; This file lists the default values used by Gitea ; Copy required sections to your own app.ini (default is custom/conf/app.ini) ; and modify as needed. ; see https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/config-cheat-sheet/ for additional documentation. ; App name that shows in every page title APP_NAME = git.9iron.com ; Change it if you run locally RUN_USER = git ; Either "dev", "prod" or "test", default is "dev" RUN_MODE = proid [repository] ROOT = SCRIPT_TYPE = bash ; Default ANSI charset ANSI_CHARSET = ; Force every new repository to be private FORCE_PRIVATE = false ; Default privacy setting when creating a new repository, allowed values: last, private, public. Default is last which means the last setting used. DEFAULT_PRIVATE = last ; Global limit of repositories per user, applied at creation time. -1 means no limit MAX_CREATION_LIMIT = -1 ; Mirror sync queue length, increase if mirror syncing starts hanging MIRROR_QUEUE_LENGTH = 1000 ; Patch test queue length, increase if pull request patch testing starts hanging PULL_REQUEST_QUEUE_LENGTH = 1000 ; Preferred Licenses to place at the top of the List ; The name here must match the filename in conf/license or custom/conf/license PREFERRED_LICENSES = Apache License 2.0,MIT License ; Disable the ability to interact with repositories using the HTTP protocol DISABLE_HTTP_GIT = false ; Value for Access-Control-Allow-Origin header, default is not to present ; WARNING: This maybe harmful to you website if you do not give it a right value. ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN = ; Force ssh:// clone url instead of scp-style uri when default SSH port is used USE_COMPAT_SSH_URI = false ; Close issues as long as a commit on any branch marks it as fixed DEFAULT_CLOSE_ISSUES_VIA_COMMITS_IN_ANY_BRANCH = false ; Allow users to push local repositories to Gitea and have them automatically created for a user or an org ENABLE_PUSH_CREATE_USER = false ENABLE_PUSH_CREATE_ORG = false ; Comma separated list of globally disabled repo units. Allowed values: repo.issues, repo.ext_issues, repo.pulls, repo.wiki, repo.ext_wiki DISABLED_REPO_UNITS = ; Comma separated list of default repo units. Allowed values: repo.code, repo.releases, repo.issues, repo.pulls, repo.wiki. ; Note: Code and Releases can currently not be deactivated. If you specify default repo units you should still list them for future compatibility. ; External wiki and issue tracker can't be enabled by default as it requires additional settings. ; Disabled repo units will not be added to new repositories regardless if it is in the default list. DEFAULT_REPO_UNITS = repo.code,repo.releases,repo.issues,repo.pulls,repo.wiki ; Prefix archive files by placing them in a directory named after the repository PREFIX_ARCHIVE_FILES = true [repository.editor] ; List of file extensions for which lines should be wrapped in the CodeMirror editor ; Separate extensions with a comma. To line wrap files without an extension, just put a comma LINE_WRAP_EXTENSIONS = .txt,.md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd, ; Valid file modes that have a preview API associated with them, such as api/v1/markdown ; Separate the values by commas. The preview tab in edit mode won't be displayed if the file extension doesn't match PREVIEWABLE_FILE_MODES = markdown [repository.local] ; Path for local repository copy. Defaults to `tmp/local-repo` LOCAL_COPY_PATH = tmp/local-repo ; Path for local wiki copy. Defaults to `tmp/local-wiki` LOCAL_WIKI_PATH = tmp/local-wiki [repository.upload] ; Whether repository file uploads are enabled. Defaults to `true` ENABLED = true ; Path for uploads. Defaults to `data/tmp/uploads` (tmp gets deleted on gitea restart) TEMP_PATH = data/tmp/uploads ; One or more allowed types, e.g. image/jpeg|image/png. Nothing means any file type ALLOWED_TYPES = ; Max size of each file in megabytes. Defaults to 3MB FILE_MAX_SIZE = 3 ; Max number of files per upload. Defaults to 5 MAX_FILES = 5 [repository.pull-request] ; List of prefixes used in Pull Request title to mark them as Work In Progress WORK_IN_PROGRESS_PREFIXES=WIP:,[WIP] ; List of keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically close a related issue CLOSE_KEYWORDS=close,closes,closed,fix,fixes,fixed,resolve,resolves,resolved ; List of keywords used in Pull Request comments to automatically reopen a related issue REOPEN_KEYWORDS=reopen,reopens,reopened ; In the default merge message for squash commits include at most this many commits DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_COMMITS_LIMIT=50 ; In the default merge message for squash commits limit the size of the commit messages to this DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_SIZE=5120 ; In the default merge message for squash commits walk all commits to include all authors in the Co-authored-by otherwise just use those in the limited list DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_ALL_AUTHORS=false ; In default merge messages limit the number of approvers listed as Reviewed-by: to this many DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_MAX_APPROVERS=10 ; In default merge messages only include approvers who are official DEFAULT_MERGE_MESSAGE_OFFICIAL_APPROVERS_ONLY=true [repository.issue] ; List of reasons why a Pull Request or Issue can be locked LOCK_REASONS=Too