# vim: set ft=cfg: [global] ## BEHAVIOR follow = mouse # Notifications follow the monitor with the mouse format = "<span font='Bold'>%s</span> <span font='Light'>(%a)</span>\n%b" hide_duplicate_count = false # Hide count of stacked notifs ignore_newline = false # Ignore \n (for some reason) indicate_hidden = true # Show how many messages are currently hidden idle_threshold = 120 # Time in seconds before user is considered idle markup = full # Whether to disable markup features (see manpage) show_age_threshold = 60 # Shows age if message is older than this (in sec) show_indicators = true # Show hints for interactable notifs sort = true # Sort messages by urgency. stack_duplicates = true timeout = 10 # Time in seconds before the thing fades ## MISC CONFIGURATION always_run_script = true # Runs scripts for rules even if they're hidden browser = xdg-open dmenu = /usr/bin/wofi --dmenu -p dunst: ## WINDOW CONFIGURATION title = Dunst class = Dunst ## HISTORY sticky_history = yes # Notifs pulled from history stay onscreen history_length = 20 # Buffer size ## LOOKS # COLORS # Note that rules defined later on can and will override these # All colors must be quoted so as to not misinterpret as comments background= "#fbf1c7cc" # Background of the notification frame_color = "#f2e5bccc" separator_color = frame foreground = "#3c3836" # Font color, for body and title highlight = "#b8bb26" # Progress bars # SIZE AND POSITIONING width = 400 height = 300 offset = 8x8 # This takes into account any bars corner_radius = 8 transparency = 0 # PROGRESS BAR progress_bar = true progress_bar_corner_radius = 8 progress_bar_horizontal_alignment = left progress_bar_frame_width = 2 progress_bar_height = 8 # INTERIOR FORMATTING frame_width = 6 # Defines width in pixels of frame horizontal_padding = 12 # Horizontal padding. padding = 12 # Padding between text and separator. separator_height = 4 # TEXT alignment = left font = IBM Plex Sans 10 line_height = 0 word_wrap = yes # ICONS icon_path = /usr/share/icons/Papirus-Light/48x48/status/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Light/48x48/devices/:/usr/share/icons/Papirus-Light/48x48/apps icon_position = right icon_corner_radius = 8 max_icon_size = 48 [urgency_critical] foreground = "#fb4934"