Salt 4554694f08 Pulse: Update daemon settings
Gotta get that audio quality my dude
2019-04-01 03:38:16 -05:00

21 lines
678 B

# Configuration file for the PulseAudio daemon. See pulse-daemon.conf(5) for
# more information. Default values are commented out. Use either ; or # for
# commenting.
# Bugfixes for my desktop's audio card
realtime-scheduling = no # Fixes a weird stutter issue
# Sanity
flat-volumes = no
# Audio Quality
default-sample-format = s32le # Pulse does 16bit sampling by default for some reason
default-sample-rate = 96000 # Higher sample rate than default
alternate-sample-rate = 96000
resample-method = speex-float-5 # Increase resampling quality
avoid-resampling = true
default-fragments = 2 # Pulse, why are you so friggin latent by default?
default-fragment-size-msec = 10