# Ansible Role: ONLYOFFICE Document Server [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/ONLYOFFICE/ansible-role-documentserver.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/ONLYOFFICE/ansible-role-documentserver) Installs and configures ONLYOFFICE Document Server on RHEL/CentOS or Debian/Ubuntu servers. ## Requirements Installation requires PostgreSQL, RabbitMQ and Redis server in the system or network. Also this role requires root access, so either run it in a playbook with a global `become: yes`, or invoke the role in your playbook like: - hosts: documentserver roles: - role: ONLYOFFICE.documentserver become: yes ## Role Variables Available variables are listed below, along with default values (see `defaults/main.yml`): db_server_host: localhost The IP address or the name of the host where the PostgreSQL server is running. db_server_name: onlyoffice The name of a PostgreSQL database to be created on the image startup. db_server_user: onlyoffice The new user name with superuser permissions for the PostgreSQL account. db_server_pass: onlyoffice The password set for the PostgreSQL account. package_name: onlyoffice-documentserver The package name of the ONLYOFFICE Document Server. redis_server_host: localhost The IP address or the name of the host where the Redis server is running. redis_server_port: 6379 The Redis server port number. rabbitmq_server_host: localhost The IP address or the name of the host where the RabbitMQ server is running. rabbitmq_server_user: guest The new user name for the RabbitMQ account. rabbitmq_server_pass: guest The password set for the RabbitMQ account. rabbitmq_server_vpath: / The virtual path for the RabbitMQ server. ## Dependencies None. ## Example Playbook - hosts: all vars: postgresql_global_config_options: - option: listen_addresses value: "*" - option: unix_socket_directories value: '{{ postgresql_unix_socket_directories | join(",") }}' postgresql_hba_entries: - type: local database: all user: postgres auth_method: peer - type: local database: all user: all auth_method: peer - type: host database: all user: all address: auth_method: md5 - type: host database: all user: all address: ::1/128 auth_method: md5 - type: host database: all user: all address: auth_method: md5 postgresql_databases: - name: "{{ db_server_name }}" postgresql_users: - name: "{{ db_server_user }}" password: "{{ db_server_pass }}" rabbitmq_users: - name: "{{ rabbitmq_server_user }}" password: "{{ rabbitmq_server_pass }}" vhost: "{{ rabbitmq_server_vpath }}" configure_priv: .* read_priv: .* write_priv: .* tags: administrator rabbitmq_users_remove: [] redis_bind_interface: roles: - geerlingguy.postgresql - mrlesmithjr.rabbitmq - geerlingguy.redis - ONLYOFFICE.documentserver ## License GNU AGPL v3.0 ## Author Information This role was created by [ONLYOFFICE](https://www.onlyoffice.com/).