# vim:set ft=gtkrc ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 ai et:
# This file contains horrible hacks to make this theme work with some programs
# This is mostly due to the limitations of GTK 2 but sometimes its the fault of
# the programs themselves. Not going to point fingers.
# Either way, it's a WONTFIX for both, hence this horrible file.

style "toplevel_hack" {
  engine "adwaita" {}

style "chrome_entry" {
  base[NORMAL]      = @base_color
  base[INSENSITIVE] = @base_color

style "vim_notebook" {
  bg[NORMAL] = @base_color
  bg[ACTIVE] = @bg_color

# Vim puts an eventbox between the tab and the label and colours it,
# we need to handle that
widget "vim-main-window*GtkNotebook.GtkEventBox" style "vim_notebook"

# (he)xchat input box
class "SexySpellEntry" style:highest "normal_entry"

# Chromium uses base as the fill colour of its own entries
# This would be fine but GTK uses it to fill the surrounding space, so its set to bg
# That results in Chromium using it for the fill, so we need to handle that
widget_class "*Chrom*<GtkEntry>" style "chrome_entry"

# Hack to be able to match widgets in LibreOffice
class "GtkWindow" style "toplevel_hack"