/** * @name midnight-gruvbox * @description A dark, rounded discord theme. Managed by .dotfiles, packed in by stow. Original by refact0r * @author salt * @version 1.6.2 * @source https://github.com/refact0r/midnight-discord/blob/master/midnight.theme.css */ /* IMPORTANT: make sure to enable dark mode in discord settings for the theme to apply properly!!! */ @import url('https://refact0r.github.io/midnight-discord/midnight.css'); /* customize things here */ :root { /* font, change to 'gg sans' for default discord font*/ --font: 'IBM Plex Sans'; /* top left corner text */ --corner-text: 'Midnight'; /* color of status indicators and window controls */ --online-indicator: #b8bb26; /* change to #23a55a for default green */ --dnd-indicator: #fb4934; /* change to #f13f43 for default red */ --idle-indicator: #fabd2f; /* change to #f0b232 for default yellow */ --streaming-indicator: #d3869b; /* change to #593695 for default purple */ /* accent colors */ --accent-1: #83a598; /* links */ --accent-2: #83a598; /* general unread/mention elements */ --accent-3: #83a598; /* accent buttons */ --accent-4: #458588; /* accent buttons when hovered */ --accent-5: #458588; /* accent buttons when clicked */ --mention: #3c3836; /* mentions & mention messages */ --mention-hover: #504945; /* mentions & mention messages when hovered */ /* text colors */ --text-0: #ebdbb2; /* text on colored elements */ --text-1: var(--text-2); /* other normally white text */ --text-2: #ebdbb2; /* headings and important text */ --text-3: #d5c4a1; /* normal text */ --text-4: #bdae93; /* icon buttons and channels */ --text-5: #7c6f64; /* muted channels/chats and timestamps */ /* background and dark colors */ --bg-1: #665c54; /* dark buttons when clicked */ --bg-2: #504945; /* dark buttons */ --bg-3: #32302f; /* spacing, secondary elements */ --bg-4: #282828; /* main background color */ --hover: #3c3836; /* channels and buttons when hovered */ --active: #3c3836; /* channels and buttons when clicked or selected */ --message-hover: #1d2021; /* messages when hovered */ /* amount of spacing and padding */ --spacing: 8px; /* animations */ /* ALL ANIMATIONS CAN BE DISABLED WITH REDUCED MOTION IN DISCORD SETTINGS */ --list-item-transition: 0.2s ease; /* channels/members/settings hover transition */ --unread-bar-transition: 0.2s ease; /* unread bar moving into view transition */ --moon-spin-transition: 0.4s ease; /* moon icon spin */ --icon-spin-transition: 1s ease; /* round icon button spin (settings, emoji, etc.) */ /* corner roundness (border-radius) */ --roundness-xl: 16px; /* roundness of big panel outer corners */ --roundness-l: 14px; /* popout panels */ --roundness-m: 12px; /* smaller panels, images, embeds */ --roundness-s: 8px; /* members, settings inputs */ --roundness-xs: 4px; /* channels, buttons */ --roundness-xxs: 4px; /* searchbar, small elements */ /* direct messages moon icon */ /* change to block to show, none to hide */ --discord-icon: block; /* discord icon */ --moon-icon: none; /* moon icon */ --moon-icon-url: url('https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/c4/Font_Awesome_5_solid_moon.svg'); /* custom icon url */ --moon-icon-size: auto; /* filter uncolorable elements to fit theme */ /* (just set to none, they're too much work to configure) */ --login-bg-filter: saturate(0.3) hue-rotate(-15deg) brightness(0.4); /* login background artwork */ --green-to-accent-3-filter: hue-rotate(56deg) saturate(1.43); /* add friend page explore icon */ --blurple-to-accent-3-filter: hue-rotate(304deg) saturate(0.84) brightness(1.2); /* add friend page school icon */ }