Salt e9e1936b50 Pull roles into repo
This solves my issues with ansible-pull and -galaxy along with giving me a copy of the repos in case geerlingguy's stuff goes down or I need it for offline use
2020-10-29 01:53:06 -05:00

29 lines
947 B

- name: Configure global settings.
dest: "{{ postgresql_config_path }}/postgresql.conf"
regexp: "^#?{{ item.option }}.+$"
line: "{{ item.option }} = '{{ item.value }}'"
state: "{{ item.state | default('present') }}"
with_items: "{{ postgresql_global_config_options }}"
notify: restart postgresql
- name: Configure host based authentication (if entries are configured).
src: "pg_hba.conf.j2"
dest: "{{ postgresql_config_path }}/pg_hba.conf"
owner: "{{ postgresql_user }}"
group: "{{ postgresql_group }}"
mode: 0600
notify: restart postgresql
when: postgresql_hba_entries | length > 0
- name: Ensure PostgreSQL unix socket dirs exist.
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
owner: "{{ postgresql_user }}"
group: "{{ postgresql_group }}"
mode: "{{ postgresql_unix_socket_directories_mode }}"
with_items: "{{ postgresql_unix_socket_directories }}"