
185 lines
10 KiB

# vim:ft=ansible:
- openshift
- pmbootstrap
- protontricks
- randovania
- youtube-dl
desktop_pip3_packages_extra: []
- amd64
- i386
- 3FA7E0328081BFF6A14DA29AA6A19B38D3D831EF # Monodevelop
desktop_apt_keys_keyserver_extra: []
- "" # Slack
- "" # Syncthing
- "" # Element
- "" # Spotify 1
- "" # Spotify 2
- "" # kubectl
- "" # Docker
- "" # Helm
desktop_apt_keys_url_extra: []
- "deb jessie main" # Slack
- "deb stable non-free" # Spotify
- "deb syncthing stable" # Syncthing
- "deb vs-bionic main" # Monodevelop
- "deb default main" # Element
- "deb kubernetes-xenial main" # Kubernetes
- "deb focal stable" # Docker
- "deb all main" # Helm
# First-party PPAs
- "ppa:phoerious/keepassxc" # KeepassXC
- "ppa:minetestdevs/stable" # Minetest
- "ppa:greymd/tmux-xpanes" # xpanes
- "ppa:hsheth2/ppa" # cava
- "ppa:bitcoin-unlimited/bucash" # bucash
# Third-party PPAs
- "ppa:drewwalton19216801/dolphin-master-cosmic" # Because Dolphin doesn't update their shit
- "ppa:kgilmer/speed-ricer" # Ricing is fun and kgilmer is cool
- "ppa:lutris-team/lutris" # Lutris is useful for vidya
desktop_apt_repos_extra: []
# Development libraries
- libqt5websockets5-dev # Needed for QUsb2SNES
- libqt5serialport5-dev
# CLI Packages
- apt # Useful for Android debugging, and also for pinephone shenanigans
- build-essential # Used in numerous build ventures, just all-around important
- cava # Audio visualizer thing
- cmake # Also useful for building from source
- docker-ce # soy
- docker-compose
- fastboot # Also used for phone debugging
- ffmpeg # Fantastic tool, used on the daily
- git # Just ensuring it's installed, probably already in build-essential
- helm # It Just Works
- imagemagick # I use it from time to time to do scripted image editing
- kubectl # From the Kubernetes repo, used to manage clusters
- qemu-user-static # Just some virtualization packages
- qemu-system-arm
- stow # Used to manage dotfiles
# - libinput-tools # Allows for libinput debugging
- lua-check # Used in linting computercraft scripts
- network-manager-openconnect # Used for anyconnect VPNs
- network-manager-openvpn # Used for OpenVPN VPNs
- nmap # Useful basic utility
- npm # I'm sorry
- openjdk-8-jre # Used for Minecraft
- pwgen # Useful basic utility
- python3-appdirs # Various python libraries for scripts, mostly fuselee-gelee
- python3-eyed3
- python3-pip # Except you, you're important
- python3-pyqt5
- python3-usb
- python3-venv
- tmux-xpanes # Used for administration and work stuff
- tree # Useful basic utility
- vagrant # Very handy for development
- vagrant-libvirt
- vim # VERY important utility
- wine # Used for gaming and other things
- wine-binfmt # Quality-of-life support for single-click launching EXEs
- xz-utils # Required for Ansible to support some .deb-related features
# Fonts
- fonts-fork-awesome # Used in Polybar and by one or two personal websites
- fonts-ibm-plex # Used for general variable-width typeface
- fonts-inconsolata # Used as monospace typeface
- fonts-material-design-icons-iconfont # Used in Polybar
- fonts-noto # Important series of fonts to have
- fonts-roboto # Used a lot on the web
# DE
- bspwm # My main window manager
- compton # Compositor
- conky-all # Used for statistics displays on desktops
- dunst # Notification daemon
# - hsetroot # Used in absence of Nitrogen to set basic wallpaper stuff
- ibus
- ibus-mozc # For Japanese input
- kubuntu-desktop # Basic sanity check
- mozc-utils-gui # Configuration panel not explicitly pulled in
- nitrogen # Wallpaper setter
- papirus-icon-theme # Fancy paper icon theme
- pavucontrol-qt # Nice audio interface
- polybar # MY BAR
- qt5ct # Useful for qt5 themeing
- rofi # Application launcher
- xbacklight # For the day I get around to fixing support for this on my machines
# Games
- minetest
# Applications
- audacity # Audio recording and editing tool
- barrier # FOSS variant of Synergy
- bitcoin-qt # Bitcoin stuffs
- chromium-browser # Nice to have an alternative browser, even if it's trash
- clonezilla # Gotta make them clones
- dolphin-emu-master # GameCube and Wii emulator
- dolphin-plugins # Unrelated to the above, improves the Dolphin file manager
- element-desktop # Matrix client
- filelight # Disk space management utility
- filezilla # FTP/SFTP/FTPS client, useful once in a blue moon
- firefox # MY MAN
- g810-led # Controls lights on Logitech peripherals
- gimp # Fantastic image editor
- joy2key # A neat wrapper to bind controller inputs to keyboard keys
- kcolorchooser # Color picker, used all the time in themeing
- kde-config-plymouth # For configuring Plymouth. Fancy. See plymouth-theme-spinner
- kdepim # I'm one of the four people on the planet that uses kmail
- keepassxc # Password manager
- kruler # Sometimes I need to measure pixel lengths
- libnotify-bin # Used in several scripts to send notifications
- libretro-bsnes-mercury-balanced # libretro cores
- libretro-desmume
- libretro-mgba
- libretro-mupen64plus
- libretro-snes9x
- lutris # Fantastic third-party wine gaming client
- mesa-vulkan-drivers # Important graphics drivers
- mono-complete # Initialization may take an eternity
- monodevelop # For Terraria modding, don't hate me
- mpv # Video player of choice
- mupen64plus-qt # For when I don't want to fight libretro
- nextcloud-desktop # Desktop sync client for probably another box in this repo
- obs-studio # Useful for replay functionality every now and again
- piper # Peripheral LED management, only available on Focal or higher
- plymouth-theme-spinner # Gives us the sweet UEFI boot logo splash
- pulseeffects # ECHO... Echo... echo... echo...
- q4wine # Quick n dirty wine wrapper
- qbittorrent # Bittorrent client of choice
- redshift # At the moment I work thirds, so this is kinda counterintuitive, but whatever
- retroarch # Emulators are legitimate competition
- slack-desktop # Gotta get slack, slack to the past
- spotify-client # Moosucc
- steam-installer # Steam is an important part of one's life
- syncthing-gtk # Also pulls in syncthing and is very neato burrito
- telegram-desktop # Gotta talk to that one guy
- torbrowser-launcher # Useful utility
- virt-manager # Important to manage VMs
- vulkan-tools # Pulls in Vulkan support for things like DXVK
- vulkan-utils
- winetricks # Protontricks wraps this, I think
- xdotool # Used in one or two macro scripts
- xserver-xephyr # Neat but mostly useless utility that I want to get Firestarter happy with
- zim # Desktop wiki
# Other architectures, misc
- "libgl1-mesa-dri:i386"
- "mesa-vulkan-drivers:i386"
desktop_apt_packages_extra: []
- "" # Discord
- "" # MultiMC
- "" # Zoom, proprietary shitware
- "" # Pi imager
desktop_apt_debs_extra: []