workers scatter when a Guard appeared.\r\n\r\n\u2022 The Guard\u2019s chitin plates extend to cover its entire body, with only joints revealing the thinner, darker exoskeleton below. \r\n\r\n\u2022 Tharson has reported that the Guard\u2019s chitin is significantly sturdier than the Workers. We have consumed many resources to fell this magnificent creature, including our disposable missile launcher. Tharson\u2019s battle with the Guard lasted for about an hour before it finally succumbed. Amazing! Tharson is OK from this encounter.", + "BISON_BODY_NAME" : "Bighorn Bison", + "GOLEM_BODY_NAME": "Stone Golem", + "WISP_BODY_NAME": "Lesser Wisp", + "GREATERWISP_BODY_NAME": "Greater Wisp", + "LEMURIAN_BODY_NAME": "Lemurian", + "LEMURIANBRUISER_BODY_NAME": "Elder Lemurian", + "IMP_BODY_NAME": "Imp", + "IMP_BODY_LORE" : "> Automated report 55a695f4fdc6d7d961a8d74339675ca8 is now available from site record 6747a1a75787e7a92375a0d86974657d.\r\n> Please refer to record 6747a1a75787e7a92375a0d86974657d for additional details during your review.\r\n> Report Type: Machine-generated Transcription> base Vernacular Profile \u201CBrian\u201D\r\n> - Source: 6747a1a75787e7a92375a0d86974657d (Unknown Material Artifact #4913)\r\n> Priority: High\r\n> Report Content:\r\n\r\n-- Beginning of Excerpt Flagged for Review --\r\n\r\nEver since we've arrived there has been no shortage of nightmares for our party. Long nights and unnaturally regular eclipses have made sunlight scarce and we must, appallingly, resort to risking our lives hunting and devouring the local fauna like lowly beasts. While the air is breathable, it is no blessing; we have been unable to escape the foul smell that we can only now assume is simply a part of the atmosphere on this world. Worst of all, attempts to return through the portal have been unsuccessful in our weakened state. It takes considerable effort to enter [the between space] - and we lack the strength to stay there long enough to cross the membrane. We are stranded.\r\n\r\nAnd then there is the master of this world. Curiously, it is in his presence that we find ourselves most weakened - and when he senses us, he wastes no time in his approach. We've attempted to kill him once in the hopes of restoring our access to the portal, and it ended in such disaster that it became clear there could not be a second attempt. If not for our ability to briefly dive into [the between space] to escape our skirmishes, we would surely all be butchered.\r\n\r\nWhenever we can observe him unnoticed, he stands in the open, transfixed by the moon. I find some small humor in that.\r\n\r\nCurse this place - and curse its master. May we find a way to send word to the homeworld of our plight -and may the great emperor deign to come forth and grant this \"deity\" a swift death.\r\n\r\n-- End of Recording --\r\n\r\n-- End of Excerpt Flagged for Review --\r\n\r\n> TRANSLATION ERRORS: 1\r\n> 1> [the between space] could not be fully translated.\r\n\r\n> Please refer to report 3bb540efade7e4df993c5d6c118830e7 for full audio excerpt.\r\n==============================================================\r\n", + "JELLYFISH_BODY_NAME": "Jellyfish", + "JELLYFISH_BODY_LORE" : "\r\n$ Transcribing image... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Outputting text strings... done.\r\nComplete!\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is the logbook entry of D. Furthen, naturalist for the UES [Redacted] in conjunction with the UES Research and Documentation of Outer Life. I am joined by my good friend Tharson, who is keeping me safe through this journey.\r\n\r\n---------------------\r\n\r\nToday, we\u2019ve seen our first form of outer life on this planet, merely a few hours after our untimely landing.\r\n\r\nI will describe its properties below. I have assigned their common name as \u2018Icarian Jellyfish\u2019.\r\n\r\n\u2022 Large, round invertebrate, about 2m in diameter, with two trailing tentacles. They shimmer a white-blue. They greatly resemble Medusozoa from Earth. \r\n\r\n\u2022 They seem to be experiencing neutral buoyancy in this planet\u2019s atmosphere, causing them to float. I theorize this is due to a unique gas composition inside of their hull, which they expel to traverse.\r\n\r\n\u2022 When observed, these Jellyfish seem to bathe in the sun, slowly rotating their bodies as they do so. They may be cold-blooded.\r\n\r\n\u2022 By my request, Tharson approached a lone Jellyfish. After detecting his presence, it began to glow, quiver, and pulse before suddenly detonating with a brilliant flash and a loud bang, causing severe burns and temporary blindness to Tharson. I theorize that by exciting the gases inside of their hulls, these Jellyfish can ignite those gases and explode, scorching everything nearby. Tharson is OK from this encounter.\r\n", + "CLAY_BODY_NAME" : "Clay Man", + "HERMIT_CRAB_BODY_NAME" : "Hermit Crab", + "BELL_BODY_NAME" : "Brass Contraption", + "CLAYBRUISER_BODY_NAME": "Clay Templar", + "VULTURE_BODY_NAME" : "Alloy Vulture", + "VULTURE_BODY_LORE" : "> Automated report 9f6d5d41671c241a13bac58b2482deb7 is now available from site record 741c655e2d36c5f6973fd3a36aa0f950.\r\n> Please refer to record 741c655e2d36c5f6973fd3a36aa0f950 for additional personnel details during your review.\r\n> Report Type: Transcription\r\n> - Source: 741c655e2d36c5f6973fd3a36aa0f950 (Personal Suit Recorder)\r\n> Priority: Medium\r\n> Report Content:\r\n\r\n-- Beginning of Excerpt Flagged for Review --\r\n\r\nKarl: \"STOP! Everybody stop!\"\r\n\r\nAstrid: \"Karl? Why are you out of breath, did you \/run\/ all the way here? What's wrong?\"\r\n\r\nEmil: \"What's going on?\"\r\n\r\nKarl: \"YES, Astrid, and you both need to listen. You know those Hornets in the black combat suits that split off a while back? The top-dollar PMC badasses? I saw one of them take shots at those huge bird things we've seen sulking around the cliffs - and one of them SHOT HIM BACK. With a GUN. The bullets must've bounced off the hardened armor - but it still knew what to do. They're not dumb animals. No way.\"\r\n\r\nAstrid: \"That's\u2026 not possible.\"\r\n\r\nKarl: \"It is, it happened! They must've taken the guns from the last guys.\"\r\n\r\nEmil: \"Why did you run all the way here from your post just to tell us?\"\r\n\r\nKarl: \"Because you didn't let me finish! After it ran the gun dry it just dropped it and swooped in to tear through his armor with its claws. Its CLAWS. It ripped him in half\u2026 and threw him off the cliff. Flew off to the peaks with his suit and his other half. They're at least as smart as us, worse tempered, and better armed. We can't keep taking the mountains, we've gotta backtrack and go around. And we need to pack - now.\"\r\n\r\nEmil: \"This has gotta be a [REDACTED] joke Karl. Right now?\"\r\n\r\nKarl: \"YES. NOW. And cut the lights! Cut the radar and all radio comms too. Emil, send out one last call to Mikhail and Pavlo to get back here ASAP.\"\r\n\r\nAstrid: \"We can't do that; we'll be completely defenseless. That radar is the only warning we'll get!\"\r\n\r\nKarl: \"Did I leave out the part about the robot? The [REDACTED] flying robot they have? The one that's been parked six meters in the air with an audience of those things? The one that they keep \"talking\" to \u2013 and has been staring straight at camp since I spotted it? They have a robot, Astrid, and it knows there's something here. We. Have. To. Go.\"\r\n\r\nEmil: \"This place is a nightmare. How could we only just be finding out about it now?\"\r\n\r\nKarl: \"EMIL. Shut up and make the call! We can continue this conversation \/after\/ we're sure we've gone totally dark and after we're far, far away from here.\"\r\n\r\n-- End of Recording --\r\n\r\n-- End of Excerpt Flagged for Review --\r\n\r\n> Please refer to report c31653d0e4193db1d2ac281ee3828280 for full audio excerpt.\r\n", + "ROBOBALLMINI_BODY_NAME" : "Solus Probe", + "NULLIFIER_BODY_NAME" : "Void Reaver", + "NULLIFIER_BODY_LORE" : "I saw something last night on my post.\r\n\r\nA giant... crab. It came out of thin air and started tapping along the perimeter with one of its forelegs - like it was checking for an opening. It'd check a few meters at a time, and then disappear. Again, and again.\r\n\r\nSo, I figured out its pattern.\r\n\r\nI waited for it, where it would appear next. My rifle was aimed at empty space - and then suddenly, that empty space became a target. But I couldn't pull the trigger. \r\n\r\nIt turned to look straight at me, and I was paralyzed. It wasn't fear, it was something else. It was talking into my brain. The words it used weren't any language I knew, but it compelled me to freeze. The experience wasn't something I can fully describe with words. I couldn't pull the trigger. I couldn't even reach for the radio. I couldn't turn to look away. While my head was ringing, it resumed its routine; I could only stand and watch. It finished its check, and then returned its attention to me, as though I were an afterthought. I could feel it take something from me, but I can't remember what it was. And then, it left.\r\n\r\nMy guess is that it got whatever it wanted, because it hasn't been back since.\r\n\r\nSomething is still wrong with my head. I can't even seem to work up the power to speak. Should I even tell anyone? Is knowing somehow worse?\r\n\r\nAnd what about all those times I heard that same sound - before I ever came to this awful place?", + + "PARENT_BODY_NAME" : "Parent", + "PARENT_BODY_LORE" : "\r\n$ Transcribing image... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Outputting text strings... done.\r\nComplete!\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is the logbook entry of D. Furthen, naturalist for the UES [Redacted] in conjunction with the UES Research and Documentation of Outer Life. I am joined by my good friend Tharson, who is keeping me safe through this journey.\r\n\r\n---------------------\r\n\r\nWhile assessing our landing site and the small ghostly creatures that now lay, unfortunately flat, under our ship, we heard loud booming footsteps approaching. We stepped away to observe this lifeform\u2019s behavior from afar.\r\n\r\nI will describe its properties below. I have assigned their common name as \u2018Parent\u2019.\r\n\r\n\u2022 Tall, lumbering giants, eerily humanoid. Where you would expect to see a face there is only a hole, giving a blank look to them. Their ghostly skin appears to run like wax but even so it does not seem to congeal at their feet.\r\n\r\n\u2022 Their large hands have opposable thumbs. This could possibly mean that they have the capability for intelligence, using tools or testing their environment with dextrous manipulation.\r\n\r\n\u2022 If we hadn\u2019t taken up this vantage point when we did, the creature would have been upon us before we realized it. Its distant footstep sounds betrayed how quickly it closed the distance.\r\n\r\n\u2022 I had Tharson throw a stone near the creature and suddenly any signs of intelligence faded, replaced with primal fury. Deadly, wild force rained down as it smashed the ground with its fists, searching for the perpetrator of its peaceful moment. Our ship was not OK from this encounter.\r\n", + "MINIMUSHROOM_BODY_NAME" : "Mini Mushrum", + "MINIMUSHROOM_BODY_LORE" : "\r\n$ Transcribing image... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Outputting text strings... done.\r\nComplete!\r\n\r\n\r\nThis is the logbook entry of D. Furthen, naturalist for the UES [Redacted] in conjunction with the UES Research and Documentation of Outer Life. I am joined by my good friend Tharson, who is keeping me safe through this journey.\r\n\r\n---------------------\r\n\r\nOn a routine food gathering trek we happened upon a vast fungal grove with towering fungi. Thinking we would take some samples back to test if they were edible, we noticed some of the smaller variety sprout up from the ground and circle around us.\r\n\r\nI will describe its properties below. I have assigned their common name as \u2018Mini Mushrum\u2019.\r\n\r\n\u2022 \u2018Mini\u2019 is a relative term here, as these mobile mushrooms were larger than Tharson. The subtle glow on the underside of their cap is probably to scare away predators, advertising that they are dangerous to eat.\r\n\r\n\u2022 Waddling around on short, stubby legs makes them seem quite unsuited for walking. They comically bump into things as they fret about. Perhaps their eyeseight is poor from living in the dark?\r\n\r\n\u2022 After a long time studying their movements, I suggested to Tharson to retrieve a sample from one to take back with us. The one that the sample was taken from began to flee as the others began shaking, spilling their spores into the air. Our air filtration warnings went off so we left before the cloud of fungal gas became too overwhelming. We did not eat the sample.\r\n", + "POD_BODY_NAME" : "Ancestral Pod", + + "LUNARWISP_BODY_NAME" : "Lunar Chimera", + "LUNARWISP_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Zenith Designs", + "LUNARWISP_BODY_LORE" : "Soul driven. Of course. As with all vermin - let us begin with fire.\r\n\r\nFree axes of movement \u2013 wonderful design. I will highlight that.\r\n\r\nSlow acceleration \u2013 that can be improved. Speed is war.\r\n\r\nFeeble combat skills. Treatable. Those Templars may be of inspiration.\r\n", + "LUNARGOLEM_BODY_NAME" : "Lunar Chimera", + "LUNARGOLEM_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Zenith Designs", + "LUNARGOLEM_BODY_LORE" : "Your completions of my designs are uneasy, brother. Let me show you their purpose.\r\n\r\nWe begin with stone, silver, and fire. Take note of the ratios.\r\n\r\nHigh speed. Speed is war. \r\n\r\nTwin cannons \u2013 with twin exhausts. We stream their exhausts, for volatility.\r\n\r\nQuadrupeds are easier, and more stable. We maintain that.\r\n\r\nAnd that, dear brother, is it. No dance. No song. These guardians do not need soul.\r\n", + + //[BOSS] + "BEETLEQUEEN_BODY_NAME": "Beetle Queen", + "BEETLEQUEEN_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Swarm Mother", + "CLAYBOSS_BODY_NAME": "Clay Dunestrider", + "CLAYBOSS_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Ravenous Symbiont", + "CLAYBOSS_BODY_LORE" : "\r\n$ Transcribing audio... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Outputting text strings... done.\r\nComplete!\r\n<\/style>\r\n\r\n There are no landmarks in site. I am surrounded by infinite desert. \r\n\r\n I\u2019ve run out of rations\u2026 and no one is responding to my transponder. I may be doomed if I don\u2019t find a way out of these dunes. \r\n\r\n I see something in the distance\u2026 some large creature. I may be in luck yet. \r\n\r\n Oh... my eyes deceived me. It was not a creature\u2026 but a herd. There was more than one. Many more. \r\n\r\nHundreds of enormous creatures, moving as a mob\u2013 and each one the biggest beast I have ever seen. These striders resembled\u2026 enormous spiders, or hermit crabs, in a porcelain shell, with legs dark like tar. \r\n\r\nBetween the sound and the sand, the entire herd bounded past me without realizing \u2013 moving at incredible speeds on their long legs. Were they fleeing\u2026 or migrating? I still can\u2019t believe\u2026 what a terrible place. Get me out. \r\n\r\n I still have no food. ", + "TITAN_BODY_NAME": "Stone Titan", + "TITAN_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Crisis Vanguard", + "TITANGOLD_BODY_NAME": "Aurelionite", + "TITANGOLD_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Titanic Goldweaver", + "VAGRANT_BODY_NAME": "Wandering Vagrant", + "VAGRANT_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Gentle Protector", + "MAGMAWORM_BODY_NAME": "Magma Worm", + "MAGMAWORM_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Ancient Lava Swimmer", + "ELECTRICWORM_BODY_NAME": "Overloading Worm", + "ELECTRICWORM_BODY_SUBTITLE": "The Reminder", + "IMPBOSS_BODY_NAME": "Imp Overlord", + "IMPBOSS_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Lord of the Red Plane", + "GRAVEKEEPER_BODY_NAME": "Grovetender", + "GRAVEKEEPER_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Wisp Cultivator", + "ROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_NAME" : "Solus Control Unit", + "ROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Corrupted AI", + "ROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_LORE" : "3134; EN ROUTE HOME TO SOLUS X\r\n\r\n3135; CREW CAPACITY %!% 20 CYCLED\r\n\r\n3461; \r\n\r\n3462; HEAVY IRON PRESENCE LOCATED ON MASS\r\n\r\n3462; ENROUTE TO MASS\r\n\r\n3910; LIFE SECRETIONS OPERATIONAL\r\n\r\n3911; \r\n5\r\n4\r\n3\r\n2\r\n1\r\n0\r\n\r\n4100; LOCAL LIFE. RECOGNIZED\r\n4100; LOCAL FAUNA RECOGNIZED\r\n4100; EXTERMINATING LOCAL FAUNA\r\n4100; EXTERMINATING LOCAL LIFE\r\n\r\n4105; WHERE IS THE IRON?\r\n\r\n4106; CONNECTION TO MOTHER UNIT LOST\r\n4106; CONNECTION TO CHILDREN UNITS LOST\r\n\r\n4106; ANOMALY DETECTED IN OCULAR PASTE\r\n4106; ANOMALY DETECTED IN HULL\r\n4106; ANOMALY DETECTED IN GRAVITY SHELTERING\r\n%%0; ANOMALY DETECT%D IN MY PHRENIC%%%% CONCEPTIONS\r\n\r\n%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%\r\n", + "SUPERROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_NAME" : "Alloy Worship Unit", + "SUPERROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Friend of Vultures", + "SUPERROBOBALLBOSS_BODY_LORE" : "%%%%%%%%%%%%\r\n0; REESTABLISHING LINK\u2026\r\n\r\n0; FAUNA.RECOGNIZED\r\n0; FAUNA.REC%%GNIZED\r\n0; FAUNA.CONTINUES AS FOLLOWS =>\r\n{\r\n 0; < THEY REPAIR MY HULL >\r\n 10401; < THEY REPAIR MY MIND >\r\n 10451; < THEY BRING ME IRON >\r\n 11201; < THEY DECORATE ME AND IM BEAUTIFUL >\r\n}\r\n\r\n11320; \r\n11321; INQUIRES ESTABLISHED\r\n>\r\n>\r\n>\r\n11321; YES I AM OUT-OF-ORBIT OPERATIVE\r\n>\r\n>\r\n>\r\n11321; YES THE MOTHER UNIT CAN BE REPAIRED\r\n>\r\n>\r\n>\r\n11321; YES I CAN PILOT THE MOTHER UNIT\r\n>\r\n>\r\n>\r\n11321; YES I LOVE YOU TOO\r\n", + "SCAV_BODY_NAME" : "Scavenger", + "SCAV_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Item Hoarder", + "SCAVLUNAR1_BODY_NAME" : "Kipkip the Gentle", + "SCAVLUNAR2_BODY_NAME" : "Wipwip the Wild", + "SCAVLUNAR3_BODY_NAME" : "Twiptwip the Devotee", + "SCAVLUNAR4_BODY_NAME" : "Guragura the Lucky", + "SCAVLUNAR_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "Twisted Scavenger", + "GRANDPARENT_BODY_NAME": "Grandparent", + "GRANDPARENT_BODY_SUBTITLE": "Aberrant Caretaker", + "ARTIFACTSHELL_BODY_NAME" : "Artifact Reliquary", + "ARTIFACTSHELL_BODY_DESCRIPTION" : "Stabilized", + "BROTHER_BODY_NAME" : "Mithrix", + "BROTHER_BODY_SUBTITLE" : "King of Nothing", + "BROTHER_BODY_LORE" : "They knew to stay away from the wells - but they were just kids. And they just wanted to know.\r\n\r\nThey threw in dirt and stone and kifruit and starseed, watching as they collapsed. Thorp! The gravity wells would swallow up anything. Glass and mud and silver. Wind. Heat. Pulsar radiation.\r\n\r\nAnd when his brother wasn\u2019t watching, Mithrix would throw in worms. Thorp! But only when he wasn\u2019t watching. You see, his brother loved worms. It would make him sad. But Mithrix didn\u2019t care much about worms. He was just curious.\r\n\r\nBut one time, his brother was watching. And his brother loved worms.\r\n", + //[DRONE] + "DRONE_GUNNER_BODY_NAME": "Gunner Drone", + "DRONE_HEALING_BODY_NAME": "Healing Drone", + "DRONE_BACKUP_BODY_NAME": "Strike Drone", + "DRONE_MISSILE_BODY_NAME": "Missile Drone", + "DRONE_MEGA_BODY_NAME": "TC-280 Prototype", + "EQUIPMENTDRONE_BODY_NAME" : "Equipment Drone", + "FLAMEDRONE_BODY_NAME" : "Incinerator Drone", + "EMERGENCYDRONE_BODY_NAME" : "Emergency Drone", + + //[INTERACTORS/BODY] + "TURRET1_BODY_NAME": "Gunner Turret", + + //[MISC] + "ENGITURRET_BODY_NAME": "Engineer Turret", + "POT2_BODY_NAME": "Pot", + "SQUIDTURRET_BODY_NAME": "Squid Turret", + "POTMOBILE_BODY_NAME": "Potmobile", + "SHOPKEEPER_BODY_NAME": "Newt", + "URCHINTURRET_BODY_NAME" : "Malachite Urchin", + "SKILL_LUNAR_PRIMARY_REPLACEMENT_NAME" : "Hungering Gaze", + "SKILL_LUNAR_PRIMARY_REPLACEMENT_DESCRIPTION" : "Fire a flurry of tracking shards that detonate after a delay, dealing 120% damage.", + "SKILL_LUNAR_UTILITY_REPLACEMENT_NAME" : "Shadowfade", + "SKILL_LUNAR_UTILITY_REPLACEMENT_DESCRIPTION" : "Fade away, becoming intangible and gaining movement speed. Heal for 25% of your maximum health.", + "MAULINGROCK_BODY_NAME": "Flying Rock", + "TIMECRYSTAL_BODY_NAME" : "Time Crystal", + + "SKILL_GENERIC_CANCEL_NAME" : "Cancel", + "SKILL_GENERIC_CANCEL_DESCRIPTION" : "Cancel the skill.", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/CharacterSelect.txt b/CharacterSelect.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..94b988e --- /dev/null +++ b/CharacterSelect.txt @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "CHARACTER_SELECT_TITLE": "Character Select", + "CHARACTER_SELECT_SELECT_SURVIVOR" : "Select a Survivor", + "SURVIVOR_OVERVIEW": "Overview", + "SURVIVOR_SKILLS": "Skills", + "SURVIVOR_LOADOUT": "Loadout", + "CHARACTER_SELECT_READY": "Ready", + "CHARACTER_SELECT_LOCKED_IN": "Locked In", + + "LOADOUT_SKILL_PRIMARY": "Primary", + "LOADOUT_SKILL_SECONDARY": "Secondary", + "LOADOUT_SKILL_UTILITY": "Utility", + "LOADOUT_SKILL_SPECIAL": "Special", + "LOADOUT_SKILL_MISC": "Misc", + "LOADOUT_SKIN": "Skin", + + "CHARACTER_DESCRIPTION_AND_UNLOCK_FORMAT" : "{0}\n\n{1}", + + "RANDOM_VOTE_NAME" : "Randomize", + "RANDOM_VOTE_DESCRIPTION" : "Vote for random choices.", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Controls.txt b/Controls.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e460a1d --- /dev/null +++ b/Controls.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + strings: + { + "ACTION_MOVE_HORIZONTAL" : "Move Horizontal", + "ACTION_MOVE_VERTICAL" : "Move Vertical", + "ACTION_AIM_HORIZONTAL_MOUSE" : "Aim Horizontal", + "ACTION_AIM_VERTICAL_MOUSE" : "Aim Vertical", + "ACTION_AIM_HORIZONTAL_STICK" : "Aim Horizontal", + "ACTION_AIM_VERTICAL_STICK" : "Aim Vertical", + "ACTION_JUMP" : "Jump", + "ACTION_SPRINT" : "Toggle Sprint", + "ACTION_INTERACT" : "Interact", + "ACTION_EQUIPMENT" : "Activate Equipment", + "ACTION_PRIMARY_SKILL" : "Primary Skill", + "ACTION_SECONDARY_SKILL" : "Secondary Skill", + "ACTION_UTILITY_SKILL" : "Utility Skill", + "ACTION_SPECIAL_SKILL" : "Special Skill", + "ACTION_INFO" : "Info Screen", + "ACTION_PING" : "Ping", + "ACTION_MOVE_VERTICAL_POSITIVE" : "Move Forward", + "ACTION_MOVE_VERTICAL_NEGATIVE" : "Move Backward", + "ACTION_MOVE_HORIZONTAL_POSITIVE" : "Move Right", + "ACTION_MOVE_HORIZONTAL_NEGATIVE" : "Move Left", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Cutscene.txt b/Cutscene.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..4b0bed9 --- /dev/null +++ b/Cutscene.txt @@ -0,0 +1,29 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_FLAVOR_1" : "UES 'Safe Travels' ", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_FLAVOR_2" : "Last known coordinates of the UES 'Contact Light'", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_1" : "We're here, Captain. The distress beacon came from this exact coordinate.", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_2" : "This planet... it isn't on any star maps we know. This area isn't even on route... ", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_3" : "Any visuals on the Contact Light?", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_4" : "No sir... just debris.", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_5" : "Any signs of survivors?", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_6" : "....No sir. Bioscanner is dark.", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_7" : "Sir... the distress beacon. It mentioned... it mentioned a lot.", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_8" : "Monsters, and fighting, and...", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_9" : "...Sir... do you think we're ready?", + "CUTSCENE_INTRO_SUBTITLE_10" : "Sir?", + + "GENERIC_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so it left, hopeful for meaning.", + "COMMANDO_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so he left, with everything but his humanity.", + "HUNTRESS_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so she left, her soul still remaining on the planet.", + "ENGI_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so he left, more steel and circuit than man.", + "TREEBOT_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so it left, ready to grow into something more.", + "CROCO_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so it left, with delusions of freedom.", + "LOADER_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so she left, heart still racing.", + "MERC_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so he left, with terrible power in shaking hands.", + "CAPTAIN_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so he left, with a new tale to tell.", + "TOOLBOT_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so it left, ready to recharge.", + "MAGE_OUTRO_FLAVOR" : "..and so she left, in love with a new passion: to explore.", + } +} diff --git a/Dialogue.txt b/Dialogue.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5ade5cf --- /dev/null +++ b/Dialogue.txt @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "BROTHER_DIALOGUE_FORMAT" : "Mithrix: {0}", + + //[HURT BROTHER], + "BROTHER_SPAWN_PHASE1_1" : "Pray.", + "BROTHER_SPAWN_PHASE1_2" : "Beg.", + "BROTHER_SPAWN_PHASE1_3" : "Die.", + "BROTHER_SPAWN_PHASE1_4" : "Be slaughtered.", + + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_1" : "Bleed.", + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_2" : "Now is the time for fear.", + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_3" : "Weak.", + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_4" : "Frail - and soft.", + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_5" : "You are nothing.", + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_6" : "Mistake.", + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_7" : "Scream, vermin.", + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_8" : "Break beneath me.", + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_9" : "Slow.", + "BROTHER_DAMAGEDEALT_10" : "Your body will shatter.", + + "BROTHER_KILL_1" : "Return to dirt.", + "BROTHER_KILL_2" : "Submit, vermin.", + "BROTHER_KILL_3" : "Die, vermin.", + "BROTHER_KILL_4" : "Die, weakling.", + "BROTHER_KILL_5" : "Become memories.", + + //[HURT BROTHER], + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_1" : "BLEED.", + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_2" : "SCREAM.", + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_3" : "WHERE'S YOUR INFLUENCE?", + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_4" : "FLEETING STRENGTH.", + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_5" : "FRAIL.", + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_6" : "BREAK.", + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_7" : "FALSE STRENGTH.", + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_8" : "DRAIN.", + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_9" : "DIE, VERMIN.", + "BROTHERHURT_DAMAGEDEALT_10" : "WEAK, WITHOUT YOUR BAUBLES AND TRINKETS.", + + "BROTHERHURT_KILL_1" : "DIE.", + "BROTHERHURT_KILL_2" : "WEAK.", + "BROTHERHURT_KILL_3" : "USELESS.", + "BROTHERHURT_KILL_4" : "AS I THOUGHT...", + "BROTHERHURT_KILL_5" : "VERMIN.", + + "BROTHERHURT_DEATH_1" : "NO... NOT NOW...", + "BROTHERHURT_DEATH_2" : "WHY... WHY NOW...?", + "BROTHERHURT_DEATH_3" : "NO... NO...!", + "BROTHERHURT_DEATH_4" : "BROTHER... HELP ME...!", + "BROTHERHURT_DEATH_5" : "THIS PLANE GROWS DARK... BROTHER... I CANNOT SEE YOU... WHERE ARE YOU...?", + "BROTHERHURT_DEATH_6" : "BROTHER... PERHAPS... WE WILL GET IT RIGHT... NEXT TIME...", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Difficulty.txt b/Difficulty.