#! /usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:fenc=utf-8:ft=python # # Bad Witch # Copyright © 2020 Vintage Salt # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. # from appdirs import AppDirs from pathlib import Path from PyQt5.QtGui import QIcon from PyQt5.QtWidgets import ( QAction, qApp, QApplication, QMainWindow, QWidget, QFrame, QLabel, QPushButton, QGroupBox, QGridLayout, QHBoxLayout, QVBoxLayout ) import argparse import eyed3 import json import logging import math import pathlib import re import types import sys import youtube_dl class Library: # A thing full of albums def __init__(self, file, albums={}): self.albums = albums self.file = file # Load from file def load(self): try: with open(self.file, 'r+') as libfd: libfd.seek(0) self.albums = json.load(libfd) except FileNotFoundError: logging.debug('Could not find library, loading empty') self.albums = {} return # Save to file def save(self): with open(self.file, 'w+') as libfd: libfd.seek(0) json.dump(self.albums, libfd, indent='\t') return def validate(self): self.load() for album, albumcontent in self.albums.items(): for song, songcontent in albumcontent.items(): if song == 'meta': continue for field in ['track', 'artist', 'source']: if field not in songcontent: raise Exception('Song is missing required field', song, field) # Download library def download(self, targetalbum=None): if targetalbum is not None: print('Downloading album: ' + album) else: print('Downloading entire library') for album, albumcontent in self.albums.items(): # Try to grab a metadata entry metadata = {} for song, songcontent in albumcontent.items(): if song == 'meta': metadata = albumcontent['meta'] # Skip albums that don't match our criterea if targetalbum is not None and not album == targetalbum: logging.debug('Skipping album ' + album) continue # Get albumartist # Sets to Various Artists if multiple albumartist='' for song, songcontent in albumcontent.items(): if song == 'meta': continue if albumartist == '': albumartist = songcontent['artist'] elif albumartist != songcontent['artist']: albumartist = 'Various Artists' break destpath = (Path.home() / 'Music' / albumartist / album) Path(destpath).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Actually download and tag songs try: for song, songcontent in albumcontent.items(): if song == 'meta': continue if metadata == {}: zeroes = int(math.log10(len(albumcontent)) + 1) else: zeroes = int(math.log10(len(albumcontent) - 1) + 1) filename = str(songcontent['track']).zfill(zeroes) + ' - ' + song destfile = str(destpath / filename) + '.%(ext)s' logging.debug('Saving to: ' + destfile) # See if we already have it if Path(str(destpath / filename) + '.mp3').exists(): # Skip downloading logging.info('Already have song: ' + song) else: # Download the song ytdl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio', 'outtmpl': destfile, 'playlist_items': 1, 'quiet': True, 'writethumbnail': True, 'postprocessors': [{ 'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio', 'preferredcodec': 'mp3', 'preferredquality': '192' },{ 'key': 'EmbedThumbnail' }] } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_opts) as ydl: ydl.download([songcontent['source']]) print('Downloaded song: ' + song) # Add tags logging.debug('Adding tags') resultfile = eyed3.load(str(destpath / filename) + '.mp3') resultfile.tag.album_artist = albumartist resultfile.tag.artist = songcontent['artist'] resultfile.tag.album = album resultfile.tag.title = song resultfile.tag.track_num = songcontent['track'] # Add optional album metadata tags if 'genre' in metadata: resultfile.tag.genre = metadata['genre'] if 'publisher' in metadata: resultfile.tag.publisher = metadata['publisher'] if 'release_date' in metadata: resultfile.tag.original_release_date = metadata['release_date'] if 'composer' in metadata: resultfile.tag.composer = metadata['composer'] # Save resultfile.tag.save() except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError): logging.debug('Interrupt received, exiting') class AlbumWidget(QFrame): def __init__(self, album, albumcontent): super().__init__() self.album = albumcontent self.title = album self.initUI() def initUI(self): self.label = QLabel(self.title, self) pass class BadWitchGUI(QMainWindow): # A Qt5 GUI def __init__(self, badwitch, library): super().