#! /bin/bash
# backup.sh
# General-purpose backup script that accepts subtasks
# Copyright (C) 2020 Vintage Salt <rehashedsalt@cock.li>
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

set -e

export BACKUPSDIR="/backups"
export MODULESDIR="/opt/backups/modules"
export DATE="$(date -Iseconds)"

# Helper functions
log() {
	[ -z "$1" ] && return 1
	printf "$(date -Iseconds): $1\n"

# Sanity checks
if ! [ -d "$MODULESDIR" ]; then
	log "Unable to find modules directory: $MODULESDIR"
	exit 1
# Source an RC, if we have it
if [ -r "$MODULESDIR/backuprc" ]; then
	source "$MODULESDIR/backuprc"
# More sanity checks
if ! [ -d "$BACKUPSDIR" ]; then
	log "Unable to find backups directory: $BACKUPSDIR"
	exit 2
# Do the do
log "Beginning backups"
for file in "$MODULESDIR"/*; do
	# Just keep going if we don't have any tasks to do
	[ -f "$file" ] || continue
	# Execute the module and alert if it fails
	log "Executing module: $file"
		# Define a log function for our module to use
		log() {
			[ -z "$1" ] && return 1
			printf "$(date -Iseconds): $1\n"
		source "$file"
	) || {
		log "Error executing module: $file"
# If we have a fancy schmancy bucket, use it
s3bucket="{{ aws.backup_bucket }}"
if command -v aws > /dev/null 2>&1 && aws s3 ls "s3://$s3bucket" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
	log "Moving files to S3 bucket $s3bucket"
	nice -n 10 aws s3 mv "$BACKUPSDIR" "s3://$s3bucket" \
		--recursive \
		--only-show-errors \
		--exclude "*.log" \
		--storage-class STANDARD