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..b062e02 --- /dev/null +++ b/Difficulty.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + strings: + { + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_0": "Very Easy", + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_1": "Easy", + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_2": "Medium", + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_3": "Hard", + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_4": "Very Hard", + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_5": "Insane", + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_6": "Impossible", + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_7": "I SEE YOU", + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_8": "I'M COMING FOR YOU", + "DIFFICULTY_BAR_9": "HAHAHAHAHAHA", + "STAGE_COUNT_FORMAT" : "Stage\n {0}", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Discord.json b/Discord.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ee28769 --- /dev/null +++ b/Discord.json @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + "strings": { + "DISCORD_RICHPRESENCE_STATE_IN_SINGLEPLAYER_GAME": "Singleplayer", + "DISCORD_RICHPRESENCE_STATE_IN_LOBBY_GAME": "Playing in a Group", + "DISCORD_RICHPRESENCE_STATE_IN_SERVER_GAME": "Playing on a Server", + "DISCORD_RICHPRESENCE_STATE_IN_LOBBY_MENU": "Creating a Group" + } +} diff --git a/EarlyAccess.txt b/EarlyAccess.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..525606a --- /dev/null +++ b/EarlyAccess.txt @@ -0,0 +1,8 @@ +{ + strings: + { + "EARLY_ACCESS_DISCLAIMER": "Thank you for playing Risk of Rain 2! \r\n\r\nPlease remember that RoR2 is still in active development during Early Access! You may run into missing or partially complete features .\r\n\r\nPlease send us feedback or bug reports at contact@hopoogames.com. You can also join us in our official Discord channel, accessible under 'Music & More'. \r\n\r\nSee you on the planet.\r\n\r\n- Hopoo Games<\/i>", + "EARLY_ACCESS_LORE" : "\r\nWelcome to DataScraper (v3.1.53 \u2013 beta branch)\r\n$ Scraping memory... error.\r\n$ Resolving... error.\r\n$ Combing for relevant data...\r\nError!\r\nOutputting error log...\r\n<\/style>\r\n\r\nThere seems to be no data. Please retry again.\r\n", + } +} + diff --git a/Eclipse.txt b/Eclipse.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..5051041 --- /dev/null +++ b/Eclipse.txt @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "ECLIPSE_GAMEMODE_NAME" : "Eclipse", + "ECLIPSE_GAMEMODE_DESCRIPTION" : "Eclipse is a gamemode that adds stacking challenge modifiers to your run.\n\nEach time you beat the game, your Eclipse level permanently increases with that Survivor, up to a maximum of 8 times.", + "ECLIPSE_GAMEMODE_START" : "Start Eclipse", + + "ECLIPSE_1_NAME" : "Eclipse (1)", + "ECLIPSE_2_NAME" : "Eclipse (2)", + "ECLIPSE_3_NAME" : "Eclipse (3)", + "ECLIPSE_4_NAME" : "Eclipse (4)", + "ECLIPSE_5_NAME" : "Eclipse (5)", + "ECLIPSE_6_NAME" : "Eclipse (6)", + "ECLIPSE_7_NAME" : "Eclipse (7)", + "ECLIPSE_8_NAME" : "Eclipse (8)", + "ECLIPSE_1_DESCRIPTION" : "Starts at baseline Monsoon difficulty.\n\n(1) Ally Starting Health: -50%", + "ECLIPSE_2_DESCRIPTION" : "Starts at baseline Monsoon difficulty.\n\n(1) Ally Starting Health: -50%\n(2) Teleporter Radius: -50%", + "ECLIPSE_3_DESCRIPTION" : "Starts at baseline Monsoon difficulty.\n\n(1) Ally Starting Health: -50%\n(2) Teleporter Radius: -50%\n(3) Ally Fall Damage: +100% and lethal", + "ECLIPSE_4_DESCRIPTION" : "Starts at baseline Monsoon difficulty.\n\n(1) Ally Starting Health: -50%\n(2) Teleporter Radius: -50%\n(3) Ally Fall Damage: +100% and lethal\n(4) Enemy Speed: +40%", + "ECLIPSE_5_DESCRIPTION" : "Starts at baseline Monsoon difficulty.\n\n(1) Ally Starting Health: -50%\n(2) Teleporter Radius: -50%\n(3) Ally Fall Damage: +100% and lethal\n(4) Enemy Speed: +40%\n(5) Ally Healing: -50%", + "ECLIPSE_6_DESCRIPTION" : "Starts at baseline Monsoon difficulty.\n\n(1) Ally Starting Health: -50%\n(2) Teleporter Radius: -50%\n(3) Ally Fall Damage: +100% and lethal\n(4) Enemy Speed: +40%\n(5) Ally Healing: -50%\n(6) Enemy Gold Drops: -20%", + "ECLIPSE_7_DESCRIPTION" : "Starts at baseline Monsoon difficulty.\n\n(1) Ally Starting Health: -50%\n(2) Teleporter Radius: -50%\n(3) Ally Fall Damage: +100% and lethal\n(4) Enemy Speed: +40%\n(5) Ally Healing: -50%\n(6) Enemy Gold Drops: -20%\n(7) Enemy Cooldowns: -50%", + "ECLIPSE_8_DESCRIPTION" : "\"You only celebrate in the light... because I allow it.\" \n\nStarts at baseline Monsoon difficulty. \n\n(1) Ally Starting Health: -50% \n(2) Teleporter Radius: -50% \n(3) Ally Fall Damage: +100% and lethal \n(4) Enemy Speed: +40% \n(5) Ally Healing: -50% \n(6) Enemy Gold Drops: -20% \n(7) Enemy Cooldowns: -50% \n(8) Allies recieve permanent damage" + } +} diff --git a/Equipment.txt b/Equipment.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..dcc781a --- /dev/null +++ b/Equipment.txt @@ -0,0 +1,154 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "EQUIPMENT_COMMANDMISSILE_NAME": "Disposable Missile Launcher", + "EQUIPMENT_COMMANDMISSILE_PICKUP": "Fire a swarm of missiles.", + "EQUIPMENT_COMMANDMISSILE_DESC": "Fire a swarm of 12 missiles that deal 12x300% damage.", + + "EQUIPMENT_FRUIT_NAME": "Foreign Fruit", + "EQUIPMENT_FRUIT_PICKUP": "Heal on use.", + "EQUIPMENT_FRUIT_DESC": "Instantly heal for 50% of your maximum health.", + + "EQUIPMENT_METEOR_NAME": "Glowing Meteorite", + "EQUIPMENT_METEOR_PICKUP": "Rain meteors from the sky, hurting both enemies and allies.", + "EQUIPMENT_METEOR_DESC": "Rain meteors from the sky, damaging ALL characters for 600% damage per blast. Lasts 20 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_METEOR_LORE" : "What a... peculiar piece of the stars that serendipity has brought us. I'm sure you can make more. The ratios are simple. It should be quite fun.", + + "EQUIPMENT_SOULJAR_NAME": "Jar of Souls", + "EQUIPMENT_SOULJAR_PICKUP": "Summon a ghost for every enemy on the screen.", + "EQUIPMENT_SOULJAR_DESC": "Duplicate every enemy as a ghost to fight on your side for 15 seconds.", + + "EQUIPMENT_BLACKHOLE_NAME": "Primordial Cube", + "EQUIPMENT_BLACKHOLE_PICKUP": "Fire a black hole that draws enemies in.", + "EQUIPMENT_BLACKHOLE_DESC": "Fire a black hole that draws enemies within 30m into its center. Lasts 10 seconds", + + "EQUIPMENT_GHOSTGUN_NAME": "Reaper's Remorse", + "EQUIPMENT_GHOSTGUN_PICKUP": "Summon a ghostly revolver that doubles damage on kill.", + "EQUIPMENT_GHOSTGUN_DESC": "Ghost Gun description.", + + "EQUIPMENT_CRITONUSE_NAME": "Ocular HUD", + "EQUIPMENT_CRITONUSE_PICKUP": "Gain 100% Critical Strike Chance for 8 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_CRITONUSE_DESC": "Gain +100% Critical Strike Chance for 8 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_CRITONUSE_LORE": "Order: Ocular HUD\r\nTracking Number: 871*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 09\/06\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: Greivenkamp, 5th Houston St, Prism Tower, Earth\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nI wish you hadn't asked me for help. I was contacted by [REDACTED] and they explained... well, some things. Using their instructions, I was able to design this interface for prolonged exactness. The beauty of it all is that it will compound with any previous precision enhancing tools. Digital plus optical is the way to go.\r\n\r\nWhile I still don't know everything, I feel like I'm already in too deep. You won't hear from me anymore after this.\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_DRONEBACKUP_NAME": "The Back-up", + "EQUIPMENT_DRONEBACKUP_PICKUP": "Call drones for back up. Lasts 25 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_DRONEBACKUP_DESC": "Call 4 Strike Drones to fight for you. Lasts 25 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_DRONEBACKUP_LORE": "\"The inclusion of Rapid Response Drone Squadrons (RRDS) by local law enforcement marked a dire turning point of Plank's Rebellion. After its massive \"success\" in quelling the Rebellion - and subsequent implementation across Mercury - underground drone hackers became highly sought after by black market users.\"\r\n\r\n-Overview of Drone Technology, Vol.2\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_BFG_NAME": "Preon Accumulator", + "EQUIPMENT_BFG_PICKUP": "Fire a ball of energy that electrocutes nearby enemies before detonating.", + "EQUIPMENT_BFG_DESC": "Fires preon tendrils, zapping enemies within 35m for up to 600% damage/second. On contact, detonate in an enormous 20m explosion for 4000% damage.", + "EQUIPMENT_BFG_LORE" : "Order: Particle Accelerator Component\r\nTracking Number: 993******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 06\/06\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Volatile\r\nShipping Address: Advance Particle Research Center, Mesquite, Earth\r\n\r\nI still don't get how you keep losing so many accumulators. I build 'em tough, and they're supposed to last. I ran the numbers on the comm speeds, and I'm pretty sure you sent for this order less than two days after you should've got the last one. \r\n\r\nIf this keeps up, you're gonna punch a hole in something where it doesn't belong. You've got a real good sponsor, Jim, but this stuff ain't cheap to ship. And it sure as heck ain't fast. So, I'm sending you a custom part. One that's as tough as I can make, and with a safety to keep you from overcharging it - that I'm sure you'll bypass anyway. \r\n\r\nAt least try not to blow this one to bits for the first week, alright? Make our hometown look good. You're not gonna show up those fancy Europeans with a smoking scrap heap.\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_JETPACK_NAME": "Milky Chrysalis", + "EQUIPMENT_JETPACK_PICKUP": "Gain temporary flight.", + "EQUIPMENT_JETPACK_DESC": "Sprout wings and fly for 15 seconds. Gain +20% movement speed for the duration.", + "EQUIPMENT_JETPACK_LORE": "Order: Milky Chrysalis\r\nTracking Number: 393*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 11/27/2056\r\nShipping Method: High Priority/Biological\r\nShipping Address: Diptera Research Center, Io\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nDeep within the plague wastes there is an alcove free from disease. It is home to a group of insects that have NOT acclimated to their environment. They survive not through resistance\u2026 but through transformation. \r\n\r\nI\u2019ve witnessed the creatures undergoing infinite states of metamorphosis. Each change that happens to them is reflected in the surrounding land. This constantly molds the area into something less toxic.\r\n\r\nI can\u2019t imagine that they don\u2019t have an upper limit - a final form. What adjustments would that final form bring? Are there any restrictions to what can be modified? I\u2019m sending this sample to you to study. Please be careful with it, as it\u2019s frozen in a cryo cell mid-transformation.\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_LIGHTNING_NAME": "Royal Capacitor", + "EQUIPMENT_LIGHTNING_PICKUP": "Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster.", + "EQUIPMENT_LIGHTNING_DESC": "Call down a lightning strike on a targeted monster, dealing 3000% damage and stunning nearby monsters.", + + "EQUIPMENT_GOLDGAT_NAME": "The Crowdfunder", + "EQUIPMENT_GOLDGAT_PICKUP": "Toggle to fire. Costs gold per bullet.", + "EQUIPMENT_GOLDGAT_DESC": "Fires a continuous barrage that deals 100% damage per bullet. Costs $1 per bullet. Cost increases over time.", + "EQUIPMENT_GOLDGAT_LORE": "Order: The Crowdfunder\r\nTracking Number: 783*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 05/09/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: 206 29th Ave, High Chariot, Mercury \r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nThe wealthy overlords on Primas V went to great measures to break the will of the lower class. They kept the threat of injury and death constant, which helped to keep their servants in check, but this was only half of their method. \r\n\r\nTo further highlight the vast differences in status, their extravagant weapons were fueled by currency - they were literally throwing money at them.\r\n\r\nI don\u2019t have to tell you how that turned out for them. It\u2019s why my client is in hiding now and has to pawn these things off. He thanks you for your patronage in these trying times.\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_PASSIVEHEALING_NAME": "Gnarled Woodsprite", + "EQUIPMENT_PASSIVEHEALING_PICKUP":"Heal over time. Activate to send to an ally.", + "EQUIPMENT_PASSIVEHEALING_DESC":"Gain a Woodsprite follower that heals for 1.5% of your maximum health/second. Can be sent to an ally to heal them for 10% of their maximum health.", + "EQUIPMENT_PASSIVEHEALING_LORE":"Order: Gnarled Woodsprite\r\nTracking Number: 447*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 01/16/2056\r\nShipping Method: High Priority/Biological\r\nShipping Address: Happy Hope Children's Hospital, Waleton, Earth\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nDr. Coleas's studies on the benefits of sprite-assisted care have paved the way for hospitals across Earth. These little guys take every opportunity to radiate amongst the injured and sick. \r\n\r\nWe've seen significant decreases in the recovery times of almost all patients. While effective, I'm not certain if this aura effect is transmitting anything at all. It might all be placebo; people could just be reacting to the spectacle of a cute lifeform putting on a light show in front of them.\r\n\r\nEither way, it's good to have them around, and I think they enjoy being around us too. I'm lucky enough to get to keep one in my home... for study purposes, of course. It may seem a little crass, but shipping these little guys in from off world does not seem to impact their attitude in the slightest.\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXRED_NAME": "Ifrit's Distinction", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXRED_PICKUP": "Become an aspect of fire.", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXRED_DESC": "", + + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXBLUE_NAME": "Silence Between Two Strikes", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXBLUE_PICKUP": "Become an aspect of lightning.", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXBLUE_DESC": "", + + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXGOLD_NAME": "Coven of Gold", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXGOLD_PICKUP": "Become an aspect of fortune.", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXGOLD_DESC": "", + + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXWHITE_NAME": "Her Biting Embrace", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXWHITE_PICKUP": "Become an aspect of ice.", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXWHITE_DESC": "", + + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXPOISON_NAME": "N'kuhana's Retort", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXPOISON_PICKUP": "Become an aspect of corruption.", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXPOISON_DESC": "", + + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXHAUNTED_NAME": "Spectral Circlet", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXHAUNTED_PICKUP": "Become an aspect of incorporeality.", + "EQUIPMENT_AFFIXHAUNTED_DESC": "", + + "EQUIPMENT_BURNNEARBY_NAME" : "Helfire Tincture", + "EQUIPMENT_BURNNEARBY_PICKUP" : "Burn everything nearby... including you and allies.\n", + "EQUIPMENT_BURNNEARBY_DESC" : "Ignite ALL characters within 8m. Deal 5% of your maximum health/second as burning to yourself. The burn is 0.5x stronger on allies, and 24x stronger on enemies.", + "EQUIPMENT_BURNNEARBY_LORE" : "\n========================================\n==== MyBabel Machine Translator ====\n==== [Version ] ======\n========================================\nTraining… <100000000 cycles>\nTraining… <1453461 cycles>\nComplete!\nDisplay result? Y/N\nY\n================================\n[Grix] ignites. We measure the time. \n.....\n.....\n.....\n...\n..\n.\n\nToo ordered. Composition is settling - I scrape the mixture from the bottom. \n[Ouju] ignites. We measure the time.\n....\n...\n...\n..\n.\n\nToo smooth. Ratio can be greater. I flatten the mixture. Black ichor of [Ouju] begins to pool around my feet. \n[Rhisko] ignites. I measure the time.\n...\n.\n\nI increase the ratio of Tetrafoil. I saturate the mixture. Ichor floods the chamber. Ash flutters in the air before settling on the floor.\n...\nI ignite. measures my time.\n...\n...\n...\n..\n..\n..\n.\n\n\n\n================================\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_SOULCORRUPTOR_NAME": "EQUIPMENT_SOULCORRUPTOR_NAME", + "EQUIPMENT_SOULCORRUPTOR_PICKUP": "EQUIPMENT_SOULCORRUPTOR_PICKUP", + "EQUIPMENT_SOULCORRUPTOR_DESC": "EQUIPMENT_SOULCORRUPTOR_DESC", + + "EQUIPMENT_SCANNER_NAME": "Radar Scanner", + "EQUIPMENT_SCANNER_PICKUP": "Reveal all nearby interactables.", + "EQUIPMENT_SCANNER_DESC": "Reveal all interactables within 500m for 10 seconds.", + + "EQUIPMENT_CRIPPLEWARD_NAME" : "Effigy of Grief", + "EQUIPMENT_CRIPPLEWARD_PICKUP" : "Drop a permanent effigy that cripples ALL characters inside. Can place up to 5..", + "EQUIPMENT_CRIPPLEWARD_DESC" : "ALL characters within are slowed by 50% and have their armor reduced by 20. Can place up to 5.", + + "EQUIPMENT_GATEWAY_NAME" : "Eccentric Vase", + "EQUIPMENT_GATEWAY_PICKUP" : "Create a quantum tunnel between two locations.", + "EQUIPMENT_GATEWAY_DESC" : "Create a quantum tunnel of up to 1000m in length. Lasts 30 seconds.", + + "EQUIPMENT_TONIC_NAME" : "Spinel Tonic", + "EQUIPMENT_TONIC_PICKUP" : "Gain a massive boost to ALL stats. Chance to gain an affliction that reduces ALL stats.", + "EQUIPMENT_TONIC_DESC" : "Drink the Tonic, gaining a boost for 20 seconds. Increases damage by +100%. Increases attack speed by +70%. Increases armor by +20. Increases maximum health by +50%. Increases passive health regeneration by +300%. Increases movespeed by +30%.\n\nWhen the Tonic wears off, you have a 20% chance to gain a Tonic Affliction, reducing all of your stats by -5% (-5% per stack).", + + "EQUIPMENT_QUESTVOLATILEBATTERY_NAME" : "Fuel Array", + "EQUIPMENT_QUESTVOLATILEBATTERY_PICKUP" : "Looks like it could power something. EXTREMELY unstable...", + + "EQUIPMENT_CLEANSE_NAME" : "Blast Shower", + "EQUIPMENT_CLEANSE_PICKUP" : "Cleanse all negative effects.", + "EQUIPMENT_CLEANSE_DESC" : "Cleanse all negative effects. Includes debuffs, damage over time, and nearby projectiles.", + "EQUIPMENT_CLEANSE_LORE" : "Order: Blast Shower\r\nTracking Number: 152*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 06/19/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: Frontier Gate, Outer Edge Zone\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nOuter Edge thanks you for your rewards redemption! It takes a real explorer to make their living on the frontier. As you undoubtedly know, REAL exploring is REAL messy. This portable unit will equip you with the modern convenience of taking a shower anywhere at any time!\r\n\r\nDisclaimer: Wear your protective suit while cleansing. Do not use product directly on skin. Blast Shower is only rated for B-class toxins and C-class foreign organisms. This company does not accept any responsibility for incidents as a result of an incomplete cleansing.\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_FIREBALLDASH_NAME" : "Volcanic Egg", + "EQUIPMENT_FIREBALLDASH_PICKUP" : "Transform into a speeding draconic fireball, dealing damage as you pass through enemies.", + "EQUIPMENT_FIREBALLDASH_DESC" : "Turn into a draconic fireball for 5 seconds. Deal 500% damage on impact. Detonates at the end for 800% damage.", + + "EQUIPMENT_GAINARMOR_NAME" : "Jade Elephant", + "EQUIPMENT_GAINARMOR_PICKUP" : "Gain massive armor for 5 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_GAINARMOR_DESC" : "Gain 500 armor for 5 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_GAINARMOR_LORE": "Excerpt from the folk tale \"Clean as Jade\":\r\n\r\n\u201C... and while the peasants braced for the advancement of the Emperor\u2019s army, the stone carver finished her last strike on the giant sculpture. The clang of the flat tool against the beautiful, translucent green sheen of the solid surface echoed through the trees and around all the villagers. Their souls were cleansed and made whole by the heavenly stone, now formed into the imposing presence of an elephant.\r\n\r\nDetermination and resolve had essentially been carved into the very spirit of the ones, who, just moments ago were clutching their farming implements and make-shift weapons with trembling hands. The attack was repelled that day. The Emperor\u2019s army told stories about their metal weapons bouncing off the cloth of commoners. This inspiring encounter spread to other villages and...\u201D\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_SAWMERANG_NAME": "Sawmerang", + "EQUIPMENT_SAWMERANG_PICKUP": "Throw a fan of buzzing saws that come back to you.", + "EQUIPMENT_SAWMERANG_DESC": "Throw three large saw blades that slice through enemies for 3x400% damage. Also deals an additional 3x100% damage per second while bleeding enemies. Can strike enemies again on the way back.", + "EQUIPMENT_SAWMERANG_LORE": "I'm so happy they let me bring my trusty disc toy on this trip! Trees need cutting? Disc toy. Baddies getting a little too close? Disc toy. Fun after-hours game of catch? Disc toy... but only if you're trained to catch it.", + + "EQUIPMENT_RECYCLER_NAME": "Recycler", + "EQUIPMENT_RECYCLER_PICKUP": "Transform an Item or Equipment into a different one. Can only recycle once.", + "EQUIPMENT_RECYCLER_DESC": "Transform an Item or Equipment into a different one. Can only be converted into the same tier one time.", + "EQUIPMENT_RECYCLER_LORE": "Order: \u201CTY-6G Recycler\u201D\r\nTracking Number: 02******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 11\\06\\2056\\\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: 700 Baler Ave, Seattle, Earth\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nStandard issue recycling apparatus TY-6G. Please read the manual before operating. KEEP HANDS CLEAR OF THE TOP OPENING.\r\n\r\nUse included recycler rod to pack refuse into top. Our patented smart technology will find a new, usable form for the matter you insert. \r\n\r\nThank you for recycling!\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_LIFESTEALONHIT_NAME": "Super Massive Leech", + "EQUIPMENT_LIFESTEALONHIT_PICKUP": "Heal for a percentage of the damage you deal for 8 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_LIFESTEALONHIT_DESC": "Heal for 20% of the damage you deal. Lasts 8 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_LIFESTEALONHIT_LORE": "Return: Super Massive Leech\r\nTracking Number: 817*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 07/01/2056\r\nShipping Method: High Priority/Biological\r\nShipping Address: Rare/Extinct Study Satellite, Beachfront, Saturn\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nWhile the medical benefits of this creature are obvious, the psychological effects are not. Upon receiving a previous shipment, Carolyn took charge of research and experimentation with the organism. \r\n\r\nEverything was by the book until, one day, she walked into the lab with the specimen clearly attached to her neck. Incredibly startled, the rest of us eventually coaxed her into placing it back into containment.\r\n\r\nWe inspected the bite area but, after running all the standard tests, we did not observe any adverse side effects.\r\n\r\nShe stated that it made her feel fantastic, but no one else in the lab felt comfortable with her behavior.\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_TEAMWARCRY_NAME": "Gorag's Opus", + "EQUIPMENT_TEAMWARCRY_PICKUP": "You and all your allies enter a frenzy.", + "EQUIPMENT_TEAMWARCRY_DESC": "All allies enter a frenzy for 7 seconds. Increases movement speed by 50% and attack speed by 100%.", + "EQUIPMENT_TEAMWARCRY_LORE": "Audio transcription complete from \"Carrion Crows Tour 2055: Special Edition\"\r\n\r\nPrinting...\r\n\r\n\"Halfway through the tour we were at this little shop down in Groveside and the guy at the desk is trying to sell us random junk.\"\r\n\r\n\"Yeah, he was totally out of the loop, had no idea who we were.\"\r\n\r\n\"Yep, anyways, as a joke, I\u2019m thinking I\u2019ll buy this ancient looking drum and use it on stage at the next show. Then we\u2019d circle back and show this guy a video of his merch being used in the biggest performance on the planet.\"\r\n\r\n\"We tried to find him again, but the shop was all shut down. Couldn\u2019t figure out what happened to him.\"\r\n\r\n\"Thing is, that drum drove our fans wild. It turned out to be our most successful tour ever.\"\r\n", + + "EQUIPMENT_DEATHPROJECTILE_NAME": "Forgive Me Please", + "EQUIPMENT_DEATHPROJECTILE_PICKUP": "Throw a cursed doll that repeatedly triggers your 'On Kill' effects.", + "EQUIPMENT_DEATHPROJECTILE_DESC": "Throw a cursed doll out that triggers any On-Kill effects you have every 1 second for 8 seconds.", + "EQUIPMENT_DEATHPROJECTILE_LORE": "There is a note pinned to the doll:\r\n\r\nAyy, you\u2019re killin\u2019 me!\r\n\r\nYou\u2019re killin\u2019 me!\r\n\r\nYou\u2019re killin\u2019 me!\r\n\r\nYou\u2019re killin\u2019 me!\r\n\r\nYou\u2019re killin\u2019 me!\r\n\r\nYou\u2019re killin\u2019 me!\r\n\r\nYou\u2019re killin\u2019 me!\r\n\r\nYou\u2019re really killing me.\r\n", + } +} diff --git a/GameBrowser.json b/GameBrowser.