heated,Off-topic,Resolved,Spam [repository.signing] ; GPG key to use to sign commits, Defaults to the default - that is the value of git config --get user.signingkey ; run in the context of the RUN_USER ; Switch to none to stop signing completely SIGNING_KEY = none ; If a SIGNING_KEY ID is provided and is not set to default, use the provided Name and Email address as the signer. ; These should match a publicized name and email address for the key. (When SIGNING_KEY is default these are set to ; the results of git config --get user.name and git config --get user.email respectively and can only be overrided ; by setting the SIGNING_KEY ID to the correct ID.) SIGNING_NAME = SIGNING_EMAIL = ; Determines when gitea should sign the initial commit when creating a repository ; Either: ; - never ; - pubkey: only sign if the user has a pubkey ; - twofa: only sign if the user has logged in with twofa ; - always ; options other than none and always can be combined as comma separated list INITIAL_COMMIT = never ; Determines when to sign for CRUD actions ; - as above ; - parentsigned: requires that the parent commit is signed. CRUD_ACTIONS = pubkey, twofa, parentsigned ; Determines when to sign Wiki commits ; - as above WIKI = never ; Determines when to sign on merges ; - basesigned: require that the parent of commit on the base repo is signed. ; - commitssigned: require that all the commits in the head branch are signed. ; - approved: only sign when merging an approved pr to a protected branch MERGES = pubkey, twofa, basesigned, commitssigned [cors] ; More information about CORS can be found here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/CORS#The_HTTP_response_headers ; enable cors headers (disabled by default) ENABLED=false ; scheme of allowed requests SCHEME=http ; list of requesting domains that are allowed ALLOW_DOMAIN=* ; allow subdomains of headers listed above to request ALLOW_SUBDOMAIN=false ; list of methods allowed to request METHODS=GET,HEAD,POST,PUT,PATCH,DELETE,OPTIONS ; max time to cache response MAX_AGE=10m ; allow request with credentials ALLOW_CREDENTIALS=false [ui] ; Number of repositories that are displayed on one explore page EXPLORE_PAGING_NUM = 20 ; Number of issues that are displayed on one page ISSUE_PAGING_NUM = 10 ; Number of maximum commits displayed in one activity feed FEED_MAX_COMMIT_NUM = 5 ; Number of maximum commits displayed in commit graph. GRAPH_MAX_COMMIT_NUM = 100 ; Number of line of codes shown for a code comment CODE_COMMENT_LINES = 4 ; Value of `theme-color` meta tag, used by Android >= 5.0 ; An invalid color like "none" or "disable" will have the default style ; More info: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2014/11/Support-for-theme-color-in-Chrome-39-for-Android THEME_COLOR_META_TAG = `#6cc644` ; Max size of files to be displayed (default is 8MiB) MAX_DISPLAY_FILE_SIZE = 8388608 ; Whether the email of the user should be shown in the Explore Users page SHOW_USER_EMAIL = true ; Set the default theme for the Gitea install DEFAULT_THEME = gitea ; All available themes. Allow users select personalized themes regardless of the value of `DEFAULT_THEME`. THEMES = gitea,arc-green ;All available reactions users can choose on issues/prs and comments. ;Values can be emoji alias (:smile:) or a unicode emoji. ;For custom reactions, add a tightly cropped square image to public/emoji/img/reaction_name.png REACTIONS = +1, -1, laugh, hooray, confused, heart, rocket, eyes ; Whether the full name of the users should be shown where possible. If the full name isn't set, the username will be used. DEFAULT_SHOW_FULL_NAME = false ; Whether to search within description at repository search on explore page. SEARCH_REPO_DESCRIPTION = true ; Whether to enable a Service Worker to cache frontend assets USE_SERVICE_WORKER = true [ui.admin] ; Number of users that are displayed on one page USER_PAGING_NUM = 50 ; Number of repos that are displayed on one page REPO_PAGING_NUM = 50 ; Number of notices that are displayed on one page NOTICE_PAGING_NUM = 25 ; Number of organizations that are displayed on one page ORG_PAGING_NUM = 50 [ui.user] ; Number of repos that are displayed on one page REPO_PAGING_NUM = 15 [ui.meta] AUTHOR = Gitea - Git with a cup of tea DESCRIPTION = Gitea (Git with a cup of tea) is a painless self-hosted Git service written in Go KEYWORDS = go,git,self-hosted,gitea [ui.notification] ; Control how often notification is queried to update the notification ; The timeout will increase to MAX_TIMEOUT in TIMEOUT_STEPs if the notification count is unchanged ; Set MIN_TIMEOUT to 0 to turn off MIN_TIMEOUT = 10s MAX_TIMEOUT = 60s TIMEOUT_STEP = 10s [markdown] ; Render soft line breaks as hard line breaks, which means a single newline character between ; paragraphs will cause a line break and adding trailing whitespace to paragraphs is not ; necessary to force a line break. ENABLE_HARD_LINE_BREAK = true ; Comma separated list of custom URL-Schemes that are allowed as links when rendering Markdown ; for example git,magnet,ftp (more at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_URI_schemes) ; URLs starting with http and https are always displayed, whatever is put in this entry. CUSTOM_URL_SCHEMES = ; List of file extensions that should be rendered/edited as Markdown ; Separate the extensions with a comma. To render