Salt 0bfcd5ea2b Have Nagios ignore decom hosts
For HOSTS, mind. Services are still gonna need some love
Might honestly just have this operate off of host vars instead, lower the number of lookups, yaknow?
2022-02-23 16:44:42 -06:00

237 lines
7.3 KiB

# {{ ansible_managed }}
# Templates
define host {
name ansible-linux-server
check_period 24x7
check_interval 10
retry_interval 3
max_check_attempts 10
check_command check-host-alive
notification_period 24x7
notification_interval 120
hostgroups ansible
check_period 24x7
contacts salt
register 0
define service {
use generic-service
name ansible-generic-service
max_check_attempts 10
check_interval 10
retry_interval 2
register 0
# Default hostgroup
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name ansible
alias Ansible-managed Hosts
# Additional timeperiods for convenience
define timeperiod {
timeperiod_name ansible-not-late-at-night
alias Not Late at Night
sunday 07:00-22:00
monday 07:00-22:00
tuesday 07:00-22:00
wednesday 07:00-22:00
thursday 07:00-22:00
friday 07:00-22:00
saturday 07:00-22:00
{% if nagios_contacts is defined %}
# Contacts
# Everything here is defined in nagios_contacts
{% for contact in nagios_contacts %}
define contact {
contact_name {{ }}
alias {{ contact.alias | default(, true ) }}
host_notifications_enabled {{ contact.host_notifications_enabled | default('1', true) }}
host_notification_period {{ contact.host_notification_period | default('24x7', true) }}
host_notification_options {{ contact.host_notification_options | default('d,u,r,f', true ) }}
host_notification_commands {{ contact.host_notification_commands }}
service_notifications_enabled {{ contact.service_notifications_enabled | default('1', true) }}
service_notification_period {{ contact.service_notification_period | default('24x7', true) }}
service_notification_options {{ contact.service_notification_options | default('w,c,r,f', true ) }}
service_notification_commands {{ contact.service_notification_commands }}
{% if contact.extra is defined %}
{% for kvp in contact.extra %}
{{ kvp.key }} {{ kvp.value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
# And a contactgroup
define contactgroup {
contactgroup_name ansible
alias Ansible notification contacts
members nagiosadmin
{% if nagios_commands is defined %}
# Commands
# Everything here is defined in nagios_commands
{% for command in nagios_commands %}
define command {
command_name {{ }}
command_line {{ command.command }}
{% if command.extra is defined %}
{% for kvp in command.extra %}
{{ kvp.key }} {{ kvp.value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if nagios_services is defined %}
# Services
# Everything here is defined in nagios_services
{% for service in nagios_services %}
define service {
use ansible-generic-service
service_description {{ }}
check_command {{ service.command }}
hostgroup_name {{ service.hostgroup | default('ansible', true) }}
contact_groups ansible
{% if service.extra is defined %}
{% for kvp in service.extra %}
{{ kvp.key }} {{ kvp.value }}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
# Hostgroups
{% for role in query('netbox.netbox.nb_lookup', 'device-roles', api_endpoint='', token=netbox_token) %}
# Device Role: {{ }}
# Description: {{ role.value.description }}
# Created: {{ role.value.created }}
# Updated: {{ role.value.last_updated }}
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name role-{{ role.value.slug }}
alias {{ role.value.display }}
{% endfor %}
{% for tag in query('netbox.netbox.nb_lookup', 'tags', api_endpoint='', token=netbox_token) %}
# Tag: {{ }}
# Description: {{ tag.value.description }}
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name tag-{{ tag.value.slug }}
alias {{ tag.value.display }}
{% endfor %}
{% for type in query('netbox.netbox.nb_lookup', 'device-types', api_endpoint='', token=netbox_token) %}
# Type: {{ type.value.display }}
define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name device-type-{{ type.value.slug }}
alias {{ type.value.display }}
{% endfor %}
# Hosts
{% for host in query('netbox.netbox.nb_lookup', 'devices', api_filter='status=active', api_endpoint='', token=netbox_token) + query('netbox.netbox.nb_lookup', 'virtual-machines', api_filter='status=active', api_endpoint='', token=netbox_token)%}
{% if host.value.primary_ip %}
{% for tag in host.value.tags %}
{% if tag.slug == "nagios" %}
# {{ host }}
define host {
use ansible-linux-server
host_name {{ }}
alias {{ host.value.display }}
address {{ host.value.primary_ip.address.split('/',1)[0] }}
hostgroups ansible{% for tag in host.value.tags %},tag-{{ tag.slug }}{% endfor %}{% if host.value.device_role is defined -%},role-{{ host.value.device_role.slug }}{% endif %}{% if host.value.role is defined %},role-{{ host.value.role.slug }}{% endif %}{% if host.value.device_type is defined %},device-type-{{ host.value.device_type.slug }}{% endif %}
contact_groups ansible
{% if host.value.config_context.extra_checks is defined %}
{% for check in host.value.config_context.extra_checks %}
define service {
# Config Context check
use ansible-generic-service
service_description {{ check.description }}
check_command {{ check.command }}
host_name {{ }}
contact_groups ansible
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# #}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
# Services unique to hosts
{% for service in query('netbox.netbox.nb_lookup', 'services', api_endpoint='', token=netbox_token) %}
{% if service.value.device %}
{% set host_name = %}
{% elif service.value.virtual_machine %}
{% set host_name = %}
{% endif %}
{% if host_name is defined %}
# {{ host_name }} - {{ service.value.display }}
# Description: {{ service.value.description }}
# Created: {{ service.value.created }}
# Updated: {{ service.value.last_updated }}
{% for tag in service.value.tags %}
{# #}
{% if tag.slug == "nagios-checkminecraft" %}
{% for port in service.value.ports %}
define service {
use ansible-generic-service
service_description Minecraft - {{ }} - {{ port }}
check_command check_by_ssh!/usr/local/bin/monitoring-scripts/check_minecraft -H {{ host_name }} -p {{ port }} -m "{{ service.value.description }}" -f -w 3 -c 5
host_name {{ host_name }}
contact_groups ansible
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# #}
{% if tag.slug == "nagios-checkhttp" %}
{% for port in service.value.ports %}
define service {
use ansible-generic-service
service_description HTTP - {{ }} - {{ port }}
check_command check_http!-H {{ }} -p {{ port }} -f sticky
host_name {{ host_name }}
contact_groups ansible
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# #}
{% if tag.slug == "nagios-checkhttps" %}
{% for port in service.value.ports %}
define service {
use ansible-generic-service
service_description HTTPS - {{ }} - {{ port }}
check_command check_http!--ssl -H {{ }} -p {{ port }} -f sticky
host_name {{ host_name }}
contact_groups ansible
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# #}
{% if tag.slug == "nagios-checktcp" %}
{% for port in service.value.ports %}
define service {
use ansible-generic-service
service_description TCP {{ }} - {{ port }}
check_command check_tcp!{{ port }}
host_name {{ host_name }}
contact_groups ansible
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{# #}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}