#! /bin/bash # # s3pgdump.sh # General-purpose, Ansible-managed backup script to dump PostgreSQL DBs to # an S3 bucket # # NOTICE: THIS FILE CONTAINS SECRETS # This file may contain the following secrets depending on configuration: # * An AWS access key # * An AWS session token # These are NOT things you want arbitrary readers to access! Ansible will # attempt to ensure this file has 0700 permissions, but that won't stop you # from changing that yourself # DO NOT ALLOW THIS FILE TO BE READ BY NON-ROOT USERS # NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE # Any changes made will be clobbered by Ansible # Please make any configuration changes in the main repo set -e # AWS S3 configuration # NOTE: THIS IS SECRET INFORMATION export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="{{ backup_s3_aws_access_key_id }}" export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="{{ backup_s3_aws_secret_access_key }}" # Populate a list of databases declare -a DATABASES while read line; do DATABASES+=("$line") done < <(sudo -u postgres psql -t -A -c "SELECT datname FROM pg_database where datname not in ('template0', 'template1', 'postgres');" 2>/dev/null) # pgdump all DBs, compress them, and pipe straight up to S3 echo "Commencing backup on the following databases:" for dir in "${DATABASES[@]}"; do echo "- $dir" done echo "Will upload resultant backups to {{ backup_s3_bucket }}" for db in "${DATABASES[@]}"; do echo "Backing up $db" sudo -u postgres pg_dump "$db" \ | gzip -v9 \ | aws s3 cp - \ "s3://{{ backup_s3_bucket }}/{{ inventory_hostname_short }}/$db-$(date "+{{ backup_dateformat }}").pgsql.gz" done