files without any extension as markdown, just put a comma FILE_EXTENSIONS = .md,.markdown,.mdown,.mkd [server] ; The protocol the server listens on. One of 'http', 'https', 'unix' or 'fcgi'. PROTOCOL = http DOMAIN = localhost ROOT_URL = %(PROTOCOL)s://%(DOMAIN)s:%(HTTP_PORT)s/ ; when STATIC_URL_PREFIX is empty it will follow ROOT_URL STATIC_URL_PREFIX = ; The address to listen on. Either a IPv4/IPv6 address or the path to a unix socket. HTTP_ADDR = ; The port to listen on. Leave empty when using a unix socket. HTTP_PORT = 3000 ; If REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT is true, and PROTOCOL is set to https an http server ; will be started on PORT_TO_REDIRECT and it will redirect plain, non-secure http requests to the main ; ROOT_URL. Defaults are false for REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT and 80 for ; PORT_TO_REDIRECT. REDIRECT_OTHER_PORT = false PORT_TO_REDIRECT = 80 ; Permission for unix socket UNIX_SOCKET_PERMISSION = 666 ; Local (DMZ) URL for Gitea workers (such as SSH update) accessing web service. ; In most cases you do not need to change the default value. ; Alter it only if your SSH server node is not the same as HTTP node. ; Do not set this variable if PROTOCOL is set to 'unix'. LOCAL_ROOT_URL = %(PROTOCOL)s://%(HTTP_ADDR)s:%(HTTP_PORT)s/ ; Disable SSH feature when not available DISABLE_SSH = false ; Whether to use the builtin SSH server or not. START_SSH_SERVER = false ; Username to use for the builtin SSH server. If blank, then it is the value of RUN_USER. BUILTIN_SSH_SERVER_USER = ; Domain name to be exposed in clone URL SSH_DOMAIN = %(DOMAIN)s ; The network interface the builtin SSH server should listen on SSH_LISTEN_HOST = ; Port number to be exposed in clone URL SSH_PORT = 22 ; The port number the builtin SSH server should listen on SSH_LISTEN_PORT = %(SSH_PORT)s ; Root path of SSH directory, default is '~/.ssh', but you have to use '/home/git/.ssh'. SSH_ROOT_PATH = ; Gitea will create a authorized_keys file by default when it is not using the internal ssh server ; If you intend to use the AuthorizedKeysCommand functionality then you should turn this off. SSH_CREATE_AUTHORIZED_KEYS_FILE = true ; For the built-in SSH server, choose the ciphers to support for SSH connections, ; for system SSH this setting has no effect SSH_SERVER_CIPHERS = aes128-ctr, aes192-ctr, aes256-ctr, aes128-gcm@openssh.com, arcfour256, arcfour128 ; For the built-in SSH server, choose the key exchange algorithms to support for SSH connections, ; for system SSH this setting has no effect SSH_SERVER_KEY_EXCHANGES = diffie-hellman-group1-sha1, diffie-hellman-group14-sha1, ecdh-sha2-nistp256, ecdh-sha2-nistp384, ecdh-sha2-nistp521, curve25519-sha256@libssh.org ; For the built-in SSH server, choose the MACs to support for SSH connections, ; for system SSH this setting has no effect SSH_SERVER_MACS = hmac-sha2-256-etm@openssh.com, hmac-sha2-256, hmac-sha1, hmac-sha1-96 ; Directory to create temporary files in when testing public keys using ssh-keygen, ; default is the system temporary directory. SSH_KEY_TEST_PATH = ; Path to ssh-keygen, default is 'ssh-keygen' which means the shell is responsible for finding out which one to call. SSH_KEYGEN_PATH = ssh-keygen ; Enable SSH Authorized Key Backup when rewriting all keys, default is true SSH_BACKUP_AUTHORIZED_KEYS = true ; Enable exposure of SSH clone URL to anonymous visitors, default is false SSH_EXPOSE_ANONYMOUS = false ; Indicate whether to check minimum key size with corresponding type MINIMUM_KEY_SIZE_CHECK = false ; Disable CDN even in "prod" mode OFFLINE_MODE = false DISABLE_ROUTER_LOG = false ; Generate steps: ; $ ./gitea cert -ca=true -duration=8760h0m0s -host=myhost.example.com ; ; Or from a .pfx file exported from the Windows certificate store (do ; not forget to export the private key): ; $ openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -out cert.pem -nokeys ; $ openssl pkcs12 -in cert.pfx -out key.pem -nocerts -nodes ; Paths are relative to CUSTOM_PATH CERT_FILE = https/cert.pem KEY_FILE = https/key.pem ; Root directory containing templates and static files. ; default is the path where Gitea is executed STATIC_ROOT_PATH = ; Default path for App data APP_DATA_PATH = data ; Application level GZIP support ENABLE_GZIP = false ; Application profiling (memory and cpu) ; For "web" command it listens on localhost:6060 ; For "serve" command it dumps to disk at PPROF_DATA_PATH as (cpuprofile|memprofile)__ ENABLE_PPROF = false ; PPROF_DATA_PATH, use an absolute path when you start gitea as service PPROF_DATA_PATH = data/tmp/pprof ; Landing page, can be "home", "explore", "organizations" or "login" ; The "login" choice is not a security measure but just a UI flow change, use REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW to force users to log in. LANDING_PAGE = home ; Enables git-lfs support. true or false, default is false. LFS_START_SERVER = false ; Where your lfs files reside, default is data/lfs. LFS_CONTENT_PATH = data/lfs ; LFS authentication secret, change this yourself LFS_JWT_SECRET = ; LFS authentication validity period (in time.Duration), pushes taking longer than this may fail. LFS_HTTP_AUTH_EXPIRY = 20m ; Maximum allowed LFS file size in bytes (Set to 0 for no limit). LFS_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 0 ; Maximum number