#! /bin/bash # # terraria.sh # Backup script for Gitea. Meant to be sourced by our main backup script # Copyright (C) 2020 Vintage Salt <rehashedsalt@cock.li> # # Distributed under terms of the MIT license. # set -e export TERRARIADIR="{{ terraria_root }}/{{ terraria_name }}" export OUTDIR="$TERRARIADIR/backups" retention=144 # 30-minute intervals, 3 days # Helper functions log() { [ -z "$1" ] && return 1 printf "$(date -Iseconds): $1\n" } # Sanity checks if ! [ -d "$OUTDIR" ]; then if ! mkdir "$OUTDIR"; then log "Unable to find or create output directory: $OUTDIR" return 2 fi fi # Enforce permissions on our output directory since the terraria user will need them chown terraria.ter-admin "$OUTDIR" chmod 770 "$OUTDIR" # Purge oldest backup if we need to currentbackupcount="$(ls -1 "$OUTDIR" | wc -l)" if (( currentbackupcount >= retention )); then lastbackup="$(find "$OUTDIR" -name \*.wld 2>/dev/null | sort | head -n 1)" if [ -f "$lastbackup" ]; then log "Removing old backup: $lastbackup" rm "$lastbackup" fi fi # WE MAKE BACKUP NOW SERGEI if cd "$OUTDIR"; then log "Initiating terraria dump" su terraria -c "cp \"$TERRARIADIR/worlds/world.wld\" \"$OUTDIR/world-$(date -Iseconds).wld\"" else log "Could not change directory: $OUTDIR" return 3 fi