#!/usr/bin/env bash # # tubetop2 # Copyright (C) 2018 rehashedsalt <salt@lap-th-e560-0> # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. # # Define some functions function tubetop2-play { if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then return 1; fi pkill -x xwinwrap xwinwrap -ni -fs -b -nf -ov -- mpv -wid WID --title="$name" "$1" return 0 } function tubetop2-download { if [ -z ${1+x} ]; then return 1; fi videoname="$(youtube-dl -e $1)" videoname="${videoname//[^ a-zA-Z0-9:\[\]|()_-]/}" video="$cachedir/$videoname.mp4" youtube-dl -w "$1" -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=mp4]/best[ext=mp4]' -o "$video" errorcode=$? if ! [ -r "$video" ]; then notify-high "Download Failed" "Video $1 failed to download. youtube-dl gave error code $errorcode." "dialog-error" return 2 fi if ! [ "$errorcode" == "0" ]; then notify-high "Error" "An error occured while downloading $1. youtube-dl gave error code $errorcode." "dialog-error" return $errorcode fi notify-normal "Download Finished" "\"$videoname\" is now ready to be embedded." "dialog-information" return 0 } function notify-normal { if [ -z ${1+x} ] || [ -z ${2+x} ] || [ -z ${3+x} ]; then return 1; fi notify-send -u normal -t 3000 -i "$3" -a "$name" "$1" "$2" } function notify-high { if [ -z ${1+x} ] || [ -z ${2+x} ] || [ -z ${3+x} ]; then return 1; fi notify-send -u high -t 10000 -i "$3" -a "$name" "$1" "$2" } function log { if [ -z ${1+x} ] || [ -z ${2+x} ]; then return 1; fi printf "$name: $1: $2\n" } name="$(basename $0 .bash)" # If we were called with --kill, kill all running tubetops if [ "$1" == "--kill" ]; then log 3 "Launched in kill mode. Killing xwinwrap" if pkill xwinwrap; then notify-normal "Stopped" "Stopped playing all embedded desktop videos" "user-trash" log 3 "Successfully killed xwinwrap" exit 0 else log 0 "Could not find any instances of xwinwrap" exit 1 fi fi # Figure out where to store the videos if [ -z ${XDG_DATA_HOME+x} ]; then cachedir="$HOME/.local/share/$name" else cachedir="$XDG_DATA_HOME/$name" fi log 4 "Operating out of \"$cachedir\"" # Make that location if it doesn't exist if ! [ -d "$cachedir" ]; then mkdir -p "$cachedir" log 3 "Cache directory didn't exist, so it was made" fi # Add a symlink in the user's Videos folder, but only once if ! [ -f "$cachedir/.symlink" ] && [ -d "$HOME/Videos" ]; then log 3 "Added symbolic link to videos in user's Videos folder" ln -s "$cachedir" "$HOME/Videos/Tubetop Videos" touch "$cachedir/.symlink" fi # Get a list of all the videos we have log 3 "Getting a list of videos" videos=$(find "$cachedir" -type f -name \*.mp4) # Build a sanitized list to present to the user if ! [ "$videos" == "" ]; then log 4 "Videos:\n$videos" videos_clean="" while read video; do if ! [ "$videos_clean" == "" ]; then videos_clean="$videos_clean"$'\n' fi video_name="$(basename "$video" .mp4)" log 5 "Renaming \"$video\" to \"$video_name\"" videos_clean="$videos_clean$video_name" done <<< "$videos" log 4 "Videos, cleaned:\n$videos_clean" fi # Make a decision log 3 "Prompting the user..." choice="$(rofi -dmenu -p $name <<< "$videos_clean")" # Validate the input if [ "$choice" == "" ]; then log 0 "User responded with empty string. Terminating." exit 0 fi log 3 "User responded with $choice" # If the decision is remote, download it. Otherwise, play it if ! [ -r "$cachedir/$choice.mp4" ]; then log 3 "Decided to download $choice" notify-normal "Downloading Video" "Video \"$choice\" is being downloaded. It will be available shortly." "drive-harddisk" tubetop2-download "$choice" else log 3 "Decided to play \"$choice\" from local files" notify-normal "Playing Video" "Embedding \"$choice\" into the desktop." "computer" tubetop2-play "$cachedir/$choice.mp4" fi log 0 "Quitting" exit 0