# Salt's Dotfiles Just a repo of all my relevant dotfiles. Makes it easier to get set up on new machines, etc. I am not a copyright holder for several of these materials. Unless otherwise specified, assume that any software you find here is not licensed to you in any capacity. Unless, of course, it has a GPL or MIT header or something. Then, by all means, copy it. ## ~/.bin A series of executables, several (but not all) of them written by me. One day I'll get around to writing up licenses for all of them. ## ~/.config Application-specific configuration files. ## ~/.local Right now it's just a bunch of Powerline fonts. Note, however, that several `shellrc`s here will access executables in the `~/.local/bin` directory. ## ~/.oh-my-zsh A copy of the Oh-My-Zsh repo, plus whatever configuration files I've stuffed in there (should just be powerlevel9k). ## ~/.themes A whole lot of GTK themes. ## ~/\* ### .Xdefaults Any explanation for it is longer than it. ### .Xresources Basic themeing file, holding whatever colorscheme I'm currently attatched to. Where possible, I try to reference it to centralize themeing. ### .bash\_profile Currently does nothing because I never use `bash`. ### .profile This hideous blob really needs work. ### .xinitrc I use a DM so this sees very little love. If I can figure out how to into environment variables, maybe this'll see more use. ### .xsessionrc Don't look. Right now it's just me trying to hack together an environment. ### .zshrc A simple `zsh` configuration file.