--- # defaults file for ansible-netdata # Adds installer flag to enable auto updates # https://docs.netdata.cloud/packaging/installer/update/#auto-update netdata_auto_updates: enabled: true day: "*" hour: 6 minute: 0 user: root weekday: "*" # WARNING: when you set this variable to 'true' and are migrating from an old version # of Netdata (< v1.11.0) then the cron will be removed from your system. # You will then need to launch the netdata installer manually to make sure # netdata installs the cron by itself with: `./netdata-installer.sh --auto-update` clean_legacy_cron: true # The IP address and port to listen to. This is a space separated list of # IPv4 or IPv6 address and ports. The default will bind to all IP addresses netdata_bind_to: - "*" # Defines if Netdata should be configured netdata_config: true # Defines location of Netdata configuration file netdata_config_file: /etc/netdata/netdata.conf # Defines the Git repo to pull down for installs netdata_git_repo: https://github.com/netdata/netdata.git # Defines the version tag to clone for installation netdata_git_version_tag: v1.25.0 # Defines whether Netdata health is enabled netdata_health_enabled: true # Defines if Netdata health alarms should be configured netdata_alarm_configure: false # Defines location of Netdata health_alarm_notify.conf netdata_alarm_config_file: /etc/netdata/health_alarm_notify.conf # Define configuration for health_alarm_notify.conf. # Example: # netdata_health_alarm_notify_configs: # https_proxy: http://localhost:3128 # SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL: https://hooks.slack.com/... netdata_alarm_notify_configs: {} # Define custom_sender function in health_alarm_notify.conf # only the body of the function should be in there # Exemple: netdata_custom_sender_function: "curl -X POST url" # netdata_custom_sender_function: "" # Defines path to alarm-notify.sh netdata_health_alarm_script: /usr/libexec/netdata/plugins.d/alarm-notify.sh # Defines how often a critical alarm is repeated netdata_default_repeat_critical: never # Defines how often a warning alarm is repeated netdata_default_repeat_warning: never # The host name displayed in netdata netdata_hostname: "{{ ansible_hostname }}" # The number of entries the netdata daemon will by default keep in memory # for each chart dimension. netdata_history: 3996 # Defines Netdata installer script netdata_installer: ./netdata-installer.sh # Defines Netdata requirements installer script netdata_requirements_installer: packaging/installer/install-required-packages.sh # Defines Netdata requirements installer options (if we want morre complete requirements) netdata_requirements_installer_options: - "--non-interactive" - netdata # When set to save netdata will save its round robin database on exit and # load it on startup. When set to map the cache files will be updated in # real time (check man mmap - do not set this on systems with heavy load or # slow disks - the disks will continuously sync the in-memory database of # netdata). When set to ram the round robin database will be temporary and it # will be lost when netdata exits. netdata_memory_mode: save # This variables are only used if netdata_memory_mode is set to dbengine netdata_dbengine_page_cache_size: 32 netdata_dbengine_multihost_disk_space: 256 # Defines the mode the web-server will run in # static-threaded is a web server with a fix (configured number of threads) # single-threaded is a simple web server running with a single thread # multi-threaded is a web server that spawns a thread for each client connection # none will disable the web-server and the API netdata_web_mode: multi-threaded # The default port to listen for web clients. netdata_default_port: 19999 netdata_epel_setup: false netdata_epel_repo_url: "https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}.noarch.rpm" netdata_epel_repo_gpg_key_url: "https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL-{{ ansible_distribution_major_version }}" netdata_epel_repofile_path: "/etc/yum.repos.d/epel.repo" netdata_centos6_install_okay: false # Defines if Netdata host should be enabled as a registry # https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki/mynetdata-menu-item netdata_registry_enabled: false # https://registry.my-netdata.io # https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki/mynetdata-menu-item netdata_registry_to_announce: https://registry.my-netdata.io # Defines directory to store install source from Git repo netdata_source_dir: /usr/local/src/netdata # Defines if Netdata streaming should be configured # https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki/Monitoring-ephemeral-nodes netdata_stream_enabled: false # Defines location of Netdata stream configuration file netdata_stream_config_file: /etc/netdata/stream.conf # Defines Netdata API Keys (must be generated with command uuidgen) netdata_stream_api_key: 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 netdata_stream_send_api_key: "{{ netdata_stream_api_key }}" netdata_stream_receive_api_key: "{{ netdata_stream_api_key }}" # Defines Netdata master node and port (e.g. netdata_stream_master_node: "" # Defines whether the netdata node is acting as a proxy netdata_stream_proxy: false # Defines client ssl configuration # netdata_client_ssl_options: # ssl skip certificate verification: "yes" # CAfile: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt netdata_client_ssl_options: {} # Defines if Netdata should be uninstalled # Caution: This does not prompt for uninstall as the original script # was intended. # https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki/Installation#uninstalling-netdata netdata_uninstall: false # Defines the Netdata uninstaller script netdata_uninstaller: ./netdata-uninstaller.sh # Defines if Netdata should be updated # Not the same as auto_updates netdata_update: false # Force the update. Sometimes the update script skips installing new plugins. netdata_update_force: false # The frequency in seconds, for data collection netdata_update_every: 1 # Defines Netdata update script netdata_updater: ./netdata-updater.sh # Defines Netdata user info netdata_user_info: group: netdata user: netdata # Defines if Netdata should store data in a backend netdata_configure_archive: false # Defines Netdata backend for long term datastorage # https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki/netdata-backends # Defines if the Netdata backend is enabled netdata_archive_enabled: "yes" # Defines the backend type as one of # graphite | opentsdb | json netdata_archive_type: "opentsdb" # Defines the host(s) and ports netdata should send data to netdata_archive_destination: - localhost # - "{{ vip }}:5252" # Defines how to send the archive data as one of # as collected, average, sum netdata_archive_data_source: "average" # Defines a prefix for the archive data netdata_archive_prefix: "netdata" # Defines how often to send archive data in seconds netdata_archive_update: 1 # Defines the number of update intervals # after which dataloss occurs netdata_archive_buffer_on_failures: 30 # Defines when to timeout sending to a backend in milliseconds netdata_archive_timeout: 20000 # Defines if Netdata sends metric names or UUIDs netdata_archive_send_names: true # Defines the flood protection period netdata_errors_flood_protection_period: 1200 # Defines when to trigger flood proctection netdata_errors_to_trigger_flood_protection: 200