Salt 7a98174297 Do not recursively own Ansible user home
This works around a bug with a recursive symlink in the sshd role. With that symlink, ansible-pull fails as it recurses through its own repo infinitely.
2021-03-11 09:19:55 -06:00

11 lines
442 B

#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# vim:ft=ansible:
- name: create ansible user
user: name=ansible password_lock=yes
- name: configure ansible user home directory
file: path=/home/ansible owner=ansible group=ansible
- name: configure ansible user keys
authorized_key: user=ansible manage_dir=yes key={{ common_ansible_pubkey }}
- name: configure ansible user sudo
lineinfile: path=/etc/sudoers line="ansible ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"