# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:foldmethod=marker
font_family IBM Plex Mono
font_size 9.0
# url_color #0087bd
# url_style curly
# url_prefixes file ftp ftps gemini git gopher http https irc ircs kitty mailto news sftp ssh
# detect_urls yes
# underline_hyperlinks hover
enable_audio_bell no
focus_follows_mouse yes
confirm_os_window_close 0
background_opacity 0.8
include ~/.config/kitty/gruvbox.conf
# Why the fuck does my terminal need to do this?
update_check_interval 0

# Launch a kitty that can be broadcast to
map f1 launch --allow-remote-control kitty +kitten broadcast --match-tab state:focused

# shell_integration enabled

#: Enable shell integration on supported shells. This enables features
#: such as jumping to previous prompts, browsing the output of the
#: previous command in a pager, etc. on supported shells. Set to
#: disabled to turn off shell integration, completely. It is also
#: possible to disable individual features, set to a space separated
#: list of these values: no-rc, no-cursor, no-title, no-cwd, no-
#: prompt-mark, no-complete, no-sudo. See Shell integration
#: <https://sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/shell-integration/> for details.

# term xterm-kitty
term xterm-256color

#: The value of the TERM environment variable to set. Changing this
#: can break many terminal programs, only change it if you know what
#: you are doing, not because you read some advice on "Stack Overflow"
#: to change it. The TERM variable is used by various programs to get
#: information about the capabilities and behavior of the terminal. If
#: you change it, depending on what programs you run, and how
#: different the terminal you are changing it to is, various things
#: from key-presses, to colors, to various advanced features may not
#: work. Changing this option by reloading the config will only affect
#: newly created windows.