diff --git a/badwitch.py b/badwitch.py
index b79f2fb..9769158 100755
--- a/badwitch.py
+++ b/badwitch.py
@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ class Library:
                         'format': 'bestaudio',
                         'postprocessors': [{
                             'key': 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
-                            'preferredcodec': 'opus',
+                            'preferredcodec': 'mp3',
                             'preferredquality': '192'
                         'quiet': True,
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ class Library:
                 with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ytdl_opts) as ydl:
-                logging.info('Downloaded song: ' + song)
+                print('Downloaded song: ' + song)
 class BadWitch:
     # Our program
@@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ class BadWitch:
         self.argparser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
                 help='Show even more status messages')
         self.argparser.add_argument('action', metavar='action', nargs='?',
-                choices=['download', 'list'],
+                choices=['download', 'edit', 'list'],
                 help='Action to perform on the library')
         # Set up appdirs
         self.dirs = AppDirs('badwitch', 'rehashedsalt')
@@ -125,6 +125,47 @@ class BadWitch:
         if self.args.action == 'download':
+        elif self.args.action == 'edit':
+            print('Bad Witch interactive $ibrary editor')
+            print('^C to abort, ^D to finish changes')
+            print('Loaded library ' + lib.file)
+            try:
+                while True:
+                    in_album = input('\tAlbum: ')
+                    in_artist = input('\tArtist: ')
+                    if in_album not in lib.albums:
+                        lib.albums[in_album] = {}
+                    album = lib.albums[in_album]
+                    try:
+                        while True:
+                            in_song = input('\t\tSong title: ')
+                            in_track = input('\t\tTrack number: ')
+                            in_source = input('\t\tSource URL: ')
+                            # Only assign values if we gave them
+                            if in_song not in album:
+                                album[in_song] = {}
+                            song = album[in_song]
+                            if in_track is not '': song['track'] = int(in_track)
+                            if in_artist is not '': song['artist'] = in_artist
+                            if in_source is not '': song['source'] = in_source
+                            # Bail if song is bad
+                            for field in ['track', 'artist', 'source']:
+                                if field not in song:
+                                    print('Critical field is empty: ' + field)
+                                    continue
+                    except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                        print('\n\t\tAborting, changes were not saved')
+                    except EOFError:
+                        album[in_song] = song
+                        print('\n\t\tSaving changes')
+                    lib.albums[in_album] = album
+                    lib.save()
+            except KeyboardInterrupt:
+                print('\n\tAborting, changes were not saved')
+            except EOFError:
+                lib.save()
+                print('\n\tSaving changes')
+            print('Closing library')
         elif self.args.action == 'list':
             for album, albumcontent in lib.albums.items():