#! /bin/bash # # g910 coloring service # Copyright (C) 2019 Vintage Salt # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. # colorbase="002b36" colorblue="268bd2" colorgreen="859900" colormagenta="d33682" colorred="dc322f" coloryellow="b58900" # Basic functions log() { [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 printf "g910: %s\\n" \ "$1" } rsleep() { [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 exec 1023<> <(:) read -t "$1" -u 1023 return 0 } # Main loop loop-stats() { while :; do # CPU stats on F1 and G6 g910-led -kn f1 $colorblue if (( $(grep 'cpu ' /proc/stat | awk '{usage=($2+$4)/($2+$4+$5)} END {print (usage > 0.75)}') )); then g910-led -kn g6 $colorred else g910-led -kn g6 $colorgreen fi # Memory stats on F2 and G7 g910-led -kn f2 $colormagenta if (( $(free | grep Mem | awk '{print ($3/$2 > 0.75)}') )); then g910-led -kn g7 $colorred else g910-led -kn g7 $colorgreen fi # Root disk stats on F3 and G8 g910-led -kn f3 $coloryellow if (( $(df --output=pcent / | tr -dc '0-9') > 75 )); then g910-led -kn g8 $colorred else g910-led -kn g8 $colorgreen fi # Home disk stats on F4 and G9 g910-led -kn f4 $coloryellow if (( $(df --output=pcent /home | tr -dc '0-9') > 75 )); then g910-led -kn g9 $colorred else g910-led -kn g9 $colorgreen fi # Commit g910-led -c # Wait rsleep 1 done } initloops() { # i3wm integration if pgrep i3 > /dev/null 2>&1; then log "Coloring i3 related keys" g910-led -k logo 000000 rsleep 0.025 g910-led -kn logo $colorred g910-led -kn alt_left $colorred g910-led -kn alt_right $colorred g910-led -kn win_left $colorblue g910-led -kn win_right $colorblue g910-led -c fi # General loops loop-stats & log "Starting general stat display with PID $!" wait } main() { if ! command -v g910-led > /dev/null 2>&1; then log "g910-led is not installed. Install it with the g810-led package" exit 50 fi if ! g910-led -a 000000 > /dev/null 2>&1; then log "Could not find keyboard" log "Ensure it is plugged in and that you have the proper udev rules set up" log "See https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MatMoul/g810-led/master/udev/g810-led.rules" exit 51 fi log "Playing init animation" log "Dimming all keys" g910-led -a 000000 log "Flickering logo on" rsleep 0.25 g910-led -k logo ffffff rsleep 0.05 g910-led -k logo 000000 rsleep 0.025 g910-led -k logo ffffff rsleep 0.025 g910-led -k logo 000000 rsleep 0.025 g910-led -k logo ffffff rsleep 1 log "Flickering second logo on" rsleep 0.025 g910-led -k logo2 $colorblue rsleep 0.025 g910-led -k logo2 000000 rsleep 0.025 g910-led -k logo2 $colorred log "Flickering G-keys on" g910-led -g gkeys ffffff rsleep 0.05 g910-led -g gkeys 000000 rsleep 0.025 g910-led -g gkeys 444444 rsleep 0.25 log "Flickering F-keys on" g910-led -g fkeys 222222 rsleep 0.05 g910-led -g fkeys 333333 rsleep 0.025 g910-led -g fkeys 444444 log "Flickering keys on" g910-led -g keys aaaaaa rsleep 0.05 g910-led -g keys 888888 rsleep 0.15 log "Flickering numpad on" g910-led -g numeric 888888 log "Flickering arrow keys on" g910-led -g arrows 222222 rsleep 0.025 g910-led -g arrows 444444 rsleep 0.10 log "Flickering modifier keys on" g910-led -g modifiers 444444 rsleep 0.025 g910-led -gn modifiers 888888 g910-led -kn menu 000000 g910-led -c rsleep 0.05 log "Flickering multimedia keys on" g910-led -g multimedia ffffff rsleep 0.025 g910-led -g multimedia 888888 log "Flickering functions on" g910-led -g functions aaaaaa rsleep 0.025 g910-led -g functions 444444 g910-led -k logo2 $colorgreen # Set up listeners as background processes initloops } main "$@"