# defaults file for factorio
server_version: "0.17.79"
server_sources: "/opt/games/sources/factorio"
download_url: "https://www.factorio.com/get-download/{{ server_version }}/headless/linux64"
download_checksum: "sha256:9ace12fa986df028dc1851bf4de2cb038044d743e98823bc1c48ba21aa4d23df"

# Configs for the service running the server
service_name: "factorio-server"
service_user: "factorio"
service_group: "factorio"
service_root: "/home/{{ service_user }}"
service_port: 34197
service_restart_permitted: true
factorio_default_save: "{{ service_root }}/factorio/saves/default-save.zip"
factorio_target_save: "{{ factorio_default_save }}"

# Configs for the factorio server. These examples were copied from
# server-settings.example.json and are saved in server-settings.json
factorio_server_settings: {}

# Do not define server settings in this dictionary. This dictionary allows you
# to overwrite a single setting without requiring you to provide other defaults.
# See the documentation for more information.
  name: "Name of the game as it will appear in the game listing"
  description: "Description of the game that will appear in the listing"
    public: false
    lan: true

# server-whitelist.json settings
factorio_server_whitelist_enabled: false
# factorio_server_whitelist: []

# map-gen-settings.json settings
factorio_map_gen_settings_enabled: false
# factorio_map_gen_settings: {}

# map-settings.json settings
factorio_map_settings_enabled: false
# factorio_map_settings: {}

ansible_name_prefix: "({{ service_name }})"