# Since netdata 1.11 the auto-updater installs the cron by itself
# This is a legacy when Netdata didn't handle the cron itself
- name: auto_updates | Setting Up Cron Job For Auto Updates
    name: Netdata Auto Updates
    weekday: "{{ netdata_auto_updates['weekday'] }}"
    minute: "{{ netdata_auto_updates['minute'] }}"
    hour: "{{ netdata_auto_updates['hour'] }}"
    user: "{{ netdata_auto_updates['user'] }}"
    job: "{{ netdata_source_dir }}/{{ netdata_updater|basename }}"
    cron_file: netdata_auto_updates
    state: "{{ netdata_auto_updates['clean_legacy_cron']|default(false)|ternary('absent', 'present') }}"
  become: true