#!/bin/sh ## Set up some variables name="$(basename "$0" .sh)" deps="git rsync mktemp basename" logfile="${PWD}/${name}.log" tempfolder="$(mktemp -d)" gitdir="$PWD/.dotfiles" homedir="$PWD" repo='git@gitlab.com:rehashedsalt/home.git' ## Define some functions log() { [ -z ${1+x} ] && return 1 printf "\e[94m${name}\e[0m: $1\n" } validatedep() { if ! which $1 > /dev/null 2>&1; then return 1 fi return 0 } ## Do the do # Rotate the logfile, if necessary if [ -f "$logfile" ]; then log "Found old logfile. Rotating" mv "$logfile" "$logfile.old" fi # Ensure we have the proper dependencies log "Validating dependencies" for dep in $deps; do if ! validatedep "$dep"; then log "Could not find critical dependency \"$dep\"" exit 1 fi done # Build Home folder skeleton log "Building skeleton folder layout" mkdir Desktop Documents Downloads Games Music Pictures Projects ROMs System Videos # Clone the dotfiles log "Cloning repository" git clone --recursive --depth 100 --separate-git-dir="$gitdir" "$repo" "$tempfolder" >> "$logfile" 2>&1 error="$?" if ! [ "$error" -eq "0" ]; then log "Failed cloning repository \"$repo\": git returned $error" log "See $logfile for details" log "Do you have the appropriate permissions? Does the remote host know your key?" exit 2 fi # Move them to where they should be log "Moving cloned repo from \"$tempfolder\" into \"$homedir\"" rsync -rvl --exclude ".git" "$tempfolder/" "$homedir/" >> "$logfile" rm -rf "$tempfolder" rmdir "$tempfolder" # Finish syncing log "Updating submodules and performing basic configuration" git --git-dir="$gitdir" --work-tree="$homedir" submodule update --init --recursive --remote >> "$logfile" 2>&1 git --git-dir="$gitdir" --work-tree="$homedir" submodule foreach 'git checkout master && git pull' >> "$logfile" 2>&1 git --git-dir="$gitdir" --work-tree="$homedir" config status.showUntrackedFiles no >> "$logfile" 2>&1 # Print some post-install instructions log "Dotfiles set up successfully" log "Be sure and configure the following before issuing any commits:" log " git config --global user.email" log " git config --global user.name" log "You may now delete the script" exit 0