Salt 4f9311163c Everything: Switch to MATE, Arc, and Solarized
TODO: Add MATE configs, wherever those are
2019-02-01 03:07:24 -06:00

50 lines
1.5 KiB

! Gruvbox Dark
#define G_base03 #282828
#define G_base02 #3c3836
#define G_base01 #504945
#define G_base00 #665c54
#define G_base0 #7c6f64
#define G_base1 #928374
#define G_base2 #a89984
#define G_base3 #ebdbb2
#define G_yellow #fabd2f
#define G_red #fb4934
#define G_magenta #d3869b
#define G_blue #83a598
#define G_cyan #8ec07c
#define G_green #b8bb26
#define G_dark_yellow #d79921
#define G_dark_red #cc241d
#define G_dark_magenta #b16286
#define G_dark_blue #458588
#define G_dark_cyan #689d6a
#define G_dark_green #98971a
! Color declarations
*background: G_base03
*bg2: G_base02
*bg3: G_base01
*foreground: G_base3
*cursorColor: G_base1
*pointerColorBackground: G_base01
*pointerColorForeground: G_base1
*color0: G_base03
*color1: G_dark_red
*color2: G_dark_green
*color3: G_dark_yellow
*color4: G_dark_blue
*color5: G_dark_magenta
*color6: G_dark_cyan
*color7: G_base2
*color8: G_base1
*color9: G_red
*color10: G_green
*color11: G_yellow
*color12: G_blue
*color13: G_magenta
*color14: G_cyan
*color15: G_base3