#!/usr/bin/env ansible-playbook # vim:ft=ansible: --- - hosts: game1 roles: - role: backups tags: [ backups ] - role: adam vars: adam_name: lain adam_auth_token: !vault | $ANSIBLE_VAULT;1.1;AES256 33346238356561313736653431666439363835663134303339366536663964333138666530343166 6132353938663563316265346630613231616362643937380a616132386464653438343739613937 32626230326430396563316363613139306535663832336531636239633364383432373739646436 3338376362313539360a383763313439633331313531323232653866633065333933633061326465 64343165613961346362353162316530623132633164643461616633633335666232633833313561 33306532343963383331623663616161626533633261383238646164663362396261633736636362 373764613833343634346333613639626535 tags: [ discord, adam ] - role: minecraft vars: mcname: "rotary-main" mczip: "https://www.9iron.club/files/rotarypack-server.zip" mcforge: "1.7.10-" mcmotd: "Survival with Rotarycraft edition" mcport: 25565 mcgamemode: 0 mcleveltype: "default" tags: [ gameserver, minecraft, rotarypack ] # - role: minecraft # vars: # mcname: "rotary-test" # mczip: "https://www.9iron.club/files/rotarypack-server.zip" # mcforge: "1.7.10-" # mcmotd: "Creative with Rotarycraft edition" # mcport: 25566 # mcgamemode: 1 # mcleveltype: "flat" # tags: [ gameserver, minecraft, rotarypack ] # - role: terraria # vars: # terraria_name: "main" # terraria_password: "dicks" # terraria_motd: "New major release edition" # terraria_port: 7777 # terraria_difficulty: 2 # tags: [ gameserver, terraria ] - hosts: game2 roles: - role: backups tags: [ backups ] - role: minecraft vars: mcname: "magic-main" mczip: "https://www.9iron.club/files/magicpackredux.zip" mcforge: "1.12.2-" mcmotd: "Blood for the blood god, flowers for the flower throne" mcport: 25567 mcgamemode: 0 mcviewdist: 14 mcleveltype: "default" tags: [ gameserver, minecraft, magicpack ]