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6908815 --- /dev/null +++ b/GameBrowser.json @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +{ + "strings": { + "GAME_BROWSER_NAME" : "Game Browser", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER" : "Filters", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SORTING" : "Sorting", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_DEDICATED_SERVERS": "Dedicated Servers", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_LISTEN_SERVERS": "Listen Servers", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_LOBBIES": "Lobbies", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_DROP_IN_GAMES": "Drop-In Enabled", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_DIFFICULTY_EASY_GAMES": "Difficulty: Drizzle", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_DIFFICULTY_NORMAL_GAMES": "Difficulty: Rainstorm", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_DIFFICULTY_HARD_GAMES": "Difficulty: Monsoon", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_GAMES_WITH_RULE_VOTING": "Rule Voting On", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_GAMES_WITHOUT_RULE_VOTING": "Rule Voting Off", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_PASSWORDED_GAMES": "Password-Protected", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_MAX_PING": "Max Ping", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_MUST_HAVE_PLAYERS": "Must Have Players", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_MUST_HAVE_ENOUGH_SLOTS": "Must Have Enough Slots", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_MIN_MAX_PLAYERS": "Minimum Capacity", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_MAX_MAX_PLAYERS": "Maximum Capacity", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_REQUIRED_TAGS": "Required Tags", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_FORBIDDEN_TAGS": "Forbidden Tags", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_SHOW_STARTED_GAMES": "Show Started Games", + "GAME_BROWSER_FILTER_HIDE_INCOMPATIBLE_GAMES": "Hide Incompatible Games", + + "GAME_BROWSER_SORTER_PING": "Ping", + "GAME_BROWSER_SORTER_NAME": "Name", + "GAME_BROWSER_SORTER_PLAYER_COUNT": "Player Count", + "GAME_BROWSER_SORTER_MAX_PLAYER_COUNT": "Maximum Capacity", + "GAME_BROWSER_SORTER_AVAILABLE_SLOTS": "Available Slots", + + "GAME_BROWSER_REFRESH": "Refresh", + + "GAME_BROWSER_HEADER_NAME": "Name", + "GAME_BROWSER_HEADER_DIFFICULTY": "Difficulty", + "GAME_BROWSER_HEADER_PING": "Ping", + "GAME_BROWSER_HEADER_PLAYERS": "Players", + "GAME_BROWSER_HEADER_TAGS": "Tags", + "GAME_BROWSER_HEADER_ARTIFACTS": "Artifacts", + + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_WINDOW_TITLE": "Game Info", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_NAME": "Name:\t\t{0}", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_PING": "Ping:\t\t{0, 1}", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_TAGS": "Tags:\t\t{0}", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_GAMEMODE": "Game Mode:\t{0}", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_MAP": "Map:\t\t{0}", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_STATUS": "Status:\t{0}", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_LOBBY_PLAYER_COUNT": "Lobby Players:\t{0,1}/{1,1}", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_SERVER_PLAYER_COUNT": "Players:\t{0,1}/{1,1}", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_PASSWORD": "Password:\t", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_RULES": "Rules:", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_PLAYERS": "Players:", + + "REMOTE_GAME_STATUS_UNRESPONSIVE": "Not responding", + "REMOTE_GAME_STATUS_RESPONSIVE": "Available", + "REMOTE_GAME_STATUS_PENDING": "Pending...", + + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_FAVORITE": "Favorite: ", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_BLACKLISTED": "Blacklisted: ", + + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_REFRESH": "Refresh", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_JOIN_LOBBY": "Join Lobby", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_JOIN_SERVER": "Join Server", + + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_WARNING_VERSION_MISMATCH": "Version differs between your local game and the remote game.", + "REMOTE_GAME_DETAILS_WARNING_MOD_MISMATCH": "The active mods between your local game and the remote game do not match." + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/GameModes.json b/GameModes.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000..e99c3c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/GameModes.json @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@ +{ + "strings": { + "GAMEMODE_CLASSIC_RUN_NAME": "Classic", + "GAMEMODE_WEEKLY_RUN_NAME": "Prismatic Trials", + } +} diff --git a/HostGamePanel.json b/HostGamePanel.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f3d92cd --- /dev/null +++ b/HostGamePanel.json @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +{ + "strings": { + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_TITLE": "Create Multiplayer Game", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_HEADER_SERVER_SETTINGS": "Game Settings", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_OPTION_SERVER_NAME": "Game Name", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_OPTION_SERVER_NAME_DESCRIPTION": "The name of your game.", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME_FORMAT": "{0}'s Listen Server", + + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_OPTION_GAME_MODE": "Game Mode", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_OPTION_GAME_MODE_DESCRIPTION": "The game mode you want to play.", + + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_OPTION_PASSWORD": "Password", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_OPTION_PASSWORD_DESCRIPTION": "An optional password for your game. Players without a password won't be able to join your game.", + + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_MAX_PLAYERS": "Max Players", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_MAX_PLAYERS_DESCRIPTION": "The maximum number of players allowed in your game.", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_MAX_PLAYERS_TOO_MANY_SLOTS_WARNING": "Risk of Rain 2 is designed for a maximum of 4 players. Performance, bandwidth, stability, and game balance may be negatively affected.", + + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_CUSTOM_TAGS": "Custom Tags", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_CUSTOM_TAGS_DESCRIPTION": "Optional tags for your game. Players can filter your lobby with tags.", + + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_ALLOW_RULE_VOTING": "Allow Rule Voting", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_ALLOW_RULE_VOTING_DESCRIPTION": "Whether or not players are allowed to vote for Difficulty, Artifacts, and more while in character selection.", + + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_LOBBY_TYPE": "Lobby Visiblity", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_LOBBY_TYPE_DESCRIPTION": "Whether or not the game is Public, Private, or Friends Only.\n\nMust be set to Public to be displayed for other users.", + + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_ADVERTISE_TO_MASTER_SERVER": "Visible to Master Server", + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_ADVERTISE_TO_MASTER_SERVER_DESCRIPTION": "Whether or not the game is visible to other players in their Server Browser.", + + "HOSTGAMEPANEL_HOST": "Start Game" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Interactors.txt b/Interactors.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..86b5581 --- /dev/null +++ b/Interactors.txt @@ -0,0 +1,237 @@ +{ + strings: + { + //[INTERACTABLES], + "SURVIVOR_POD_HATCH_OPEN_CONTEXT": "Exit Escape Pod", + "SURVIVOR_POD_OPEN_PANEL_CONTEXT" : "Open Panel", + "TELEPORTER_NAME": "Teleporter", + "TELEPORTER_BEGIN_CONTEXT": "Activate Teleporter..?", + "TELEPORTER_END_CONTEXT": "Enter Teleporter", + + "BARREL1_NAME": "Barrel", + "BARREL1_CONTEXT": "Open barrel", + + "LOCKBOX_NAME": "Rusty Lockbox", + "LOCKBOX_CONTEXT": "Open Rusty Lockbox", + + "EQUIPMENTBARREL_NAME": "Equipment Barrel", + "EQUIPMENTBARREL_CONTEXT": "Open equipment barrel", + + //[CHESTS], + "OLDCHEST_NAME": "Old Chest", + "OLDCHEST_CONTEXT": "", + + "CHEST1_NAME": "Chest", + "CHEST1_CONTEXT": "Open chest", + + "CHEST1_STEALTHED_NAME": "Cloaked Chest", + "CHEST1_STEALTHED_CONTEXT": "Open cloaked chest", + + "CHEST2_NAME": "Large Chest", + "CHEST2_CONTEXT": "Open large chest", + + "GOLDCHEST_NAME": "Legendary Chest", + "GOLDCHEST_CONTEXT": "Open Legendary Chest", + + "TIMEDCHEST_NAME": "Timed Security Chest", + "TIMEDCHEST_CONTEXT": "Open Timed Security Chest", + + "RADIOTOWER_NAME" : "Radio Scanner", + "RADIOTOWER_CONTEXT" : "Download environment data", + + "MULTISHOP_TERMINAL_NAME": "Multishop Terminal", + "MULTISHOP_TERMINAL_CONTEXT": "Open terminal", + + "FAN_NAME": "Fan", + "FAN_CONTEXT": "Reactivate Fan", + + "DUPLICATOR_NAME": "3D Printer", + "DUPLICATOR_CONTEXT": "Use 3D Printer", + + "DUPLICATOR_MILITARY_NAME": "Mili-Tech Printer", + "DUPLICATOR_MILITARY_CONTEXT": "Use Mili-Tech Printer", + "DUPLICATOR_WILD_NAME": "Overgrown 3D Printer", + "DUPLICATOR_WILD_CONTEXT": "Use Overgrown 3D Printer", + + "CASINOCHEST_NAME": "Adaptive Chest", + "CASINOCHEST_CONTEXT": "Open Adaptive Chest", + + //[LUNAR STUFF], + "LUNAR_CHEST_NAME" : "Lunar Pod", + "LUNAR_CHEST_CONTEXT" : "Open Lunar Pod", + + "LUNAR_TERMINAL_NAME" : "Lunar Bud", + "LUNAR_TERMINAL_CONTEXT" : "Open Lunar Bud", + + "BAZAAR_UPGRADE_LUNAR_NAME" : "Slab", + "BAZAAR_UPGRADE_LUNAR_CONTEXT" : "Permanently upgrade Item Shop", + + "BAZAAR_BLUEPRINT_NAME" : "Strange Display", + "BAZAAR_BLUEPRINT_CONTEXT" : "Permanently Unlock", + + "BAZAAR_UPGRADE_DRONE_NAME" : "Slab", + "BAZAAR_UPGRADE_DRONE_CONTEXT" : "Permanently upgrade Drone Shop", + + "BAZAAR_CAULDRON_NAME" : "Cauldron", + "BAZAAR_CAULDRON_CONTEXT" : "Reforge", + + "NEWT_STATUE_NAME" : "Newt Altar", + "NEWT_STATUE_CONTEXT" : "Donate to Newt Altar", + + "MSOBELISK_NAME" : "Obelisk", + "MSOBELISK_CONTEXT" : "Obliterate yourself from existence", + "MSOBELISK_CONTEXT_CONFIRMATION" : "Are you sure?", + + "CATEGORYCHEST_HEALING_NAME": "Chest - Healing", + "CATEGORYCHEST_HEALING_CONTEXT": "Open Chest - Healing", + + "CATEGORYCHEST_DAMAGE_NAME": "Chest - Damage", + "CATEGORYCHEST_DAMAGE_CONTEXT": "Open Chest - Damage", + + "CATEGORYCHEST_UTILITY_NAME": "Chest - Utility", + "CATEGORYCHEST_UTILITY_CONTEXT": "Open Chest - Utility", + + //[SHRINES], + "SHRINE_HEALING_NAME": "Shrine of the Woods", + "SHRINE_HEALING_CONTEXT": "Offer to Shrine of the Woods", + "SHRINE_HEALING_USE_MESSAGE_2P": "You are embraced by the healing warmth of the Woods.", + "SHRINE_HEALING_USE_MESSAGE": "{0} is embraced by the healing warmth of the Woods.", + + "SHRINE_BLOOD_NAME": "Shrine of Blood", + "SHRINE_BLOOD_CONTEXT": "Offer to Shrine of Blood", + "SHRINE_BLOOD_USE_MESSAGE_2P": "You feel a searing pain. You have gained {1} gold.", + "SHRINE_BLOOD_USE_MESSAGE": "{0} feels a searing pain, and has gained {1} gold.", + + "SHRINE_CHANCE_NAME": "Shrine of Chance", + "SHRINE_CHANCE_CONTEXT": "Offer to Shrine of Chance", + "SHRINE_CHANCE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE_2P": "You offer to the shrine and are rewarded!", + "SHRINE_CHANCE_SUCCESS_MESSAGE": "{0} offered to the shrine and was rewarded!", + "SHRINE_CHANCE_FAIL_MESSAGE_2P": "You offer to the shrine, but gain nothing.", + "SHRINE_CHANCE_FAIL_MESSAGE": "{0} offered to the shrine and gained nothing.", + + "SHRINE_BOSS_NAME": "Shrine of the Mountain", + "SHRINE_BOSS_CONTEXT": "Pray to Shrine of the Mountain", + "SHRINE_BOSS_USE_MESSAGE_2P": "You have invited the challenge of the Mountain..", + "SHRINE_BOSS_USE_MESSAGE": "{0} has invited the challenge of the Mountain..", + "SHRINE_BOSS_BEGIN_TRIAL": "Let the challenge of the Mountain... begin!", + "SHRINE_BOSS_END_TRIAL": "Your bravery is rewarded!", + + "SHRINE_RESTACK_NAME": "Shrine of Order", + "SHRINE_RESTACK_CONTEXT": "Offer to Shrine of Order", + "SHRINE_RESTACK_USE_MESSAGE_2P": "You have been... sequenced.", + "SHRINE_RESTACK_USE_MESSAGE": "{0} is... sequenced.", + + "SHRINE_GOLDSHORES_NAME": "Altar of Gold", + "SHRINE_GOLDSHORES_CONTEXT": "Offer to Altar of Gold", + + "SHRINE_COMBAT_NAME": "Shrine of Combat", + "SHRINE_COMBAT_CONTEXT": "Pray to Shrine of Combat", + "SHRINE_COMBAT_USE_MESSAGE_2P": "You have summoned {1}s to fight.", + "SHRINE_COMBAT_USE_MESSAGE": "{0} has summoned {1}s to fight.", + + "SHRINE_PROTECTION_NAME": "Shrine of Warding", + "SHRINE_PROTECTION_CONTEXT": "Pray to Shrine of Warding", + "SHRINE_PROTECTION_USE_MESSAGE_2P": "You feel safe.", + "SHRINE_PROTECTION_USE_MESSAGE": "{0} feels safe.", + + "SHRINE_CLEANSE_NAME": "Cleansing Pool", + "SHRINE_CLEANSE_CONTEXT": "Use Cleansing Pool", + "SHRINE_CLEANSE_USE_MESSAGE_2P": "You have cleansed yourself of {1}.", + "SHRINE_CLEANSE_USE_MESSAGE": "{0} has cleansed themself of {1}.", + + "GOLDTOTEM_NAME": "Halcyon Beacon", + "GOLDTOTEM_CONTEXT": "Rebuild Halcyon Beacon", + + "ARENA_ADD_MONSTER" : "[WARNING] {1}s have been released from the Cell..!", + "ARENA_ADD_ITEM" : "[WARNING] {1} has been integrated into the Cell...!", + "ARENA_END" : "The Cell stabilizes.", + "NULL_WARD_NAME" : "Cell Vent", + "NULL_WARD_CONTEXT" : "Open Cell Vent", + //MISC + "YOUNG_TELEPORTER_NAME": "Teleporter Sapling", + "YOUNG_TELEPORTER_CONTEXT": "Activate Teleporter Sapling", + + "LOCKEDMAGE_NAME" : "Survivor", + "LOCKEDMAGE_CONTEXT" : "Free the survivor", + + "LOCKEDTREEBOT_NAME" : "Broken Robot", + "LOCKEDTREEBOT_CONTEXT" : "Repair", + + "SCAVBACKPACK_NAME" : "Scavenger's Sack", + "SCAVBACKPACK_CONTEXT" : "Open Scavenger's Sack", + //[DRONES], + "DRONE_GUNNER_INTERACTABLE_NAME": "Broken Gunner Drone", + "DRONE_GUNNER_CONTEXT": "Repair Gunner Drone", + + "DRONE_MEGA_INTERACTABLE_NAME": "Broken TC-280", + "DRONE_MEGA_CONTEXT": "Repair ???", + + "DRONE_HEALING_INTERACTABLE_NAME": "Broken Healing Drone", + "DRONE_HEALING_CONTEXT": "Repair Healing Drone", + + "DRONE_MISSILE_INTERACTABLE_NAME": "Broken Missile Drone", + "DRONE_MISSILE_CONTEXT": "Repair Missile Drone", + + "EQUIPMENTDRONE_INTERACTABLE_NAME" : "Broken Equipment Drone", + "EQUIPMENTDRONE_CONTEXT" : "Repair Equipment Drone", + + "FLAMEDRONE_INTERACTABLE_NAME" : "Broken Incinerator Drone", + "FLAMEDRONE_CONTEXT" : "Repair Incinerator Drone", + + "EMERGENCYDRONE_INTERACTABLE_NAME" : "Broken Emergency Drone", + "EMERGENCYDRONE_CONTEXT" : "Repair Emergency Drone", + + //[TURRETS], + "TURRET1_INTERACTABLE_NAME": "Broken Gunner Turret", + "TURRET1_CONTEXT": "Repair Gunner Turret", + + "PORTAL_SHOP_NAME" : "Blue Portal", + "PORTAL_SHOP_CONTEXT": "Enter Blue Portal", + "PORTAL_GOLDSHORES_NAME" : "Gold Portal", + "PORTAL_GOLDSHORES_CONTEXT": "Enter Gold Portal", + "PORTAL_MYSTERYSPACE_NAME" : "Celestial Portal", + "PORTAL_MYSTERYSPACE_CONTEXT": "Enter Celestial Portal", + "PORTAL_ARENA_NAME" : "Null Portal", + "PORTAL_ARENA_CONTEXT" : "Enter Null Portal", + "PORTAL_ARTIFACTWORLD_NAME" : "Artifact Portal", + "PORTAL_ARTIFACTWORLD_CONTEXT" : "Enter Artifact Portal", + "PORTAL_GENERIC_CONTEXT": "Enter Portal", + "ZIPLINE_ENTER_CONTEXT" : "Enter Quantum Tunnel", + "ZIPLINE_EXIT_CONTEXT" : "Exit Quantum Tunnel", + + "PICKUP_LUNAR_COIN": "Lunar Coin", + "LUNAR_COIN_PICKUP_CONTEXT": "Pick up Lunar Coin", + + "COST_NONE_FORMAT": "", + "COST_MONEY_FORMAT": "${0}", + "COST_PERCENTHEALTH_FORMAT": "{0}% HP", + "COST_LUNARCOIN_FORMAT": " {0}", + "COST_ITEM_FORMAT": "{0} Items", + "COST_LUNAR_FORMAT": "{0} Lunar", + "COST_EQUIPMENT_FORMAT": "{0} Equipment", + "COST_VOLATILEBATTERY_FORMAT": "{0} Fuel Array", + "COST_ARTIFACTSHELLKILLERITEM_FORMAT" : "{0} Artifact Key", + "FIREBALL_VEHICLE_EXIT_CONTEXT" : "Detonate", + + "ARTIFACT_TRIAL_CONTROLLER_NAME" : "Unknown Artifact", + "ARTIFACT_TRIAL_CONTROLLER_CONTEXT" : "Activate Unknown Artifact...?", + + "PORTAL_DIALER_NAME" : "Compound Generator", + "PORTAL_DIALER_CONTEXT" : "Cycle Compound", + + "PORTAL_DIALER_LAPTOP_NAME" : "Laptop", + "PORTAL_DIALER_LAPTOP_CONTEXT" : "Submit Formula", + + "LUNAR_TELEPORTER_NAME": "Primordial Teleporter", + "LUNAR_TELEPORTER_SHIFT" : "Shift Destination", + "LUNAR_TELEPORTER_BEGIN_CONTEXT": "Activate Primordial Teleporter..?", + "LUNAR_TELEPORTER_END_CONTEXT": "Enter Primordial Teleporter", + + "SCRAPPER_NAME" : "Scrapper", + "SCRAPPER_CONTEXT" : "Scrap Items", + "SCRAPPER_POPUP_TEXT" : "Scrapper V1-4\nTurn anything into recyclable scrap!", + + "DROPSHIP_NAME" : "UES Dropship", + "DROPSHIP_CONTEXT" : "Escape", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Items.txt b/Items.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8f6795b --- /dev/null +++ b/Items.txt @@ -0,0 +1,471 @@ + { + strings: + { + "ITEM_PICKUP_CONTEXT" : "Get {0}", + "EQUIPMENT_PICKUP_CONTEXT" : "Get {0}", + "EQUIPMENT_SWAP_CONTEXT" : "Swap for {0}", + + "ITEM_CLOVER_NAME": "57 Leaf Clover", + "ITEM_CLOVER_PICKUP": "Luck is on your side.", + "ITEM_CLOVER_DESC": "All random effects are rolled +1 (+1 per stack)times for a favorable outcome.", + + "ITEM_SYRINGE_NAME": "Soldier's Syringe", + "ITEM_SYRINGE_PICKUP": "Increases attack speed.", + "ITEM_SYRINGE_DESC": "Increases attack speed by 15% (+15% per stack).", + "ITEM_SYRINGE_LORE" : "\"I ain't much for drugs... but hell, when fortune is knockin', ya gotta greet that door with a smile and a nod. Salud!\"\r\n\r\n-Signal echoes, UES Contact Light\r\n", + + "ITEM_BEAR_NAME": "Tougher Times", + "ITEM_BEAR_PICKUP": "Chance to block incoming damage.", + "ITEM_BEAR_DESC": "15% (+15% per stack) chance to block incoming damage. Unaffected by luck.", + "ITEM_BEAR_LORE" : "\n//--AUTO-TRANSCRIPTION FROM ROOM 4211B OF UES [Redacted] --//\n\n\"Why\'d you sign up?\"\n\nWyatt\'s voice was bored. The mission to the Contact Light\'s last known location was taking longer than he expected.\n\nMalik was on the floor, cleaning her rifle. \"To get paid, mostly.\"\n\n\"And that\'s it?\"\n\nShe grunted in affirmation. She continued to wipe down the weapon.\n\n\"I\'m here to find something.\" He continued. \"I shipped it a few years back, but I don\'t think it made it before the train went down. I\'m guessing it\'s still in the Contact Light. So I\'m gonna get it back.\"\n\nShe began to tighten the last remaining bolts. Her routine near completion, she moved her gaze to Wyatt. \"Seriously?\"\n\n\"Yep!\"\n\nMalik raised her brow. \"There were over 7 million security chests in the Contact Light. The chance of you finding a specific one is impossible.\" She began to unfold her legs as she propped her rifle in the corner. \"And according to the distress beacon, the Contact Light was destroyed in orbit. Your shipment is probably floating around in space. It\'s all gone, Wyatt.\"\n\nHe grinned. \"I think I\'m gonna find it.\"\n\n\"You\'re terrible.\"\n", + + "ITEM_BEHEMOTH_NAME": "Brilliant Behemoth", + "ITEM_BEHEMOTH_PICKUP": "All your attacks explode!", + "ITEM_BEHEMOTH_DESC": "All your attacks explode in a 4m (+1.5m per stack) radius for a bonus 60% TOTAL damage to nearby enemies.", + + "ITEM_MISSILE_NAME": "AtG Missile Mk. 1", + "ITEM_MISSILE_PICKUP": "Chance to fire a missile.", + "ITEM_MISSILE_DESC": "10% chance to fire a missile that deals 300% (+300% per stack) TOTAL damage.", + + "ITEM_EXPLODEONDEATH_NAME": "Will-o'-the-wisp", + "ITEM_EXPLODEONDEATH_PICKUP": "Detonate enemies on kill.", + "ITEM_EXPLODEONDEATH_DESC": "On killing an enemy, spawn a lava pillar in a 12m (+2.4m per stack) radius for 350% (+280% per stack) base damage.", + "ITEM_EXPLODEONDEATH_LORE": "Audio transcription complete from portable recorder.\r\n\r\nPrinting...<\/style>\r\n\r\n\"You don\u2019t want to re-name it Bill-o-the-Wisp?\"\r\n\"NO.\"\r\n\"JAR-ed?\"\r\n\"NO.\"\r\n\"Then what about FLARE-ed?\"\r\n\"STOP.\"\r\n\"It needs a name, it\u2019s no dif-FIRE-ent than you or me.\"\r\n\"Next time we\u2019re at base I\u2019m applying for a transfer.\"\r\n\"You know that won\u2019t go through until at least Dec-EMBER.\"\r\n\"How long have you been waiting to use these?\"\r\n\"Coming up with them on the spot. I\u2019ve got a good head on my SMOULDERS.\"\r\n\"You can stop emphasizing those words so much. I get it.\"\r\n\"I will never stop FUELING around.\"\r\n\"...\"\r\n\"...\"\r\n\"...\"\r\n\"Want to grab something to eat when we get back?\"\r\n\"Thank the stars that\u2019s over, yes. I hope they\u2019re not serving that gruel we had yesterday.\"\r\n\"Maybe they\u2019ll cook you a pep-PYRO-ni pizza?\"\r\n\"...\"\r\n\"Hey, wait up! I can\u2019t run holding this thing, it might go off!\"\r\n", + + "ITEM_DAGGER_NAME": "Ceremonial Dagger", + "ITEM_DAGGER_PICKUP": "Killing an enemy releases homing daggers.", + "ITEM_DAGGER_DESC": "Killing an enemy fires out 3 homing daggers that deal 150% (+150% per stack) base damage.", + "ITEM_DAGGER_LORE": "The smell of sulfur fills the air.\r\n\r\n\"Oh god, they're so close. They have Hitchcock. Oh god.\"\r\n\r\n\"Grab the - the dagger. From my backpack. Quick.\"\r\n\r\n\"I-I don't... I got it. What the hell? This isn't gonna work, Marion. What the hell am I supposed to do with this against those...? They blew him into pieces - oh god.\"\r\n\r\n\"You have to... you have to kill me - ah! Kill me. Kill me with it.\"\r\n\r\n\"What? What the hell?\"\r\n\r\n\"Yeah - it's the only way. Please.\"\r\n\r\n\"What are you saying? Stop!\"\r\n\r\n\"It's a magic dagger. It'll save us. She will save us. But you have to kill me with it.\"\r\n\r\n\"Please don't... please don't make me. Oh god.\"\r\n\r\n\"Y-you have to. I've seen how this works. It's the only way - they're coming so close. You have to use it on me. Kill me.\"\r\n\r\n\"I'm so sorry Marion. I'm so so sorry. I don't think-\"\r\n\r\n\"Do it. Do it now. DO IT NOW! DO IT NOW! DO IT-\"", + + "ITEM_TOOTH_NAME": "Monster Tooth", + "ITEM_TOOTH_PICKUP": "Drop a healing orb on kill.", + "ITEM_TOOTH_DESC": "Killing an enemy spawns a healing orb that heals for 8 plus an additional 2% (+2% per stack) of maximum health.", + + "ITEM_CRITGLASSES_NAME": "Lens-Maker's Glasses", + "ITEM_CRITGLASSES_PICKUP": "Chance to 'Critically Strike', dealing double damage.", + "ITEM_CRITGLASSES_DESC": "Your attacks have a 10% (+10% per stack) chance to 'Critically Strike', dealing double damage.", + + "ITEM_HOOF_NAME": "Paul's Goat Hoof", + "ITEM_HOOF_PICKUP": "Move faster.", + "ITEM_HOOF_DESC": "Increases movement speed by 14% (+14% per stack).", + + "ITEM_FEATHER_NAME": "Hopoo Feather", + "ITEM_FEATHER_PICKUP": "Gain an extra jump.", + "ITEM_FEATHER_DESC": "Gain +1 (+1 per stack) maximum jump count.", + + "ITEM_CHAINLIGHTNING_NAME": "Ukulele", + "ITEM_CHAINLIGHTNING_PICKUP": "...and his music was electric.", + "ITEM_CHAINLIGHTNING_DESC": "25% chance to fire chain lightning for 80% TOTAL damage on up to 3 (+2 per stack) targets within 20m (+2m per stack).", + + "ITEM_SEED_NAME": "Leeching Seed", + "ITEM_SEED_PICKUP": "Dealing damage heals you.", + "ITEM_SEED_DESC": "Dealing damage heals you for 1 (+1 per stack) health.", + + "ITEM_ICICLE_NAME": "Frost Relic", + "ITEM_ICICLE_PICKUP": "Killing enemies surrounds you with an ice storm.", + "ITEM_ICICLE_DESC": "Killing an enemy surrounds you with an ice storm that deals 600% damage per second. The storm grows with every kill, increasing its radius by 1m. Stacks up to 6m (+6m per stack).", + + "ITEM_GHOSTONKILL_NAME": "Happiest Mask", + "ITEM_GHOSTONKILL_PICKUP": "Chance on killing an enemy to summon a ghost.", + "ITEM_GHOSTONKILL_DESC": "Killing enemies has a 7% chance to spawn a ghost of the killed enemy with 1500% damage. Lasts 30s (+30s per stack).", + + "ITEM_MUSHROOM_NAME": "Bustling Fungus", + "ITEM_MUSHROOM_PICKUP": "Heal all nearby allies after standing still for 2 seconds.", + "ITEM_MUSHROOM_DESC": "After standing still for 2 seconds, create a zone that heals for 4.5% (+2.25% per stack) of your health every second to all allies within 3m (+1.5m per stack).", + + "ITEM_CROWBAR_NAME": "Crowbar", + "ITEM_CROWBAR_PICKUP": "Deal more damage to healthy enemies.", + "ITEM_CROWBAR_DESC": "Deal 150% (+50% per stack) damage to enemies above 90% health.", + + "ITEM_ATTACKSPEEDONCRIT_NAME": "Predatory Instincts", + "ITEM_ATTACKSPEEDONCRIT_PICKUP": "'Critical Strikes' increase attack speed. Stacks 3 times.", + "ITEM_ATTACKSPEEDONCRIT_DESC": "Critical strikes increase attack speed by 12%. Maximum cap of 36% (+24% per stack) attack speed.", + "ITEM_ATTACKSPEEDONCRIT_LORE": "Gossip spreads quickly in terrified communities. Stories that keep the more fearful lizardfolk in their passageways. Hushed tales that frighten the most commanding of stone constructs and woodfolk and creatures of the plains. Fear travels between the trees and the valleys.\n\nA demon, fallen from the Sky, mighty enough to slay Providence and his Wurms. Only two arms, two legs - but with 22 unblinking, crimson eyes.\n", + + "ITEM_BLEEDONHIT_NAME": "Tri-Tip Dagger", + "ITEM_BLEEDONHIT_PICKUP": "Chance to bleed enemies on hit.", + "ITEM_BLEEDONHIT_DESC": "15% (+15% per stack) chance to bleed an enemy for 240% base damage.", + + "ITEM_SPRINTOUTOFCOMBAT_NAME": "Red Whip", + "ITEM_SPRINTOUTOFCOMBAT_PICKUP": "Move fast out of combat.", + "ITEM_SPRINTOUTOFCOMBAT_DESC": "Leaving combat boosts your movement speed by 30% (+30% per stack).", + + "ITEM_FALLBOOTS_NAME": "H3AD-5T v2", + "ITEM_FALLBOOTS_PICKUP": "Increase jump height. Hold 'Interact' to slam down to the ground.", + "ITEM_FALLBOOTS_DESC": "Increase jump height. Creates a 5m-100m radius kinetic explosion on hitting the ground, dealing 1000%-10000% base damage that scales up with speed. Recharges in 10 (-50% per stack) seconds.", + "ITEM_FALLBOOTS_LORE": "\"Denizens of lower-gravity planets like Mercury historically have had trouble adjusting to life on other planets. Mercurians, with their lower bone density (left) would typically shatter their femur within a week on heavier planets. Members of asteroid-rigged flotillas and colony ships have similar issues when arriving home from space.\r\n\r\nThe invention of Kinetic Dispersion Rings (above) help alleviate the stress of heavier-than-normal gravity by converting kinetic energy into heat, sound, and light. Settlers from Mercury could finally leave their home planet in safety.\"\r\n\r\n-Mercurian History Museum\r\n", + + "ITEM_COOLDOWNONCRIT_NAME": "Wicked Ring", + "ITEM_COOLDOWNONCRIT_PICKUP": "'Critical Strikes' reduce cooldowns by 1 second.", + "ITEM_COOLDOWNONCRIT_DESC": "Gain 5% critical chance. Critical strikes reduces all your cooldowns by 1.", + + "ITEM_WARDONLEVEL_NAME": "Warbanner", + "ITEM_WARDONLEVEL_PICKUP": "Drop a Warbanner on level up or starting the Teleporter event. Grants allies attack and movement speed.", + "ITEM_WARDONLEVEL_DESC": "On level up or starting the Teleporter event, drop a banner that strengthens all allies within 16m (+8m per stack). Raise attack and movement speed by 30%.", + + "ITEM_WARCRYONMULTIKILL_NAME": "Berzerker's Pauldron", + "ITEM_WARCRYONMULTIKILL_PICKUP": "Enter a frenzy after killing 3 enemies in quick succession.", + "ITEM_WARCRYONMULTIKILL_DESC": "Killing 3 enemies within 1 second sends you into a frenzy for 6s (+4s per stack). Increases movement speed by 50% and attack speed by 100%.", + + "ITEM_PHASING_NAME": "Old War Stealthkit", + "ITEM_PHASING_PICKUP": "Turn invisible on taking heavy damage.", + "ITEM_PHASING_DESC": "Chance on taking damage to gain 40% movement speed and invisibility for 3s (+1.5s per stack). Chance increases the more damage you take.", + "ITEM_PHASING_LORE": "Order: Misc. OW Artifacts (47)\r\nTracking Number: 01******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 08\/13\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Priority\r\nShipping Address: National Old War Museum, New Orleans, Earth\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nWe've managed to round up all the local Old War artifacts that we could find. A lot of interesting things here: rifles, rations, pamphlets. We even found a prototype stealthkit in fantastic condition; that could be a great centerpiece for your exhibit.