__init__() # Basics self.badwitch = badwitch self.lib = library # Set central widget to something blank # We don't care because we can access it later via method self.setCentralWidget(QWidget()) # Initialize our UI self.initActions() self.initUI() # Populate it self.populateAlbums() # Statusbar self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready') def initActions(self): self.saveAct = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme('document-save'), '&Save', self) saveAct = self.saveAct saveAct.setShortcut('Ctrl+S') saveAct.setStatusTip('Save outstanding library changes') saveAct.triggered.connect(self.saveLib) self.exitAct = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme('application-exit'), '&Exit', self) exitAct = self.exitAct exitAct.setShortcut('Ctrl+Q') exitAct.setStatusTip('Exit Bad Witch') exitAct.triggered.connect(qApp.quit) self.refreshAct = QAction(QIcon.fromTheme('view-refresh'), 'Reload Library', self) refreshAct = self.refreshAct refreshAct.setShortcut('Ctrl+R') refreshAct.setStatusTip('Reload albums from library') refreshAct.triggered.connect(self.populateAlbums) def initUI(self): # Main window shenanigans self.resize(900, 900) self.setWindowTitle('Bad Witch') self.setWindowIcon(QIcon.fromTheme('audio-headphones')) # Menubar menubar = self.menuBar() fileMenu = menubar.addMenu('&File') fileMenu.addAction(self.saveAct) fileMenu.addSeparator() fileMenu.addAction(self.exitAct) viewMenu = menubar.addMenu('&View') viewMenu.addAction(self.refreshAct) # Container box self.containerBox = QGridLayout() containerBox = self.containerBox containerBox.setSpacing(10) self.centralWidget().setLayout(containerBox) # Song browser box self.libraryGroup = QGroupBox() self.libraryBox = QVBoxLayout() self.libraryGroup.setLayout(self.libraryBox) containerBox.addWidget(self.libraryGroup, 0, 0) # Queue box self.queueGroup = QGroupBox() self.queueBox = QVBoxLayout() self.queueGroup.setLayout(self.queueBox) containerBox.addWidget(self.queueGroup, 0, 1, 0, 2) # Show self.show() def populateAlbums(self): statusBar = self.statusBar() # Remove all albums statusBar.showMessage('Reloading library') for widget in self.libraryGroup.findChildren(AlbumWidget): widget.deleteLater() self.lib.load() for album, albumcontent in self.lib.albums.items(): albumWidget = AlbumWidget(album, albumcontent) self.libraryBox.addWidget(albumWidget) statusBar.showMessage('Library reloaded') def saveLib(self): statusBar = self.statusBar() statusBar.showMessage('Saving library') self.lib.save() statusBar.showMessage('Library saved') class BadWitch: # Our program def __init__(self): # Flags and arguments self.argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Manage a declarative music library through YouTube scraping') self.argparser.add_argument('-l', '--library', metavar='FILE', nargs='?', help='Override default library file with this one') self.argparser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Show more status messages') self.argparser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Show even more status messages') self.argparser.add_argument('action', metavar='action', nargs='?', choices=['download', 'edit', 'playlist', 'gui', 'list'], help='Action to perform on the library') # Set up appdirs self.dirs = AppDirs('badwitch', 'rehashedsalt') Path(self.dirs.user_data_dir).mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) def execute(self): self.args = self.argparser.parse_args() # Parse flags if self.args.debug: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) eyed3.log.level = logging.WARNING elif self.args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) eyed3.log.level = logging.WARNING # Initialize library libfile = self.args.library or self.dirs.user_data_dir + '/lib.json' lib = Library(file=libfile) lib.load() lib.validate() # Perform action if self.args.action == 'download': lib.download() return if self.args.action == 'gui': qapp = QApplication(sys.argv) gui = BadWitchGUI(self, lib) sys.exit(qapp.exec_()) elif self.args.action == 'edit': self.prompt(lib) return elif self.args.action == 'playlist': self.playlist(lib) return elif self.args.action == 'list': for album, albumcontent in lib.albums.items(): print(album) for song, songcontent in albumcontent.items(): if song == 'meta': continue print('\t' + str(songcontent['track']) + ' - ' + song + ' by ' + songcontent['artist']) return else: print('Nothing to do') return def playlist(self, lib): print('Bad Witch playlist importer') print('Loaded library ' + lib.file) in_playlist = input('YouTube Playlist URL: ') playlist = {} metadata = {} artist = '' album = '' # Get our video URLs with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({'outtmpl': '%(id)s%(ext)s', 'quiet':True,}) as ydl: print('Extracting information...') result = ydl.extract_info(in_playlist, download=False) if 'entries' in result: entries = result['entries'] for i, item in