of locks returned per page LFS_LOCKS_PAGING_NUM = 50 ; Allow graceful restarts using SIGHUP to fork ALLOW_GRACEFUL_RESTARTS = true ; After a restart the parent will finish ongoing requests before ; shutting down. Force shutdown if this process takes longer than this delay. ; set to a negative value to disable GRACEFUL_HAMMER_TIME = 60s ; Allows the setting of a startup timeout and waithint for Windows as SVC service ; 0 disables this. STARTUP_TIMEOUT = 0 ; Static resources, includes resources on custom/, public/ and all uploaded avatars web browser cache time, default is 6h STATIC_CACHE_TIME = 6h ; Define allowed algorithms and their minimum key length (use -1 to disable a type) [ssh.minimum_key_sizes] ED25519 = 256 ECDSA = 256 RSA = 2048 DSA = 1024 [database] ; Database to use. Either "mysql", "postgres", "mssql" or "sqlite3". DB_TYPE = mysql HOST = NAME = gitea USER = gitea ; Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password. PASSWD = {{ gitea_mysql_password }} ; For Postgres, schema to use if different from "public". The schema must exist beforehand, ; the user must have creation privileges on it, and the user search path must be set ; to the look into the schema first. e.g.:ALTER USER user SET SEARCH_PATH = schema_name,"$user",public; SCHEMA = ; For Postgres, either "disable" (default), "require", or "verify-full" ; For MySQL, either "false" (default), "true", or "skip-verify" SSL_MODE = disable ; For MySQL only, either "utf8" or "utf8mb4", default is "utf8". ; NOTICE: for "utf8mb4" you must use MySQL InnoDB > 5.6. Gitea is unable to check this. CHARSET = utf8 ; For "sqlite3" and "tidb", use an absolute path when you start gitea as service PATH = data/gitea.db ; For "sqlite3" only. Query timeout SQLITE_TIMEOUT = 500 ; For iterate buffer, default is 50 ITERATE_BUFFER_SIZE = 50 ; Show the database generated SQL LOG_SQL = true ; Maximum number of DB Connect retries DB_RETRIES = 10 ; Backoff time per DB retry (time.Duration) DB_RETRY_BACKOFF = 3s ; Max idle database connections on connnection pool, default is 2 MAX_IDLE_CONNS = 2 ; Database connection max life time, default is 0 or 3s mysql (See #6804 & #7071 for reasoning) CONN_MAX_LIFETIME = 3s ; Database maximum number of open connections, default is 0 meaning no maximum MAX_OPEN_CONNS = 0 [indexer] ; Issue indexer type, currently support: bleve, db or elasticsearch, default is bleve ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE = bleve ; Issue indexer connection string, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is elasticsearch ISSUE_INDEXER_CONN_STR = http://elastic:changeme@localhost:9200 ; Issue indexer name, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is elasticsearch ISSUE_INDEXER_NAME = gitea_issues ; Issue indexer storage path, available when ISSUE_INDEXER_TYPE is bleve ISSUE_INDEXER_PATH = indexers/issues.bleve ; Issue indexer queue, currently support: channel, levelqueue or redis, default is levelqueue ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE = levelqueue ; When ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE is levelqueue, this will be the queue will be saved path, ; default is indexers/issues.queue ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_DIR = indexers/issues.queue ; When `ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`, this will store the redis connection string. ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_CONN_STR = "addrs= db=0" ; Batch queue number, default is 20 ISSUE_INDEXER_QUEUE_BATCH_NUMBER = 20 ; Timeout the indexer if it takes longer than this to start. ; Set to zero to disable timeout. STARTUP_TIMEOUT=30s ; repo indexer by default disabled, since it uses a lot of disk space REPO_INDEXER_ENABLED = false REPO_INDEXER_PATH = indexers/repos.bleve UPDATE_BUFFER_LEN = 20 MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1048576 ; A comma separated list of glob patterns (see https://github.com/gobwas/glob) to include ; in the index; default is empty REPO_INDEXER_INCLUDE = ; A comma separated list of glob patterns to exclude from the index; ; default is empty REPO_INDEXER_EXCLUDE = [queue] ; Specific queues can be individually configured with [queue.name]. [queue] provides defaults ; ; General queue queue type, currently support: persistable-channel, channel, level, redis, dummy ; default to persistable-channel TYPE = persistable-channel ; data-dir for storing persistable queues and level queues, individual queues will be named by their type DATADIR = queues/ ; Default queue length before a channel queue will block LENGTH = 20 ; Batch size to send for batched queues BATCH_LENGTH = 20 ; Connection string for redis queues this will store the redis connection string. CONN_STR = "addrs= db=0" ; Provide the suffix of the default redis queue name - specific queues can be overriden within in their [queue.name] sections. QUEUE_NAME = "_queue" ; If the queue cannot be created at startup - level queues may need a timeout at startup - wrap the queue: WRAP_IF_NECESSARY = true ; Attempt to create the wrapped queue at max MAX_ATTEMPTS = 10 ; Timeout queue creation TIMEOUT = 15m30s ; Create a pool with this many workers WORKERS = 1 ; Dynamically scale the worker pool to at this many workers MAX_WORKERS = 10 ; Add boost workers when the queue blocks for BLOCK_TIMEOUT BLOCK_TIMEOUT = 1s ; Remove the boost