#! /bin/bash # # psql.sh # Backup script for PostgreSQL. Meant to be sourced by our main backup script # Copyright (C) 2020 Vintage Salt # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. # set -e export OUTDIR="$BACKUPSDIR/psql" retention=5 # 5-day retention period # Sanity checks if [ -z "$BACKUPSDIR" ]; then log "BACKUPSDIR was undefined. Run the main backup script instead of this one." return 1 fi if ! [ -d "$OUTDIR" ]; then if ! mkdir "$OUTDIR"; then log "Unable to find or create output directory: $OUTDIR" return 2 fi fi # Enforce permissions on our output directory since the git user will need them chown root. "$OUTDIR" chmod 770 "$OUTDIR" # Purge oldest backup if we need to currentbackupcount="$(ls -1 "$OUTDIR" | wc -l)" if (( currentbackupcount >= retention )); then lastbackup="$(find "$OUTDIR" -name \*.pgdump.gz 2>/dev/null | sort | head -n 1)" lastbackup="${lastbackup%-*.gz}" if [ -f "$file" ]; then log "Removing old backups for: $lastbackup" for file in "$lastbackup"*; do log "Removing old backup part: $file" rm "$file" done fi fi # WE MAKE BACKUP NOW SERGEI date="$(date -Iseconds)" log "Creating DB backup" sudo -Hu postgres pg_dumpall | gzip > "$OUTDIR/pgdumpall-$date.pgdump.gz"