Salt e9e1936b50 Pull roles into repo
This solves my issues with ansible-pull and -galaxy along with giving me a copy of the repos in case geerlingguy's stuff goes down or I need it for offline use
2020-10-29 01:53:06 -05:00

21 lines
457 B

apache_service: httpd
apache_daemon: httpd
apache_daemon_path: /usr/sbin/
apache_server_root: /etc/httpd
apache_conf_path: /etc/httpd/conf.d
apache_vhosts_version: "2.2"
- httpd
- httpd-devel
- mod_ssl
- openssh
- regexp: "^Listen "
line: "Listen {{ apache_listen_port }}"
- regexp: "^#?NameVirtualHost "
line: "NameVirtualHost {{ apache_listen_ip }}:{{ apache_listen_port }}"