# .ansible-lint
# vim:ft=ansible

  # We're not interested in linting Galaxy roles here
  - .roles
  - /root/.cache
  - ../../../root/.cache

  # Used for local testing
  - geerlingguy.docker
  - geerlingguy.postgresql
  - willshersystems.sshd

  # I'm aware of the risks and accept them
  - package-latest
  # I do not intend to publish a majority of roles here
  # The ones that I do will be in separate repos with their own CI/CD
  - meta-no-info
  # I don't care
  - role-name
  # Fuck off with the yaml stylings
  # yes/no is a wide Ansible convention
  - yaml
  # And piss off with this; I know what I'm doing. The get_url builtin randomly
  # times out and I really don't want to hammer tmodloader servers when I don't
  # have to
  - command-instead-of-module
  # Jesus Christ what's with the style enforcement here?
  - name[template]
  # Why the fuck does my naming scheme matter? Eat shit. It's not a deprecation,
  # it's literally just stylistic
  - name[casing]
  - name[play]
  # These tend to be pretty buggy
  - experimental
  # I have no clue when this was added but fuck you
  - no-free-form

  # FQCN is a nice-to-have, but I'm not worried about it
  - fqcn-builtins
  - fqcn
  # Key order is just nitpicky
  - key-order
  # This one's buggy and ropes in roles we don't care about
  - var-naming
  # Strictly accurate, but I need this for workarounds
  - no-changed-when
  # This is buggy too, not picking up on playbook-local strategies
  - run-once[task]