workers after BOOST_TIMEOUT BOOST_TIMEOUT = 5m ; During a boost add BOOST_WORKERS BOOST_WORKERS = 5 [admin] ; Disallow regular (non-admin) users from creating organizations. DISABLE_REGULAR_ORG_CREATION = false ; Default configuration for email notifications for users (user configurable). Options: enabled, onmention, disabled DEFAULT_EMAIL_NOTIFICATIONS = enabled [security] ; Whether the installer is disabled INSTALL_LOCK = true SECRET_KEY = {{ gitea_secret_key }} INTERNAL_TOKEN = {{ gitea_internal_token }} ; How long to remember that a user is logged in before requiring relogin (in days) LOGIN_REMEMBER_DAYS = 7 COOKIE_USERNAME = gitea_awesome COOKIE_REMEMBER_NAME = gitea_incredible ; Reverse proxy authentication header name of user name REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_USER = X-WEBAUTH-USER REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_EMAIL = X-WEBAUTH-EMAIL ; The minimum password length for new Users MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH = 8 ; Set to true to allow users to import local server paths IMPORT_LOCAL_PATHS = false ; Set to true to prevent all users (including admin) from creating custom git hooks DISABLE_GIT_HOOKS = false ; Set to false to allow pushes to gitea repositories despite having an incomplete environment - NOT RECOMMENDED ONLY_ALLOW_PUSH_IF_GITEA_ENVIRONMENT_SET = true ;Comma separated list of character classes required to pass minimum complexity. ;If left empty or no valid values are specified, the default values ("lower,upper,digit,spec") will be used. ;Use "off" to disable checking. PASSWORD_COMPLEXITY = off ; Password Hash algorithm, either "pbkdf2", "argon2", "scrypt" or "bcrypt" PASSWORD_HASH_ALGO = pbkdf2 ; Set false to allow JavaScript to read CSRF cookie CSRF_COOKIE_HTTP_ONLY = true [openid] ; ; OpenID is an open, standard and decentralized authentication protocol. ; Your identity is the address of a webpage you provide, which describes ; how to prove you are in control of that page. ; ; For more info: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenID ; ; Current implementation supports OpenID-2.0 ; ; Tested to work providers at the time of writing: ; - Any GNUSocial node (your.hostname.tld/username) ; - Any SimpleID provider (http://simpleid.koinic.net) ; - http://openid.org.cn/ ; - openid.stackexchange.com ; - login.launchpad.net ; - .livejournal.com ; ; Whether to allow signin in via OpenID ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNIN = true ; Whether to allow registering via OpenID ; Do not include to rely on rhw DISABLE_REGISTRATION setting ;ENABLE_OPENID_SIGNUP = true ; Allowed URI patterns (POSIX regexp). ; Space separated. ; Only these would be allowed if non-blank. ; Example value: trusted.domain.org trusted.domain.net WHITELISTED_URIS = ; Forbidden URI patterns (POSIX regexp). ; Space separated. ; Only used if WHITELISTED_URIS is blank. ; Example value: loadaverage.org/badguy stackexchange.com/.*spammer BLACKLISTED_URIS = [service] ; Time limit to confirm account/email registration ACTIVE_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES = 180 ; Time limit to perform the reset of a forgotten password RESET_PASSWD_CODE_LIVE_MINUTES = 180 ; Whether a new user needs to confirm their email when registering. REGISTER_EMAIL_CONFIRM = false ; List of domain names that are allowed to be used to register on a Gitea instance ; gitea.io,example.com EMAIL_DOMAIN_WHITELIST= ; Disallow registration, only allow admins to create accounts. DISABLE_REGISTRATION = false ; Allow registration only using third-party services, it works only when DISABLE_REGISTRATION is false ALLOW_ONLY_EXTERNAL_REGISTRATION = false ; User must sign in to view anything. REQUIRE_SIGNIN_VIEW = false ; Mail notification ENABLE_NOTIFY_MAIL = false ; This setting enables gitea to be signed in with HTTP BASIC Authentication using the user's password ; If you set this to false you will not be able to access the tokens endpoints on the API with your password ; Please note that setting this to false will not disable OAuth Basic or Basic authentication using a token ENABLE_BASIC_AUTHENTICATION = true ; More detail: https://github.com/gogits/gogs/issues/165 ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION = false ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_AUTO_REGISTRATION = false ENABLE_REVERSE_PROXY_EMAIL = false ; Enable captcha validation for registration ENABLE_CAPTCHA = false ; Type of captcha you want to use. Options: image, recaptcha CAPTCHA_TYPE = image ; Enable recaptcha to use Google's recaptcha service ; Go to https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin to sign up for a key RECAPTCHA_SECRET = RECAPTCHA_SITEKEY = ; Change this to use recaptcha.net or other recaptcha service RECAPTCHA_URL = https://www.google.com/recaptcha/ ; Default value for KeepEmailPrivate ; Each new user will get the value of this setting copied into their profile DEFAULT_KEEP_EMAIL_PRIVATE = false ; Default value for AllowCreateOrganization ; Every new user will have rights set to create organizations depending on this setting DEFAULT_ALLOW_CREATE_ORGANIZATION = true ; Either "public", "limited" or "private", default is "public" ; Limited is for signed user only ; Private is only for member of the organization ; Public is for everyone DEFAULT_ORG_VISIBILITY = public ; Default value for DefaultOrgMemberVisible ; True will make the membership of the users visible when added to the organisation DEFAULT_ORG_MEMBER_VISIBLE = false ; Default value for EnableDependencies ; Repositories will use dependencies by default depending on this setting DEFAULT_ENABLE_DEPENDENCIES = true ; Dependencies can be added from any repository where the user is granted access or only from the current repository depending on this setting. ALLOW_CROSS_REPOSITORY_DEPENDENCIES = true ; Enable heatmap on users profiles. ENABLE_USER_HEATMAP = true ; Enable Timetracking ENABLE_TIMETRACKING = true ; Default value for EnableTimetracking ; Repositories will use timetracking by default depending on this setting DEFAULT_ENABLE_TIMETRACKING = true ; Default value for AllowOnlyContributorsToTrackTime ; Only users with write permissions can track time if this is true DEFAULT_ALLOW_ONLY_CONTRIBUTORS_TO_TRACK_TIME = true ; Default value for the domain part of the user's email address in the git log ; if he has set KeepEmailPrivate to true. The user's email will be replaced with a ; concatenation of the user name in lower case, "@" and NO_REPLY_ADDRESS. NO_REPLY_ADDRESS = noreply.%(DOMAIN)s ; Show Registration button SHOW_REGISTRATION_BUTTON = true ; Show milestones dashboard page - a view of all the user's milestones SHOW_MILESTONES_DASHBOARD_PAGE = true ; Default value for AutoWatchNewRepos ; When adding a repo to a team or creating a new repo all team members will watch the ; repo automatically if enabled AUTO_WATCH_NEW_REPOS = true ; Default value for AutoWatchOnChanges ; Make the user watch a repository When they commit for the first time AUTO_WATCH_ON_CHANGES = false [webhook] ; Hook task queue length, increase if webhook shooting starts hanging QUEUE_LENGTH = 1000 ; Deliver timeout in seconds DELIVER_TIMEOUT = 5 ; Allow insecure certification SKIP_TLS_VERIFY = false ; Number of history information in each page PAGING_NUM = 10 ; Proxy server URL, support http://, https//, socks://, blank will follow environment http_proxy/https_proxy PROXY_URL = ; Comma separated list of host names requiring proxy. Glob patterns (*) are accepted; use ** to match all hosts. PROXY_HOSTS = [mailer] ENABLED = false ; Buffer length of channel, keep it as it is if you don't know what it is. SEND_BUFFER_LEN = 100 ; Prefix displayed before subject in mail SUBJECT_PREFIX = ; Mail server ; Gmail: smtp.gmail.com:587 ; QQ: smtp.qq.com:465 ; Note, if the port ends with "465", SMTPS will be used. Using STARTTLS on port 587 is recommended per RFC 6409. If the server supports STARTTLS it will always be used. HOST = ; Disable HELO operation when hostnames are different. DISABLE_HELO = ; Custom hostname for HELO operation, if no value is provided, one is retrieved from system. HELO_HOSTNAME = ; Do not verify the certificate of the server. Only use this for self-signed certificates SKIP_VERIFY = ; Use client certificate USE_CERTIFICATE = false CERT_FILE = custom/mailer/cert.pem KEY_FILE = custom/mailer/key.pem ; Should SMTP connection use TLS IS_TLS_ENABLED = false ; Mail from address, RFC 5322. This can be just an email address, or the `"Name" ` format FROM = ; Mailer user name and password USER = ; Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password. PASSWD = ; Send mails as plain text SEND_AS_PLAIN_TEXT = false ; Set Mailer Type (either SMTP, sendmail or dummy to just send to the log) MAILER_TYPE = smtp ; Specify an alternative sendmail binary SENDMAIL_PATH = sendmail ; Specify any extra sendmail arguments SENDMAIL_ARGS = [cache] ; if the cache enabled ENABLED = true ; Either "memory", "redis", or "memcache", default is "memory" ADAPTER = redis ; For "memory" only, GC interval in seconds, default is 60 INTERVAL = 60 ; For "redis" and "memcache", connection host address ; redis: network=tcp,addr=:6379,password=macaron,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180 ; memcache: `` HOST = network=tcp,addr=:6379,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180 ; Time to keep items in cache if not used, default is 16 hours. ; Setting it to 0 disables caching ITEM_TTL = 16h ; Last commit cache [cache.last_commit] ; if the cache enabled ENABLED = true ; Time to keep items in cache if not used, default is 8760 hours. ; Setting it to 0 disables caching ITEM_TTL = 8760h ; Only enable the cache when repository's commits count great than COMMITS_COUNT = 1000 [session] ; Either "memory", "file", or "redis", default is "memory" PROVIDER = redis ; Provider config options ; memory: doesn't have any config yet ; file: session file path, e.g. `data/sessions` ; redis: network=tcp,addr=:6379,password=macaron,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180 ; mysql: go-sql-driver/mysql dsn config string, e.g. `root:password@/session_table` PROVIDER_CONFIG = network=tcp,addr=:6379,db=0,pool_size=100,idle_timeout=180 ; Session cookie name COOKIE_NAME = i_like_gitea ; If you use session in https only, default is false COOKIE_SECURE = false ; Enable set cookie, default is true ENABLE_SET_COOKIE = true ; Session GC time interval in seconds, default is 86400 (1 day) GC_INTERVAL_TIME = 86400 ; Session life time in seconds, default is 86400 (1 day) SESSION_LIFE_TIME = 86400 [picture] AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = data/avatars REPOSITORY_AVATAR_UPLOAD_PATH = data/repo-avatars ; How Gitea deals with missing repository avatars ; none = no avatar will be displayed; random = random avatar will be displayed; image = default image will be used REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK = none REPOSITORY_AVATAR_FALLBACK_IMAGE = /img/repo_default.png ; Max Width and Height of uploaded avatars. ; This is to limit the amount of RAM used when resizing the image. AVATAR_MAX_WIDTH = 4096 AVATAR_MAX_HEIGHT = 3072 ; Maximum alloved file size for uploaded avatars. ; This is to limit the amount of RAM used when resizing the image. AVATAR_MAX_FILE_SIZE = 1048576 ; Chinese users can choose "duoshuo" ; or a custom avatar source, like: http://cn.gravatar.com/avatar/ GRAVATAR_SOURCE = gravatar ; This value will always be true in offline mode. DISABLE_GRAVATAR = false ; Federated avatar lookup uses DNS to discover avatar associated ; with emails, see https://www.libravatar.org ; This value will always be false in offline mode or when Gravatar is disabled. ENABLE_FEDERATED_AVATAR = false [attachment] ; Whether attachments are enabled. Defaults to `true` ENABLED = true ; Path for attachments. Defaults to `data/attachments` PATH = data/attachments ; One or more allowed types, e.g. "image/jpeg|image/png". Use "*/*" for all types. ALLOWED_TYPES = image/jpeg|image/png|application/zip|application/gzip ; Max size of each file. Defaults to 4MB MAX_SIZE = 4 ; Max number of files per upload. Defaults to 5 MAX_FILES = 5 [time] ; Specifies the format for fully outputted dates. Defaults to RFC1123 ; Special supported values are ANSIC, UnixDate, RubyDate, RFC822, RFC822Z, RFC850, RFC1123, RFC1123Z, RFC3339, RFC3339Nano, Kitchen, Stamp, StampMilli, StampMicro and StampNano ; For more information about the format see http://golang.org/pkg/time/#pkg-constants FORMAT = ; Location the UI time display i.e. Asia/Shanghai ; Empty means server's location setting DEFAULT_UI_LOCATION = [log] ROOT_PATH = ; Either "console", "file", "conn", "smtp" or "database", default is "console" ; Use comma to separate multiple modes, e.g. "console, file" MODE = console ; Buffer length of the channel, keep it as it is if you don't know what it is. BUFFER_LEN = 10000 REDIRECT_MACARON_LOG = false MACARON = file ; Either "Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Critical", default is "Info" ROUTER_LOG_LEVEL = Info ROUTER = console ENABLE_ACCESS_LOG = false ACCESS_LOG_TEMPLATE = {%raw%}{{.Ctx.RemoteAddr}} - {{.Identity}} {{.Start.Format "[02/Jan/2006:15:04:05 -0700]" }} "{{.Ctx.Req.Method}} {{.Ctx.Req.RequestURI}} {{.Ctx.Req.Proto}}" {{.ResponseWriter.Status}} {{.ResponseWriter.Size}} "{{.Ctx.Req.Referer}}\" \"{{.Ctx.Req.UserAgent}}"{%endraw%} ACCESS = file ; Either "Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Critical", default is "Trace" LEVEL = Info ; Either "Trace", "Debug", "Info", "Warn", "Error", "Critical", default is "None" STACKTRACE_LEVEL = None ; Generic log modes [log.x] FLAGS = stdflags EXPRESSION = PREFIX = COLORIZE = false ; For "console" mode only [log.console] LEVEL = STDERR = false ; For "file" mode only [log.file] LEVEL = ; Set the file_name for the logger. If this is a relative path this ; will be relative to ROOT_PATH FILE_NAME = ; This enables automated log rotate(switch of following options), default is true LOG_ROTATE = true ; Max number of lines in a single file, default is 1000000 MAX_LINES = 1000000 ; Max size shift of a single file, default is 28 means 1 << 28, 256MB MAX_SIZE_SHIFT = 28 ; Segment log daily, default is true DAILY_ROTATE = true ; delete the log file after n days, default is 7 MAX_DAYS = 7 ; compress logs with gzip COMPRESS = true ; compression level see godoc for compress/gzip COMPRESSION_LEVEL = -1 ; For "conn" mode only [log.conn] LEVEL = ; Reconnect host for every single message, default is false RECONNECT_ON_MSG = false ; Try to reconnect when connection is lost, default is false RECONNECT = false ; Either "tcp", "unix" or "udp", default is "tcp" PROTOCOL = tcp ; Host address ADDR = ; For "smtp" mode only [log.smtp] LEVEL = ; Name displayed in mail title, default is "Diagnostic message from server" SUBJECT = Diagnostic message from server ; Mail server HOST = ; Mailer user name and password USER = ; Use PASSWD = `your password` for quoting if you use special characters in the password. PASSWD = ; Receivers, can be one or more, e.g. 1@example.com,2@example.com RECEIVERS = [cron] ; Enable running cron tasks periodically. ENABLED = true ; Run cron tasks when Gitea starts. RUN_AT_START = false ; Update mirrors [cron.update_mirrors] SCHEDULE = @every 10m ; Repository health check [cron.repo_health_check] SCHEDULE = @every 24h TIMEOUT = 60s ; Arguments for command 'git fsck', e.g. "--unreachable --tags" ; see more on http://git-scm.com/docs/git-fsck ARGS = ; Check repository statistics [cron.check_repo_stats] RUN_AT_START = true SCHEDULE = @every 24h ; Clean up old repository archives [cron.archive_cleanup] ; Whether to enable the job ENABLED = true ; Whether to always run at least once at start up time (if ENABLED) RUN_AT_START = true ; Time interval for job to run SCHEDULE = @every 24h ; Archives created more than OLDER_THAN ago are subject to deletion OLDER_THAN = 24h ; Synchronize external user data (only LDAP user synchronization is supported) [cron.sync_external_users] ; Synchronize