#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook
# vim:ft=ansible:
  # Preambulatory system configuration
  # It's implicit that configuration here MUST preceed site_main.yml
- import_playbook: all.yml
  # Manufacturer configuration
- import_playbook: manufacturers_raspi.yml
- import_playbook: manufacturers_s76.yml
  # Zerotier network configuration
- import_playbook: tags_zt-personal.yml
- import_playbook: tags_zt-management.yml
  # Tags for fundamental services
- import_playbook: tags_nagios.yml
  # Role (in the Netbox sense) configuration
- import_playbook: device_roles_bastion.yml
- import_playbook: device_roles_workstation.yml
  # Device type, which can include hw-specific stuff like sensors configuration
- import_playbook: device_types_pi4b.yml