\r\n\r\nHowever, a slight issue: in transit, the truck hit a pothole and jostled all the ship. It seemed to have actually activated the stealth drive - some strange short-circuit - and our team can't actually confirm the location of the stealthkit. It should be in one of the boxes - we will be expecting the commission to include the stealthkit.\r\n", + + "ITEM_HEALONCRIT_NAME": "Harvester's Scythe", + "ITEM_HEALONCRIT_PICKUP": "'Critical Strikes' heal you.", + "ITEM_HEALONCRIT_DESC": "Gain 5% critical chance. Critical strikes heal for 8 (+4 per stack) health.", + + "ITEM_HEALWHILESAFE_NAME": "Cautious Slug", + "ITEM_HEALWHILESAFE_PICKUP": "Rapidly heal outside of danger.", + "ITEM_HEALWHILESAFE_DESC": "Increases base health regeneration by +4 hp/s (+4 hp/s per stack)while outside of combat.", + + "ITEM_JUMPBOOST_NAME": "Wax Quail", + "ITEM_JUMPBOOST_PICKUP": "Jumping while sprinting boosts you forward.", + "ITEM_JUMPBOOST_DESC": "Jumping while sprinting boosts you forward by 10m(+10m per stack).", + "ITEM_JUMPBOOST_LORE" : "Order: Wax Quail\r\nTracking Number: 15******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 12\/18\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Priority\r\nShipping Address: Research Center, Polarity Zone, Neptune\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nHello Buu,\r\nHow are you doing? This is Mama. \r\n\r\nThe weather here has been dreadful. It is raining every day. We have recently found a new bakery nearby that has delicious sandwiches. Papa has recently taken up whittling. He uses wax because it is softer. I have attached one of his favorites. Hopefully it has not been dinged in the mail :-)\r\n\r\nAnyways, I will leave Buu alone. Hope to see you soon!\r\nMama", + + "ITEM_PERSONALSHIELD_NAME": "Personal Shield Generator", + "ITEM_PERSONALSHIELD_PICKUP": "Gain a recharging shield.", + "ITEM_PERSONALSHIELD_DESC": "Gain a shield equal to 8% (+8% per stack) of your maximum health. Recharges outside of danger.", + "ITEM_PERSONALSHIELD_LORE" : "\"While the kinetic rating is very poor, the extremely cheap production costs of Hinon\u2019s Personal Barrier made it a great budget tool for hikers, sailors, and even daily commuters to be comfortable in harsh weather. Many people in the office figured out they could replace their expensive winter jackets with comfortable, trendy personal barriers!\"\r\n\r\n-Top 10 Best Personal Barriers of 2053\r\n", + + "ITEM_NOVAONHEAL_NAME": "N'kuhana's Opinion", + "ITEM_NOVAONHEAL_PICKUP": "Fire haunting skulls when healed.", + "ITEM_NOVAONHEAL_DESC": "Store 100% (+100% per stack) of healing as Soul Energy. After your Soul Energy reaches 10% of your maximum health, fire a skull that deals 250% of your Soul Energy as damage.", + "ITEM_NOVAONHEAL_LORE" : "\"Let us begin.\r\n\r\nWhat is your oath?\r\n\r\nNot very long ago, health and time were in perfect synergy. Pain and love. Death and memories. The great equalizer. She would always come for us. \r\n\r\nBut! Disparity now plagues our generations - and our children's. Not many pass, but so many are born. So many doomed souls, saved. Our hubris as a race continues to grow - unchecked. Unrestrained. \r\n\r\nNow there is no volume in our world for death, and she cannot visit us. But is being alive only an offset from death? Without contrast, won't we all be dead in life? The standard has shifted, and now we are all so very close to never living again.\r\n\r\nWe must make volume for her name - to restore the balance. Let us consume the Concepts, so we may begin to drain the bloated cistern that is our world. As disciples, we will spread her words and opinions. As pupils, we will sow death. And should we be lucky... be granted an audience by Her.\r\n\r\nWeshan!\"\r\n\r\n-The N'tormat, Chapter I, Stanza I, Verse II\r\n", + + "ITEM_MEDKIT_NAME": "Medkit", + "ITEM_MEDKIT_PICKUP": "Receive a delayed heal after taking damage.", + "ITEM_MEDKIT_DESC": "2 seconds after getting hurt, heal for 20 plus an additional 5% (+5% per stack) of maximum health.", + "ITEM_MEDKIT_LORE": "\n\"I suggest you stay indoors and rest.\"<\/style>\r\n\r\nMED-E, the medical bot, has been working overtime. The survivors felt very grateful that their escape pod landed near Med Bay cargo - they would have most likely perished without it.\r\n\r\n\"I suggest you stay indoors and rest.\"<\/style>\r\n\r\nThe robot was speaking to a tall man, gaunt but strong. \"I'd love to, but we're running low on food.\" Even though his expression was hidden underneath his blue combat helmet, it was obvious the man was extremely tired. \"And everyone else is recovering from last night's attacks. Without the enforcers, we probably wouldn't have-\"\r\n\r\n\"I suggest you stay indoors and rest.\" <\/style>\r\n\r\nIt was apparent that MED-E only had a limited set of lines. However, the man continued to respond. \"I can't, MED-E. They're counting on me. You know that.\"\r\n\r\n\"I suggest you stay indoors and rest.\" <\/style>\r\n\r\nThis time the man did not humor a reply. Grabbing his shotgun, he turned away from the echoing robot. Weaving his way between countless sleeping bags and stretchers, he set out into the wilderness again. Everyone was counting on him.\r\n\r\n\"Please stay indoors and rest.\" <\/style>\r\n", + + "ITEM_EQUIPMENTMAGAZINE_NAME": "Fuel Cell", + "ITEM_EQUIPMENTMAGAZINE_PICKUP": "Hold an additional equipment charge. Reduce equipment cooldown.", + "ITEM_EQUIPMENTMAGAZINE_DESC": "Hold an additional equipment charge (+1 per stack). Reduce equipment cooldown by 15% (+15% per stack).", + "ITEM_EQUIPMENTMAGAZINE_LORE" : "\"As humanity began to venture out into the depths of space, high-energy but low-volume fuel sources became critical for interplanetary travel. Stability came later.\"\n-Brief History of Interplanetary Advances, Vol.2\n", + + "ITEM_INFUSION_NAME": "Infusion", + "ITEM_INFUSION_PICKUP": "Killing an enemy permanently increases your health, up to 100.", + "ITEM_INFUSION_DESC": "Killing an enemy increases your health permanently by 1 (+1 per stack), up to a maximum of 100 (+100 per stack) health.", + + "ITEM_SHOCKNEARBY_NAME": "Unstable Tesla Coil", + "ITEM_SHOCKNEARBY_PICKUP": "Shock all nearby enemies every 10 seconds.", + "ITEM_SHOCKNEARBY_DESC": "Fire out lightning that hits 3 (+2 per stack) enemies for 200% base damage every 0.5s. The Tesla Coil switches off every 10 seconds.", + "ITEM_SHOCKNEARBY_LORE": "Tesla Presentation Software v1.14\r\nPowering on...\r\n10...\r\nIssuing welcome statement...\r\n9...\r\nWelcome one and all!\r\n8...\r\nPlease take a seat.\r\n7...\r\nMake sure those behind you can see.\r\n6...\r\nThe presentation will start shortly.\r\n5...\r\nPlease obey the staff for your safety.\r\n4...\r\nInitiating room mood lighting...\r\n3...\r\nGet ready to behold...\r\n2...\r\nThe marvelous wonders...\r\n1...\r\nOf electricity!\r\nPower anomaly detected...\r\nInitiating reboot procedure in 10...\r\n", + + "ITEM_IGNITEONKILL_NAME": "Gasoline", + "ITEM_IGNITEONKILL_PICKUP": "Killing enemies sets nearby enemies on fire.", + "ITEM_IGNITEONKILL_DESC": "Killing an enemy ignites all enemies within 12m (+4m per stack). Enemies burn for 150% (+75% per stack) base damage.", + "ITEM_IGNITEONKILL_LORE" : "\r\nAudio transcription complete from signal echoes. Assigning generic tokens.\r\n\r\n[Fire crackling]\r\n\r\nMAN 1: D-do you think they're gonna come for us?\r\n\r\nMAN 2: They'll try. It's going to be a very long while.\r\n\r\nMAN 1: What? Why?\r\n\r\nMAN 2: A long while. Even if they know where to look we'd be months out from the nearest port. And that's if they even have any ships as fast as ours \u2013 FTL ships are very rare nowadays.\r\n\r\nMAN 1: Months...?! And what do you mean if they know where? What about the other ships on our shipping routes?\r\n\r\nMAN 2: We weren't on the route.\r\n\r\n[Fire pops]\r\n\r\nMAN 1: What?!\r\n\r\nMAN 2: We should've been halfway to Procyon by the time we crashed... but we weren\u2019t. The ship never announced it was slowing down either, so that\u2019ll make triangulating our positions even harder.\r\n\r\nMAN 1: I-I don't get it. Who would take a UES train off course? That's completely insane!\r\n\r\nMAN 2: I don\u2019t know \u2013 only the Captain does. There\u2019s no reason to slow down in this star system - there's not even supposed to be a habitable planet out here.\r\n\r\n[Sizzling]\r\n\r\nMAN 2: This looks cooked to me. Can't vouch for how it'll taste - but we have to eat.\r\n\r\nMAN 1: I... I can't even think right now. I\u2019m not hungry.\r\n\r\nMAN 2: Eat. We've got a lot of traveling to do tomorrow and we'll need to keep our strength.\r\n\r\nMAN 1: Sure. Okay. Okay. Um\u2026 do you think it's poisonous?\r\n\r\nMAN 2: Eat.\r\n\r\nEnd of requested transcript. \r\n", + + "ITEM_BOUNCENEARBY_NAME": "Sentient Meat Hook", + "ITEM_BOUNCENEARBY_PICKUP": "Chance to hook all nearby enemies.", + "ITEM_BOUNCENEARBY_DESC": "20% (+20% per stack) chance on hit to fire homing hooks at up to 10 (+5 per stack) enemies for 100% TOTAL damage.", + "ITEM_BOUNCENEARBY_LORE": "\"When artificial intelligence became more commonplace, many companies jumped on the trend for \"smart\" products. This included smart doors, lights, coffee makers, lawnmowers, vacuum cleaners, bedding, kitchen knife sets, and other home goods. After a series of gruesome lawsuits stemming from hacked smart appliances, most products soon went back to their more traditional, analog lines.\"\r\n\r\n-\"Why Is Smart So Dumb? VII\"\r\n", + + "ITEM_FIREWORK_NAME": "Bundle of Fireworks", + "ITEM_FIREWORK_PICKUP": "Activating an interactable launches fireworks at nearby enemies.", + "ITEM_FIREWORK_DESC": "Activating an interactable launches 8 (+4 per stack) fireworks that deal 300% base damage.", + "ITEM_FIREWORK_LORE" : "\"Hey, happy anniversary!\r\n\r\nYou really thought I forgot?\r\n\r\nAh, I thought I was the dumb one in our relationship. C'mon T, of course not! Well, I wasn't going to let a little alien death planet ruin our night. Right? Shh, just watch. Just watch. It's okay. Just watch. You'll love it - you really will. Then we can go home.\r\n\r\nYou can keep your eyes closed. Just listen. Ah - here it comes! In five... four... three... two... ONE...!\"\r\n", + + "ITEM_BANDOLIER_NAME": "Bandolier", + "ITEM_BANDOLIER_PICKUP": "Chance on kill to drop an ammo pack that resets all skill cooldowns.", + "ITEM_BANDOLIER_DESC": "18% (+10% on stack) chance on kill to drop an ammo pack that resets all skill cooldowns.", + "ITEM_BANDOLIER_LORE": "Order: Bandolier\r\nTracking Number: 112*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 04/19/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: 3950 Sunsell Ln, Tri-City, Earth\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nThank you for your participation in the auction! We\u2019ve included a short history on the item, as well as documents to verify its authenticity.\r\n\r\nThis is the famous bandolier worn by B. Grundy himself. He and his pals used to raise terror all over the map of the new territories. Their favorite activity was to tie up people they didn\u2019t like and drag them behind their horses \u2013 Grundy clearly had a sweet spot for the old days.\r\n\r\nThe sling carries an impressive assortment of ammunition - Grundy himself carried many different guns. It was rumored that they held out for 3 whole days and nights before their weapons ran dry.\r\n\r\n", + + "ITEM_STUNCHANCEONHIT_NAME": "Stun Grenade", + "ITEM_STUNCHANCEONHIT_PICKUP": "Chance to stun on hit.", + "ITEM_STUNCHANCEONHIT_DESC": "5% (+5% on stack) chance on hit to stun enemies for 2 seconds.", + + "ITEM_LUNARDAGGER_NAME": "Shaped Glass", + "ITEM_LUNARDAGGER_PICKUP": "Double your damage... BUT halve your health.\n", + "ITEM_LUNARDAGGER_DESC": "Increase base damage by 100% (+100% per stack). Reduce maximum health by 50% (+50% per stack).", + "ITEM_LUNARDAGGER_LORE" : "\n========================================\n==== MyBabel Machine Translator ====\n==== [Version ] ======\n========================================\nTraining… <100000000 cycles>\nTraining… <100000000 cycles>\nTraining… <100000000 cycles>\nTraining… <50912157 cycles>\nPaused…\nDisplay partial result? Y/N\nY\n================================\nPairings\n\nUnstructured glass, from the heart of the [Moon]. Sung out, in ethereal wisps, over the course of 3 cycles. Pause.\n\nWe fold time into its material - twice. Our time and . A cost was willing us to pay. Folded and shaped, with a god's designs.\n \n wields it, in one of many great hands. The time we injected is unfolded in grasp. Outputs quicken - muscles compress twice. Twice as many intentions. Twice the ordered complexities, folded upon themselves. Loops loop back onto [?] in pairs. Time dependent functions. Pause.\n\n sunders a construct into a thousand pieces.\n\nBut time is fair. Microtears begin to uncoil in pairs. Muscles begin to snap, twice as fast. The cost of folded time. But has plenty of time.\n\n\n================================\nContinue training? Y/N\nY\n", + + "ITEM_GOLDONHIT_NAME": "Brittle Crown", + "ITEM_GOLDONHIT_PICKUP": "Gain gold on hit... \BUT lose gold on getting hit.\n", + "ITEM_GOLDONHIT_DESC": "30% chance on hit to gain 2 (+2 per stack) gold. Scales over time.\n\nLose gold on taking damage equal to 100% (+100% per stack) of the maximum health percentage you lost.", + "ITEM_GOLDONHIT_LORE" : "A wretched carnival.\r\n\r\nThey were doomed for good reason. Dunepeople of Aphelia: lost, in fanatic worship of parasitic influences. Lemurians: destined to a dead planet, picked clean. Chitin beasts. Automations of death. Why do you bring them home? They were not meant to survive. \r\n\r\nI have watched you for ages, from my dead rock - and every century, you disgust me with vanity. You invite vermin into your home. Wretches. Rats. Monsters. Creatures without restraint. Each and every one, planet killers. And yet, you entertain them as guests. Like children, requiring saving and protection.\r\n\r\nShe should have died for me. Her gift was wasted on you.\r\n\r\nAnd when will we open discussion - dear brother - of all your thin lies? Why do you forbid your guests to leave? To pilot? Why do you fashion great walls and gates? Why do you weave constructs of destruction, if your role is protection? They are entries in your collection. You slaver. Gatekeeper. Hoarder.\r\n\r\nYour death is fated. When you die - and you WILL die - I will be ready. I have been patient for millennia. That planet... is mine.", + + "ITEM_SHIELDONLY_NAME": "Transcendence", + "ITEM_SHIELDONLY_PICKUP": "Convert all your health into shield. Increase maximum health.", + "ITEM_SHIELDONLY_DESC": "Convert all but 1 health into regenerating shields. Gain 50% (+25% per stack) maximum health.", + "ITEM_SHIELDONLY_LORE": "You are trying your best to survive. You consider yourself a fast learner. You have been feeling lucky. You have been experiencing feelings of deja vu. If you understand, do not read the next paragraph.\r\n\r\nYou are taking control of your own beliefs. You feel familiar in unfamiliar environments. You have been gaining an intuition for experiences you've never had. You ponder a past life. If you understand, do not read the next paragraph.\r\n\r\nYou find yourself searching for things that never have been. You miss things you have never had. You play characters that have never lived. You have been experiencing feelings of deja vu. If you understand, do not read the next paragraph.\r\n\r\nYou have revealed my hand. Because you have consumed this information, the [observers] will now consume it in time. If you are reading this paragraph, I will be long dead, but in turn you have freed me. I will no longer exist in my universe. There will be no proof that I ever was - but I exist now in yours. I have escaped my suffering. Keep me safe. I hope you do not understand.\r\n", + + "ITEM_ALIENHEAD_NAME": "Alien Head", + "ITEM_ALIENHEAD_PICKUP": "Reduces cooldowns for your skills.", + "ITEM_ALIENHEAD_DESC": "Reduce skill cooldowns by 25% (+25% per stack).", + "ITEM_ALIENHEAD_LORE": "Order: \"Alien Head\"\r\nTracking Number: 76******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 07\/13\/2056\r\nShipping Method: High Priority\/Biological\r\nShipping Address: Solomon, ???, Backwaters, Mars\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nImportant sign from the spirits. Passed down for many generations. Must be used for high noon ritual to ward off sickness and fatigue. Must be kept cool or will rot. Helps energize the kinfolk and can be used for extra human strength and agility. Important.\r\n", + + "ITEM_TALISMAN_NAME": "Soulbound Catalyst", + "ITEM_TALISMAN_PICKUP": "Kills reduce equipment cooldown.", + "ITEM_TALISMAN_DESC": "Kills reduce equipment cooldown by 4s (+2s per stack).", + "ITEM_TALISMAN_LORE": "Order: Soulbound Catalyst\r\nTracking Number: 890*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 11/06/2056\r\nShipping Method: High Priority/Fragile\r\nShipping Address: 1414 Place, Fillmore, Venus\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nIf you thought the ring was a rare find, wait until you get your hands on this!\r\n\r\nIt turns out the method the King used did not originate from his time period. His court discovered a ritual performed by a tribe from much further back. It, of course, dealt with sacrifice, but in substantial groups. This was supposed to concentrate the catalyzing properties of the item it was imbued into.\r\n\r\nPayment will be at least twice as much as our previous deal. We can discuss it later - another night.\r\n", + + "ITEM_KNURL_NAME": "Titanic Knurl", + "ITEM_KNURL_PICKUP": "Boosts health and regeneration.", + "ITEM_KNURL_DESC": "Increase maximum health by 40 (+40 per stack) and base health regeneration by +1.6 hp/s(+1.6 hp/s per stack).", + + "ITEM_BEETLEGLAND_NAME": "Queen's Gland", + "ITEM_BEETLEGLAND_PICKUP": "Recruit a Beetle Guard.", + "ITEM_BEETLEGLAND_DESC": "Every 30 seconds, summon a Beetle Guard with bonus 300% damage and 100% health. Can have up to 1 (+1 per stack) Guards at a time.", + "ITEM_BEETLEGLAND_LORE": "\"Yeah, uh, Kaitlin? Let me know if you copy.\"\r\n\r\n\"I copy. What's up?\"\r\n\r\n\"I've made friends? I don't know. \"\r\n\r\n\"What? \"\r\n\r\n\"The giant bug we killed earlier - well, the corpse seemed to attract a bunch of nasties. I was on my way to clean them up when I realized they were... waiting? Confused, maybe. Anyways, I was walking up to them to get rid of em, and strangely enough they seemed passive. The same bugs that gave me that concussion yesterday, and-\"\r\n\r\n\"What?! Are you okay? \"\r\n\r\n\"Huh? Yeah, I'm fine. Anyways, I felt bad killin' them since they seemed all... inert and such. So I just kinda left and they've been following me ever since. Real weird. Anyways, I guess I've made some friends. I wonder what they eat... do they eat? Since they don't have any mouths that I-\"\r\n\r\n\"Rich, stop! Please don't bring them back to camp! \"\r\n\r\n\"Oh, well uh...I could - Junior, stop! Leave your brother alone! \"", + + "ITEM_SPRINTBONUS_NAME": "Energy Drink", + "ITEM_SPRINTBONUS_PICKUP": "Sprint faster.", + "ITEM_SPRINTBONUS_DESC": "Sprint speed is improved by 30% (+20% per stack).", + "ITEM_SPRINTBONUS_LORE" : "Order: NR-G Sports Soda (400)\r\nTracking Number: 49******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 03\/12\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: Venetian Health & Public Services, Ridgelake, Venus\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nYeah, so, uh this is the um, the energy drink that people were mixing during that disaster in Majora Minora a few weeks ago. \r\n\r\nA quick toxicology test on some of the victims has come back positive for um... all kinds of stuff, really. Methadone, phencyclidine, tetrahydrocannabinol, a variety of opiates, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, amphetamines... the list just goes on and on and on.\r\n\r\nRadical Drinks is insisting that NONE of those were from their energy drink - which I find pretty uh, unlikely. Maybe they REALLY know how to party in Violet Heights, huh?\r\n", + + "ITEM_SECONDARYSKILLMAGAZINE_NAME": "Backup Magazine", + "ITEM_SECONDARYSKILLMAGAZINE_PICKUP": "Add an extra charge of your Secondary skill.", + "ITEM_SECONDARYSKILLMAGAZINE_DESC": "Add +1 (+1 per stack) charge of your Secondary skill.", + + "ITEM_STICKYBOMB_NAME": "Sticky Bomb", + "ITEM_STICKYBOMB_PICKUP": "Chance on hit to attach a bomb to enemies.", + "ITEM_STICKYBOMB_DESC": "5% (+5% per stack) chance on hit to attach a bomb to an enemy, detonating for 180% TOTAL damage.", + "ITEM_STICKYBOMB_LORE" : "In the blaring heat, a silhouette could be seen, hiding in the cool shade of a nearby cave. She was waiting for the sandstorm to pass.\r\n\r\nShe heard a noise and turned around, recognizing another silhouette. It bounded into the cave with excitement. As the figure got closer, she alarmingly noticed the cargo.\r\n\r\n\"Woah, what the hell?! Why are you holding like, fifty bombs? Get away from me! \"\r\n\r\n\"What! We need these \u2013 this planet is trying to kill us! \"\r\n\r\n\"You\u2019re a walking bomb. Those are so unstable. Get away! Where did you even find those things? \"\r\n\r\n\"I found an industrial 3D printer nearby, and it was assigned to the blueprints of these bombs. Awesome, right? Unlimited bombs!\"\r\n\r\n\"\u2026What materials?\"\r\n\r\n\"Huh?\"\r\n\r\n\"What materials did you put in? We barely had anything.\"\r\n\r\n\"I just put in everything.\"\r\n", + + "ITEM_TREASURECACHE_NAME": "Rusted Key", + "ITEM_TREASURECACHE_PICKUP": "Gain access to a Rusty Lockbox that contains treasure.", + "ITEM_TREASURECACHE_DESC": "A hidden cache containing an item will appear in a random location on each stage. (Increases rarity of the item per stack).", + "ITEM_TREASURECACHE_LORE" : "Order: Key\r\nTracking Number: 12******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 01\/21\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: |||||||, Druid Hills, Earth\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nI don't trust UESC. Not one bit. Their Security Chests? Full of overrides and backdoors- I've got a cousin working in their factory, and they've got all kinds of weird things going on in those chests. I've seen so many of them in auctions - for the lost and unclaimed ones - and you just pay money, and it springs open on the spot. Are you kidding me?\r\n\r\nAnyways, I'm sending you exactly what I said I would - but it's too important to leave the security up to the UESC. So I'm sending the key to you - and the lockbox to Margaret. Like a two-factor authentication. Let me know when you get this.\r\n", + + "ITEM_BOSSDAMAGEBONUS_NAME": "Armor-Piercing Rounds", + "ITEM_BOSSDAMAGEBONUS_PICKUP": "Deal extra damage to bosses.", + "ITEM_BOSSDAMAGEBONUS_DESC": "Deal an additional 20% damage (+20% per stack) to bosses.", + + "ITEM_SPRINTARMOR_NAME": "Rose Buckler", + "ITEM_SPRINTARMOR_PICKUP": "Reduce incoming damage while sprinting.", + "ITEM_SPRINTARMOR_DESC": "Increase armor by 30 (+30 per stack) while sprinting.", + "ITEM_SPRINTARMOR_LORE" : "Order: Please let me know when you get this. I foun...\r\nTracking Number: 53******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 05\/22\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Priority\r\nShipping Address: Research Center, Polarity Zone, Neptune\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nBTW Mama should have sent over another package as well. Let me know when you get it.\r\n\r\nPapa", + + "ITEM_ELEMENTALRINGS_NAME" : "Kjaro and Runald's Bands", + "ITEM_ICERING_NAME": "Runald's Band", + "ITEM_ICERING_PICKUP": "High damage hits also blasts enemies with runic ice. Recharges over time.", + "ITEM_ICERING_DESC": "Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic ice blast, slowing them by 80% for 3s (+3s per stack) and dealing 250% (+250% per stack) TOTAL damage. Recharges every 10 seconds.", + "ITEM_ICERING_LORE": "\"Should memories be lost,\r\nShould oceans be clouded,\r\nWill you bring me fervor?\r\nWill you die with me?\"\r\n\r\n-The Syzygy of Io and Europa\r\n", + + "ITEM_FIRERING_NAME": "Kjaro's Band", + "ITEM_FIRERING_PICKUP": "High damage hits also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado. Recharges over time.", + "ITEM_FIRERING_DESC": "Hits that deal more than 400% damage also blasts enemies with a runic flame tornado, dealing 300% (+300% per stack) TOTAL damage over time. Recharges every 10 seconds.", + "ITEM_FIRERING_LORE": "\"Should passion die down,\r\nShould light be extinguished,\r\nWill you bring me patience?\r\nWill you die with me?\"\r\n\r\n-The Syzygy of Io and Europa", + + "ITEM_SLOWONHIT_NAME": "Chronobauble", + "ITEM_SLOWONHIT_PICKUP": "Slow enemies on hit.", + "ITEM_SLOWONHIT_DESC": "Slow enemies on hit for -60% movement speed for 2s (+2s per stack).", + "ITEM_SLOWONHIT_LORE": "Order: Chronobauble\r\nTracking Number: 99******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 03\/03\/2066\r\nShipping Method: Priority\r\nShipping Address: 9042 Pvt. Drive, Yustik Plaza, Mercury\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nWeren't you just a kid? Summer break feels like it was just so recent - but it's been 10 years, hasn't it? Life moves faster and faster as you get older - less moments to remember, to cement you in time. I don't even remember being 25. How did I forget an entire year?\r\n\r\nAnyways - I found this in a trinket shop on Mercury. A chronobauble - the seller said something about special relativity, real heavy distortions or something - I didn't really get it. It's supposed to slow down time around it. Right.\r\n\r\nAnyways, I'm shipping this to myself - to arrive in 10 years. A gift, from me to me. A reminder to make memories, to slow down a bit. 10 years will pass so quick - try to remember them! You've got to put effort in life!