# Role Name Install and configure NRPE ## Requirements None as the nrpe package is being installed. ## Role Variables Default variables are set in `defaults/main.yml`. ## Dependencies No dependency on other Ansible Galaxy roles. ## Example Playbook ```yaml --- - hosts: servers vars: nrpe_server_allowed_hosts: - - - nrpe_plugin_packages: - nagios-plugins-disk - nagios-plugins-nagios - nagios-plugins-users nrpe_command: check_disk_all: script: check_disk option: -w 80 -c 90 check_users: script: check_users2 option: -w 1 -c 1 check_nagios: script: check_nagios option: -F /var/log/nagios/nagios.log -e 15 -C nagios roles: - { role: hspaans.nrpe, become: true } ``` ## License MIT ## Author Information This role was created in 2020 by [Hans Spaans](https://github.com/hspaans).