# vim:ft=ansible: - name: docker deploy firefly docker_container: name: firefly image: fireflyiii/core:latest env: APP_KEY: "{{ secret_firefly_app_key }}" APP_URL: "https://firefly.desu.ltd" # We set TRUSTED_PROXIES to * here, which allows any app in the docker # network to proxy this. I'm considering this a fine security concession # since we can't guarantee the IP of the ingress container TRUSTED_PROXIES: "*" DB_HOST: "" DB_PORT: "5432" DB_CONNECTION: pgsql DB_DATABASE: "firefly-desultd" DB_USERNAME: "firefly-desultd" DB_PASSWORD: "{{ secret_firefly_db_pass }}" networks: - name: web aliases: [ "firefly" ] volumes: - /data/firefly/upload:/var/www/html/storage/upload tags: [ docker, firefly ]