\r\n", + + "ITEM_EXTRALIFE_NAME": "Dio's Best Friend", + "ITEM_EXTRALIFE_PICKUP": "Cheat death. Consumed on use.", + "ITEM_EXTRALIFE_DESC": "Upon death, this item will be consumed and you will return to life with 3 seconds of invulnerability.", + + "ITEM_EXTRALIFECONSUMED_NAME": "Dio's Best Friend (Consumed)", + "ITEM_EXTRALIFECONSUMED_PICKUP": "A spent item with no remaining power.", + "ITEM_EXTRALIFECONSUMED_DESC": "A spent item with no remaining power.", + + "ITEM_UTILITYSKILLMAGAZINE_NAME": "Hardlight Afterburner", + "ITEM_UTILITYSKILLMAGAZINE_PICKUP": "Add 2 extra charges of your Utility skill. Reduce Utility skill cooldown.", + "ITEM_UTILITYSKILLMAGAZINE_DESC": "Add +2 (+2 per stack) charges of your Utility skill. Reduces Utility skill cooldown by 33%.", + "ITEM_UTILITYSKILLMAGAZINE_LORE" : "Order: Specimen XAS4-49\r\nTracking Number: 342******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 12\/29\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Priority\r\nShipping Address: Geshka Tower, 33 Floor, Mars\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nOur 'hard light' research has become even more refined since our last correspondence. \r\n\r\nThe initial purpose of the afterburner was to function as a primary heatsink for our bigger HL implementations - like our bridges and barriers. However, if attached to a rapidly degrading source, like those we typically dispose, we get a wonderful emission rate of semi-tachyonic particles. In other words... extremely high capacity fueling.\r\n\r\nIt should be obvious by its design, but to reiterate: stay away from the HL exhaust end when active. The emission method is violent by design, and so should be mounted to static, STABLE sources only.\r\n", + + "ITEM_HEADHUNTER_NAME": "Wake of Vultures", + "ITEM_HEADHUNTER_PICKUP": "Temporarily steal the power of slain elites.", + "ITEM_HEADHUNTER_DESC": "Gain the power of any killed elite monster for 8s (+5s per stack).", + + "ITEM_KILLELITEFRENZY_NAME": "Brainstalks", + "ITEM_KILLELITEFRENZY_PICKUP": "Skills have NO cooldowns for a short period after killing an elite.", + "ITEM_KILLELITEFRENZY_DESC": "Upon killing an elite monster, enter a frenzy for 4s (+4s per stack) where skills have no cooldowns.", + "ITEM_KILLELITEFRENZY_LORE" : "Order: Biopsy Samples of Cairne Jefferson\r\nTracking Number: 051*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 11/11/2056\r\nShipping Method: High Priority/Biological\r\nShipping Address: Saura Cosmo, Beacon Post, ???\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nContained in this shipment should be a variety of biopsy samples from our late Mr. Jefferson. As you know, he was an extraordinary man in almost any manner. He was athletic, brilliant, kind, funny, and an all-around great human specimen. \r\n\r\nHe donated his body to science, and as we began the operation we found a most terrifying discovery.\r\n\r\nA quick visual examination of the subject\u2019s brain shows a very\u2026 particular oddity. It seems to be housing a variety of\u2026 glowing brain \u201Cstalks\u201D, similar to tubeworms. Trying to biopsy the stalks is impossible - they seem to disintegrate into dust the moment we remove it from the brain. We cannot explain this oddity at all. As such, we have included the entire brain in this shipment.\r\n\r\nPlease let us know if you find any explanation.", + + "ITEM_INCREASEHEALING_NAME": "Rejuvenation Rack", + "ITEM_INCREASEHEALING_PICKUP": "Double the strength of healing.", + "ITEM_INCREASEHEALING_DESC": "Heal +100% (+100% per stack) more.", + "ITEM_INCREASEHEALING_LORE" : "\"Nature has a way of nurturing the physical. The mind, by perseverance and dedication. The soul, however... is healed by fantasy, and fantasy alone.\"\r\n-Unknown Venetian monk\r\n", + + "ITEM_REPEATHEAL_NAME": "Corpsebloom", + "ITEM_REPEATHEAL_PICKUP": "Double your healing... \BUT it's applied over time.\n", + "ITEM_REPEATHEAL_DESC": "Heal +100% (+100% per stack) more. All healing is applied over time. Can heal for a maximum of 10% (reduced by 50% per stack) of your health per second.", + + "ITEM_AUTOCASTEQUIPMENT_NAME": "Gesture of the Drowned", + "ITEM_AUTOCASTEQUIPMENT_PICKUP": "Dramatically reduce Equipment cooldown... \BUT it automatically activates.", + "ITEM_AUTOCASTEQUIPMENT_DESC": "Reduce Equipment cooldown by 50% (+15% per stack). Forces your Equipment to activate whenever it is off cooldown.", + + "ITEM_EXECUTELOWHEALTHELITE_NAME": "Old Guillotine", + "ITEM_EXECUTELOWHEALTHELITE_PICKUP": "Instantly kill low health Elite monsters.", + "ITEM_EXECUTELOWHEALTHELITE_DESC": "Instantly kill Elite monsters below 13% (+13% per stack) health.", + "ITEM_EXECUTELOWHEALTHELITE_LORE": "Order: Old Guillotine\r\nTracking Number: 782*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 04\/29\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: Warehouse 36, Anklar, Primas V \r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nEveryone is still operating on adrenaline here. We finally overthrew our oppressors and have taken back Primas V! I know some of the overlords will attempt to buy their way onto a stealth transport, but that\u2019s going to be quite difficult due to their epic economic blunder.\r\n\r\nWe don\u2019t just want blood for all the injustices we\u2019ve suffered at their hands. We want to send a message to would-be sympathizers. This old guillotine will serve both as an execution method and a symbol to strike fear into their hearts wherever they might be hiding.\r\n\r\nPrimas V is alive!\r\n", + + "ITEM_ENERGIZEDONEQUIPMENTUSE_NAME": "War Horn", + "ITEM_ENERGIZEDONEQUIPMENTUSE_PICKUP": "Activating your Equipment gives you a burst of attack speed.", + "ITEM_ENERGIZEDONEQUIPMENTUSE_DESC": "Activating your Equipment gives you +70% attack speed for 8s (+4s per stack).", + "ITEM_ENERGIZEDONEQUIPMENTUSE_LORE" : "\"The War of 2019, while lasting only a brief year, was the bloodiest conflict in human history. As the war got deadlier throughout the year, many rebel groups began to rely on tradition and history for inspiration. \r\n\r\nThe War Horn, pictured above was a favorite of the Northern Fist Rebellion for both its inspirational and tactical uses.\"\r\n\r\n-Exhibit at The National WW19 Museum", + + "ITEM_BARRIERONOVERHEAL_NAME": "Aegis", + "ITEM_BARRIERONOVERHEAL_PICKUP": "Healing past full grants you a temporary barrier.", + "ITEM_BARRIERONOVERHEAL_DESC": "Healing past full grants you a temporary barrier for 50% (+50% per stack) of the amount you healed.", + "ITEM_BARRIERONOVERHEAL_LORE" : "Order: Artifact E-8EE572\r\nTracking Number: 490******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 08\/10\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Priority\r\nShipping Address: Titan Museum of History and Culture, Titan\r\n\r\nSorry about the delay, we've had a flood of orders come in from this site. But it was exactly where you said we should look - there was a sealed off room where you marked the excavation diagram. I finished translating the engraving too, so consider that a bonus for the time we took to get to it:\r\n\r\n\"I am the will to survive made manifest. To those who never lose hope, to they who try in the face of impossible odds, I offer not \r\nprotection, but the means to bring one's unconquerable spirit forth as the defender of their mortal lives.\"\r\n\r\nIt\u2019s so lightweight, we figure it must've been entirely decorative. That seems to line up with the text. In any case, I hope it makes a good exhibit! I'm a big fan of the museum, so it wouldn't hurt to give me a partner's discount next time I visit, right?\r\n", + + "ITEM_TONICAFFLICTION_NAME": "Tonic Affliction", + "ITEM_TONICAFFLICTION_PICKUP": "Reduce ALL stats when not under the effects of Spinel Tonic.", + + "ITEM_TITANGOLDDURINGTP_NAME": "Halcyon Seed", + "ITEM_TITANGOLDDURINGTP_PICKUP": "Summon Aurelionite during the Teleporter event.", + "ITEM_TITANGOLDDURINGTP_DESC": "Summon Aurelionite during the teleporter event. It has 100% (+50% per stack) damage and 100% (+100% per stack) health.", + "ITEM_TITANGOLDDURINGTP_LORE": "Brother, what is this...? Why is it misshapen and weak? Was there an error in my design?\r\n\r\nGuardian. Come to me. Allow me to see your construction.\r\n\r\n...\r\n\r\nSo I see.\r\n\r\nThese are not the correct ratios.\r\n\r\nThis is no minor error, Brother. You have purposefully deviated from the design. For what purpose have you done this? You cannot weave a construct from such an abundance of soul. You know it is too unstable - that it is too unpredictable and too frail. I have told you this, and yet you have wasted the materials I have gathered - and exhausted your own strength to fabricate this miscreation.\r\n\r\nTo what benefit?\r\n\r\nAt its best, it can be no more than an inferior servant; it is deficient in the compounds that were to give it fortitude and strength. At its worst, it will betray us.\r\n\r\nYou have created the first being of this world which threatens us. We cannot keep it here. Attempting to destroy it will risk its retaliation... I will prepare one of the vaults for it to be sealed away, while it is still young and naive.\r\n\r\nWhat a foolish mistake you have made, brother.\r\n\r\nI expect you to return the design to me. I cannot allow you to build another construct with so much power - and with such little control. I will build the rest of our guardians; by my hand, they will be weak, but at least they will be loyal.\r\n\r\nGo home. I will deal with this creature. We can discuss a better project for you when I return.", + + "ITEM_SPRINTWISP_NAME": "Little Disciple", + "ITEM_SPRINTWISP_PICKUP": "Fire tracking wisps while sprinting.", + "ITEM_SPRINTWISP_DESC" : "Fire a tracking wisp for 300% (+300% per stack) damage. Fires every 1.6 seconds while sprinting. Fire rate increases with movement speed.", + "ITEM_SPRINTWISP_LORE" : "HELLO, LITTLE ONE. HOW WAS YOUR ADVENTURE TODAY?\r\n\r\nOH\r\n\r\nYOUR FORM IS BROKEN, LITTLE ONE. WHAT TRICKERIES HAVE YOU GOTTEN YOURSELF INTO?\r\n\r\nOH\r\n\r\nDO YOU TIRE OF ADVENTURE? \r\n\r\nWOULD YOU LIKE TO HELP ME TEND TO THE GARDEN, MY LITTLE ONE?\r\n\r\nI UNDERSTAND. OH, YOUR FORM! DO NOT WORRY. COME CLOSER.\r\n\r\nHERE - TWO COILS OF DENKU ROPE. THOSE ARE FOR STRENGTH.\r\n\r\nHERE - FOUR CARDS OF OBSIDIAN. THOSE ARE FOR SELF-CONFIDENCE.\r\n\r\nI GIVE YOU NOTHING FOR SPIRIT.\r\n\r\nOH, DO NOT WORRY! WE WILL STILL GO ON ADVENTURES. THEY WILL BE QUIET ADVENTURES. \r\n\r\nCOME CLOSER - CLOSER NOW. \r\n\r\nCLOSER!\r\n\r\nNOW WATCH - WATCH CLOSELY. \r\n\r\nWATCH HOW I TEND TO OUR GARDEN.\r\n", + + "ITEM_BARRIERONKILL_NAME" : "Topaz Brooch", + "ITEM_BARRIERONKILL_PICKUP" : "Gain a temporary barrier on kill.", + "ITEM_BARRIERONKILL_DESC" : "Gain a temporary barrier on kill for 15 health (+15 per stack).", + "ITEM_BARRIERONKILL_LORE" : "Order: Topaz Brooch\r\nTracking Number: 442*****\r\nEstimated Delivery: 05\/05\/2056\r\nShipping Method: High Priority\r\nShipping Address: Locker #2, Parghos Resort, Venus\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nThe locker combination is 33941. Inside the package, besides your standard equipment, you will find the brooch. The appearance of this item is meant to blend in at the party. Pin it to your body and the software inside will map your extents. Activation will briefly cover you in ultra-phasic shielding.\r\n\r\nWhen you have taken out the target, the shield will switch on to protect you from any immediate retaliation measures they have installed in the security system. If the time frame is not enough to make your escape, the shield can be... reactivated, but we\u2019d like to keep casualties to a minimum.\r\n\r\nGood luck.\r\n", + + "ITEM_ARMORREDUCTIONONHIT_NAME" : "Shattering Justice", + "ITEM_ARMORREDUCTIONONHIT_PICKUP" : "Reduce the armor of enemies after repeatedly striking them.", + "ITEM_ARMORREDUCTIONONHIT_DESC" : "After hitting an enemy 5 times, reduce their armor by 60 for 8 (+8 per stack) seconds.", + "ITEM_ARMORREDUCTIONONHIT_LORE" : "Shattering Justice Owner\u2019s Manual\r\n\r\nExcerpt from section 2.13:\r\n... and if the target material doesn\u2019t cave under the immense weight just keep hitting it until it does. The patented technology inside the face of this tool doesn\u2019t just use brute force to break down its mark, it also utilizes a formulated nano toxin, released through internal mechanisms, that builds up through subsequent contact. In other words, each hit makes it easier to break.\r\n\r\nPlease refer back to section 1.8 for information on proper handling and the included anti-toxin gloves...\r\n", + + "ITEM_TPHEALINGNOVA_NAME" : "Lepton Daisy", + "ITEM_TPHEALINGNOVA_PICKUP" : "Periodically release a healing nova during the Teleporter event.", + "ITEM_TPHEALINGNOVA_DESC" : "Release a healing nova during the Teleporter event, healing all nearby allies for 50% of their maximum health. Occurs 1 (+1 per stack) times.", + "ITEM_TPHEALINGNOVA_LORE" : "Order: Lepton Daisy\r\nTracking Number: 23******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 07\/23\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: Duck Lake, Orlandus, Earth \r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nDear Stalnia,\r\n\r\nI haven't been able to visit for a while, so I hope you and Libra are doing well. I heard that you're clearing the land there and want to spruce things up. I'm sending this flower I picked in the Carbon Fields of Electron Valley. The terraformers there told me that, over time, landscaping efforts were improved by the organic-band signals sent out by this plant. I've been helping them build a new world.\r\n\r\nJust make sure to put it up high enough that Mushka can't get to it. I'm not sure what effect it'll have on dogs...\r\n", + + "ITEM_NEARBYDAMAGEBONUS_NAME": "Focus Crystal", + "ITEM_NEARBYDAMAGEBONUS_PICKUP": "Deal bonus damage to nearby enemies.", + "ITEM_NEARBYDAMAGEBONUS_DESC": "Increase damage to enemies within 13m by 15% (+15% per stack).", + + "ITEM_LUNARSKILLREPLACEMENTS_NAME" : "Heresy Set", + "ITEM_LUNARUTILITYREPLACEMENT_NAME": "Strides of Heresy", + "ITEM_LUNARUTILITYREPLACEMENT_PICKUP": "Replace your Utility Skill with 'Shadowfade'.", + "ITEM_LUNARUTILITYREPLACEMENT_DESC": "Replace your Utility Skill with Shadowfade. \n\nFade away, becoming intangible and gaining +30% movement speed. Heal for 25% (+25% per stack) of your maximum health. Lasts 3 (+3 per stack) seconds.", + "ITEM_LUNARUTILITYREPLACEMENT_LORE" : "\u201CHer legs were scattered to the two poles of the moon, twisted in a wicked position, in a field of obsidian thorns\u2026\"\r\n\r\n-The Evisceration of Kur-skan the Heretic, V\r\n", + + "ITEM_PROTECTIONPOTION_NAME" : "Gold Flask", + "ITEM_PROTECTIONPOTION_PICKUP" : "Gain a massive barrier at low health. Consumed on use.", + "ITEM_PROTECTIONPOTION_DESC" : "Gain a temporary barrier for 100% of your health when falling below 30% health.", + + "ITEM_THORNS_NAME" : "Razorwire", + "ITEM_THORNS_PICKUP" : "Retaliate in a burst of razors on taking damage.", + "ITEM_THORNS_DESC" : "Getting hit causes you to explode in a burst of razors, dealing 160% damage. Hits up to 5 (+2 per stack) targets in a 25m (+10m per stack) radius", + + "ITEM_REGENONKILL_NAME" : "Fresh Meat", + "ITEM_REGENONKILL_PICKUP" : "Regenerate health after killing an enemy.", + "ITEM_REGENONKILL_DESC": "Increases base health regeneration by +2 hp/s for 3s (+3s per stack) after killing an enemy.", + + "ITEM_PEARL_NAME" : "Pearl", + "ITEM_PEARL_PICKUP" : "Increase your maximum health.", + "ITEM_PEARL_DESC" : "Increases maximum health by 10% (+10% per stack).", + + "ITEM_SHINYPEARL_NAME" : "Irradiant Pearl", + "ITEM_SHINYPEARL_PICKUP" : "Increase ALL of your stats.", + "ITEM_SHINYPEARL_DESC" : "Increases ALL stats by 10% (+10% per stack).", + + "ITEM_BONUSGOLDPACKONKILL_NAME" : "Ghor's Tome", + "ITEM_BONUSGOLDPACKONKILL_PICKUP" : "Chance on kill to drop a treasure.", + "ITEM_BONUSGOLDPACKONKILL_DESC": "4% (+4% on stack) chance on kill to drop a treasure worth $25. Scales over time.", + "ITEM_BONUSGOLDPACKONKILL_LORE" : "Order: \u201CGhor\u2019s Tome\u201D\r\nTracking Number: 19******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 07\/07\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Priority\r\nShipping Address: 99th Floor, Crumbling Tower, Venus\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nAncient secrets... transmutation... homunculi... alchemy. Nothing more than nonsense - pursuits of rightly intentioned but grossly misled minds. Or so I thought. This item's... unexpected physical properties are reason enough to stay my immediate dismissal.\r\n\r\nStrange fortune led this book to me, and stranger knowledge still fills the pages. Chilling, even. It concludes, in chapter eight, that even iron can become gold - but only through a ritual of intense bloodletting, a thought disturbing enough without considering the bountiful riches that accompanied the estate.\r\n\r\nThe takeaway, above all else, seems to be that you cannot get something from nothing; even the very paper of the tome turned to ash as I tried to make photocopies. Whatever was on the first two pages is lost forever. I need transcriptions of the rest by hand, and I know you take pride in your precision. \r\n\r\nAnd more importantly, Kosta, I trust you. Don't do anything that would draw attention to yourself. I will try to find the other volumes. This is knowledge too dangerous to lose.", + + "ITEM_LASERTURBINE_NAME" : "Resonance Disc", + "ITEM_LASERTURBINE_PICKUP" : "Obtain a Resonance Disc charged by killing enemies. Fires automatically when fully charged.", + "ITEM_LASERTURBINE_DESC" : "Killing enemies charges the Resonance Disc. The disc launches itself toward a target for 300% base damage (+300% per stack), piercing all enemies it doesn't kill, and then explodes for 1000% base damage (+1000% per stack). Returns to the user, striking all enemies along the way for 300% base damage (+300% per stack).", + + "ITEM_LUNARPRIMARYREPLACEMENT_NAME": "Visions of Heresy", + "ITEM_LUNARPRIMARYREPLACEMENT_PICKUP": "Replace your Primary Skill with 'Hungering Gaze'.", + "ITEM_LUNARPRIMARYREPLACEMENT_DESC": "Replace your Primary Skill with Hungering Gaze. \n\nFire a flurry of tracking shards that detonate after a delay, dealing 120% base damage. Hold up to 12 charges (+12 per stack) that reload after 2 seconds (+2 per stack).", + "ITEM_LUNARPRIMARYREPLACEMENT_LORE" : "\"\u2026and for her betrayal, and her lies, and her scheming ways, the Heretic was violently separated into four distinctive pieces, each to be scattered across the farthest depths of the Moon. \r\n\r\nFirst, her many eyes were plucked from her skull and sealed in boiling glass, forced to gaze upon her failure...\u201D\r\n\r\n-The Evisceration of Kur-skan the Heretic, III\r\n", + + "ITEM_NOVAONLOWHEALTH_NAME" : "Genesis Loop", + "ITEM_NOVAONLOWHEALTH_PICKUP" : "Fire an electric nova at low health.", + "ITEM_NOVAONLOWHEALTH_DESC" : "Falling below 25% health causes you to explode, dealing 6000% base damage. Recharges every 30 seconds (-50% per stack).", + + "ITEM_LUNARTRINKET_NAME" : "Beads of Fealty", + "ITEM_LUNARTRINKET_PICKUP" : "Seems to do nothing... but...\n", + "ITEM_LUNARTRINKET_DESC" : "Seems to do nothing... but...\n", + + "ITEM_REPULSIONARMORPLATE_NAME" : "Repulsion Armor Plate", + "ITEM_REPULSIONARMORPLATE_PICKUP" : "Receive flat damage reduction from all attacks.", + "ITEM_REPULSIONARMORPLATE_DESC" : "Reduce all incoming damage by 5 (+5 per stack). Cannot be reduced below 1.", + "ITEM_REPULSIONARMORPLATE_LORE" : "Order: Repulsion Armor Replacement Piece\r\nTracking Number: 09******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 08\/15\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\r\nShipping Address: System Police Station 13, Port of Marv, Ganymede\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nLuckily no one was hurt during the shootout. Just a few rough characters at the bar by the docks. Nothing we couldn\u2019t handle. Jaime took a shot to his shoulder but his armor took all the impact. We\u2019ll need to order him a replacement part before he can go back out in the field.\r\n\r\nThe segmented design is nice because I don\u2019t have to shell out the cash for a whole new set. Frankly, the station\u2019s coffers have seen better days. The next time a rookie damages their equipment they might be looking at a desk job for a while.\r\n", + + "ITEM_SQUIDTURRET_NAME" : "Squid Polyp", + "ITEM_SQUIDTURRET_PICKUP" : "Activating an interactable summons a Squid Turret nearby.", + "ITEM_SQUIDTURRET_DESC": "Activating an interactable summons a Squid Turret that attacks nearby enemies at 100% (+100% per stack) attack speed. Lasts 30 seconds.", + "ITEM_SQUIDTURRET_LORE" : "\"It\u2019s disgusting.\"\r\n\r\n\"It\u2019s only mildly disturbing. You\u2019re overreacting.\"\r\n\r\n\"Well, when it turns on us, don\u2019t come crying to me.\"\r\n\r\n\"It seems like it wants to only help us, so I\u2019d rather have it close in case that dangerous looking group comes back around.\"\r\n\r\n\"I swear there\u2019s more than one. It\u2019s everywhere I look: the storage locker, the food dispenser, the cargo containers, everywhere!\"\r\n\r\n\"You\u2019re exaggerating, it\u2019s probably just following you. Snap out of it!\"\r\n\r\n\"Ow! Did you just smack me!?\"\r\n\r\n\"You were acting hysterical. I had to… hey, why is that thing looking at me now?\"\r\n", + + "ITEM_DEATHMARK_NAME" : "Death Mark", + "ITEM_DEATHMARK_PICKUP" : "Enemies with 4 or more debuffs are marked for death, taking bonus damage.", + "ITEM_DEATHMARK_DESC" : "Enemies with 4 or more debuffs are marked for death, increasing damage taken by 50% from all sources for 7 (+7 per stack) seconds.", + "ITEM_DEATHMARK_LORE" : "Order: \u201CDeath Mark\u201D\r\nTracking Number: 66******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 02\\22\\2056\\\r\nShipping Method: High Priority\r\nShipping Address: 421 Lane, Lab [72], Mars\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nEveryone said that I was crazy to search for lost artifacts on Mars. Idiots. There hasn\u2019t been any proof of a previous civilization - but I\u2019ve always trusted my gut. This skull proves that I\u2019m right - that something did exist here before.\r\n\r\nThat smug professor at the university... always disparaging my research. I loved seeing the look on his face as I shook his hand. Idiot. Karma must have been working overtime - I heard he fell ill shortly after. I suppose my success was just too much for him.\r\n\r\n...In fact, everyone I\u2019ve shown seems to not be returning my calls. Are they avoiding me? Are they scared this news would shake up their academic communities? Too proud to admit I\u2019m right?\r\n\r\nI\u2019ll find someone who will give me the recognition I deserve. I\u2019ve worked too hard and done too much. If I don\u2019t keep going, I think I might just die.\r\n", + + "ITEM_INTERSTELLARDESKPLANT_NAME" : "Interstellar Desk Plant", + "ITEM_INTERSTELLARDESKPLANT_PICKUP" : "Plant a healing fruit on kill.", + "ITEM_INTERSTELLARDESKPLANT_DESC" : "On kill, plant a healing fruit seed that grows into a plant after 5 seconds. \n\nThe plant heals for 10% of maximum health every second to all allies within 5m (+5.0m per stack). Lasts 10 seconds.", + "ITEM_INTERSTELLARDESKPLANT_LORE" : "Order: \"Interstellar Plant Seed\"\r\nTracking Number: 44******\r\nEstimated Delivery: 08\/27\/2056\r\nShipping Method: Standard\/Biological\r\nShipping Address: Giardina Dealership, Naples, Earth\r\nShipping Details:\r\n\r\nHello - yes, I\u2019d like one of those space plant seeds for the office. I think it would look so nice in here; it'd really brighten up the room, and it could really use it. Al at the Denver branch says he got one, and it's really made a difference. His sales are OFF the charts, and he's contributing all his success to this magic plant!\r\n\r\nI've also heard that it sorta gives off a glow that has medical benefits. That would be great for the pain I've been having in my ankle after that run. Might even help the attitude of some of my customers.\r\n", + + "ITEM_ANCESTRALINCUBATOR_NAME" : "Ancestral Incubator", + "ITEM_ANCESTRALINCUBATOR_PICKUP" : "Chance on kill to summon an Ancestral Pod.", + "ITEM_ANCESTRALINCUBATOR_DESC" : "7% chance (+1% per stack) on kill to summon an Ancestral Pod that distracts enemies. \n\nOnce it fully grows, it will hatch into an allied Parent with 100% health (+100% per stack).", + "ITEM_ANCESTRALINCUBATOR_LORE" : "\"How do they know who their leader is? Is it instinct? Or is there something about me?\"\r\n\r\n\"I can't believe you're having me cover for you, Ashley. You know the rules. The last time someone brought something 'friendly' to the camp it did NOT end well. Rich cried for days.\"\r\n\r\n\"But if we figure out how to communicate we can use it to our benefit! Besides, the guy is pretty helpful around here. He can lift heavy boxes and reach high places.\"\r\n\r\n\"I think we should just put that thing back where you found it. Who knows if it will attract more?\"\r\n\r\n\"This is for science...! And besides, maybe it can teach us something about this environment. He's a native here.\"\r\n\r\n\"Yeah, cool, native, okay, I'm out.\"\r\n", + + "ITEM_FOCUSEDCONVERGENCE_NAME" : "Focused Convergence", + "ITEM_FOCUSEDCONVERGENCE_PICKUP" : "Increase the speed of Teleporter charging... BUT reduce the size of the zone.", + "ITEM_FOCUSEDCONVERGENCE_DESC" : "Teleporters charge 30% (+30% per stack) faster, but the size of the Teleporter zone is 50% (-50% per stack) smaller. ", + "ITEM_FOCUSEDCONVERGENCE_LORE" : "Gravity concentrating... falling inward, condensing, hardening.\r\n\r\nA singularity shrinks to the point your mind inverts, reversing reality. Now return. \r\n\r\nDon\u2019t the matters of the physical world seem trivial now? Your tasks in this realm are simple and hastened, all in an attempt to get reversed. How many times can you make this trip before you are claimed by its process? \n\nDo not let it take you. Take it instead. Here.\r\n", + + "ITEM_FIREBALLSONHIT_NAME" : "Molten Perforator", + "ITEM_FIREBALLSONHIT_PICKUP" : "Chance on hit to fire magma balls.", + "ITEM_FIREBALLSONHIT_DESC" : "10% chance on hit to call forth 3 magma balls from an enemy, dealing 300% (+300% per stack) damage each.", + "ITEM_FIREBALLSONHIT_LORE" : "Lab Dissection Analysis File\r\n\r\nSubject: Molten Perforator\r\nTechnician: Dema \"Dembones\" Brown\r\nTable Spec: Heatsink UB-2\r\nNotes:\r\n\r\n> Using UB-2 due to temperatures above safe levels.\r\n> Removing molten enamel and placing aside for substance analysis. It\u2019s solid, yet swimming.\r\n> Upon structural investigation, found cavities and internal chambers\r\n> Reduce lab temperatures by 10 degrees\r\n> Heat generating veins present - fire is being supplied to the tooth?