-- Salt's ComputerCraft Storage Network Script -- -- For information on this script, physical in-world setup, and configuration, -- see: https://git.desu.ltd/salt/mc-scripts/src/branch/master/storage-net -- Default configuration values. Override in config.lua. DO NOT CHANGE HERE mode = "ConfigureMe" -- The mode of function for this node networkid = 0 -- Unique ID for this network port_broadcast = 42914 -- Port for M->S traffic port_return = 42915 -- Port for S->M traffic packet_magic = "ccstoragenet" -- Just a random string -- This loads config.lua. See masterconfig.lua and slaveconfig.lua for example -- configurations. require "config" -- Startup diagnostics print("Salt's CC Storage Net") print("Computer " .. os.getComputerID() .. " configured as " .. mode) -- Common globals modem = peripheral.find("modem") or error("No modem attached", 0) -- Master globals -- Slave globals -- Common functions function c_mainLoop(loopfunc) -- Loops a thing forever while true do loopfunc() sleep(0.10) end end function c_waitForMessage() -- Waits for a message on the modem, timing out after 1 second local timeout = os.startTimer(1) local event, side, channel, replyChannel, message, distance = os.pullEvent() if (event == "modem_message") then if (message["magic"] ~= packet_magic) or -- Magic is required per packet spec (not message["type"]) -- Message type is required then print("Discarded nonconformant message") return nil end return message end return nil end function c_sendMessage(message) -- Sends a message, either to the master or all slaves depending on mode local msg = { magic = packet_magic, networkid = networkid, sourceid = os.getComputerID(), --destid is optional } -- Override basic message object with args for k,v in pairs(message) do msg[k] = v end print("Transmitting message: " .. textutils.serialize(msg)) -- Transmit on different ports depending on mode if (mode == "master") then modem.transmit(port_broadcast, port_return, msg) elseif (mode == "slave") then modem.transmit(port_return, port_broadcast, msg) end end -- Master functions function m_loop() -- The main loop of the master server -- Listen for packets on the return net msg = c_waitForMessage() if not msg then return end sleep(1) end -- Slave functions function s_loop() -- The main loop of any slave nodes -- Listen for packets from the master msg = c_waitForMessage() if not msg then print(".") return end if (msg[type] == "ping") then -- Respond to pings with pongs print("Received ping") c_sendMessage({type="pong"}) end sleep(1) end -- Application entrypoint function main () if (mode == "master") then print("Beginning initialization as master...") modem.open(port_return) print("Pinging for slaves...") c_sendMessage({type="ping"}) sleep(3) local msg = true while msg ~= nil do msg = c_waitForMessage() if (msg and msg[type] == "pong") then print("Received pong from " .. msg["sourceid"]) end end print("Entering main loop") c_mainLoop(m_loop) elseif (mode == "slave") then print("Beginning initialization as slave...") modem.open(port_broadcast) print("Entering main loop") c_mainLoop(s_loop) else error("Invalid mode: " .. mode .. ", please configure this node appropriately", 0) end modem.closeAll() end main()