external user data when starting server (default false) RUN_AT_START = false ; Interval as a duration between each synchronization (default every 24h) SCHEDULE = @every 24h ; Create new users, update existing user data and disable users that are not in external source anymore (default) ; or only create new users if UPDATE_EXISTING is set to false UPDATE_EXISTING = true ; Update migrated repositories' issues and comments' posterid, it will always attempt synchronization when the instance starts. [cron.update_migration_poster_id] ; Interval as a duration between each synchronization. (default every 24h) SCHEDULE = @every 24h [git] ; The path of git executable. If empty, Gitea searches through the PATH environment. PATH = ; Disables highlight of added and removed changes DISABLE_DIFF_HIGHLIGHT = false ; Max number of lines allowed in a single file in diff view MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINES = 1000 ; Max number of allowed characters in a line in diff view MAX_GIT_DIFF_LINE_CHARACTERS = 5000 ; Max number of files shown in diff view MAX_GIT_DIFF_FILES = 100 ; Arguments for command 'git gc', e.g. "--aggressive --auto" ; see more on http://git-scm.com/docs/git-gc/ GC_ARGS = ; If use git wire protocol version 2 when git version >= 2.18, default is true, set to false when you always want git wire protocol version 1 ENABLE_AUTO_GIT_WIRE_PROTOCOL = true ; Respond to pushes to a non-default branch with a URL for creating a Pull Request (if the repository has them enabled) PULL_REQUEST_PUSH_MESSAGE = true ; Operation timeout in seconds [git.timeout] DEFAULT = 360 MIGRATE = 600 MIRROR = 300 CLONE = 300 PULL = 300 GC = 60 [mirror] ; Default interval as a duration between each check DEFAULT_INTERVAL = 8h ; Min interval as a duration must be > 1m MIN_INTERVAL = 10m [api] ; Enables Swagger. True or false; default is true. ENABLE_SWAGGER = true ; Max number of items in a page MAX_RESPONSE_ITEMS = 50 ; Default paging number of api DEFAULT_PAGING_NUM = 30 ; Default and maximum number of items per page for git trees api DEFAULT_GIT_TREES_PER_PAGE = 1000 ; Default size of a blob returned by the blobs API (default is 10MiB) DEFAULT_MAX_BLOB_SIZE = 10485760 [oauth2] ; Enables OAuth2 provider ENABLE = true ; Lifetime of an OAuth2 access token in seconds ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME=3600 ; Lifetime of an OAuth2 access token in hours REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRATION_TIME=730 ; Check if refresh token got already used INVALIDATE_REFRESH_TOKENS=false ; OAuth2 authentication secret for access and refresh tokens, change this to a unique string. JWT_SECRET=Bk0yK7Y9g_p56v86KaHqjSbxvNvu3SbKoOdOt2ZcXvU ; Maximum length of oauth2 token/cookie stored on server MAX_TOKEN_LENGTH=32767 [i18n] LANGS = en-US,zh-CN,zh-HK,zh-TW,de-DE,fr-FR,nl-NL,lv-LV,ru-RU,uk-UA,ja-JP,es-ES,pt-BR,pl-PL,bg-BG,it-IT,fi-FI,tr-TR,cs-CZ,sr-SP,sv-SE,ko-KR NAMES = English,简体中文,繁體中文(香港),繁體中文(台灣),Deutsch,français,Nederlands,latviešu,русский,Українська,日本語,español,português do Brasil,polski,български,italiano,suomi,Türkçe,čeština,српски,svenska,한국어 ; Used for datetimepicker [i18n.datelang] en-US = en zh-CN = zh zh-HK = zh-HK zh-TW = zh-TW de-DE = de fr-FR = fr nl-NL = nl lv-LV = lv ru-RU = ru uk-UA = uk ja-JP = ja es-ES = es pt-BR = pt-BR pl-PL = pl bg-BG = bg it-IT = it fi-FI = fi tr-TR = tr cs-CZ = cs-CZ sr-SP = sr sv-SE = sv ko-KR = ko [U2F] ; NOTE: THE DEFAULT VALUES HERE WILL NEED TO BE CHANGED ; Two Factor authentication with security keys ; https://developers.yubico.com/U2F/App_ID.html ;APP_ID = http://localhost:3000/ ; Comma seperated list of trusted facets ;TRUSTED_FACETS = http://localhost:3000/ ; Extension mapping to highlight class ; e.g. .toml=ini [highlight.mapping] [other] SHOW_FOOTER_BRANDING = false ; Show version information about Gitea and Go in the footer SHOW_FOOTER_VERSION = true ; Show template execution time in the footer SHOW_FOOTER_TEMPLATE_LOAD_TIME = true [markup.sanitizer.1] ; The following keys can appear once to define a sanitation policy rule. ; This section can appear multiple times by adding a unique alphanumeric suffix to define multiple rules. ; e.g., [markup.sanitizer.1] -> [markup.sanitizer.2] -> [markup.sanitizer.TeX] ;ELEMENT = span ;ALLOW_ATTR = class ;REGEXP = ^(info|warning|error)$ [markup.asciidoc] ENABLED = false ; List of file extensions that should be rendered by an external command FILE_EXTENSIONS = .adoc,.asciidoc ; External command to render all matching extensions RENDER_COMMAND = "asciidoc --out-file=- -" ; Don't pass the file on STDIN, pass the filename as argument instead. IS_INPUT_FILE = false [metrics] ; Enables metrics endpoint. True or false; default is false. ENABLED = false ; If you want to add authorization, specify a token here TOKEN = [task] ; Task queue type, could be `channel` or `redis`. QUEUE_TYPE = channel ; Task queue length, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `channel`. QUEUE_LENGTH = 1000 ; Task queue connection string, available only when `QUEUE_TYPE` is `redis`. ; If there is a password of redis, use `addrs= password=123 db=0`. QUEUE_CONN_STR = "addrs= db=0" [migrations] ; Max attempts per http/https request on migrations. MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3 ; Backoff time per http/https request retry (seconds) RETRY_BACKOFF = 3