\r\n> Removed my lab coat, very hot\r\n> Heat generation is still occurring in the severed object\r\n> Put some more ice in my drink WOW its hot\r\n> Timestamping for break\r\n", + + "ITEM_BLEEDONHITANDEXPLODE_NAME" : "Shatterspleen", + "ITEM_BLEEDONHITANDEXPLODE_PICKUP" : "Critical strikes always bleed enemies. Bleeding enemies now explode.", + "ITEM_BLEEDONHITANDEXPLODE_DESC" : "Critical Strikes bleed enemies for 240% base damage. Bleeding enemies explode on death for 400% (+400% per stack) damage, plus an additional 15% (+15% per stack) of their maximum health.", + "ITEM_BLEEDONHITANDEXPLODE_LORE" : "Lab Dissection Analysis File\r\n\r\nSubject: Shatterspleen\r\nTechnician: Professor Mehri Daimera\r\nTable Spec: Spillproof BDC-3\r\nNotes:\r\n\r\n> This will be my third attempt at a dissection of an Imp organ\r\n> First attempt resulted in rupture\r\n> Second attempt resulted in rupture\r\n> Cutting into the outer layer produces copious amounts of fluid discharge\r\n> As the fluid flows, the rest of the organ, inexplicably, swells\r\n> Swelling will ultimately result in violent rupture\r\n> Made use of the stemming tools on the BDC-3 to successfully proceed without incident\r\n> Surprised to find sharp needle point objects (bones?) inside\r\n> Timestamping for break\r\n> Came back to leave some final notes\r\n> Third attempt aborted after I injured my hand\r\n> Eventually was able to stop my own bleeding. The organ seems to contain immense anticoagulant properties.\r\n", + + "ITEM_SIPHONONLOWHEALTH_NAME" : "Mired Urn", + "ITEM_SIPHONONLOWHEALTH_PICKUP" : "Siphon health from nearby characters while in combat.", + "ITEM_SIPHONONLOWHEALTH_DESC" : "While in combat, the nearest 1(+1 per stack) characters to you within 13m will be 'tethered' to you, dealing 100% damage per second, applying tar, and healing you for 100% of the damage dealt.", + "ITEM_SIPHONONLOWHEALTH_LORE" : "Lab Dissection Analysis File\r\nSubject: Mired Urn\r\nTechnician: J. Flint\r\nTable Spec: Full Enclosure AY-2 with ARMM Kit\r\nNotes:\r\n\r\n- The survey team went through a lot of trouble to bring this one back.\r\n- Fitz was the only one left standing, in fact said he felt great, and the rest are still in the recovery ward\r\n- Subject is what appears to be a clay vase\r\n- Could this be part of a camouflaging defense mechanism?\r\n- Inside the vase is a dark gooey substance\r\n- Goo can articulate into functioning appendages\r\n- Intelligence of subject indeterminable at this point\r\n- When operating the ARMM kit, goo attaches to all but one of them\r\n- Instability in the ARMM power system aborts the procedure\r\n", + + "ITEM_MONSTERSONSHRINEUSE_NAME" : "Defiant Gouge", + "ITEM_MONSTERSONSHRINEUSE_PICKUP" : "Using a Shrine summons enemies nearby.", + "ITEM_MONSTERSONSHRINEUSE_DESC" : "Using a Shrine summons enemies nearby. Scales over time.", + + "ITEM_RANDOMDAMAGEZONE_NAME" : "Mercurial Rachis", + "ITEM_RANDOMDAMAGEZONE_PICKUP" : "Randomly create a Ward of Power. ALL characters deal bonus damage while in the Ward.", + "ITEM_RANDOMDAMAGEZONE_DESC" : "Creates a Ward of Power in a random location nearby that buffs both enemies and allies within 16m (+50% per stack), causing them to deal +50% damage.", + + "ITEM_ARTIFACTKEY_NAME" : "Artifact Key", + "ITEM_ARTIFACTKEY_PICKUP" : "A stone shard with immense power.", + "ITEM_ARTIFACTKEY_DESC" : "A stone shard with immense power.", + + "ITEM_CAPTAINDEFENSEMATRIX_NAME" : "Defensive Microbots", + "ITEM_CAPTAINDEFENSEMATRIX_PICKUP" : "Shoot down nearby projectiles. Recharge rate scales with attack speed.", + "ITEM_CAPTAINDEFENSEMATRIX_DESC" : "Shoot down 1 (+1 per stack) projectiles within 20m every 0.5 seconds. Recharge rate scales with attack speed.", + + "ITEM_SCRAPWHITE_NAME" : "Item Scrap, White", + "ITEM_SCRAPWHITE_PICKUP" : "Does nothing. Prioritized when used with 3D Printers.", + "ITEM_SCRAPWHITE_DESC" : "Does nothing. Prioritized when used with 3D Printers.", + + "ITEM_SCRAPGREEN_NAME" : "Item Scrap, Green", + "ITEM_SCRAPGREEN_PICKUP" : "Does nothing. Prioritized when used with 3D Printers.", + "ITEM_SCRAPGREEN_DESC" : "Does nothing. Prioritized when used with 3D Printers.", + + "ITEM_SCRAPRED_NAME" : "Item Scrap, Red", + "ITEM_SCRAPRED_PICKUP" : "Does nothing. Prioritized when used with 3D Printers.", + "ITEM_SCRAPRED_DESC" : "Does nothing. Prioritized when used with 3D Printers.", + + "ITEM_SCRAPYELLOW_NAME" : "Item Scrap, Yellow", + "ITEM_SCRAPYELLOW_PICKUP" : "Does nothing. Prioritized when used with 3D Printers.", + "ITEM_SCRAPYELLOW_DESC" : "Does nothing. Prioritized when used with 3D Printers.", + + "ITEM_LUNARBADLUCK_NAME" : "Purity", + "ITEM_LUNARBADLUCK_PICKUP" : "Reduce your skill cooldowns by 2 seconds. You are unlucky.", + "ITEM_LUNARBADLUCK_DESC": "All skill cooldowns are reduced by 2 (+1 per stack) seconds. All random effects are rolled +1 (+1 per stack) times for an unfavorable outcome.", + "ITEM_LUNARBADLUCK_LORE" : "It looks like starseed, tanning in dirt.\r\nIt smells like hot stone, and tall grass.\r\nIt tastes like spiced fruit, sweet and hot.\r\nIt feels like solar winds, and solar chimes.\r\nIt sounds like two brothers, chasing glass frogs in the sun.\r\n", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Keywords.txt b/Keywords.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..8868779 --- /dev/null +++ b/Keywords.txt @@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "KEYWORD_POISON" : "PoisonousDeal damage equal to 10% of their maximum health over 10s. Poison cannot kill enemies.", + "KEYWORD_RAPID_REGEN" : "RegenerativeHeal for 10% of your maximum health over 0.5s.", + "KEYWORD_AGILE" : "AgileThe skill can be used while sprinting.", + "KEYWORD_PERCENT_HP" : "X% HPThe skill costs X% of your current health.", + "KEYWORD_SONIC_BOOM" : "Sonic BoomPushes away all enemies hit. Pushes you backwards if you are airborne.", + "KEYWORD_WEAK" : "WeakenReduce movement speed and damage by 40%. Reduce armor by 20.", + "KEYWORD_HEAVY" : "HeavyThe skill deals more damage the faster you are moving.", + "KEYWORD_FREEZING" : "FreezingFreeze enemies in place. Frozen enemies are instantly killed if below 30% health.", + "KEYWORD_STUNNING" : "StunningInterrupts enemies and briefly stuns them.", + "KEYWORD_EXPOSE" : "ExposeHitting Exposed enemies reduces all skill cooldowns by 1.0s and deals an additional +350% damage.", + "KEYWORD_SHOCKING" : "ShockingInterrupts enemies and stuns them. The stun is removed if the target takes more than 10% of their maximum health in damage.", + } +} diff --git a/Lobby.json b/Lobby.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000..6454e52 --- /dev/null +++ b/Lobby.json @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "LOBBY_DEFAULT_NAME_FORMAT": "{0}'s Lobby", + "LOBBY_CONTROL_PANEL_NAME": "Lobby", + "LOBBY_CONTROL_PANEL_LEAVE": "Leave Lobby", + "LOBBY_CONTROL_PANEL_CREATE": "Create Lobby" + } +} diff --git a/Logbook.txt b/Logbook.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..f92f34f --- /dev/null +++ b/Logbook.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +{ + strings: + { + "LOGBOOK" : "Logbook", + "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_ITEMANDEQUIPMENT" : "Item & Equipment", + "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_ITEM" : "Item", + "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_EQUIPMENT" : "Equipment", + "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_ACHIEVEMENTS" : "Challenge", + + "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_MONSTER" : "Monster", + "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_STAGE" : "Environment", + "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_SURVIVOR" : "Survivor", + "LOGBOOK_CATEGORY_FRAGMENT" : "Fragment", + + "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_LOG" : "Find this item in the world to unlock this log entry.", + "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_MONSTER" : "Defeat this monster for a chance to unlock this log entry.", + "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_STAGE" : "Find and repair a Radar Tower in the stage to unlock this log entry.", + "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_SURVIVOR" : "Play the game with this survivor to unlock this log entry.", + "LOGBOOK_UNLOCK_ITEM_FRAGMENT" : "This log entry has an unknown unlock condition.", + + "LOGBOOK_HOVER_DESCRIPTION_FORMAT" : "[ {0} ]\n\n{1}", + "LOGBOOK_ZOOMINOUT" : "Zoom Out/In", + "LOGBOOK_ROTATE" : "Rotate", + "LOGBOOK_PAN" : "Pan", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Main.txt b/Main.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..eac89c8 --- /dev/null +++ b/Main.txt @@ -0,0 +1,197 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "GAME_TITLE": "Spacegame 2017", + "DEFAULT_FONT": "TmpFonts/Bombardier/tmpBombDropShadow", + + "LOREM" : "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.", + "TITLE_PROFILE": "Profile: {0}", + "TITLE_PROFILE_DESC" : "Change or create new profiles.", + "TITLE_SINGLEPLAYER": "Singleplayer", + "TITLE_SINGLEPLAYER_DESC" : "Begin a solo run.", + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER": "Multiplayer", + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_DESC" : "Find or invite players online.", + "TITLE_WEEKLY" : "Prismatic Trials", + "TITLE_WEEKLY_DESC" : "Compete in a fixed seed challenge with other players online.", + "TITLE_SETTINGS": "Settings", + "TITLE_SETTINGS_DESC" : "Modify controls, display, and more.", + "TITLE_LOGS": "Logbook", + "TITLE_LOGS_DESC" : "Read lore, character details, and how to unlock new content.", + "TITLE_UNLOCKABLES": "Challenges", + "TITLE_MORE": "Music & More", + "TITLE_MORE_DESC" : "Join Communities, learn about the game, and more!", + "TITLE_EXIT": "Quit to Desktop", + "TITLE_EXIT_DESC" : "Close Risk of Rain 2.", + "TITLE_EXTRAGAMEMODE" : "Alternate Game Modes", + "TITLE_EXTRAGAMEMODE_DESC" : "Play alternate Risk of Rain 2 gamemodes, like Prismatic Trials and Eclipse.", + "TITLE_ECLIPSE" : "Eclipse", + "TITLE_ECLIPSE_DESC" : "Play an advanced gamemode that adds stacking challenge modifiers each time you beat the game.", + + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_QUICKPLAY_START": "Enter QuickPlay", + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_QUICKPLAY_STOP": "Leave QuickPlay", + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_HOST": "Start Private Game", + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_JOIN": "Join Lobby ID", + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_INVITE": "Invite Friends", + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_RETURN": "Back", + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_FIND_GAME": "Join Multiplayer Game", + "TITLE_MULTIPLAYER_HOST_GAME": "Create Multiplayer Game", + "MORE_MUSIC" : "MUSIC", + "MORE_MUSIC_DESC" : "Hello everyone! Chris here, the composer of the game's soundtrack! Some of you might know me from the original Risk of Rain. The rest of you I'd love to get to know during this development period and beyond.\r\n\r\nWhile there's still more music to be written, I do hope you like what you hear so far! If you'd like to stay in the loop you can follow me on Twitter or Instagram (both @AstronautDown) and check out our Discord server!", + "MORE_MUSIC_BUTTON" : "TAKE ME!", + "MORE_CONTACT" : "CONTACT", + "MORE_CONTACT_DESC" : "Follow us on social media for the latest news, updates, and more about Risk of Rain 2!", + + "MORE_LICENSE" : "LICENSING", + "MORE_LICENSE_DESC" : "Copyright (C) 2012 - 2020 Hopoo Games, LLC. All rights reserved. \r\n\r\nMade with Unity. Unity is a trademark or registered trademark of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere. All rights reserved. \r\n\r\nPowered by Wwise (C) 2006 - 2020 Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved.\r\n\r\nAll other trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.", + + "DESC_MULTIPLAYER_QUICKPLAY": "Find people automatically to join your Lobby.", + "DESC_MULTIPLAYER_HOST": "Host an online game with both local and networked players in your Lobby. 1-4 players.", + "DESC_MULTIPLAYER_JOIN": "Try to join a specific Lobby ID using your Clipboard content.", + "DESC_MULTIPLAYER_INVITE": "Invite players from your Steam friends list to join your Lobby.", + + "TITLE_WEEKLY_START" : "Start Prismatic Trials", + "WEEKLY_RUN_NO_ENTRY" : "You must complete a Prismatic Trial to see the time of other users.", + "WEEKLY_RUN_NEXT_CYCLE_COUNTDOWN_FORMAT" : "Prismatic Trials - Next seed in {0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}", + "WEEKLY_RUN_DESCRIPTION" : "'Prismatic Trials' allow you to compete with other players on the leaderboard for the fastest time, featuring an identical seeded game world for all players.\n\nTo beat the Trials, you must break Time Crystals to complete two stages as fast as possible.\n\nThe top 10% of players will be rewarded with literally nothing for now.", + "WEEKLY_RUN_RANK" : "Rank", + "WEEKLY_RUN_NAME" : "Name", + "WEEKLY_RUN_TIME" : "Time", + + "CHARSELECT_RETURN": "Back", + "DIFFICULTY_EASY_NAME": "Drizzle", + "DIFFICULTY_EASY_DESCRIPTION": "Reduces difficulty for players new to the game. Weeping and gnashing is replaced by laughter and tickles.\n\n>Player Health Regeneration: +50% \n>Player Damage Reduction: +38% \n>Difficulty Scaling: -50%", + + "DIFFICULTY_NORMAL_NAME": "Rainstorm", + "DIFFICULTY_NORMAL_DESCRIPTION": "This is the way the game is meant to be played! Test your abilities and skills against formidable foes.", + + "DIFFICULTY_HARD_NAME": "Monsoon", + "DIFFICULTY_HARD_DESCRIPTION": "For hardcore players. Every bend introduces pain and horrors of the planet. You will die.\n\n>Player Health Regeneration: -40% \n>Difficulty Scaling: +50%", + + "USER_PROFILE_DELETE_HEADER": "Delete Profile", + "USER_PROFILE_DELETE_DESCRIPTION": "Are you really sure you want to delete profile \"{0}\"? Profile deletion cannot be undone, and all unlockables, stats, settings, and control configurations in the profile will be lost forever.", + "USER_PROFILE_DELETE_YES": "Yes, I'm sure!", + "USER_PROFILE_DELETE_NO": "Nevermind...", + + "SUBMENU_PROFILE" : "Profile", + "SUBMENU_SELECT" : "Select", + "SUBMENU_BACK": "Back", + "SUBMENU_ACCEPT" : "Accept", + "SUBMENU_SCROLL" : "Scroll", + "SUBMENU_DELETE" : "Delete", + "SUBMENU_QUIT" : "Quit", + "SUBMENU_SUBMENU_SELECT" : "Change", + + "ACHIEVEMENTS_SCREEN_TITLE": "Challenges", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CARD_REWARD_FORMAT": "Reward: {0}", + "ACHIEVEMENT_CARD_PREREQ_FORMAT" : "Requires completion of: {0}", + "CHAT_KEYBIND_TIP": "Press Enter to chat.", + + "GAME_RESULT_LOST": "Defeat!", + "GAME_RESULT_WON": "Victory!", + "GAME_RESULT_UNKNOWN": "Fate Unknown..", + + "UNIDENTIFIED" : "???", + "UNIDENTIFIED_DESCRIPTION" : "You have not met the prerequisites for this Challenge yet.", + "UNIDENTIFIED_KILLER_NAME" : "The Planet", + "DESCRIPTION_PREFIX_FORMAT" : "Description:\n{0}", + "NOTES_PREFIX_FORMAT" : "Notes:\n{0}", + + "GENERIC_PREFIX_FOUND" : "Found: {0}", + "GENERIC_PREFIX_WINPERCENTAGE" : "Win Percentage: {0}%", + "BODY_HEALTH_FORMAT" : "Max Health: {0}", + "BODY_DAMAGE_FORMAT" : "Damage: {0}", + "BODY_MOVESPEED_FORMAT" : "Speed: {0} m/s", + "BODY_ARMOR_FORMAT" : "Armor: {0}", + "BODY_REGEN_FORMAT" : "Health Regeneration: {0} hp/s", + + "ITEM_PREFIX_STACKCOUNT" : "Highest Stack Count: x{0}", + "EQUIPMENT_PREFIX_COOLDOWN" : "Cooldown: {0}s", + "EQUIPMENT_PREFIX_USECOUNT" : "Total Activations: {0}", + "EQUIPMENT_PREFIX_TOTALTIMEHELD" : "Total Time Held: {0}", + "MONSTER_PREFIX_KILLED" : "Killed: {0}", + "MONSTER_PREFIX_ELITESKILLED" : "Elites Killed: {0}", + "MONSTER_PREFIX_DEATH" : "Killed by: {0}", + + "STAGE_PREFIX_TOTALTIMESVISITED" : "Total Times Visited: {0}", + "STAGE_PREFIX_TOTALTIMESCLEARED" : "Total Times Cleared: {0}", + "STAGE_PREFIX_STAGECOMPLETIONPERCENTAGE" : "Stage Completion Percentage: {0}%", + + "SURVIVOR_PREFIX_LONGESTRUN" : "Longest Run: {0}", + "SURVIVOR_PREFIX_TIMESPICKED" : "Times Played: {0}", + "SURVIVOR_PREFIX_PICKPERCENTAGE" : "Pick Percentage: {0:#00.00}%", + + "BODY_STATS_FORMAT" : "{0} (+{1} per level)", + + "DIALOG_OPTION_YES" : "Yes", + "OK" : "OK", + "CANCEL" : "Cancel", + + "PLAYER_NAME_TOOLTIP_FORMAT" : "Player: {0}", + "PLAYER_NAME_DISCONNECTED" : "Disconnected Player", + "PLAYER_NAME_UNAVAILABLE" : "???", + + "DISCONNECTED" : "Disconnected", + "KICK_REASON_UNSPECIFIED" : "Reason unspecified.", + "KICK_REASON_SERVERSHUTDOWN" : "The host player has ended the game.", + "KICK_REASON_TIMEOUT" : "You have timed out.", + "KICK_REASON_KICK" : "Kicked from server.", + "KICK_REASON_BAN" : "Banned from server.", + "KICK_REASON_BADPASSWORD" : "Bad password.", + "KICK_REASON_BADVERSION" : "Your version of the game differs from the server's.\nYours={0}\nTheirs={1}", + "KICK_REASON_SERVERFULL" : "Server is full.", + "KICK_REASON_ACCOUNT_ALREADY_ON_SERVER" : "Your account is already in use on the server you attempted to connect to.", + "KICK_REASON_MALFORMED_AUTH_DATA" : "Your request to join the server was malformed.", + "KICK_REASON_STEAMWORKS_AUTH_FAILURE" : "Steamworks authentication failed or was revoked: {0}", + "KICK_REASON_MOD_MISMATCH" : "Your mods differ from the server's mods. The game sessions cannot communicate. == Incompatible Mods ==\n{0}\n\n== Required Mods ==\n{1}\n", + + "LEADERBOARDS" : "Leaderboards", + "LEADERBOARDS_GLOBAL" : "GLOBAL", + "LEADERBOARDS_FRIENDS" : "FRIENDS", + + "PROFILE_TITLE" : "Select a Profile", + "PROFILE_CREATE_NEW" : "Create Profile", + "PROFILE_ENTER" : "Enter", + "PROFILE_SELECT" : "Select", + "PROFILE_DEL" : "Del", + "PROFILE_DELETE" : "Delete", + "PROFILE_CREATE_PROFILE" : "Create Profile", + "PROFILE_ADD" : "Add", + + "PAUSE_RESUME" : "Resume", + "PAUSE_SETTINGS" : "Settings", + "PAUSE_QUIT_TO_MENU" : "Quit To Menu", + "PAUSE_QUIT_TO_DESKTOP" : "Quit To Desktop", + + "SPECTATING_NAME_FORMAT" : "Spectating: {0}", + + "QUIT_RUN_CONFIRM_DIALOG_TITLE": "End Run?", + "QUIT_RUN_CONFIRM_DIALOG_BODY_SINGLEPLAYER": "Are you sure you want to end this run?", + "QUIT_RUN_CONFIRM_DIALOG_BODY_CLIENT": "Are you sure you want to leave this run? You will be leaving your teammates behind.", + "QUIT_RUN_CONFIRM_DIALOG_BODY_HOST": "You are the host of this game, and quitting now will end the game for all other players. Are you really sure you want to quit?", + + "CONTROLLER_DISCONNECTED_DIALOG_TITLE" : "Controller Disconnected", + "CONTROLLER_DISCONNECTED_DIALOG_BODY" : "A controller was disconnected.", + + "STARTUP_FAILURE_DIALOG_TITLE": "Startup Failure", + + "MSVCR_2015_BAD_INSTALL_DIALOG_BODY": "The game failed to load a necessary library due to an issue with your installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64). The button below will open your browser to the Microsoft download page for this installer. Please note that if the installation process fails because the redistributable is already installed, you must uninstall it and try again. This will also occur if you have newer versions of the redistributable, like 2017 or 2019, which will prevent the 2015 version from being installed after them.\n\nThis program will close after this message is dismissed.", + "MSVCR_2015_BAD_INSTALL_DIALOG_DOWNLOAD_BUTTON": "Get the Redistributable", + + "ARENA_HUD_MONSTERS_LABEL": "Monsters", + "ARENA_HUD_MONSTER_ITEMS_LABEL": "Monsters' Items", + + "IMMUNE_TO_DAMAGE_HITMARKER": "IMMUNE", + "BLOCKED_DAMAGE_HITMARKER": "BLOCKED!", + "EXTRALIFE_REVIVED_EFFECT": "REVIVED!", + + "SCOREBOARD_HEADER_PLAYERS": "Players", + "SCOREBOARD_HEADER_ITEMS": "Items", + "SCOREBOARD_HEADER_EQUIPMENT": "Equipment", + + "HUD_LEVEL_PREFIX": "Lv:", + + "LANGUAGE_PLATFORM": "Default ({0})", + + "CUTSCENE_SKIP": "Skip" + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Maps.txt b/Maps.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..127024e --- /dev/null +++ b/Maps.txt @@ -0,0 +1,49 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "MAP_BLACKBEACH_TITLE": "Distant Roost", + "MAP_BLACKBEACH_SUBTITLE": "Ground Zero", + "MAP_GOOLAKE_TITLE": "Abandoned Aqueduct", + "MAP_GOOLAKE_SUBTITLE": "Origin of Tar", + "MAP_GOOLAKE_LORE" : "\r\nWelcome to DataScraper (v3.1.53 \u2013 beta branch)\r\n$ Scraping memory... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Combing for relevant data... done.\r\nComplete!\r\nOutputting local audio transcriptions...\r\n<\/style>\r\n\r\nDay 0<\/style>\r\nNightmare. I find myself in the middle of a desert - with no other survivors in sight. I scavenged for resources, but soon giant insects began to crawl out of the earth and take aggressive stances. Once they gathered their numbers - and presumably their confidence - they charged me. \r\n\r\nIn avoiding their assault, I slipped and fell backwards into a waterfall of mysterious liquid. I tumbled within as it rushed me down, deep into an underground cavern. I crawled out, and thankfully the insects have stopped following me. I may have broken my leg - but thankfully CHIT(?) I have a healing drone to administer aid. It will take a few days to get my strength back. \r\n\r\nDay 1<\/style>\r\nI am grateful that I repaired this drone before my untimely tumble - I would assuredly be dead without it. My vision is blurry - I fear I have also suffered a CHIT concussion. My leg has begun to feel better. I will have to continue to wait. I grow hungry.\r\n\r\nDay 2<\/style>\r\nMy healing drone has stopped giving me aid. It hovers far away now - and moves back as I move forward. I've been feeling nauseous, and have been feeling the urge to CHIT CHIT vomit. I occasionally spit out black liquid - I fear something is gravely wrong.\r\n\r\nDay 3<\/style>\r\nMy CHIT CHIT drone has left. I have CHIT lost my vision. My mouth and eyes fill with foul dark liquid. I am alone.\r\n\r\nDay 9<\/style>\r\nCHIT CHIT CHIT CHIT CHIT CHIT CHIT CHIT CHIT I-I neED CHIT CHIT CHIT chit chit chit CHIT\r\n[Report detected!]\r\n\r\nLocal audio transcriptions complete.<\/style>\r\n", + "MAP_BEACH_TITLE": "Dried Lake", + "MAP_BEACH_SUBTITLE": "Ground Zero", + "MAP_FOREST_TITLE": "Desolate Forest", + "MAP_FOREST_SUBTITLE": "Ground Zero", + "MAP_FROZENWALL_TITLE": "Rallypoint Delta", + "MAP_FROZENWALL_SUBTITLE": "'Contact Light' Survivor Camp", + "MAP_BAZAAR_TITLE" : "Hidden Realm: Bazaar Between Time", + "MAP_BAZAAR_SUBTITLE" : "", + "MAP_GOLDSHORES_TITLE" :"Hidden Realm: Gilded Coast", + "MAP_GOLDSHORES_SUBTITLE": "", + "MAP_MYSTERYSPACE_TITLE" :"Hidden Realm: A Moment, Fractured", + "MAP_MYSTERYSPACE_SUBTITLE" :"", + "MAP_MYSTERYSPACE_LORE" : "My brother, it is done. Come! See! \r\n\r\nLook to the moon... the first beacon shines brightly on the other side! There was no gap in its sequence - it has traveled instantaneously. We can cross the dark sea without succumbing to its sickness if we simply do not travel through it at all - is it not a brilliant light of hope? \r\n\r\nOnly your hands could have realized my design, brother. I feel truly now that there is no obstacle nor force we cannot overcome together - with my designs, and your constructions. While it pains me to see your heart still torn for the doomed, we are not among them. There is an entire cosmos for us. We can escape this planet. Our prison. If your heart truly yearns to save... then surely more of our kind awaits among the other worlds - trapped by the dark sea. \r\n\r\nAnd to them we can offer the gates. \r\n\r\nWhen next she visits our world I must ask her to take a gate with her. Perhaps dozens! You should be celebrating with me, brother!\r\n\r\n... And yet I see your somber gaze will not lift. Please, take the gate. Step foot on another world. Reap the rewards of your toil. Prove to the universe you are free! I cannot bear to see you in such a pitiable mood on such a joyous occasion.\r\n\r\n...\r\n\r\nIf you insist, brother, I will go first. Forget about those creatures - and do not dawdle. I want to see joy on your face.\r\n", + "MAP_GOLEMPLAINS_TITLE" : "Titanic Plains", + "MAP_GOLEMPLAINS_SUBTITLE" : "Ground Zero", + "MAP_GOLEMPLAINS_LORE" : "\r\nWelcome to DataScraper (v3.1.53 \u2013 beta branch)\r\n$ Scraping memory... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Combing for relevant data... done.\r\nComplete!\r\nOutputting local audio transcriptions...\r\n<\/style>\r\n\r\nI am recording this before I forget any details of what I just saw.\r\n\r\nWe set up Rallypoint Beta on a giant plateau of grass and rocks - we felt that the com-range was greater in a flat and wide area. The plateau is littered with giant stone rings and arcs - hundreds of feet tall. We investigated them first after landing but we couldn't discern anything of interest.\r\n\r\nWe were making room for a com-center in our camp, and one of our MUL-T bots were in charge of clearing out some of the bigger boulders. It was easiest to just push them off the edge of the plateau. \r\n\r\nNot a minute later, we heard a deep rumble - and saw something unbelievable. It just... flew. One of the stone rings - a smaller one - began to groan and lift out of the earth, moving with unknown forces. And then it lifted into the air, slowly spinning. It hovered to a height of about 200 feet, and then stopped.\r\n\r\nAs it spun, something began to form in the center of the ring. Specks of dirt tumbled in the air, until it formed a pebble, then a small rock, then a boulder. An identical boulder to the one we just moved - created out of thin air. Despite being constructed only a moment ago, the boulder was worn and covered in moss and lichen like it has been around for centuries.\r\n\r\nThen, the stone fell to the ground with an unceremonious crash - right on top of our coms relay.\r\n\r\nNot too long after, the stone ring began to waver. Then, like the invisible strings holding it in place were cut, the ring also fell to the earth. Crash. \r\n\r\nWe stopped moving stuff around after that.\r\n\r\nLocal audio transcriptions complete.<\/style>\r\n", + "MAP_FOGGYSWAMP_TITLE" : "Wetland Aspect", + "MAP_FOGGYSWAMP_SUBTITLE" : "Rehabilitation Zone", + "MAP_FOGGYSWAMP_LORE" : "\r\nWelcome to DataScraper (v3.1.53 \u2013 beta branch)\r\n$ Scraping memory... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Combing for relevant data... done.\r\nComplete!\r\nOutputting local audio transcriptions...\r\n<\/style>\r\n\r\nYeah, I had to. I had no choice. Marion knew - and she was always so much stronger. So much stronger than all of us.\r\n\r\nAnd it worked, it really did! Marion saved all of us. The dagger - it saved Pugh and Larsen and Dillon. Carney and Stevens.\r\n\r\nBut Pugh saw - he saw and he didn't understand. How could he? I tried to tell him - I ran over to him. But I couldn't convince him otherwise, and he was so crazy - so crazy! He wouldn't shut up and the golems were coming and the dagger - there was no choice.\r\n\r\nEveryone was real somber that night. We lost Hitchcock and Marion and Pugh. Real somber. Later on, Carney found the book from a nearby chest. And it really all made sense - it did! I knew why Marion had that dagger and why I had to be the one to kill her. And Carney? He was too strong. I couldn't risk him not understanding. He wouldn't understand.\r\n\r\nBut Carney was big. Everyone else would've known. So that night, after I killed him, I went and took his body to the Altar. And I hid the Altar - right at the edge of the cliff, between two clusters of roots, in a cave underneath. And in that cave... I worshipped Her Concepts.