enumerate(entries): playlist[i] = { 'title': entries[i]['title'], 'source': entries[i]['webpage_url'] } # Song tags like these are per-song, so we have to detect them here if 'artist' in entries[i] and entries[i]['artist'] is not None: if artist != '' and artist != entries[i]['artist']: print('Detected multiple artists') artist = 'Various Artists' elif artist != entries[i]['artist']: print('Detected artist ' + entries[i]['artist']) artist = entries[i]['artist'] if 'album' in entries[i] and entries[i]['album'] is not None and album == '': print('Detected album title ' + entries[i]['album']) album = entries[i]['album'] # Sometimes this just comes back None if 'release_date' in entries[i] and entries[i]['release_date'] is not None and 'release_date' not in metadata: metadata['release_date'] = str(entries[i]['release_date']) # Format up into a more proper date metadata['release_date'] = metadata['release_date'][:4] + '-' + metadata['release_date'][4:6] + '-' + metadata['release_date'][6:] print('Detected release date ' + metadata['release_date']) # If YouTube's song tags didn't work, just grab metadata from the playlist if album == '': album = result['title'] if artist == '': artist = result['uploader'] # Remove junk from album titles for regex in [ r'^' + re.escape(artist) + r'[ ]*[-:;~]*[ ]*', # Remove artist from beginning r'[ ]*[(\[\{]*[0-9]{4}[)\]\}]*$' # Take years off the end ]: cregex = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE) album = cregex.sub('', album) # Remove junk from track titles for regex in [ r'^' + re.escape(artist) + r' *[-:;~]* *', # Remove artist from beginning of songs r' *\(.*(Official|Video|Audio|Audio|Lyric|VEVO).*\)' # Remove (Offical Audio), (Lyric Video), etc. ]: cregex = re.compile(regex, re.IGNORECASE) for song, songcontent in playlist.items(): songcontent['title'] = cregex.sub('', songcontent['title']) for field in ['genre', 'publisher', 'release_date']: if field in metadata: continue in_value = input('Metadata: ' + field + ' = ') if in_value is not '': metadata[field] = in_value # Build up an album playlistalbum = {} playlistalbum['meta'] = metadata for song, songcontent in playlist.items(): playlistalbum[songcontent['title']] = { 'track': song + 1, 'artist': artist, 'source': songcontent['source'] } lib.albums[album] = playlistalbum print(f'Successfully added "{album}" by {artist}') for song, songcontent in lib.albums[album].items(): if song == 'meta': continue print(str(songcontent['track']) + ': ' + song + ' (' + songcontent['source'] + ')') lib.save() def prompt(self, lib): print('Bad Witch interactive library editor') print('^C to abort, ^D to finish changes') print('Loaded library ' + lib.file) try: while True: in_album = input('\t*Album: ') auto_artist = input('\tArtist (leave blank to assign per song): ') auto_track = int(input('\tStarting track number (leave blank to assign per song): ') or -1) if in_album not in lib.albums: lib.albums[in_album] = {} else: print('\tLoaded existing album') album = lib.albums[in_album] try: # Input metadata if 'meta' not in album: album['meta'] = {} metadata = album['meta'] # Metadata fields sorted in order of popularity... ish for field in ['genre', 'publisher', 'release_date', 'composer']: in_value = input('\t' + field + ': ') if in_value is not '': metadata[field] = in_value # Input songs while True: in_song = input('\t\t*Song title: ') if auto_artist is not '': in_artist = auto_artist else: in_artist = input('\t\t*Artist: ') if auto_track is not -1: in_track = auto_track auto_track += 1 else: in_track = input('\t\t*Track number: ') in_source = input('\t\t*Source URL: ') # Only assign values if we gave them if in_song not in album: album[in_song] = {} else: print('\t\tLoaded existing song') song = album[in_song] if in_track is not '': song['track'] = int(in_track) if in_artist is not '': song['artist'] = in_artist if in_source is not '': song['source'] = in_source # Bail if song is bad if in_song in ['meta']: print('\t\tError: Song title collides with a reserved field: ' + in_song) continue if '' in [in_song, in_track, in_artist, in_source]: print('\t\tError: A critical field was empty') continue album[in_song] = song except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n\t\tAborting, changes were not saved') except EOFError: album[in_song] = song print('\n\t\tChanges cached, ^D again to save') lib.albums[in_album] = album lib.save() except KeyboardInterrupt: print('\n\tAborting, changes were not saved') except EOFError: lib.save() print('\n\tSaving changes') print('Closing library') return eyed3.log.level = logging.CRITICAL badwitch = BadWitch() badwitch.execute()