65 lines
2.3 KiB

Author: Rafa Cobreros rafacobreros@gmail.com
License: GPL
Original theme in: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/FlatStudio?content=154296
1.- Change selection color
2.- Change style of window titlebar buttons (Metacity and unity)
3.- Select style for nautilus
- Changes may require open/close session to take effect
* 1.- Change selection color *
To GTK3 apps
Edit the file ../FlatStudioDark/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
on line 24 assigns the value of desired color
@define-color theme_selected_bg_color @selection_acid_green;
for GTK2 apps
Edit the file .. /FlatStudioDark/gtk-2.0/gtkrc
on line 14 assigns the value of desired color
gtk-color-scheme = "selected_bg_color:#xxxxxx"
* 2.- Change style of window titlebar buttons *
If you do not use unity, in most cases it can be enough to select with gnome-tweak-tools windows-theme of the buttons we want. If this is not sufficient, then:
In the folder "../FlatStudio/" there are 3 styles of buttons contained in the following files:
- window_normal_buttons_dark_frame.tar.gz (default in FlatStudio)
- window_normal_buttons_light_frame.tar.gz (default in FlatStudioLight)
- window_square_buttons.tar.gz (default in FlatStudioGray and FlatStudioDark)
to set square buttons in "FlatStudioLight"
copy the contents of "window_square_buttons.tar.gz" in folders:
"../FlatStudioLight/metacity-1 /" and if you use unity, also in "../FlatStudioLight/unity/"
* 3.- Select style for nautilus *
Edit (gedit) the file ../FlatStudioDark/gtk-3.0/gtk.css
go to the last line of the file, there are six options for nautilus:
1.- "gnome-applications-gray.css" (nautilus sidebar and toolbar dark gray)
2.- "gnome-applications-light.css" (nautilus sidebar and toolbar light)
3.- "gnome-applications-gray-light.css" (nautilus sidebar dark gray and toolbar light)
edit (please carefully) the corresponding line "@import" according to the style of nautilus you want,
to make it ONE of the three (not both)
@import url("gnome-applications-gray.css");
@import url("gnome-applications-light.css");
@import url("gnome-applications-gray-light.css");