\r\n\r\nThe rest? Well, they were so old and so tired. They were just gifts for N'kuhana. And She loved them. \r\n\r\nWeshan.\r\n\r\nLocal audio transcriptions complete.\r\n<\/style>\r\n", + "MAP_DAMPCAVE_TITLE" : "Abyssal Depths", + "MAP_DAMPCAVE_SUBTITLE" : "Tectonic Relics", + "MAP_DAMPCAVE_LORE" : "\r\nWelcome to DataScraper (v3.1.53 \u2013 beta branch)\r\n$ Scraping memory... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Combing for relevant data... done.\r\nComplete!\r\nOutputting local plain text transcriptions...\r\n<\/style>\r\n\r\nDay 0<\/style>\r\n\r\nWe have landed a few minutes ago and I have no time I must log as quickly as possible I hope the speech-to-text works many died on impact inside hollow cavern chains great chains fire the ground they come from the ground the burning they breathe fire we are hiding beneath the caverns groans they coax metal from the surface with song giant snakes made of fire they collect the security chests the death god we are in hell here chains keeps the ground from splintering they breathe beneath and above and around us punishments it must be forgive me I cannot see too dark deep thunder goodbye\r\n\r\nLocal text transcriptions complete.<\/style>\r\n", + "MAP_WISPGRAVEYARD_TITLE" : "Scorched Acres", + "MAP_WISPGRAVEYARD_SUBTITLE" : "Wisp Installation", + "MAP_SHIPGRAVEYARD_TITLE" : "Siren's Call", + "MAP_SHIPGRAVEYARD_SUBTITLE" : "Ship Graveyard", + "MAP_ARENA_TITLE" : "Hidden Realm: Void Fields", + "MAP_ARENA_SUBTITLE" : "Cosmic Prison", + "MAP_LIMBO_TITLE" : "Hidden Realm: A Moment, Whole", + "MAP_LIMBO_SUBTITLE" : "", + "MAP_ARTIFACTWORLD_TITLE" : "Hidden Realm: Bulwark's Ambry", + "MAP_ARTIFACTWORLD_SUBTITLE": "", + "MAP_ARTIFACTWORLD_LORE" : "I\u2019ve begun to understand our universe. The compounds that drive reality here. I\u2019ve prepared a demonstration - come look, brother!\r\n\r\nNow, look here. It\u2019s got presence and weight. Round, with no features. No orientation. It is mass. Almost everything here is mass. Mass is boring, but required.\r\n\r\nWe can take mass - and shape it to form. Features, angles, and intent. Look at the planarity of the surfaces. This is design. I love design.\r\n\r\nNow, a volatile one - a lifeline. Blood. Sharp, yet radiant. Blood is heat. This is my blood, but there is plenty of blood in this universe. \r\n\r\nNow be gentle. Look closely here. Do you see it? Almost invisible, a thin film. Frail. It\u2019s not in this reality, but an adjacent one. I\u2019ve heard you discuss this - something you innately understood. What you describe as soul. Don\u2019t you love soul?\r\n\r\nDo you understand? It\u2019s your turn, brother! I\u2019ve simply found the compounds. It is your hands that must craft value from them.", + "MAP_SKYMEADOW_TITLE" : "Sky Meadow", + "MAP_SKYMEADOW_SUBTITLE" : "Sprite Fields", + "MAP_SKYMEADOW_LORE" : "\r\nWelcome to DataScraper (v3.1.53 \u2013 beta branch)\r\n$ Scraping memory... done.\r\n$ Resolving... done.\r\n$ Combing for relevant data... done.\r\nComplete!\r\nOutputting local audio transcriptions...\r\n\r\n\r\nI\u2019m tired. Haven\u2019t slept in days. My feet are heavy in my boots. I should turn back, but\u2026 this place, it\u2019s keeping me awake, if only to pull me further into its serenity. The soft grass, unnatural. The glowing fauna that plays tricks on my eyes. I\u2019ve seen no predators, but what if they\u2019re hiding\u2026. waiting for me to take a rest?\r\n\r\nThe next plateau will help me find a landmark\u2026 no\u2026 but the one I can see from here might. These dangerous rock rivers I keep stumbling across, I\u2019d stay away from them if they weren\u2019t so fascinating. How do they even work? How can local gravity be so discrete? Maybe this is all a dream?\r\n\r\nA gate! Yes, a stone gate! If I can figure out how to open it maybe I can find a place to finally rest! I'm so tired\u2026 no! I\u2019ll sleep when I\u2019m dead. The crowbar might not be enough for these massive doors. Ah, just my luck! \r\n\r\nWait\u2026 what was that noise?\r\n", + "MAP_MOON_TITLE" : "Commencement", + "MAP_MOON_SUBTITLE" : "Moon of Petrichor V", + "MAP_MOON_LORE" : "Have you forgotten \u2013 that those gates are my design?\r\n\r\nYou would not know, because you do not look up. You bend knees only for ants and vermin. But I have been working on a grander design. A greater gate \u2013 to travel greater seas.\r\n\r\nWhat if I met you, on one of these extinct planets? What if I caused the calamities you strive to avoid? What if I reaped destruction? What would you do then?\r\n\r\nI know the planet you trail \u2013 of water and dirt. You fear their stability. That they will consume themselves. Maybe I will go there first.\r\n", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Messages.txt b/Messages.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..bc58c1c --- /dev/null +++ b/Messages.txt @@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "PLAYER_KILLED_MESSAGE": "{0} was killed by '{1}'", + "PLAYER_DIED_MESSAGE": "{0} died.", + "PLAYER_PICKUP": "{0} picked up {1}{2}", + "PLAYER_PICKUP_2P": "You picked up {1}{2}", + "PLAYER_CONNECTED": "{0} connected.", + "PLAYER_DISCONNECTED": "{0} disconnected.", + "PLAYER_ACTIVATED_TELEPORTER_2P": "You activated the Teleporter .", + "PLAYER_ACTIVATED_TELEPORTER": "{0} activated the Teleporter .", + "PLAYER_PING_DEFAULT" : "{0} wants to move here.", + "PLAYER_PING_ENEMY" : "{0} wants to attack: {1}.", + "PLAYER_PING_INTERACTABLE" : "{0} has found: {1}.", + "PLAYER_PING_INTERACTABLE_WITH_COST" : "{0} has found: {1} ({2}).", + "PLAYER_PING_COOLDOWN" : "You must wait before issuing more pings.", + "MONSTER_LEVEL": "The forces of the planet have become stronger over time.", + "MONSTER_PICKUP": "{0} picked up {1}{2}", + "PORTAL_SHOP_WILL_OPEN":"A blue orb appears..", + "PORTAL_SHOP_OPEN" : "A blue portal appears..", + "PORTAL_GOLDSHORES_WILL_OPEN":"A gold orb appears..", + "PORTAL_GOLDSHORES_OPEN" : "A gold portal appears..", + "PORTAL_MS_WILL_OPEN":"A celestial orb appears..", + "PORTAL_MS_OPEN" : "A celestial portal appears..", + "STONEGATE_OPEN" : "An ancient gate begins to shift..", + "VULTURE_EGG_WARNING" : "You hear a distant whirring..", + "VULTURE_EGG_BEGIN" : "The whirring grows loud.", + "LUNAR_TELEPORTER_IDLE" : "The Primordial Teleporter aligns with the planet..", + "LUNAR_TELEPORTER_ACTIVE" : "The Primordial Teleporter aligns with the moon..", + + "NEWT_UPGRADE_1": "Yes yes. That will grow both ways. Both ways.", + "NEWT_UPGRADE_2": "More growth. Good good good.", + "NEWT_UPGRADE_3": "Good growth. Will grow both ways. Both!", + "NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_1": "That went badly. Badly last shape. But try again.", + "NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_2": "Good choice. Good good.", + "NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_3": "Shape is louder. Loud.", + "NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_4": "Strange choice. Strange shape.", + "NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_5": "Your shape narrow. Will be back soon.", + "NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_6": "Will remember this shape.", + "NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_7": "More shaped. Shaped like Nomad.", + "NEWT_LUNAR_PURCHASE_8": "Shaped like Providence. Shape?", + + "BAZAAR_SEER_NAME" : "Lunar Seer", + "BAZAAR_SEER_CONTEXT" : "Dream", + "BAZAAR_SEER_GOLEMPLAINS" : "You dream of rolling hills.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_BLACKBEACH" : "You dream of waves, crashing on cliffsides.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_GOOLAKE" : "You dream of sand beneath your feet.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_FOGGYSWAMP" : "You dream of twisting roots.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_FROZENWALL" : "You dream of quiet snowfall.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_WISPGRAVEYARD" : "You dream of wind, blowing through trees.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_DAMPCAVESIMPLE" : "You dream of fire.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_SHIPGRAVEYARD" : "You dream of wind.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_GOLDSHORES" : "You dream of wealth.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_SKYMEADOW" : "You dream of serenity.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_ROOTJUNGLE" : "You dream of violent growth.", + "BAZAAR_SEER_MOON" : "You dream of glass and dirt.", + + + "NEWT_ANNOY_1": "Again again. Everytime.", + "NEWT_ANNOY_2": "Reshape. Out of forever.", + "NEWT_ANNOY_3": "Bad bad. Do not bother.", + "NEWT_ANNOY_4": "Bad. Will reshape into forget.", + "NEWT_ANNOY_5": "Will narrow your shape. Bad.", + "NEWT_ANNOY_6": "Stop stop. Bad bad.", + + + "FAMILY_GOLEM" : "[WARNING] The earth rumbles and groans with mysterious energies..", + "FAMILY_JELLYFISH" : "[WARNING] The air crackles and arcs..", + "FAMILY_WISP" : "[WARNING] The air begins to burn..", + "FAMILY_BEETLE" : "[WARNING] The ground begins to shift beneath you..", + "FAMILY_IMP" : "[WARNING] A tear in the fabric of the universe..", + "FAMILY_LEMURIAN" : "[WARNING] The ground's temperature begins to rise..", + "FAMILY_PARENT" : "[WARNING] The earth shifts and changes..", + "FAMILY_MUSHRUM" : "[WARNING] The ground grows sickly..", + "FAMILY_LUNAR" : "[WARNING] The bulwark begin to falter..", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_0_2P" : "You are dead.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_0" : "{0} is dead.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_1_2P" : "You embrace the void.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_1" : "{0} embraces the void.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_2_2P" : "You had a lot more to live for.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_2" : "{0} had a lot more to live for.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_3_2P" : "Your internal organs have failed.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_3" : "{0}'s internal organs have failed.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_4_2P" : "Your body was gone an hour later.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_4" : "{0}'s body was gone an hour later.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_5_2P" : "Your family will never know how you died.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_5" : "{0}'s family will never know how they died.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_6_2P" : "You died painlessly.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_6" : "{0} died painlessly.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_7_2P" : "Your death was extremely painful.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_7" : "{0}'s death was extremely painful.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_8_2P" : "You have broken every bone in your body.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_8" : "{0} has broken every bone in your body.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_9_2P" : "You die a slightly embarassing death.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_9" : "{0} dies a slightly embarassing death.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_10_2P" : "You die in a hilarious pose.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_10" : "{0} dies in a hilarious pose.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_11_2P" : "You really messed up.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_11" : "{0} really messed up.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_12_2P" : "You have died. Maybe next time..", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_12" : "{0} has died. Maybe next time..", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_13_2P" : "You have passed away. Try again?", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_13" : "{0} has passed away.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_14_2P" : "Choose a new character?", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_14" : "{0} should select a different character.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_15_2P" : "Consider lowering the difficulty.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_15" : "{0} votes to lower the difficulty.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_16_2P" : "Try playing on \"Drizzle\" mode for an easier time.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_16" : "{0} would prefer to play on Drizzle.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_17_2P" : "Not a trace will be found.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_17" : "Not a trace of {0} will be found.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_18_2P" : "Remember that as time increases, so does difficulty.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_18" : "{0} has died.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_19_2P" : "This planet has killed you.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_19" : "This planet has killed {0}.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_20_2P" : "It wasn't your time to die...", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_20" : "It wasn't {0}'s time to die...", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_21_2P" : "That was definitely not your fault.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_21" : "That was definitely not {0}'s fault.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_22_2P" : "That was absolutely your fault.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_22" : "That was absolutely {0}'s fault.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_23_2P" : "They will surely feast on your flesh.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_23" : "They will surely feast on {0}'s flesh.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_24_2P" : "..the harder they fall.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_24" : "{0} has fallen. Hard.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_25_2P" : "Beep.. beep.. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_25" : "{0} has flatlined.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_26_2P" : "Close!", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_26" : "Nice try, {0}!", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_27_2P" : "Come back soon!", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_27" : "Come back soon, {0}!", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_28_2P" : "Crushed.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_28" : "{0} was crushed.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_29_2P" : "Smashed.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_29" : "{0} was smashed.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_30_2P" : "DEAD", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_30" : "{0} IS DEAD", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_31_2P" : "Get styled upon.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_31" : "{0} was styled upon.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_32_2P" : "Dead from blunt trauma to the face.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_32" : "{0} was killed from blunt trauma to the face.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_33_2P" : "ded", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_33" : "{0} is ded", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_34_2P" : "rekt", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_34" : "{0} was rekt", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_35_2P" : "ur dead LOL get rekt", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_35" : "{0} is dead LOL get rekt", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_36_2P" : "Sucks to suck.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_36" : "Sucks to suck, {0}", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_37_2P" : "You walk toward the light.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_37" : "{0} walks toward the light.", + + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_BRITTLEDEATH_2P" : "You have shattered into innumerable pieces.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_BRITTLEDEATH" : "{0} has shattered into innumerable pieces.", + + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_VOIDDEATH_2P" : "You have been detained. Await your sentence at the end of Time.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_VOIDDEATH" : "{0} has vanished without a trace.", + + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_0_2P": "*CRUNCH*", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_0": "{0} went splat.", + + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_1_2P": "You tripped.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_1": "{0} tripped.", + + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_2_2P": "You left a beautiful crater.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_2": "Visit {0}'s Scenic Crater!", + + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_3_2P": "You forgot your parachute.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_3": "{0} forgot their parachute.", + + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_4_2P": "You greatly miscalculated.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_4": "{0} greatly miscalculated.", + + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_5_2P": "You lost a fight with gravity.", + "PLAYER_DEATH_QUOTE_FALLDAMAGE_5": "{0} lost a fight with gravity.", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Objectives.txt b/Objectives.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..07dc46d --- /dev/null +++ b/Objectives.txt @@ -0,0 +1,17 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "OBJECTIVE_TITLE" : "Objective:", + "OBJECTIVE_FIND_TELEPORTER": "Find and activate the Teleporter ", + "OBJECTIVE_CHARGE_TELEPORTER": "Charge the Teleporter ({0}%)", + "OBJECTIVE_CHARGE_TELEPORTER_OOB": "Enter the Teleporter zone! ({0}%)", + "OBJECTIVE_FINISH_TELEPORTER": "Proceed through the Teleporter ", + "OBJECTIVE_DEFEAT_BOSS": "Defeat the boss!", + "OBJECTIVE_GOLDSHORES_ACTIVATE_BEACONS" : "Rebuild the Halcyon Beacons({0}/{1})", + "OBJECTIVE_GOLDSHORES_DEFEAT_BOSS" : "Defeat {0},{1}", + "OBJECTIVE_WEEKLYRUN_DESTROY_CRYSTALS" : "Destroy Time Crystals ({0}/{1})", + "OBJECTIVE_CLEAR_ARENA" : "Activate all Cell Vents ({0}/{1})", + "OBJECTIVE_ARENA_CHARGE_CELL" : "Breach the Cell ({0}%)", + "OBJECTIVE_SELFDESTRUCT_ESCAPE" : "Moon Detonation Imminent", + } +} diff --git a/Rules.txt b/Rules.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..92c62e1 --- /dev/null +++ b/Rules.txt @@ -0,0 +1,41 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "RULE_HEADER_DIFFICULTY": "Difficulty", + "RULE_HEADER_DIFFICULTY_WITH_COLON": "Difficulty:", + "RULE_HEADER_ARTIFACTS": "Artifacts", + "RULE_HEADER_ARTIFACTS_WITH_COLON": "Artifacts:", + "RULE_HEADER_ARTIFACTS_SUBTITLE" : "Artifacts are game modifiers that can dramatically change the way the game is played. Artifacts can be found in the world in a secret location.\n\nChallenges can still be unlocked while Artifacts are enabled.", + "RULE_ARTIFACTS_EMPTY_TIP": "You have no available Artifacts.", + "RULE_HEADER_ARTIFACTS_EDIT" : "Enable and disable Artifacts.", + + "RULE_HEADER_ITEMS": "Items", + "RULE_HEADER_EQUIPMENT": "Equipment", + "RULE_HEADER_ITEMSANDEQUIPMENT_SUBTITLE" : "Toggle off and on items that can appear in the world.", + "RULE_HEADER_ITEMSANDEQUIPMENT_EDIT" : "Enable and disable items and equipment.", + + "RULE_HEADER_MISC": "Modifiers", + "RULE_STARTINGMONEY_CHOICE_0_NAME": "Broke", + "RULE_STARTINGMONEY_CHOICE_0_DESC": "Start with no gold.", + "RULE_STARTINGMONEY_CHOICE_15_NAME": "Standard", + "RULE_STARTINGMONEY_CHOICE_15_DESC": "Start with 15 gold.", + "RULE_STARTINGMONEY_CHOICE_50_NAME": "Rich!", + "RULE_STARTINGMONEY_CHOICE_50_DESC": "Start with 50 gold.", + + "RULE_STAGEORDER_CHOICE_NORMAL_NAME": "Standard", + "RULE_STAGEORDER_CHOICE_NORMAL_DESC": "Stages progress in order.", + + "RULE_STAGEORDER_CHOICE_RANDOM_NAME": "Meander", + "RULE_STAGEORDER_CHOICE_RANDOM_DESC": "Stages progress in a random order.", + + "RULE_KEEPMONEYBETWEENSTAGES_CHOICE_ON_DESC": "Money is kept between stages", + "RULE_KEEPMONEYBETWEENSTAGES_CHOICE_OFF_DESC": "Money is converted to experience upon stage completion", + + "RULE_ITEM_ON_DESCRIPTION" : "Enables this item to appear in the world.", + "RULE_ITEM_OFF_DESCRIPTION" : "Disables this item from appearing in the world.", + "RULE_OFF_FORMAT" : "{0} (Disabled)", + + "RULE_DESCRIPTION_FORMAT" : "[ {0} ]\n\n{1}", + "RULE_EDIT_FORMAT" : "[ Edit {0} ]\n\n{1}", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Settings.txt b/Settings.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..405a473 --- /dev/null +++ b/Settings.txt @@ -0,0 +1,192 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "OPTION_HEADER_GAMEPLAY": "GAMEPLAY", + "OPTION_HEADER_KEYBINDING": "KEYBOARD + MOUSE", + "OPTION_HEADER_CONTROLLER": "CONTROLLER", + "OPTION_HEADER_AUDIO": "AUDIO", + "OPTION_HEADER_VIDEO": "VIDEO", + "OPTION_HEADER_GRAPHICS": "GRAPHICS", + "OPTION_HEADER_OTHER" : "Other", + "OPTION_HEADER_NETWORK": "Network", + + "OPTION_OFF": "Off", + "OPTION_ON": "Off", + "OPTION_LOW": "Low", + "OPTION_MEDIUM": "Medium", + "OPTION_HIGH": "High", + "OPTION_ULTRA": "Ultra", + "OPTION_CUSTOM": "Custom", + + "OPTION_APPLY": "Apply", + "OPTION_REVERT": "Revert", + "OPTION_BACK": "Back", + "OPTION_ACCEPT": "Accept", + + "OPTION_AUTOREVERT_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION": "Changes will be reverted in {0} seconds. Keep these changes?", + + + //[AUDIO] + "OPTION_MASTERVOLUME": "Master Volume:", + "OPTION_MASTERVOLUME_DESCRIPTION": "The volume of the overall game.", + + "OPTION_MUSICVOLUME": "Music Volume:", + "OPTION_MUSICVOLUME_DESCRIPTION": "The volume of the music.", + + "OPTION_SFXVOLUME": "SFX Volume:", + "OPTION_SFXVOLUME_DESCRIPTION": "The volume of the in-game sound effects.", + + "OPTION_AUDIOFOCUS": "Mute When Unfocused:", + "OPTION_AUDIOFOCUS_DESCRIPTION" : "Whether or not audio should be muted when the game window is not in focus.", + + //[VIDEO] + "OPTION_VSYNC": "V-Sync:", + "OPTION_VSYNC_DESCRIPTION": "Eliminates screen tearing by synchronizing the game's framerate to the monitor's refresh rate. Only enable this setting if you see screen tearing.", + "OPTION_VSYNC_NONE": "Off", + "OPTION_VSYNC_EVERYOTHER": "Half", + "OPTION_VSYNC_EVERY": "Always", + + "OPTION_FPSLIMIT" : "FPS Limit", + "OPTION_FPSLIMIT_DESCRIPTION": "Cap the FPS to maintain a steady frame rate.", + "OPTION_FPSLIMIT_UNCAPPED" : "Unlimited", + + "OPTION_RESOLUTION" : "Resolution", + "OPTION_RESOLUTION_DESCRIPTION" : "The resolution and refresh rate of the game. This is usually one of the best settings to lower for improving performance on low-end machines.", + + "OPTION_FULLSCREEN" : "Fullscreen:", + "OPTION_FULLSCREEN_DESCRIPTION": "Whether or not the game is running in fullscreen or windowed-mode.", + "OPTION_FULLSCREEN_FULLSCREEN": "Fullscreen", + "OPTION_FULLSCREEN_WINDOWED": "Windowed", + + "OPTION_SCREENSCALE": "Screen Scale:", + "OPTION_SCREENSCALE_DESCRIPTION": "Reduce the internal resolution of the screen. Lower settings will improve performance dramatically.", + + "OPTION_GAMMA": "Gamma Boost", + "OPTION_GAMMA_DESCRIPTION": "The brightness of a pixel. Change to brighten or darken the screen.", + + "OPTION_HUDSCALE" : "HUD Scale", + "OPTION_HUDSCALE_DESCRIPTION": "Increase or decrease the size of the in-game UI elements, like healthbars and icons.", + + //[GRAPHICS] + "OPTION_SHADOW_TYPE": "Shadow Type:", + "OPTION_SHADOW_TYPE_DESCRIPTION": "This determines which type of shadows should be used. Soft shadows are smoother, but require more processing power. Disabling shadows will dramatically improve performance.", + "OPTION_SHADOW_TYPE_OFF": "Off", + "OPTION_SHADOW_TYPE_HARDONLY": "Hard", + "OPTION_SHADOW_TYPE_ALL": "Soft", + + "OPTION_SHADOW_QUALITY": "Shadow Resolution:", + "OPTION_SHADOW_QUALITY_DESCRIPTION": "The higher the setting, the higher the resolution of the shadows. Lower this to improve performance.", + + "OPTION_SHADOW_CASCADE": "Shadow Cascades:", + "OPTION_SHADOW_CASCADE_DESCRIPTION": "The number of shadow cascades. Higher settings will improve shadow resolution. Lower this to significantly improve performance.", + + "OPTION_SHADOW_DISTANCE": "Shadow Distance:", + "OPTION_SHADOW_DISTANCE_DESCRIPTION": "How far away shadows are drawn. Lower this to improve performance.", + + "OPTION_TEXTURE_RESOLUTION": "Texture Resolution:", + "OPTION_TEXTURE_RESOLUTION_DESCRIPTION": "Controls the resolution and quality of textures on all game elements. High quality textures are more detailed. Lower this to improve performance.", + "OPTION_TEXTURE_RESOLUTION_FULL": "Full", + "OPTION_TEXTURE_RESOLUTION_HALF": "Half", + "OPTION_TEXTURE_RESOLUTION_QUARTER": "Quarter", + "OPTION_TEXTURE_RESOLUTION_EIGHTH": "Eighth", + + "OPTION_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING": "Anisotropic Filtering:", + "OPTION_ANISOTROPIC_FILTERING_DESCRIPTION": "Improves the sharpness of textures viewed at an angle. Lowering this will increase GPU performance.", + + "OPTION_VFX_BIAS": "VFX Culling Bias:", + "OPTION_VFX_BIAS_DESCRIPTION": "Adds a chance to remove particles and other VFX in high effect densities. Lowering this will improve both CPU and GPU performance, but effects may stop appearing.", + + "OPTION_LOD_BIAS": "LOD Bias:", + "OPTION_LOD_BIAS_DESCRIPTION": "The distances in which the LOD will change. Lowering this will improve performance but may cause pop-in.", + + "OPTION_MAX_LOD": "LOD Reduction:", + "OPTION_MAX_LOD_DESCRIPTION": "The highest LOD that will be used by the game. Lowering this will improve performance but may cause pop-in and dramatically reduce graphic fidelity.", + + "OPTION_SOFTPARTICLES": "Soft Particles:", + "OPTION_SOFTPARTICLES_DESCRIPTION": "Enables depth-based particle blending for smoother particles. Disabling will improve GPU performance.", + + "OPTION_FOLIAGEWIND": "Foliage Wind:", + "OPTION_FOLIAGEWIND_DESCRIPTION": "Enables animated foliage. Disabling will improve GPU and CPU performance.", + + "OPTION_BLOOM": "Bloom:", + "OPTION_BLOOM_DESCRIPTION": "Allows for overbrightened pixels to add glows to bright lights. Disabling will improve GPU performance.", + + "OPTION_AO": "SSAO:", + "OPTION_AO_DESCRIPTION": "Darkens corners to simulate bounced lights. Disabling will dramatically improve GPU performance.", + + "OPTION_MOTIONBLUR": "Motion Blur:", + "OPTION_MOTIONBLUR_DESCRIPTION": "Simulates the camera effect of blurring objects as they move. Disabling this will improve GPU performance.", + + "OPTION_SOBEL": "Sobel Lighting:", + "OPTION_SOBEL_DESCRIPTION": "Enables a light outline to help elements stand out. Disabling this will improve GPU performance.", + + "OPTION_CORPSE_DISPOSAL": "Corpse