
# This provides defaults for `nextcloud_database` keys that the user may have
# skipped. In `defaults/main.yml` all keys are set to defaults, but if the user
# specifies in their playbook the `nextcloud_database` variable, then those
# defaults are overwritten.
  backend: mysql
  # The database server that will be used. It should be already installed and
  # the database should already exist. For 'mariadb', set this to 'mysql'.

  name: nextcloud
  # The name of the database nextcloud will use. It should already exist on the
  # system.

  user: nextcloud
  # The database user that nextcloud will use to access the database. The user
  # should already exist in the database backend (together with their password).

  pass: ''
  # The database user's password. This variable should not be empty.

  host: localhost
  # The database host

  port: 3306
  # The port the db server listens on

  prefix: oc_
  # Prefix for the nextcloud tables in the database.