This playbook *should* assure that we have a file we can use for checking when the last full play was. It being in a playbook at the tail end of site.yml is paramount, since site.yml dying will cause alarms to be set off.
Salt's Ansible Repository
Useful for management across all of 9iron, thefuck, and desu.
- Clone
ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
For quick bootstrapping of tools and libraries used in this repo, see rehashedsalt/ansible-env. I use that exact image for CI/CD.
Linux Machines
Each Linux machine will require the following to be fulfilled for Ansible to access it:
The server has a user named
Accepts the public key located in
; and -
Has passwordless sudo capabilities as root
The server is running Ubuntu 20.04 or greater
To automate these host-local steps, use the script file contrib/
Windows Machines
lol don't
All Machines
Adding a new server will require these:
The server is accessible from the Ansible host;
The server has been added to NetBox OR in
DNS records for the machine are set; and
From there, running the playbook site.yml
should get the machine up to snuff.
A lot of my home-network side of things is connected together via ZeroTier; initial deployment/repairs may require specifying an ansible_host
for the inventory item in question to connect to it locally. Subsequent plays will require connectivity to my home ZeroTier network.
Cloud-managed devices require no such workarounds.