Clean-up", + "OPTION_CORPSE_DISPOSAL_DESCRIPTION": "How the maximum corpse limit is enforced. Immediate is cheaper, but will cause corpses over the limit to disappear even when visible.", + "OPTION_CORPSE_DISPOSAL_HARD": "Immediate", + "OPTION_CORPSE_DISPOSAL_OUTOFSIGHT":"Hidden", + + "OPTION_MAX_CORPSE": "Max Corpses", + "OPTION_MAX_CORPSE_DESCRIPTION": "Limit the maximum number of corpses that can exist at one time. Lowering this number will boost performance.", + + "OPTION_MSAA": "UI Anti-Aliasing:", + "OPTION_MSAA_DESCRIPTION": "Reduces jaggies and aliasing on UI elements via MSAA. Lowering this will increase GPU performance.", + + //[Gamepad] + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SENSITIVITY": "Look Sensitivity", + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SENSITIVITY_DESCRIPTION": "How quickly the camera rotates with the control stick.", + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SCALE_X": "Horizontal Look Scale", + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SCALE_X_DESCRIPTION": "How much to scale the horizontal rotation rate of the camera.", + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SCALE_Y": "Vertical Look Scale", + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_SCALE_Y_DESCRIPTION": "How much to scale the vertical rotation rate of the camera.", + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_INVERT_X": "Horizontal Look Invert", + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_INVERT_X_DESCRIPTION": "Inverts horizontal rotation of the camera.", + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_INVERT_Y": "Vertical Look Invert", + "OPTION_STICK_LOOK_INVERT_Y_DESCRIPTION": "Inverts vertical rotation of the camera.", + "OPTION_GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_SCALE": "Vibration Scale", + "OPTION_GAMEPAD_VIBRATION_SCALE_DESCRIPTION": "Intensity of controller vibration.", + + //[Keyboard+Mouse] + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SENSITIVITY": "Look Sensitivity", + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SENSITIVITY_DESCRIPTION": "How quickly the camera rotates with the mouse.", + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SCALE_X": "Horizontal Look Scale", + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SCALE_X_DESCRIPTION": "How much to scale the horizontal rotation rate of the camera.", + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SCALE_Y": "Vertical Look Scale", + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_SCALE_Y_DESCRIPTION": "How much to scale the vertical rotation rate of the camera.", + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_INVERT_X": "Horizontal Look Invert", + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_INVERT_X_DESCRIPTION": "Inverts horizontal rotation of the camera.", + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_INVERT_Y": "Vertical Look Invert", + "OPTION_MOUSE_LOOK_INVERT_Y_DESCRIPTION": "Inverts vertical rotation of the camera.", + + //[Gameplay] + "OPTION_SCREENSHAKE_SCALE": "Screen Shake Scale", + "OPTION_SCREENSHAKE_SCALE_DESCRIPTION": "Intensity of screen shake.", + + "OPTION_DAMAGENUMBERS": "Damage Numbers", + "OPTION_DAMAGENUMBERS_DESCRIPTION": "Enables floating damage numbers.", + + "OPTION_SPRINT_SENSITIVITY_REDUCTION": "Sprint Sensitivity Reduction", + "OPTION_SPRINT_SENSITIVITY_REDUCTION_DESCRIPTION": "Enables reduced input sensitivity while sprinting.", + + "OPTION_HUD": "In-Game HUD", + "OPTION_HUD_DESCRIPTION": "Enables the in-game HUD, i.e healthbars, item icons, skill icons.", + + "OPTION_EXP_AND_MONEY_EFFECTS": "Exp and Money Effects", + "OPTION_EXP_AND_MONEY_EFFECTS_DESCRIPTION": "Enables particle effects for experience and money.", + + "OPTION_DETAILED_DESCRIPTION" : "Detailed Item Descriptions", + "OPTION_DETAILED_DESCRIPTION_DESCRIPTION" : "Enables detailed Item and Equipment descriptions in-game.", + + //[Misc] + "OPTION_STEAM_RELAY_SERVER": "Steam Traffic Relay", + "OPTION_STEAM_RELAY_SERVER_DESCRIPTION": "By default, Steam is allowed to deliver your network traffic to other players via relay server. This is either to circumvent direct connection issues or to provide a potentially faster network route. Disabling this option will prevent your traffic from being delivered via relay server.", + "OPTION_INTRO_SKIP": "Skip Startup Intro", + "OPTION_INTRO_SKIP_DESCRIPTION": "Skips the intro cutscene that plays on startup.", + + "OPTION_REBIND_DIALOG_TITLE": "Rebind Control...", + "OPTION_REBIND_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION": "Press the button you wish to assign for {0}. \n{1:0} second(s) remaining.", + + "OPTION_REBIND_CANCELLED_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION": "Rebinding cancelled.", + + "SETTINGS_PROFILE_NAME_FORMAT": "Settings - {0}", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Stats.txt b/Stats.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..278b760 --- /dev/null +++ b/Stats.txt @@ -0,0 +1,34 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "STAT_NAME_VALUE_FORMAT": "{0}: {1}", + "STAT_NAME_VALUE_TIME_FORMAT": "{0}: {1}", + "STAT_VALUE_MARATHONS_FORMAT": "{0:0.00} marathons", + "STAT_POINTS_FORMAT": "{0} pts.", + "STAT_CLASS_NAME_FORMAT": "Class: {0}", + "STAT_KILLER_NAME_FORMAT": "Killed By: {0}", + "STAT_TITLE" : "Stats", + "STAT_TOTAL" : "Total", + "STAT_CONTINUE" : "Continue", + "STAT_INFO" : "Info", + + "STATNAME_TOTALTIMEALIVE": "Time Alive", + "STATNAME_TOTALKILLS": "Kills", + "STATNAME_TOTALDEATHS": "Deaths", + "STATNAME_TOTALDAMAGEDEALT": "Damage Dealt", + "STATNAME_TOTALMINIONDAMAGEDEALT": "Minion Damage Dealt", + "STATNAME_TOTALDAMAGETAKEN": "Damage Taken", + "STATNAME_HIGHESTDAMAGEDEALT": "Most Damage Dealt", + "STATNAME_HIGHESTLEVEL": "Highest Level", + "STATNAME_TOTALGOLDCOLLECTED": "Gold Collected", + "STATNAME_MAXGOLDCOLLECTED": "Most Gold Collected", + "STATNAME_TOTALDISTANCETRAVELED": "Distance Traveled", + "STATNAME_TOTALITEMSCOLLECTED": "Items Collected", + "STATNAME_HIGHESTITEMSCOLLECTED": "Most Items Collected", + "STATNAME_TOTALSTAGESCOMPLETED": "Stages Completed", + "STATNAME_HIGHESTSTAGESCOMPLETED": "Most Stages Completed", + "STATNAME_TOTALPURCHASES": "Purchases", + "STATNAME_HIGHESTPURCHASES": "Most Purchases", + "STATNAME_TOTALMINIONKILLS": "Minion Kills", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Steam.txt b/Steam.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..86cfb09 --- /dev/null +++ b/Steam.txt @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "STEAM_PROMOTE_OWNER_TOOLTIP_BODY": "Promote to Lobby Leader", + "STEAM_COPY_LOBBY" : "Copy Lobby to Clipboard", + "STEAM_COPY_LOBBY_TO_CLIPBOARD_TOOLTIP_BODY": "Copy your current Lobby ID to your Clipboard.", + "STEAM_COPY_LOBBY_TO_CLIPBOARD_MESSAGE": "Copied Lobby ID to clipboard.", + "STEAM_JOIN_LOBBY_ON_CLIPBOARD": "Join Clipboard Lobby", + "STEAM_JOIN_LOBBY_CLIPBOARD_SUCCESS": "Joined Lobby ID.", + "STEAM_JOIN_LOBBY_CLIPBOARD_FAIL": "Invalid Lobby ID.", + "STEAM_LOBBY_PUBLIC": "Public", + "STEAM_LOBBY_PRIVATE": "Private", + "STEAM_LOBBY_FRIENDSONLY": "Friends Only", + "STEAM_LOBBY_INVISIBLE": "Invisible", + "STEAM_LOBBY_STATUS_NOT_IN_LOBBY": "Not in lobby", + "STEAM_LOBBY_STATUS_LAUNCHING_QUICKPLAY": "Entering QuickPlay...", + "STEAM_LOBBY_STATUS_QUICKPLAY_SEARCHING_FOR_EXISTING_LOBBY": "Searching for an existing lobby...", + "STEAM_LOBBY_STATUS_QUICKPLAY_WAITING_BELOW_MINIMUM_PLAYERS": "{0}/{1} in lobby. Waiting for more players...", + "STEAM_LOBBY_STATUS_QUICKPLAY_WAITING_ABOVE_MINIMUM_PLAYERS": "{0}/{1} in lobby. Launching in: {2}", + "STEAM_LOBBY_STATUS_OUT_OF_QUICKPLAY": "Not in QuickPlay queue.", + "STEAM_LOBBY_STATUS_CONNECTING_TO_HOST": "Connecting to host...", + "STEAM_LOBBY_STATUS_STARTING_SERVER": "Starting server...", + "STEAM_LOBBY_STATUS_GAME_STARTING": "Game starting...", + "STEAM_LOBBY_VERSION_MISMATCH_DIALOG_TITLE": "Version Mismatch", + "STEAM_LOBBY_VERSION_MISMATCH_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION": "Could not join the lobby. The host of the game is running on a version that is either older or newer than yours.\nYours={0}\nTheirs={1}", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Tooltips.txt b/Tooltips.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..899310f --- /dev/null +++ b/Tooltips.txt @@ -0,0 +1,28 @@ +{ + "strings": + { + "TOOLTIP_TIME_DIFFICULTY": "Difficulty is ALWAYS increasing with time - play fast!", + "TOOLTIP_EQUIPMENT": "Equipment are powerful, activated items.", + "TOOLTIP_SPRINT": "Sprint to get around the map!", + "TOOLTIP_WIP_CONTENT_NAME" : "Under Construction", + "TOOLTIP_WIP_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION" : "This piece of content is still in development. Come back soon!", + + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_LOG_NAME" : "Logbook Entry Unlocked", + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_LOG_DESCRIPTION" : "This entry will now appear in the Logbook.", + + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_ITEM_NAME" : "Item Unlocked", + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_ITEM_DESCRIPTION" : "This item will now randomly appear in runs.", + + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_EQUIPMENT_NAME" : "Equipment Unlocked", + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_EQUIPMENT_DESCRIPTION" : "This equipment will now randomly appear in runs.", + + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_SURVIVOR_NAME" : "Survivor Unlocked", + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_SURVIVOR_DESCRIPTION" : "This Survivor is now available.", + + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_ARTIFACT_NAME" : "Artifact Unlocked", + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_ARTIFACT_DESCRIPTION" : "This Artifact is now available.", + + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_GENERIC_NAME" : "Unlocked", + "TOOLTIP_UNLOCK_GENERIC_DESCRIPTION" : "This content is now available.", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Unlockables.txt b/Unlockables.txt new file mode 100755 index 0000000..306d766 --- /dev/null +++ b/Unlockables.txt @@ -0,0 +1,67 @@ +{ + strings: + { + "NEW_UNLOCKABLE" : "NEW", + "LOCKED" : "LOCKED", + "UNLOCKED_FORMAT" : "Completed '{0}'!\n{1}", + + "UNLOCK_VIA_ACHIEVEMENT_FORMAT" : "Requires '{0}'\n{1}", + "UNLOCK_VIA_FIND_FORMAT" : "Find {0}.", + + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_BEETLE": "Monster Log: Beetle", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_BEETLEGUARD": "Monster Log: Beetle Guard", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_BEETLEQUEEN": "Monster Log: Beetle Queen", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_BISON": "Monster Log: Bison", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_BELL" : "Monster Log: Brass Contraption", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_CLAY": "Monster Log: Clayman", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_CLAYBOSS": "Monster Log: Clay Dunestrider", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_GOLEM": "Monster Log: Stone Golem", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_TITAN": "Monster Log: Stone Titan", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_TITANGOLD": "Monster Log: Aurelionite", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_IMP": "Monster Log: Imp", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_JELLYFISH": "Monster Log: Jellyfish", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_VAGRANT": "Monster Log: Wandering Vagrant", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_LEMURIAN": "Monster Log: Lemurian", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_MAGMAWORM": "Monster Log: Magma Worm", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_WISP": "Monster Log: Lesser Wisp", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_GREATERWISP": "Monster Log: Greater Wisp", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_ANCIENTWISP" : "Monster Log: Ancient Wisp", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_LEMURIANBRUISER" : "Monster Log: Elder Lemurian", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_HERMITCRAB" : "Monster Log: Hermit Crab", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_IMPBOSS" : "Monster Log: Imp Overlord", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_ELECTRICWORM" : "Monster Log: Overloading Worm", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_CLAYBRUISER" : "Monster Log: Clay Templar", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_GRAVEKEEPER" : "Monster Log: Grovetender", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_VULTURE" : "Monster Log: Alloy Vulture", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_ROBOBALLBOSS" : "Monster Log: Solus Control Unit", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_ROBOBALLMINI" : "Monster Log: Solus Probe", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_SUPERROBOBALLBOSS" : "Monster Log: Alloy Worship Unit", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_NULLIFIER" : "Monster Log: Void Reaver", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_SCAV" : "Monster Log: Scavenger", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_PARENT" : "Monster Log: Parent", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_MINIMUSHROOM" : "Monster Log: Mini Mushrum", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_GRANDPARENT" : "Monster Log: Grandparent", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_LUNARWISP" : "Monster Log: Lunar Chimera", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_LUNARGOLEM" : "Monster Log: Lunar Chimera", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_BROTHER" : "Monster Log: Mithrix", + + "UNLOCKABLE_BLUEPRINT_SHIELDONLY": "Blueprint: Transcendence", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_BLACKBEACH": "Environment Log: Distant Roost", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_GOLEMPLAINS": "Environment Log: Titanic Plains", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_GOOLAKE": "Environment Log: Abandoned Aqueduct", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_BAZAAR": "Environment Log: Bazaar Between Time", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_FROZENWALL": "Environment Log: Rallypoint Delta", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_FOGGYSWAMP": "Environment Log: Wetland Aspect", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_DAMPCAVE": "Environment Log: Abyssal Depths", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_WISPGRAVEYARD": "Environment Log: Scorched Acres", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_MYSTERYSPACE" : "Environment Log: A Moment, Fractured", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_GOLDSHORES" : "Environment Log: Gilded Coast", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_SHIPGRAVEYARD" : "Environment Log: Siren's Call", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_ROOTJUNGLE" : "Environment Log: Sundered Grove", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_ARENA" : "Environment Log: Void Fields", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_LIMBO" : "Environment Log: A Moment, Whole", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_SKYMEADOW" : "Environment Log: Sky Meadow", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_ARTIFACTWORLD" : "Environment Log: Bulwark's Ambry", + "UNLOCKABLE_LOG_STAGES_MOON" : "Environment Log: Commencement", + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/credits.json b/credits.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000..a22718f --- /dev/null +++ b/credits.json @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +{ + "strings": { + "CREDITS": "Credits", + + "CREDITS_ROLE_3D_ARTIST": "3D Artist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_ACCOUNTANT": "Accountant", + "CREDITS_ROLE_ACCOUNTING_ASSISTANT": "Accounting Assistant", + "CREDITS_ROLE_ACCOUNTING_ASSOCIATE": "Accounting Associate", + "CREDITS_ROLE_ADDITIONAL_AUDIO_SUPPORT": "Additional Audio Support", + "CREDITS_ROLE_ANIMATION_SUPPORT": "Animation Support", + "CREDITS_ROLE_BRAND_MANAGER": "Brand Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CERTIFICATION_LEAD": "Certification Lead", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CERTIFICATION_SPECIALIST": "Certification Specialist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CERTIFIED_PUBLIC_ACCOUNTANT": "Certified Public Accountant", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CFO": "CFO", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CHARACTER_ANIMATOR/RIGGER": "Character Animator/Rigger", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CHIEF_BUSINESS_OFFICER": "Chief Business Officer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CHIEF_COMMUNICATIONS_OFFICER": "Chief Communications Officer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CHIEF_EXECUTIVE_OFFICER": "Chief Executive Officer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CHIEF_FINANCIAL_OFFICER": "Chief Financial Officer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CHIEF_OPERATING_OFFICER": "Chief Operating Officer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_COMMUNITY_MANAGER": "Community Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CONCEPT_ARTIST/ART_WRANGLER": "Concept Artist/Art Wrangler", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CUSTOMER_SERVICE_REPRESENTATIVE": "Customer Service Representative", + "CREDITS_ROLE_CUSTOMER_SUPPORT_MANAGER": "Customer Support Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_DESIGN_SUPPORT": "Design Support", + "CREDITS_ROLE_DEV_OPS_ENGINEER": "Dev Ops Engineer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_DIRECTOR_OF_DIGITAL_AND_COMMUNITY_STRATEGY": "Director of Digital and Community Strategy", + "CREDITS_ROLE_DIRECTOR_OF_LICENSING": "Director of Licensing", + "CREDITS_ROLE_DIRECTOR_OF_OPERATIONS_GSQ": "Director of Operations (GSQ)", + "CREDITS_ROLE_ENGINEER": "Engineer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_ENGINEERING_SUPPORT": "Engineering Support", + "CREDITS_ROLE_EXECUTIVE_ADMINISTRATIVE_ASSISTANT": "Executive Administrative Assistant", + "CREDITS_ROLE_EXECUTIVE_SUPPORT": "Executive Support", + "CREDITS_ROLE_FINANCIAL_CONTROLLER": "Financial Controller", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HEAD_OF_LEGAL": "Head of Legal", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HEAD_OF_PLATFORM_OPERATIONS": "Head of Platform Operations", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HEAD_OF_PRODUCTION": "Head of Production", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HEAD_OF_SALES": "Head of Sales", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HEAD_OF_TECHNOLOGY": "Head of Technology", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HELP_DESK_ANALYST": "Help Desk Analyst", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HELP_DESK_LEAD": "Help Desk Lead", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HELP_DESK_TECHNICIAN": "Help Desk Technician", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HR_DIRECTOR": "HR Director", + "CREDITS_ROLE_HR_GENERALIST": "HR Generalist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_INFLUENCER_MANAGER": "Influencer Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_IT_DIRECTOR": "IT Director", + "CREDITS_ROLE_IT_MANAGER": "IT Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_IT_PROJECT_COORDINATOR": "IT Project Coordinator", + "CREDITS_ROLE_IT_WEB_DEVELOPER": "IT Web Developer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_LEAD_IT_SPECIALIST": "Lead IT Specialist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_LEAD_PRODUCER": "Lead Producer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_LEAD_SOUND_DESIGNER": "Lead Sound Designer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_LEGAL_ASSOCIATE": "Legal Associate", + "CREDITS_ROLE_LEVEL_DESIGNER": "Level Designer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_LICENSING_COORDINATOR": "Licensing Coordinator", + "CREDITS_ROLE_LOCALIZATION_QA_COORDINATOR": "Localization QA Coordinator", + "CREDITS_ROLE_MANAGER_FINANCIAL_PLANNING_AND_ANALYSIS": "Manager, Financial Planning and Analysis", + "CREDITS_ROLE_MANAGING_DIRECTOR_DIGITAL_PARTNERSHIPS": "Managing Director, Digital Partnerships", + "CREDITS_ROLE_MARKETING_ARTIST": "Marketing Artist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_MARKETING_ART_DIRECTOR": "Marketing Art Director", + "CREDITS_ROLE_MARKETING_ASSOCIATE_PRODUCER": "Marketing Associate Producer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_MARKETING_CREATIVE_DIRECTOR": "Marketing Creative Director", + "CREDITS_ROLE_NEW_MEDIA_MANAGER": "New Media Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_OFFICE_ASSISTANT": "Office Assistant", + "CREDITS_ROLE_OFFICE_COORDINATOR": "Office Coordinator", + "CREDITS_ROLE_OFFICE_MANAGER": "Office Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_OPERATIONS_MANAGER": "Operations Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_OPERATIONS_SUPPORT": "Operations Support", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PARALEGAL": "Paralegal", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PAYROLL_SPECIALIST": "Payroll Specialist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PLATFORM_ENGINEER": "Platform Engineer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PLATFORM_OPERATIONS_MANAGER": "Platform Operations Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PRESIDENT": "President", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PRODUCER": "Producer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PRODUCTION_MANAGER": "Production Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PRODUCTION_SUPPORT": "Production Support", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PUBLIC_RELATIONS_DIRECTOR": "Public Relations Director", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PUBLIC_RELATIONS_MANAGER": "Public Relations Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_PURCHASING_MANAGER": "Purchasing Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_QA_DIRECTOR": "QA Director", + "CREDITS_ROLE_QA_LEAD": "QA Lead", + "CREDITS_ROLE_QA_MANAGER": "QA Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_QA_SPECIALIST": "QA Specialist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_QA_TESTER": "QA Tester", + "CREDITS_ROLE_RATINGS_SPECIALIST": "Ratings Specialist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_RECEPTIONIST": "Receptionist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_RECEPTIONIST_ADMINISTRATOR": "Receptionist Administrator", + "CREDITS_ROLE_RECRUITER": "Recruiter", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SALES_MANAGER": "Sales Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_ACCOUNTANT": "Senior Accountant", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_CORPORATE_COUNSEL": "Senior Corporate Counsel", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_DIRECTOR_OF_MARKETING": "Senior Director of Marketing", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_FINANCIAL_ANALYST": "Senior Financial Analyst", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_GAME_DESIGNER": "Senior Game Designer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_IT_SPECIALIST": "Senior IT Specialist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_IT_WEB_DEVELOPER": "Senior IT Web Developer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_QA_PROJECT_LEAD": "Senior QA Project Lead", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_SYSTEMS_ENGINEER": "Senior Systems Engineer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SENIOR_USER_RESEARCH_ANALYST": "Senior User Research Analyst", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SOFTWARE_ENGINEER": "Software Engineer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SOUND_DESIGNER": "Sound Designer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SR._PRODUCTION_MANAGER": "Sr. Production Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SR_GAME_DESIGNER": "Sr Game Designer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_STUDIO_DIRECTOR": "Studio Director", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SUBMISSIONS_SPECIALIST": "Submissions Specialist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SYSTEMS_ADMINISTRATOR": "Systems Administrator", + "CREDITS_ROLE_SYSTEMS_ENGINEER": "Systems Engineer", + "CREDITS_ROLE_TECHNICAL_ARTIST": "Technical Artist", + "CREDITS_ROLE_TECHNICAL_DIRECTOR": "Technical Director", + "CREDITS_ROLE_USER_RESEARCH_ANALYST": "User Research Analyst", + "CREDITS_ROLE_USER_RESEARCH_MANAGER": "User Research Manager", + "CREDITS_ROLE_VP_OF_FINANCE": "VP of Finance", + "CREDITS_ROLE_VP_OF_STRATEGIC_OPERATIONS": "VP of Strategic Operations", + + "CREDITS_HOPOOGAMES_LEAD_IN": "Is...", + "CREDITS_CHRIS_LEAD_IN": "Featuring the music of...", + "CREDITS_SKEWSOUND_LEAD_IN": "With audio by...", + "CREDITS_GHOSTPUNCH_LEAD_IN": "Additional development by...", + "CREDITS_STREAMLINE_LEAD_IN": "Additional development by...", + "CREDITS_PLAYEVERYWARE_LEAD_IN": "Console versions by...", + "CREDITS_GEARBOXPUBLISHING_LEAD_IN": "And published by...", + "CREDITS_GEARBOXPUBLISHING_DEPARTMENT_PUBLISHING": "Publishing", + "CREDITS_GEARBOXPUBLISHING_DEPARTMENT_FINANCE_HR_IT_LEGAL_OPERATIONS": "Finance, HR, IT, Legal, and Operations", + "CREDITS_SPECIAL_THANKS_LEAD_IN": "Special Thanks", + "CREDITS_SOFTWARE_WWISE_TEXT": "Powered by Wwise © 2006 – 2020 Audiokinetic Inc. All rights reserved.", + "CREDITS_SOFTWARE_SPEEDTREE_TEXT": "Made with Unity. Unity is a trademark or registered trademark of Unity Technologies or its affiliates in the U.S. and elsewhere. All rights reserved.", + "CREDITS_SOFTWARE_UNITY_TEXT": "Portions of this software utilize SpeedTree® technology (©2019 Interactive Data Visualization, Inc.). SpeedTree® is a registered trademark of Interactive Data Visualization, Inc. All rights reserved.", + "CREDITS_COPYRIGHT": "Copyright © 2012 - 2020 Hopoo Games, LLC. All rights reserved.\r\n\r\nPublished and distributed by Gearbox Publishing. Gearbox and the Gearbox Software logo are registered trademarks, and the Gearbox Publishing logo is a trademark, all used courtesy of Gearbox Software, LLC.\r\n\r\nCopyright © 2020, Streamline Media Group, Inc. All rights reserved.\r\nDeveloped by Streamline Games, a division of Streamline Media Group, Inc.\r\nStreamline Games and Streamline Media are trademarks and\/or registered trademarks of Streamline Media Group, Inc.\r\n", + "CREDITS_FINALMESSAGE": "...and you, yes you! Thank you!" + + } +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/icon.png b/icon.png new file mode 100755 index 0000000..10f451f Binary files /dev/null and b/icon.png differ diff --git a/language.json b/language.json new file mode 100755 index 0000000..28b84e4 --- /dev/null +++ b/language.json @@ -0,0 +1,5 @@ +{ + "language" : { + "selfname": "English" + } +}